Reader needs a reading :)

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Reader needs a reading :)

Post by dangermama » Sun May 03, 2009 5:10 am

Would someone please give this psychic reader a reading, I feel like I could really use another set of eyes (third ones!) and opinions about what is going on in my life, head and heart.  Thanks!


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Restoring harmony to your close relationships

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon May 04, 2009 2:33 am

Hi Michelle,  :smt003

I am always pleased to be given an opportunity to help a fellow reader. I can entirely understand your confusion and frustration with what is going in in your life, head and heart  at this time, as well as your need to get another reader's hopefully different perspective on the significant challenges you are currently facing. There is so much happening to you at so many different levels all at much the same time, that it is difficult for me to know where to begin.

Attempting to artificially isolate one factor from all the rest as being the one to focus on to the total exclusion of all the others seems impractical to me, and to be honest pointless. Therefore I have decided to temporarily put aside any of the normal tools of divination this time, and simply open myself intuitively up to whatever comes through me on your behalf. I am just going to pass on to you what I am receiving, then leave it entirely up to you to decide whether it is relevant or helpful in your present circumstances. In the end this is your decision alone to make.

Much of what has happened to you recently (since the beginning of this year) appears to be related mainly to the nature of your relationships to close family members and long time trusted friends. This is not saying that nothing much is happening to you on an individual level at this time (this could not be further from the truth), but it appears that maintaining and improving relationships with those people closest to you is going to be given a higher priority than it has up until now.

Possibly angry and heated words have been exchanged between you and the person (s) to whom this reading refers in the past, that you have soon lived to regret saying, but once they have passed your lips it is virtually impossible to take then back and simply make out that they were never said. I would see this disruption in your relationship as only being a temporary aberration or blip on your radar screen, rather than it being a permanent breakdown. That is unless of course one or both of you make matters even worse by intentionally or more likely unintentionally saying or doing anything which could easily undo whatever healing has already occurred.

I feel that to some extent you may need to agree to disagree on certain bones of contention, and be willing to compromise if you are both at least going to get some of what you feel you need out of this delicate situation which has developed mostly through no fault of your own. I sense there has been some misunderstandings of what was actually meant to be said, that has now snowballed out of all reasonable proportion into something major, when it started out as being quite trivial.

Trust and respect must now be earned back by you both being honest with one another and saying exactly what you feel (but doing this with sensitivity and diplomacy), instead of continuing to attempt to read the other person's mind. When making what could be taken as criticism of someone, it is always wise to begin the conversation by softening any blow with a sincere compliment in order to start the proceedings off on a happier foot.

The time for hedging around the subject and avoiding giving him or her the facts exactly as you see them has long passed, and it is also long overdue time to bury the hatchet and put much of this behind you. If you are able and willing to do these things, then I feel that you will go a long way towards restoring the harmony within your relationship which you both once enjoyed. Slowly but surely remove the barriers which you have built up between you, and do not allow this disagreement to permanently spoil what has up until now been a beautiful friendship or close relationship between you and a member of your own family.

Kindest regards,

eye_of_tiger :smt008

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Post by dangermama » Tue May 05, 2009 8:31 pm

Thanks EOT!  There has been A LOT left unsaid and things are definitely awkward right now.  Do you think this person is playing mind games with me? It sure feels that way sometimes.  We are both psychic and I think  we rely too much on trying to read each others minds instead of communicating with words...bad idea :)

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Every human being at some times plays mind games

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed May 06, 2009 12:32 am

Do you think this person is playing mind games with me? It sure feels that way sometimes.
Michelle, :smt017

I am unable to without giving you another reading further down the line offer you any more insights as to whether this person you mentioned is playing any more mind games with you than people in general often do anyway (including yourself).

You don't have to tell me about the difficulties of having a partner who is just as intuitive as you are.

My wife of over 30 years and I are often so much on the same wavelength that we frequently find ourselves completing each other's sentences.

We even share the same birthday (December 9th), although she is one year my senior.

There is that constant danger that you might attempt to read each others minds and intentions in any situation, but overall psychics are frequently more into reading the other one's feelings rather than reading their actual thoughts as such (although some rare individuals appear to be equally gifted at doing both).

Sorry, but I cannot give you any clearer assessment at this stage concerning the possibility that he is playing any more mind games with you than is par for the course for most if not all human beings.

eye_of_tiger :smt002

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