Can "white magic" be more dangerous than "black magic"?

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Can "white magic" be more dangerous than "black magic"?

Post by Leof » Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:46 am

Note I am using the "" because I feel it's up to interpretation.

Not too long ago I tried to remove a curse from a kid who was sick with a rare illness. The ritual was performed before a surgery which was basicly a gamble but came out being a complete success... Though shortly after the sibling of the kid came down with an even rarer but equally painful illness. I guess I blocked the curse and it went to the next closest target being the sibling.

I have heard of healers having phantom pains in places where they have healed others. This is often a powerful method of healing since you use your own spiritual viritility as a link to send to the other person but it often leaves the healer drained.

Then in the case of curses it seems like all one does is spit in the general direction of their target and they will have bad luck all day.

Does anyone have experience with this? Can one's dominant planets effect what magical forces they have an affinity with (I have a lot of Mars in my chart for instance)?

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Post by Aegeus » Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:40 pm

I've heard that black magic is done with dark intentions and white with good intentions but the ultimate goal to to have all one's actions clear.

One thing to bear in mind is what another may be experiencing may be something they need karmicly to learn from, in which case taking away their burden is not helping them, but as I said one is to see clearer for them self what is appropriate for a situation.

Another thing is thinking of it as demon, if it is evicted from one place it will just find another place to go or get it's friends and come back, it must be turned towards the light. Or thinking of it as a pattern it must be fully cleared or it can come back.

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Post by Rhutobello » Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:44 pm

I also think Black magic = "believing harmful effect"¨and White magic = "Believing healing or positive effect"

Spell in itself can in my opinion not do much harm.....if you never knew that a good, or a bad, spell was cast upon would never thought about it, and your life would go on... for good or bad....just like the rest of us.

IF we on the other hand believe strongly in Spells, and we knew that someone had cast a black spell on us (or we believe someone had) then our brain would have tried to fulfill the spells outcome, the same goes for white magic and it's healing effect.

Our Brain is our strongest tool, and it can build us up, or bring us down. Few think about this fact, and I think awareness of its power is very important.
Belief can move Mountains, (according to Religion) it can surly move you in one direction or another. :)

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Post by Aegeus » Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:11 am

Another thing to consider is if one is used to hardship trouble and sickness, they may attract it into their life either by thinking about it too much, or by being so used to it, that they wouldn't know what to do with them self without it.

While others thoughts do influence and effect us - like one who is known for kindness and generosity benefits from many having good thoughts and feelings about, or one who is say clumsy may begin to believe others thoughts that they are clumsy and this may fuel such behavior - it's our own actions beliefs and behaviors that determine our lives more then anything else. A feeling that there may be darkness cast upon one is reason for grounding and protection, like grounding out the negative thought pattern of potential harm.

Obsidian good for grounding in the earth plane, as well psychic and physical protection.

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Post by Angelfish » Thu Jun 04, 2009 6:55 am

Hi friends  :)
This is often a powerful method of healing since you use your own spiritual viritility as a link to send to the other person but it often leaves the healer drained.
And that is the best part of Reiki, the healer doesn't feel drained because the healer doesn't use it's own energy. All the energy in Reiki comes from the Universe, simultaneously energising the healer while performing the healing ... cute ay  :smt020
Spell in itself can in my opinion not do much harm....
Hi Rhutobello,
with all my respects, I will show you an example that proves otherwise  :)
I know this man's family and when this happened I was a teen, so approx 15 years ago I'd say.


This man was married twice. He never had any kids with the first woman and left her. His first wife was very angry at him for leaving her. This man lives in a village where my mother is from.

A few years later;

He married his second wife and got a baby child. Suddenly the baby started loosing it's skin ... the skin started peeling off the body and becoming soft, sticking ti the sheets ...  grouse I know ... the man (father) and the mother went to the doctors which tried all but the baby's skin simply didn't want to stay on the poor thing.

NOTE please; I am talking about a baby less than a year old ...  there is no way this baby was under impression that some one has casted a spell on it (placebo)

The father then decided to bring the kid to the best known hospital where most of the famous Ph.D are working and after examining the child and trying all they knew (plastic operation, etc ... ) one of the doctors told him that he has never seen such strange case in his all life nor did he hear about such case before ... the skin simply didn't want to stay on the baby's body and the baby was loosing weight and suffering from fever ... simply all in all a very poor situation for the baby.
So the doctor suggested telling to the father privately so others can't hear ... he told him that this is not something he as man of science believes in but in this case he simply can not see another solution and maybe just maybe the father might try and go to some alternative people to ask for immediate help for the poor kid.

So the father (which is not a believer) went to one woman in a city close to where his village is. She was known to people as being very psychic.
As soon he entered to see her she looked at him and called him a dog !!! He was shocked since he never saw her in his life (apparently she was very direct with people) she told him that because she could see on him what happened before he even came in ...  she said that his baby is in severe danger and that he is wasting time seeing doctors, etc ...  he couldn't believe his ears what she said to him ...

The woman told him after opening some book and performing something (he didn't specify what) that some woman came to his house with water in which a whole young chicken was boiled and spilled all that water into the out side toilet in the night time (in Bosnian villages they still have out door WC). That woman boiled the chicken until the chick's skin started to peel off with an intent to harm the baby in the same way ... the mother (while pregnant with the bay) took on her self this spell when she was on that toilet day after the water was spilled in it.

The Psychic gave him some stuff and told him to put some of it under the baby's bed and some of it burn around the house ...  and as soon he did all this the baby started feeling better and the skin grew back again. Today this kid looks very healthy (blessed be).

BTW, the man (who is known for his temper) offered lots of money to the psychic woman to tell him who did this to his child, and she refused since she knew he would go and kill that woman at once in rage. He still believes it was his ex wife but he can not be sure.
A feeling that there may be darkness cast upon one is reason for grounding and protection, like grounding out the negative thought pattern of potential harm.

Obsidian good for grounding in the earth plane, as well psychic and physical protection.
That is true, I practise this my self. I use Jet (which I found in nature) around my neck and in some cases I even have a Snowflake Obsidian under my pillow.

Love and Light to All, Angelfish

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Jun 04, 2009 7:30 am

Rhutobello wrote: Belief can move Mountains, (according to Religion) it can surly move you in one direction or another. :)
Strong story you told there.

BUT, since it never have been proved that any spell really exist, then we need to put it in the same category as Religion.

Religion have many convinced people, who have great comfort in their belief, and there have been several miracles on any side or ideology.

What is common for them all is the power of belief, and the lack of questioning. The stronger the belief...the stronger is the miracle.

I can agree that we don't know it all...I agree that there is much more in the world then what we can prove.

The reason for me to go against spell as a way to dmg, is the power of belief....if everyone say that spell is dangerous then spell are dangerous.
If everyone say spell can only do good, then it will be for the good, because our brain tell us so.

It is almost the same as Paradise and Hell, the counterparts in Religions.

And to be sure...I don't know the truth either :)

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Post by Leof » Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:31 am

In response to the above post, and bare with me here since I am a new member after all and don't know all the rules by heart, but, with that line of rational, all of the stuff on this forum is a placebo and pseudo science since it has never been proven to exist. I don't see how agnostic spiritiuality is any bit more innocent than religion. not knowing does not substantiate an oppositional argument. Second, it's your board and all but why do you post in the magic section if you think it's quackery?

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:05 pm

There is difference in negative and positive approach to any problems.

Normally positive approach help a person, even if it not solve any problem, but the chances is greater to spot a solution because you don't deal with despair.

Negative approaches to any problem, will magnify the problem, and since we are in a negative state solutions might not be spotted even if it is by your nose tip.

We can absolute have a site like this where we advocate the positive approach, and fight the negative.

If you saw my last line it state : "And to be sure...I don't know the truth either", and since none of us know the truth...Why not focus on the positive, IF the NEGATIVE can't give you any help whatsoever?

BTW welcome to the site, and it is always good to see others opinions...only then can we develop...only then can we change....if we find that we was wrong  :)

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Post by Aegeus » Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:35 pm

What about all the druids shamans mystics sages etc. who have first hand experience confirming that energy work that is considered magic and spell craft have a science to it's practice(note; I dislike the word science as it brings to mind people skeptizing that spirit couldn't exist since their machines have no way of detecting it, I prefer to the word art as it brings to mind using different relationships of different energies to create, but for the sake of defending ancient practices their is a science to it), and their practices have proven results, they just don't prove them to people who don't want to believe. Jesus said something along the lines of why give proof when you could still refute even then, and those who follow the way are followed by proof/results, or in the context of the bible verse, works and miracles.

I read snippet in a book called The fifth sacred thing where a description of what miracle is was given that I quite like. It's from an old Spanish saying. There's two words the bad world below and the good one above. In the bad world you trip and break a bone, in the good world you slip can catch your balance. The good news is the good world is always just above the bad and can pull them self up into the good. The bad news is in the bad world one is more likely to be weakened and have more difficulty pulling them self up. A healer is described as one who has the strength to pull others up into the good world, without falling down them self.

Non of us have the absolute truth perhaps, but truth is all around us and within us. We can bring truth to light, we can live it, and we can express it.

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