am i psychic or just thinking too much?

For Psychic discussions and general questions.

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am i psychic or just thinking too much?

Post by wow » Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:16 am

Hi everyone,

Im just on the start of my journey into developing my psychic abilities, though im not even sure i have any, its hard to explain but somtimes i go places and my blood runs cold and get a wreid feeling but cant explain why, also i get the feeling that in my new house at night there is somthing or someone in my bedroom watching me, sometimes this actually really scares me. I dont know if im just thinking too much and its nothing. Any advise would be great. Thank you

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:13 pm

We are all capable of psychic abilities to some degree or another.  That is not a stretch.  But if you are experiencing some sensitivities you can not explain away, then it is time to examine and learn all about it.  Remember you have free will choice to open or not to another dimension of your own being.

Psychic abilities are all about the 5 (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch - tactile and emotional) senses that we experience in our material, taken to a psychic sense within when we add:  intuition from the gut and I know from the heart.   As you expand and use these senses you can be sensitive to so much more, if you choose.

Sensing someone in your room can be very disconcerting.  In your mind, tell them go away (turn to the light) and that will show if it is your imagination or something calms down.

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Post by wow » Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:22 pm

Hi, it seems to be nearly every night in the room that i get the feeling, now i dont know if its because ive just moved into the house and just getting use to it or what. Sometimes when i close my eyes and i dont want to open them again but im forced to but i see nothing. I will try you advise and see what happens. Im guessing if i tell them to go away and i lose that feeling that its my imagination. Also if it is infact a spirit how will i know if it means any harm to me. Im really new to all this so sorry for all the questions

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