Daily horoscopes for 8th November, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 8th November, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Thu Nov 06, 2008 6:30 pm


Even more so than usual, today your dreams and fantasies will provide entertainment and insight for other people. When you share what you want, you will help people articulate what they want out of their lives. Lead by example! It's easy for you to spread encouragement and positive energy to the people who love you, just by being yourself. What you hope for out of your own life inspires others. And helping others will bring you a very strong sense of purpose!


Your recent time-crunch is finally starting to loosen up and your calendar actually has some empty spots in it! So hurry and fill them up with a bunch of fun stuff before boring responsibilities come tumbling down on you! It's time to blast all your friends with an email to see what's next on the good-time agenda. There is an exciting party brewing -- make sure you get on the guest list. And don't go solo when you can grab a bunch of friends to go with you.


Things are not going to happen by themselves! Whether it's a party, a new diet, your next vacation, or something else, you have got to make plans if you want things to reach their full potential. Spontaneity has its place in life, but you also have to be clear-headed about how you're going to accomplish your goals, right now. You can't just wish and hope for something to be true. Too many things are up in the air right now, and you've got to pull them all down to earht. Then, sort through them.


Don't be surprised if, in the middle of a conversation, your mind starts to wander, today. At first, you might wonder why you can't follow this person's line of thinking. But then you'll just realize that they are just a boring person! Few people are as charming as you are, especially right now. You are in a phase where your personality is very strong and you need an equal match to stay engaged. Seek out people who are larger than life -- they will keep you fascinated and keep you talking.


Personal relationships, whether they are romantic in nature or not, need space to grow. So if you are feeling someone slipping away from you, the last thing you should do is to try to hold on to them even tighter or try to claim ownership over them. You may be clinging too tightly right now, when what you really need to do is let go. Two people might come together in a partnership, but they are still two people who need to stay in touch with their individual identities.


This is a good day to take another look at the brewing tension in one of your closest relationships. Don't be afraid to be brutally honest with yourself about what has been going on. The sooner you face your fears, the sooner you will see that they aren't that scary after all. Some strange cross communication has been going on, and it might be time for you and this person to figure out what exactly you are doing in each other's lives. Only good things will come from a conversation.


One of your partnerships (maybe romantic, maybe not) is going through a state of confusion right now -- you're not quite sure where you stand. Unfortunately, neither one of you is thinking the same thing that the other person is thinking. In order to get the two of you on the same page as quickly as possible, you need to have a conversation. Instead of assuming that nothing is wrong, make sure that nothing is wrong! It won't take long to get things back in harmony.


Take a break from all the heavy thinking you've been doing at work or school. Today, you should let other people deal with all of the headaches for a while. You've paid your dues and invested your fair share of energy into the problem -- it is someone else's turn to sweat! This is a good day to just focus on doing some fun things, so don't waste a minute of your time worrying about how things will go without you at the helm. It'll all work out just fine!


Your good memory is going to come in quite handy today, especially if you run into a blast from the past. As soon as you see them, let your mind go back in time to when you last saw them. In seconds, you are likely to know exactly what subject to bring up and when. They'll be tickled pink and totally flattered that you remembered them. You are about to embark upon a lovely walk down memory lane -- and it could lead to a much more lucrative future.


Today, you can feel free to put your brain on auto-pilot when it comes to your daily tasks. Save up all your true cognitive abilities for the interactions you have with other people -- especially the people who are newer to your life. It's important for you to really connect with people right now. They can shed light on a problem you've been dealing with, but only if you pay attention to what they are saying. Getting personal could be just what you need.


Budget and money confusion abounds right now, and are you sure that you have accounted for all of the checks you have written? Make sure, because the chances are high that you could be misled by your banking statement right now. Double check! You should never take chances when your credit or your health are concerned. And on that note, when did you have your last checkup? Getting healthier requires you to get more diligent about preventative care. Call them up today and schedule a visit.


The energy in your day will be mismatched -- you'll be feeling up when others are feeling down, you'll be ready for quiet time when everyone else seems to want to party. But this inequality doesn't mean you'll have a bad day -- it just means that additional considerations will have to be made when you are around others. Who knows? Maybe you can bring everyone up to your level or convince them that mellow socializing is the better way to go. With the charm you've got, it wouldn't be surprising!


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