Does he really want me? or is it vengance?

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Does he really want me? or is it vengance?

Post by Arijana » Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:28 am

Hi everyone :)

So,the story goes.

an ex boyfriend of mine broke of on really bad terms 2 years ago. The breakup was filled with threats, saying he will get his revenge, fights,yelling,anything bad you can imagine. He is btw an ex convict,fully into that street style life. Two years have passed without s speaking to each other and then I contacted him a few days ago,he needed to do a favor for me and he was the only one that could do it..Soon enough we started talking about us,he said he admits he was guilty for everything that happened,that he doesn't hate me at all,I told him I don't hate him at all either, then he told me he wanted to meet with me to talk things threw,he also said he wants me ( our relationship was based always not on love but very strong passion and desire ) and that I '' will be his'' , he wants us to see each other in secret ( I have a lot to loose if people were to find out I'm with him. ) the problem is,he is also very calculative, very cunning and always agenda. so now I'm wondering when he says he wants me...does he really mean it...or is this just some plan of his? My head is fighting with my heart,since I know very well what should I do,that I should just not trust him and back away but.... I want him very much,there's something about him I find hard to leave alone so.......we do plan to meet however face to face.

whatever you see is important for me :)

thank you :)


Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:14 am

Post by Arijana » Mon Jul 05, 2010 2:54 pm

Anyone?  :)

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