Coming love interest spread help please!!

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Coming love interest spread help please!!

Post by Ukwiccan » Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:43 pm

Coming Love Interest Reading

My Coming Love Interest Spread (Rider-Waite Deck) none of the cards were reversed.

1 - Who is your coming love interest. = 9 of Cups
2 - His/her work, job. = The Moon
3 - His/her quality. = 4 of Wands
4 - His/her flaw. = Justice Card
5 - His/her look. = King of Swords
6 - What he/she will think of you the first time you will meet. = 8 of Pentacles
7 - What you will think of him/her the first time you will meet. = 5 of Wands
8 - His/her feelings for you. = 10 of Wands
9 - Your feelings for him/her. = The Tower
10 - The strength of your relationship. = The Star
11 - The weakness of your relationship. = The Sun
12 - Love potential in long term. = Knight of Swords
13 - Final outcome/advice. = Ace of Cups

But im having trouble figuring it out. Any ideas?

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Post by cedars » Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:41 pm

What do you mean by ''coming love interest'' reading or spread?

Are you in a relationship now?
Are you trying to foresee or foretell if and when love comes to you.... what it would be like and so on? Are you seriously asking a question what your would-be love look like? Are you seriously asking what would be his flaws and what feelings he/she will have towards you at first impact and vice versa?

Where did you get this spread from or is this something you asked and made it up?

I am not surprised you are having problems interpreting the cards as ALL the questions have asked are so far fetched and FUTURISTIC, that there is no element of guidance, insight and advice in them. In other words, you want to fortell the future.

When you are in a relationship and having issues or seeking for guidance, then there are other good spreads to tackle and look at.

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Post by holyhapa » Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:25 am

I realize this thread is over a year old, but I'd like to give it a go in case someone else happens to stumble upon it like I did (...and the OP deserves a kind response!).

I'm going to assume that OP is female and Love Interest is male (and use pronouns accordingly) just to simplify matters, but I do apologize if that is not the actual case.

1) Who is he? = 9 of Cups

In my experience, 9 Cups indicates total sensual fulfillment. It's the "wish come true" card... so I'd say, this guy may very well appear to be your dream man. However, what we think we want is not always what we truly want or need...

At the very least, I'd say you'd be very sexually attracted to him.

2) Job/Vocation? = The Moon

The Moon can stand for leading with the intuition while the mind is "blind," joining of the subconscious and conscious, etc. Emotions. Perhaps the Love Interest (LI) has a job involving psychology, bridging the unconscious and the ego, or a detective who unearths the truth? A philosophy professor? He could also be some sort of healer, or working in a classically feminine role like nursing.

3) Greatest strength = 4 of Wands

4 is classically a number of stability, and 4 Wands can indicate a steady relationship... I'd interpret this to mean that the LI is relatively down-to-earth, stable in his emotions and/or spiritual identity.

4) Greatest flaw =  Justice

LI may be very fixated on the idea of fairness and equality, at the expense of emotional intimacy and/or mercy; this strikes me as meaning he'd be a very "eye for an eye" kind of person, vs. unconditionally loving and forgiving.

In conjunction with the "greatest strength," I'd wager this man is fair, honest, just and honorable, but perhaps also stubborn and inflexible when it comes to his moral code. He might not be open to others' opinions or backing down/conceding in a conflict.

5) Appearance = King of Swords

Probably dark hair, dark eyes... imposing. Stern. Very cerebral. Not so quick to laugh. An older gentleman, older than the querent (in physical years or life experience).

6) His first impression = 8 of Pentacles

He may see the OP as hard-working, dedicated... if the LI is a teacher of some sort, the OP could be his student. Perhaps the LI sees the OP as younger and less experienced than he is and feel obligated to adopt a mentoring stance.

7) OP's first impression = 5 of Wands

OP may have conflicting feelings at first; they could "butt heads," or she could find herself fighting an internal battle over whether or not the LI is the right person for her. But he will definitely cause some sort of inner stirring or emotional impression, indicated by the 5...

8) His feelings in relationship = 10 of Wands

This is a card of emotional burden, to me. This may go along with card #6, seeing OP as a student... the LI could feel responsible for the OP and/or her emotional or spiritual growth, perhaps indicating the presence or formation of a Parent-Child dynamic.

9) Her feelings in relationship = The Tower

I think this also reflects the conflict seen in card #7; the Tower can represent the lightning that strikes the Fool from the Tower as a sort of spiritual revelation. The relationship certainly doesn't seem calm or steady from the OP's end, but may very well lead to some sort of spiritual breakthrough.

10) Greatest strength of the relationship = The Star

The Star often stands for hope, faith, trust; this could also reflect a Parent-Child or Teacher-Student dynamic. There could be a lot of trust (and perhaps idolization -- whether deserved, or not) going on, but the Star in this position doesn't strike me as necessarily indicating stable, on-going faith.

11) Greatest weakness of the relationship = The Sun

The Sun, of course, follows the Moon; it is the card of spiritual revelation and rebirth following a "dark night of the soul" period. This also seems to tie in with the LI being a catalyst for spiritual growth... but once that growth is obtained (and The Sun, while it stands for spiritual breakthrough and happiness, also indicates child-like or unrefined wisdom), the two people in question may no longer have anything in common or have any stable foundation on which to build a long-term relationship (and I say that also because I noted the Knight of Swords at the end there!).

12) Long-term potential of the relationship = Knight of Swords

This strikes me again as meaning something powerful, meaningful, life-changing... but not necessarily stable or long-term.

13) Advice = Ace of Cups

Ace Cups stands for the opening of the heart to new possibilities, or the potential in a relationship... but it gives no indication that the relationship is meant to last.

All things considered, I'd say the LI would be an older guy, possibly a teacher or mentor, who appears in the OP's life for the purpose of spiritual growth and self-actualization. It could be a very powerful and life-changing affair for the OP, but may eventually break down due to the unequal balance of power or emotional maturity levels between the two people in question. It may be totally one-sided, unrequited, but open up the OP for as-yet unknown possibilities for love in the future. It may teach her how to love, or the meaning of love, but I don't really see this as being a lasting relationship. There may be some hot physical intimacy involved, but it would not sustain the relationship (and may very well take place only in the OP's fantasies).

I hope this helps, if only for future attempts with this spread! Best wishes.

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Post by Payewacker » Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:59 am

Hi Guys
It would be most interesting to see the result as the question was asked a year ago?

Hopefully the querant will be able to say whether the reading was spot-on??

Blessed be

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