alternative views wanted

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alternative views wanted

Post by stacks26 » Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:07 am

I've been trying to find some answers reguarding multiple dreams and experiences I've had over the past 2 years or so.  First off, I never believed much in any religious/spiritual stuff and still remain a skeptic.  I'd also like to note that I've found many scientific based answers for some of my experiences but not all of them.  Throughout this I am trying to remember everything that has happened and so it is not written in chronological order of events, however I have tried to give the idea of a timeline of events.

My mom has had precognitive dreams of major world events aswell as dreams of being visited by loved ones, alive and dead, whom tell her of future events such as their own death, and things effecting our family.  Because of these I have to think there could be an alternative explaination to these experiences besides the scientific ones I've found online and what the logical portion of my brain assures me of.

I was sleeping normally and woke up around 1-3 am, I couldn't move any part of my body except my eyes and mouth.  I saw at the end of my bed a glowing white ball that appeared to be a small child.  To the right of my bed was a tall skinny black figure.  At this point I was pretty much in shock just whispering, "What the ^%(*, what the ^%(*, what the ^%(*," over and over.  The entity to my right put its hand on mine as if to confort me.  It's index and middle fingers were longer than the rest.  It made a sort of reference to a mirror in my room and I suddenly had the idea pop in my head that mirrors could be used as gateways for them before I blacked out.

Shortly after this experience I had began meditating and contemplating the universe.  I believe that at one point I caught a small glimpse of understanding of all of the universe.  When I zoomed my scope of thought in from infinate expansion to the Earth I began understanding everything going on in politics, economics, media, and all created ideas of humanity.  For a while I thought I may have gone completely insane but when I applied these ideas to my papers in economics and other classes my teachers gave me feedback saying I have a gift for the subjects at hand and seem to grasp them better than most.  Aside from this during meditation I have had two other defining moments, both out of body experiences.  

The first which had actually occurred previous to the temporary universal understanding was when I (my conscience and not body) traveled through a sort of energy stream to a place where there were infinate numbers of beings of energy all sitting in the same position completely dormant.  There were rows of them all seeming to be projecting their conscience elsewhere, perhaps unknowingly.  I recognized myself as one in the same with them and began to shout "Wake up!."  After briefly viewing this other plane I felt a powerful presence, aware of me being there, trying to force me back to this reality.  Strangely enough, a week later my sister had come home from college.  I told her briefly of some of my strange dreams as of late and she told me that she too had a strange dream lately.  In her dream she awoke in her room and found five robed figures circling her bed telling her to wake up, she then woke up to find it was 2am and went back to bed.

The other out of body experience happened after contemplating the universe.  During this I traveled to another plane that I would recognize as a spirit world or simply another demension.  At this time I was under the impression that their were different levels of demensions and you had to advance or move back based on some (unknown to me) factors.  The one I had entered I considered to be a step above our own.  While in this realm I had a percievable body that glowed light blue but was not like the one I have here.  In this realm I floated freely in any direction I desired.  It seemed to be infinate in all directions however their was always geometric designs surrounding me.  While there I encountered what may be considered a diety.  She had multiple arms and reminded me of a hindu godess.  She was quite a bit larger than me but not enormous.  She seemed to eminate love and we communicated in auras.  She then grasped me with her arms and pulled me within her womb where I saw an amazing design.  The walls were blue sort of diamond shaped geometric designs throughout.  Within her was a massive demension with many odd structures and entities that I can faintly remember now.  It seemed to me that what I had seen may have been part of the process of birthing spirits to lower demension. (However not creating them as they seem to be infinate in origin and span)  

Overtime these concepts had faded from my mind and things were returning to a relative normalcy.  I had however retained a plan I had earlier created that provided a way out of the financial system we have in place, allowing me freedom while here.

Since then I have had more dreams in which I wakeup unable to move.  I have had two experiences with a different entity at my dads house.  This entity looked like horned shadow figure.  Unlike the last this one had a message.  I cannot fully remember it in its entirety but he had told me that he used to be a gladiator in rome and told me I needed to learn jiu jitsu.  During this experience I remember there was some dialogue between us.  I had regained basic control of my right arm during this time and had to use it to move my mouth when I talked.  However when I spoke my voice didn't seem to be my own.  A few days later after thinking over they extra voice I decided that I perhaps became possesed while meditating.  I banished the entity into a mirror and believed it had left me.  Since banishing it I had realised that it had been within me for far longer than I originally thought.  A voice with in my head that I had always thought was my own and that always helped me with tests seemed to be missing and I thought that may have been the same entity I had banished earlier.  Having gone through most if not all of my life with such a voice I, for the first time in my life, felt completely alone.  Never before had I felt the need for human interaction because I always had another to discuss everything with.  Soon after the voice had returned and I felt whole again.

A few months later when I was at my dads house again the horned shadow entity appeared to me again but this time I could not move at all just look around.  Now he was accompanied by a black cat that faded in and out of my vision and a tormented, skinny, looking man curled in a ball.  At the site of the cat it had occurred to me that they could use a cat to enter this realm.  This time their was no dialogue he just stood their looking at me.  I felt no real threat; however I am always in constant fear during and after these events.  After awaking exhaustion overcame my fears and I fell back to sleep this time a peaceful rest.

A few months later while at my moms house a small being maybe 18 inches tall was standing on the arm rest of the couch I was sleeping on.  He basically looked like a lumberjack with a wooden pipe.  After he took a few drags from his pipe he reached down and started my arm on fire.  I could not feel it but immediatly concentrated hard on waking up and after a minute or so my dog jumped on my chest and broke me free.

And finally the latest of these dreams was when I was at my dads sleeping on a chair and unable to move.  Four or Five figures around two ft tall, all in brown robes with hoods covering their heads, were walking infront of me and around me to my side.  At this time I sensed that they intended to do something to my mind and I tried to toss them across the room with my mind.  Unfortunately I only managed to knock a few books off of a shelf infront of me before blacking out.  When I awoke the next morning all of the books were in place again so I simply classified it as another occurance of sleep paralysis.

After trying to find information on all this that I have experienced the only conclusions I have come to were that I experienced sleep paralysis and temporary insanity.  I have been unable to find any alternative theories until I read some of the posts in these forums.  Like I said originally I generally lean towards science for most things but after all this I am open to alternate explainations or at the very least some interesting feedback.

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Post by Crow » Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:26 am

Thank you for sharing your experiences. This has helped me and I hope others who read your post so we don't dismiss what we see or feel as just being a mad hatter.  :smt005

Safe Journey

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