Humble Request for Vedic Reading

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Humble Request for Vedic Reading

Post by horus1123 » Mon 15 Dec, 2008 10:35 pm

I have been having many troubles with my health (asthma, diabetes, sleep problems, chronic headaches) and money/wealth for most of my life, and I am currently without a job.

I am an engineer by profession.

I would like a reading and perhaps a recommendation(s) as to how to remedy these issues.

My birth detals are as follows:

Date of birth: November 6, 1966
Time of birth: 15:14 hrs
Place of Birth: Bronx, NY, USA (40n51, 73w54)

Thank you for your time.


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Hello again

Post by horus1123 » Tue 23 Dec, 2008 7:06 pm

Once again, I am humbly asking for assistance in regards to my original reading request.

Bhuman Agrawal, and others who do readings, please assist me by kindly giving me a reading and perhaps suggesting a vedic remedy.

Thank you.

Bhuwan Agrawal
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Post by Bhuwan Agrawal » Wed 24 Dec, 2008 3:39 pm

Your chart is stressful so please do your regular exercise. MA/RA period and sadesti are trouble some. MA/JU period from Jan 2009 will help you  in job. Please reduce your stress and take regular medicine , there is no cure for diabetes. Rahu Pooja will help.

Vinay Jha
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Threat of Death !

Post by Vinay Jha » Thu 25 Dec, 2008 12:33 pm

If data given is accurate, this person (horus1123) has poor chances of surviving beyond 24-25 Apr 2009.

Propitiate Mars and Saturn from now ; Mars-Jupiter period (somewhat good) is over.

Add Sun to list of Grahas to be propitiated from 19 Apr '09 onwards.

If propitiation is successful, and if this native crosses mid May, he may live on, but will continue to experience poor health and no wealth.

These calculations are based on exact method of Vimshottari ( cf. "Vimshottari Timings for Planets of Mixed Attributes").

Do not fear death, it may be defeated. Fear increases the chances of death. Perform Mahamrityinjaya japa &c.


Bhuwan Agrawal
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Post by Bhuwan Agrawal » Thu 25 Dec, 2008 1:58 pm

The problem are of serious medical nature due to VE/SU/KE (6/8 connection)which is essentially diabetes(VE), followed by heart ailments(SU), MA/MO tell us about blood disorder( could be high cholestorol etc ), and possibly kidneys(Libra involvement ) but JU (life saver )is in exalted position in 5th being lord of ASC/10th NO DEATH PERIOD.  KP first house is in ME a parm-mitra nakshatra and JU is in Mitr-tara both life saving. The native may advance the the stage of diabetes if not well taken care of now. Please consult a good doctor and not the astrologer.

Vinay Jha
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Please Watch This Native for 5 months !

Post by Vinay Jha » Thu 25 Dec, 2008 3:08 pm

Watch This Native for 5 months !

No astrologer, unless gifted with some rare faculties, can predict death with certitude, but whatever I gave above is absoultely true. I request Bhuwan Agrawal jee to contact this person and get details of his conditions during past few years (at least 2 years), and track his conditions during Apr-May 2009. If Bhuwan Agrawal jee agrees to watch this native's conditions, I am 100% sure Bhuwan Agrawal jee will accept my point of view. Mars:Jup ended over 3 molnths ago while other softwares still predict Mars:Rahu ; there is a mismatch of nearly 22 months. This is a case which must be closely watched. I am sure only graha-shānti and sātvika lifestyle will be able to save this fellow.

Whether Jupiter's period has elapsed or is still due cannot be ascertained merely by some software but by the facts attested by conditions of natives. I've experimented with all sorts of systems for decades, with a team of top level experts of many Sanskrit universities in India. But we live in a democracy. Everyone must have a say.

Bhuwan Agrawal jee is certainly not unhappy with all astrologers, but merely with those like me who do not accept blind imposition of physical astronomy upon astrology, otherwise he would not have said " Please consult a good doctor and not the astrologer." After all, Bhuwan Agrawal jee himself is an astrologer.

May this native live long!


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Hello again

Post by horus1123 » Thu 25 Dec, 2008 7:38 pm

Bhuwan Agrawal/Vinay Jha,

Thank you so much for both of your vedic assessments of my chart and my conditions. Your evaluation(s) of my chart I know are quite accurate, for illness has been apart of my life since birth, and even though I am very health conscious and I've been a meditator (I learned under TM) since I was 7 yrs old, illness never leaves me (though it get alleviated from time to time, but not by much).

I learned I had diabetes in Jan 2007 and I learned I had sleep apnea in August 2007, but based on my symptoms, I now I've had these two ailments for probabvly at least 10 yrs (if not most of my life). Asthma, allergies, sinusitis are ailments I've had since birth, and I was told in Jan 2007 I had glaucoma, though it is suspected that I've had that for more than 10 yrs as well.

I have a good doctor, but in the USA, doctors are not concerned with healing or curing, but only with treatment and medicating. For doctors, hospitals,  and pharmaceutical companies, its a money-making business. I take my many medications faithfully, but I also that natural herbal remedies in an attempt to strengthen the immune system and break my dependency on these medications.

I will seek to get regular Mars and Saturn pujas, especially since I was thinking along these lines anyway.

How can I remedy the lack of prosperity situation? Would an accompanying Lakshmi puja or homa help to reverse my situation?

One site,, offer daily Chandi Path Yagya for one month, which is suppose to aid with severe obstacles and Saturn related problems, and I was thinking of getting that. Would that be good for me?

My whole life, it has been difficult for me to build confidence, especially since there has always been SO MANY OBSTACLES in my path- my confidence gets destroyed before it could build sufficiently...I think the Exalted Jupiter and possibly Mercury in the 9th house (in my Natal chart) has helped carry me this far.

Well, any responses to my questions (and any additional recommendations) would be most appreciated.

Thank you so much!


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In addition

Post by horus1123 » Thu 25 Dec, 2008 7:46 pm

In addition, I've had literally a chronic tension headache since about 14 yrs old. It is probably due to TMJ (temporomandibular Joint Disorder) and I've done everything in my power to rid myself of this, but only meditation gives me temporary relief.

I am a very strong-willed person and I have a strong spirtual center, which is the only reason why I am still alive today. However, this is not getting me "over the hump"- getting me cured and free from these problems. I know that my karma is HEAVY (most of my planets are in the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses), but I also know that the Vedic path could be of great help to me.

Vinay Jha
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Post by Vinay Jha » Fri 26 Dec, 2008 4:52 am

Read some of graha-shaanti methods posted in UPAYAS and fasting, incl my postings. Your horoscope is really bad, excepting Jupiter which has elapsed. Only a fundamental change in living style and devotion to God can save and cure you. Popular variety of TM is good for health, but is has no power of propitiation, becuse it focusses on body. Instead of focussing your attention body / ailments / money, etc, focus your mind on God, esp on the mantra of japa you prefer (eg, of Lord Shiva or Krishna) , in perfect shavaasana for as much time as you can endure. Trenscend the body, transcend this world, and let your mind get united with the Cosmic Spirit, this is the real meaning of TM. It will not only heal your body without asking for it, but will enhance your lifespan as well.
If you can, give up all spices and salt in foods and subsist on purely saatvika food as mentioned in Gita (if weakness is felt due to lack of salt, take some saindhaa salt or haajmola tabs after meal ; try to avoid meals after sunset). Read Gita daily and practise it in life. Income will take time to come, but uncecessary expenses will stop from day one. Observe vrata on days of those planets which are bad now.

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Hello Again

Post by horus1123 » Mon 29 Dec, 2008 1:03 am

Thank you once again for your feedback, and I will surely take your advice.

Lastly, do you foresee any desirable job prospects for me early this year? I am an engineer, and I've been out-of-work since mid-March.

I am looking for work in the engineering, technology, and/or consulting sectors.

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Post by RishiRahul » Tue 30 Dec, 2008 4:28 am

Hi Horus 1123,

Yes, your present time is real bad healthwise. You shoould refrain from stress and look after your digestion post Jan 2009, which is close. Any aggravation/ adverse situation should be acted upon seriously, and could also be informed to us if you have the time.

June/ July 2009 would be months of care for health, but with proper care you will obviously live; but take care for aggravating symptoms by leading a careful, stressfree life.

Are you absolutely without work since mid March 2008? In May 2008 even. Just to check?

More after you reply...


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Hello there

Post by horus1123 » Wed 31 Dec, 2008 7:10 am

Thanks for responding, RishiRahul

I got laid off from my engineering job in March 2008, and I have been receiving unemployment assistance since then. For about 7 months, I intentionally did not look for work in my field because I focused on trying to make money online and I tried to build a successful online business so that I could be more financially independent and have another source of income. Unfortunately, that turned out to be an abysmal failure, and now I am looking for a job in my field again without having accomplished my original goal, and still in a somewhat penniless state. I tried very much to break that cycle of financial lack and limitation  by trying to make money online, but that wasn't successful.

Anyway, I am very stressed, my health isn't the greatest, and I must look for work again in my field of engineering. I like my field, but I just want to be healthy and less stressed so that I am more confident in matters concerning my career. Hence, as the New Year is about to begin, I must look vigorously for work, especially since my unemployment assistance runs out in early February. So, this explain my work situation.

What do you see as far as me getting an engineering job in 2009? Will I have to move from my present location for this new job? I need a well-paying job for I am very much in debt.

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In addition

Post by horus1123 » Wed 31 Dec, 2008 7:13 am

In addition, based upon this advice I received earlier, I will probably get a Mars and Saturn Pooja performed. Hopefully, this should help to alleviate the stresses in my life.

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Post by RishiRahul » Thu 01 Jan, 2009 9:40 pm

You lost your job in March 2008=you said.

Did you receive your first unemployment allowance in May 2008= pls reply to this question which was asked in a different way in the earlier post?


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Hello Again

Post by horus1123 » Fri 02 Jan, 2009 2:19 am

I received my first unemployment allowance in April 2008.

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