Seeing dark mists

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Seeing dark mists

Post by lurker » Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:58 pm

hey guys, first post here. Found this forum after trying to study and find out what exactly i'm seeing everywhere i go.
Now what it is, from about a few years back, maybe about 5 years ago, i started to see, like a black mist hover next to me in bed. When i'd look at it, i got the feeling it was looking back, when i'd turn around and ignore it, id feel it touch it my side and i turn around, it would be sitting on the side of my bed touching my side.
Also, this isnt just in my house, any house i stay at, friends, family, even at the hospital, it would just be there.
In my friends house one time, it was day time, and i saw it just staring at me, not staring cause it isnt a human shape, doesnt have a face, its a mist, just sitting in the corner of her room.
Even as we speak, im sitting in the living room, and i can feel and see the mist to my right.
The mist is like a black mist, i can see through it. but its there.
Any help on what it is or anything would be nice.

Autumn Rose
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Post by Autumn Rose » Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:34 am

I don't know what it is, but I saw it once too. I was sleeping and it got really windy (no windows or ac was on), so I woke up. As soon as I opened my eyes I saw the black (what looked like) wind above me. It went out my window, even though it wasn't open, it went through it. I have no idea what it was though, but I have read that some people see it with red eyes and a face too. Sometimes it makes them paralyzed, but I didn't get this effect.

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Post by lurker » Fri Jun 18, 2010 9:35 am

Hmmm, Well, I've never had the paralysed effect before.

Autumn Rose
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Post by Autumn Rose » Fri Jun 18, 2010 9:35 pm

The paralyzed effect, I think, only happens if you are just waking up to seeing it. But you say you see it even if not asleep first. Does it feel negative? Also, are your eyes really relaxed when you see this, and can you still see it if you concentrate on it? Like, seeing an aura, your eyes are usually relaxed but if you concentrate on it hard you can make it go away. Can you make this black mist go away too?

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Post by lurker » Fri Jun 18, 2010 9:39 pm

My eyes are relaxed, and even if I concentrate on it its still there. I've haven't tried to make it go away, I wouldn't know how to. And yeah it feels very negative, but I think that's only because I don't know what it is. Maybe if I knew what it is, and understood it, I'd feel alot different.

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Post by Autumn Rose » Sat Jun 19, 2010 12:01 am

Does it come around during specific times? Or when you are thinking specific thoughts?

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jun 19, 2010 1:27 pm

When doing all spiritual work you find the more spiritual you make it, the less it is of the dark.  We lighten up all things with our own attitudes to life and the psychic abilities.  Keep trying to spiritualize your soul and it will be in the light.

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Post by lurker » Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:57 pm

99% of the time it happens at night, lights could be on and it would still be there...
and no particular thoughts, its most strongest though when im down.

Autumn Rose
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Post by Autumn Rose » Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:22 am

There you go! Listen to spiritalk! Negative attracts negative. But if you can not stay positive and still see it just remember that you are stronger than it, and do not let it get to you because if it does then it will know and it wont leave you alone.... Just know that you are stronger, because you are, and stay positive!

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Post by otato » Sun Jun 20, 2010 6:59 am

Yeah there are definitely other entities out there, besides spirits and ghosts and what have you. To me this sounds like what I've heard referred to as Shadow People, and from what I understand they can be very disturbing, as they just sort of lurk around people and hover over them.

I'm not sure why this one keeps appearing to you -- but I think the worst thing you can do is be afraid of this entity. I'm not saying embrace it -- but you should embrace whatever circumstances you yourself believe involve the Shadow Person. They don't just appear for no good reason -- and if this entity has manifested itself to engage with you, then ponder the whys and wherefores.

I agree with previous statements that this might have spawned from some sort of negativity -- but also, when you're dealing with the metaphysical realm head-on, you take the risk of opening yourself up for attacks from the subtle realm. This is where Shadow People reside, but they have ways of making their presence known.

Try to look at this as an opportunity to understand yourself -- and to understand the subtle reality that is surfacing into your conscious reality. It may not be as malicious as it seems. Perhaps this entity is asking you for something.

Do some research on Shadow People and subtle entities -- also, I highly recommend the Psychic Vampire Codex, which is a sort of guideline when it comes to energy exchange. It will make you more aware of what your'e dealing with when it comes to both the material and subtle realms.

Also, get more opinions on this. I hope this helps, best of luck and remember, don't be afraid. There's something to be learned by the presence of this entity

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Post by lurker » Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:12 pm

Thanks guys, before i was reading up on this, i did some research and it was al pointing to shadow people. but, ofcourse with a few other things.

I'm gonna some research later today on shadow people. Thanks :)

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Post by nighthawk » Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:06 am

I have had this happen as well. I call them 'lookers' because that's what they do. they are really annoying. I liken them to the type of people that like to peep into girls locker rooms. I do not allow such things in my house and you don't have to either. First of all, do not be afraid. There are rules that such things must abide by, and one of those is that it may not stay when it's been banished.
When it appears again, imagine you are surrounded by an egg of white light/energy. The expand this egg until you force it out of the room. Send it love and tell it out loud that it may not enter this place. To 'seal' your house, point your finger at each physical opening such as a door or window, imagine white light streaming from your fingertip and outline the opening stating, "No evil may enter here, I seal this doorway." you may add in the name of whatever Diety you use. Then you again imagine your personal energy egg and expand it to a sphere that includes the entire building. Your house is now warded. It is a good idea to repeat your warding on a regular basis, say once a month for reinforcement.
There are many methods out there, most are similar to this one. study and find which one feels best to you, that will be the most effective one. The point being, there is no reason you have to put up with this sort of intrusion. It is your house and your life. There is no need for anger or fear in the matter. Love and light will resolve it as it does all things.

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Post by alise » Wed Jun 30, 2010 4:38 pm

I dont know a whole lot about this kind of stuff but it sounds like you have something attached to you. Have you tried to ask it to leave? You should try a white light meditation and ask for protection from the arc angle Michel. The white light meditation isnt any thing weird it just helps you have a saver state of mind and wards of anything negative. Maybe try it before you go to bed or after you memorize it you can do it when ever you see it. Its kinda of like a shield. you can find them on utube there are different styles just find one that you like. Or Google it.

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Post by lurker » Wed Jun 30, 2010 9:57 pm

Okay, Looks like youtube to me :)

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Post by DAVW » Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:37 pm

Do you want it to leave?  

I too had one follow me .. I was told by a Indian man to put a peacock feather under my bed -- I had no access to such feather .. and one showed up on my porch the next day -- I put under my bed and has not been around me.  

Also has someone in  your family or close friend passed away?  Was something left unfinished with anyone who has passed away near to you?

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