how to concile...

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how to concile...

Post by purple_dust » Wed Dec 17, 2008 6:58 pm

I'm in no way a Christian in the way that I am right-wing, conservative person (I'm not against it, I'm just not like that)
I do have, however, a Christian background and I have morals eventhough people see me as more "care-free" than I actually am.

I'd hate to know that I'm into forms of adivination (so called "supersticions" in the Bible) that are against God in the way that God is the only way for enlightment.  But...  God gave me this personality that longs to know about these sciences...  

I just wanna know your beliefs, whether you're like me, whether you've already solved your own spiritual contradictions...

I'd love to hear from all of you!

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Post by cedars » Sun Dec 21, 2008 6:22 pm

I do not undertand what you're aiming at Purpledust.

Care to clarify your point?

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Post by pirbid » Sun Dec 21, 2008 7:30 pm

:) I am afraid I cannot help you there, PD. I am an agnostic, so I never felt constrained when pursuing anything that attracted my attention.

I seem to recall the big Christian Church used to be fearful of having to compete with pagan rites, superstition and the like in the old days. I do not know what their official position is right now. Not overly accommodating, I should think.

But I use the Tarot as a tool, very useful when exploring our own motives, but more psychological and practical than spiritual, although many people use it to meditate and develop further through the archetypal images. However, they are still using it as a tool, as a means to something else.

I do not believe the Tarot has a mind of its own or can be regarded as anything approaching a spiritual guide by itself. Just a friendly aid, mostly  :)

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Post by chrisdee » Sun Dec 21, 2008 9:28 pm

Interesting.. I was brought up to go to church on Sundays, I loved the atmosphere and those colourful stamps we got at Sunday school, As I grew up I believed in a kind of magic the power of the mind

Now heres the contradiction; Christians so I have been told don't believe you can see spirits, I can! so although baptised as a baby and confirmed at the age of 13yrs
I strayed from been a true Christian, I have to believe what I can see.
So I started going to an open circle at a spiritualist church and a closed circle at a friends house, While in a circle at a spiritualist church I had a reading, my Tarot cards where brought up by a spirit that had been watching me give readings, now the spirit was all for me doing readings even saying that the cards and table were alight with energy during readings, but church members where quick to tell me they were against using Tarot cards.

Guides come into help when I read, spirit come and watch, so how can it be wrong. while I have there approval no earthly person will make me believe in any way Tarot goes against God
                                                         Blessings Decia

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Post by cedars » Sun Dec 21, 2008 9:49 pm

I agree with you Decia.....
I am having less and less time for the spiritualist churches of late..... They are yet another form of organised religion and have their own rules and regualtions........ It is almost they own the Spirit world.

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Raised Christian

Post by kybunker » Mon Dec 22, 2008 1:48 pm

I understand where you are coming from,
I've battled with my "religion" until I had it no more,
My religion raised me to believe there was only one god, That Churches god,
After several years of thinking I was crazy, I've come to realize that God intended me to have only one god, And that
Is my god, Not some churches god, Not someone elses interperatation of that god, but the one that I am a piece of, That we
all are,
As for tarots, I'm still very careful who I tell about my tarots to, Yet I don't hesitate on speaking my thoughts on why things happen or what is going to happen,
But I have found that my delimma is, When I read to people, they tend to come back on every decision that needs to be made
In their own lives instead of listening to that little voice that guides each of them.
I've found that when a reading says one thing, and the person doesn't want that to be the route they are going down, It
is up to them to change it, and if they do nothing they are upset at the reader,
Readers alot of the time are doormats, People love to have someone or something to blame for their actions, or non actions,
Being in the christian religion, Warning about the future is considered wrong, but yet they are all over the churches,
People are channeling but yet won't admit thats whats going on,
Channeling is of the devil, (Which I know it's not)
Predicting is of the devil (Which I know it's not)
It's all a matter of the persons you are reading, Are you being their crutch?
Crutches are fine until they can find the strength to get on their feet again, But who's to show them they've got the strength
to do it?
I've found that is the under hiding reason, that the churches say it's all the devil.
Is because there are Alot of ill intenting people are out there and would rather have people come to them instead of finding the answers for themselves,
We help guide others, not carry them,
We are here to learn,
We are here to help,
I think alot of people forget that.

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Post by StarDragon » Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:15 am

1. Pray before you do a reading with the cards. Ask for God to use the cards to speak to you, to guide you, and pray for understanding and acceptance.
2. Acknowledge God as the source of the power you're using. He is using the cards to help impart some wisdom to you.
3. Never allow the cards, or any other thing become higher, more trusted, or more important than God. That would be idolatry. :smt003

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Post by FutureVizions » Wed Jan 14, 2009 7:35 am

My answer to your question comes from the Bible.  In Jeremiah 6:16, God says: "Stand in the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask which is the good way, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls."  If you do much study of the Tarot, you will find that one method of reading the cards involves studying the story presented in them; the deck is essentially viewed as a picture guide to the many (ancient) paths one may take through life.  When I consult my cards, I ask God to show me the good way.  In the Bible, He tells us this IS a method to find peace.

Try saying that passage as a prayer before you do a reading.  I think you will be amazed at how much more clearly the cards "speak" to you.

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