Mess :(

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Mess :(

Post by jenl19842009 » Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:23 pm

My name is Jennifer and  I don't know what to do anymore. I use my gifts of healing, seeing, and feeling to help other people and combat evil so if anyone needs my help I'll be more than happy to help. I appreciate anyone who can help me with my present sitation.

 My ex best friend of five years(I have attached her pic with Jorge) has not been herself since January. Her name is also Jennifer From Feb through April she dated a guy who I had causual relations. His name is Juan. The whole purpose of getting back with him was to get revenage on him because he hurt her last November. She admitted she put a spell on him to promote his feelings for her so she could teach him a lesson. Well it backfired on her in April when he broke up with her again and he admitted to me a month ago he has regrets about what happend between him and I. He admitted he does care about her and will always be there for her, but her life is a mess and there is no chance of them getting back together.

Her life is a mess. She is still married. Her marriage is very messy. Her husband is 22 years older than her. Her husband of almost 10 years knows now of all the affairs she has had and has never been faithful to him. He hates me because I covered for her.

Well a month ago she got involved with a new guy. His name is Jorge( Jorge is five years younger. She told Jorge tha she is back living with her husband bc she has no other place to go. Jorge is "fine" with it. He said to my friend Cathy that Jen was married, but is not married anymore. He totally believes everything Jen has been telling him. He is too trusting and very naive. and seems very obseed  with her. A very good friend(who is also psychic) and I have been praying to the angels that he gets wisdom and finds someone better. Also we have been trying so hard to protect him but everytime the angels try to pull him away from her she amplifies the spell she put on him. We can feel that what she is doing to him is pure evil. We also can feel his friends are trying to talk sense to him. She won't admit it but we think she got involved with Jorge and is doing all of these things to make Juan jealous and angry. Up until recently, she kept talking about getting revenage on Juan and that she is going to make Juan pay. She also was telling me that she wants Jorge to pull her out of her troubled marriage and support her. My friend and I also highly sense that she put a spell on Jorge because before she made it offical with him being a couple she told me not to do anything angelic on him.    

What do you guys think? How bad is this going to end? What do you suggest I do?

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:22 am

BACK OFF!  We all have personal responsibility for our life.  Why are you involved?  Let her sort out her own mess.  

The only thing you can do is send prayers to help her.  How or what that help entails is none of your business.  We give without expectation of results.  

It is just not anyone else's business how she is acting.  Some things just have to progress according to what has been put into operation.  It is called the law of cause and effect.  She is putting out a lot of cause for a lot of ill effect to respond.

Be prepared to help her pick up the pieces as a friend (as you say you are) but allow that she has to make the mistakes to learn her own lessons.

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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Jul 31, 2010 1:54 pm

I have removed pic and careful with what you put up on the net.

I agree with Spiritalk...back off....don't try to control others there if you are asked...but since you never can understand the inner feelings of any other human then might destroy more for yourself, then help other by going this way.

I have a Sister that is married to a guy that really are a my opinion...I have told her to get divorce....but no...he is HER choice, and that I have to respect, because she her self must live with those decisions she does in life....not me.

Never do it like this....this is not the way of blur it out, on a public site, for everyone to see with, pictures and dates, don't help them....try to put yourself in their place...then read your post...would you have liked her to do it?

Be there for her...but let her live her life...........even if you would never have done it that way...................maybe.

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