Seeing your own chakras?

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Seeing your own chakras?

Post by quique » Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:49 am

I'm totally new in this world of chakras, but I'm really hoping that some of you people could answer me on a question thats bothering me. Is it possible to see ones own chakra (with eyes closed)? and if yes, how is that supposed to look like? Do you see the colors and the petals like in the symbols? Or is that just how we put them down on paper? Can anyone try to describe for me how they should normally appear?

The reason of my questions is a hallucinating story that happened to me, including a shaman in Peru. More of that later. I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me out with this one, because its driving me crazy...

thanks in advance...

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Post by EmeradSage » Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:56 am

I'm not sure about "seeing" the chakras because to me, that implies seeing them with your eyes.  I do believe you can visualize them though.  That's what I do.

How they look depends upon my state of mind and body at the time.  Sometimes there are "blocks" where the energy isn't flowing that freely.  In that case they may seem to be spinning slowly or the colors are not bright.

The best way to explain how they look for me, is like when the water goes down the drain it creates a vortex.  The vortex is colored according to what chakra it is.  I'm not sure if they look the same for everyone.  I am very careful not to say what is "normal" and what is not.  we are all individuals.

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Post by quique » Wed Jan 21, 2009 3:56 pm

Thanks! Seems like a somewhat fitting description for my experience. The vortex description. Do you mean it is possible to see just one chakra at the time, or do you see them all at the same time? I mean when youre saying that "the vortex is colored according to what chakra it is"

for me it was really "seeing". As vivid as in a dream. I mean, it is a difference for me between visualizing and the way you "see" when you are dreaming. Of course, my eyes where closed, so it was not "seeing" exactly like when eyes opened. It felt like it though. I think "seeing" as in a dream is the best description for my experience. Because you can't normally distinguish between dreaming and real life either. Does anyone have had such a vivid experience?

I've never seen anything like that after that one experience, which was very special.

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Post by quique » Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:01 am

Okey it seems like nobody could answer that. So I try with my whole story to see if anybody can help me out. If you're interested, read. It's a little bit long.

Well, i was in north of Peru with this guy who claimed to be a shaman. We was smoking some marihuana, which I had very little experience with then. It was also way to strong, and the effect really shocked me. I suddenly got really high really fast. Because of much smoking in a short time. And I became scared, because I never had experienced such a thing. I got panic and became afraid I was going to die. The shaman saw that I had a bad trip and said I'd better go for a walk with him. After pouring water at my head, we went out to the beach. I was really high and scared. The world felt unreal and about to fade. I was desperately holding on to my ego and my consciousness, in hope not to lose myself. He told me to trust him and relax. So I decided to do so. I trusted that he could help me, and gave up my fighting. Then suddenly I came into a frequency in some kind of way. I was walking by his side. Fully aware, but in a way leaning on him. I felt like it was he that controlled the movement of my body. I was moving beside him, like a machine. Without any experience of moving my legs by my will. It felt more like floating. I had my vision and was totally at ease. The only thing was that I didn't have to much a sense of my body as it was moving along the beach. With the shaman guiding me. Gently pushing my shoulders when I had to turn. I could easily go out of the trance, but then I got the feeling of being high and losing control of my consciousness again. It must have looked crazy. Me walking like a zombie. "I tell the people you're blind", the shaman said. He told me to put my hand by my stomach. A little below the navel. And to turn it counter clockwise. And I moved my hand. The crazy thing was that the hand seemed to automatically find the right spot and started to spin in perfect circles. Without me needing to concentrate on it. Like my hand could control itself. Like it knew what to do. We walked along the beach until we finally reached his place. A cheap hotel. I was still very afraid and wanted to go to a hospital. "I feel like I have a fever", I said. The shaman moved his hand to my forehead and placed it there gently. With his arm stretched out. "Yeah, you have a fever", he said. "But we can fix that". Then in a sudden move he removed his hand. Like dragging something out of my head. Fast and swift. 3 times he repeated that move. And I felt a relief of some kind. I was feeling more at ease. I'm not sure of when I closed my eyes, but now they were closed. The next thing he did was dragging something out of the top of my head. I felt the two spots where he dragged it out. From the highest point of my head, the two points where situated 1- 1,5 inches to the left and right. And then it started to happen. With my eyes closed I started to see the floods of energy flowing out of my head. It was a big relief. Like somebody taken of a big heavy hat. And I saw two rays in beautiful colors running standing out of my head. Like a fountain. Vivid like it was real vision. The colors pure and clear. I couldn't remember the exact colors, but they were something like red and green. With some kind of bubbles inside. They stood maybe one meter out of my head. With my eyes closed I could only see blackness, the contour of my body and these two rays. It lasted like a second, maybe more. I wasn't feeling time. I was in a space without time, and totally at ease. I don't know the next thing the shaman did, but after that I saw a big bright thing right below my navel. It was so bright and clear. In a beautiful orange color. The shape was oval with clear borders. Filling in width almost my whole stomach. In height more or less half of the width. My eyes were still closed, but I could see this big shape glowing in my lower abdomen. I knew that the shaman was doing something with it. There were movements of brighter patterns inside the orange thing. Moving rather chaotically around. But then I felt that the streams were slowly moving in cleaner patterns. More circular, and more orderly. Like the shaman was cleaning it up. Making it work better. And I felt better and better. I'd never felt so good in my life before. I wasn't scared, yet I didn't feel time. It didn't scare me at all. I just felt goodness flowing all over. Totally at ease. Seeing only black, the contour of my body and the glowing orange. Suddenly I felt the shamans hand. He held it against my forehead again. Like entering my world. And sending myself back. I got the sense of time again. A sense of reality. "To measure the fever you just do like this", he said. As if nothing had happened. "Now you can open your eyes", he said. And I did. I felt remarkably better. Still a little bit foggy, but at ease and feeling safe. I got a valium, a shower and slept on the shamans bed. When I wake up the next morning I was fine.

Ok. So my big question is: what was this experience? Do any of you have any opinion of what it could be. Do you think it could have some relation to the chakras or just crazy psychedelic hallucinations? I myself can't find it to fit with anything. But it sure was the craziest experience of my life, so I really hope somebody could help me out. It could mean my whole future view of the world... please help!

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