Ritualism and Religion

A forum that offers discussions on esoteric topics like demonology, magick, encounters, witchcraft, and all things spiritual or mystical in nature.

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Ritualism and Religion

Post by karen21 » Wed Aug 19, 2009 7:51 am

Ritualistic magic has been rammed down our throats for years, through graphic images from televisions, movie screens and the internet. To perform a ritual, is an act of preparing the self to become aware and sometimes enlightened to the higher self. Most magic is referred  to as a religion of sorts (not in the go to church and pray to god way). The religion I speak of has no name other that the name the self chooses to label it. When we label "our own religion" we are able to employ for a particular purpose, or natural purpose that religion as a grounding point.

Over centuries, nay millennia's, the true self has slowly but surely devolved and the "I" places boundaries upon itself. The only limitations the true "I" has, are the limitations that we, as individuals place upon ourselves.

We are all connected at a level that is without understanding for most, but not for all. Those who are able to allow themselves to" be" and do not place limitations upon their true "I" can do anything, be anything and achieve anything.

I am not saying that "the rules do not apply," as mortal rules of societal behaviour certainly do. Look inside yourself, contemplate your naval for a while and find the true "I" that resides within us all and is connected to us all. We are all truly beautiful beings, yet we get caught up in the human, earth bound way of being and we forget.

I say once again, Socrates had it right when he said: Look inside yourself and remember what you have forgotten (don't answer questions, ask them because you already know the answers, you have simply forgotten them.)

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Post by Aegeus » Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:45 am

"I am not saying that "the rules do not apply," as mortal rules of societal behaviour certainly do."

What do you mean by this? Are you suggesting confroming to the rigid governmmental dictates that attempt to imose rules upon the masses? Or following common sense of what s appopriate and best in any given situation? Please calrify, this part of your statment is rather ambigous.

Know thy self is a good point, but remember this includes knowing ones limits so one can work within in them to grow and expand.

An I ching wisdom says 'no disease short life, one disease long life'. Essentially meaning if you run around thinking your invinsible you will soon be shown your limits, but if you are aware of your weaknesses and strengths you can utilize the strong and strengthen the weak in a balanced manner which will expand ones limits much farther in the long run then ignoring their existence.

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Re: Ritualism and Religion

Post by sunmystic » Fri Sep 04, 2009 1:42 am

karen21 wrote:Ritualistic magic has been rammed down our throats for years, through graphic images from televisions, movie screens and the internet. To perform a ritual, is an act of preparing the self to become aware and sometimes enlightened to the higher self. Most magic is referred  to as a religion of sorts (not in the go to church and pray to god way). The religion I speak of has no name other that the name the self chooses to label it. When we label "our own religion" we are able to employ for a particular purpose, or natural purpose that religion as a grounding point.

Over centuries, nay millennia's, the true self has slowly but surely devolved and the "I" places boundaries upon itself. The only limitations the true "I" has, are the limitations that we, as individuals place upon ourselves.

We are all connected at a level that is without understanding for most, but not for all. Those who are able to allow themselves to" be" and do not place limitations upon their true "I" can do anything, be anything and achieve anything.

I am not saying that "the rules do not apply," as mortal rules of societal behaviour certainly do. Look inside yourself, contemplate your naval for a while and find the true "I" that resides within us all and is connected to us all. We are all truly beautiful beings, yet we get caught up in the human, earth bound way of being and we forget.

I say once again, Socrates had it right when he said: Look inside yourself and remember what you have forgotten (don't answer questions, ask them because you already know the answers, you have simply forgotten them.)
karen21, I guess that I have wandered into your topic as a this message board reg. And honestly, I feel that your topic should be explored :) But then that is just my opinion. But then opinions are allowed to play :) on this message board.
karen21 wrote: "Ritualistic magic has been rammed down our throats for years, through graphic images from televisions, movie screens and the internet. To perform a ritual, is an act of preparing the self to become aware and sometimes enlightened to the higher self. Most magic is referred  to as a religion of sorts (not in the go to church and pray to god way). The religion I speak of has no name other that the name the self chooses to label it. When we label "our own religion" we are able to employ for a particular purpose, or natural purpose that religion as a grounding point."
Worship of the Divine Mother is a religion. Magic (Ritualistic or otherwise) is not a religion, it is a science. Yes it is real, but it is not a religion. When one appeales to the Divine :) things happen! But there is no "mombo jumbo" attached to it. :) the Divine does not need "mombo jumbo".

A simple prayer works and things get solved :)

karen21, I love what you have complained about and I think that it really needed to be said. Being a true "wicca" is not about magik, it is about worshipping "The Mother", and based on my experience :) She (The Mother) is real and can be appealed too and will invoke Herself on your behalf, if one is a loving person. Magik is not needed :)

just love,


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