What Dreams May Come

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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What Dreams May Come

Post by FaceValue » Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:17 pm

I have a lot of very detailed, and awkward dreams lately. I'd like some insight on them, if it's not too much trouble.

Dream 1.
I see a girl. Beautiful young woman whom I know (but don't recognize) behind a pane of glass. The glass has cracks in it, and those cracks are bleeding. The glass breaks, and she is free, but we do not come together.

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Location: Grand Forks, ND

Post by FaceValue » Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:50 pm

Dream 2.
I'm in some type of competition, where I have to read two very long paragraphs, compare them, find a mathematical equation, and solve it...find out out which bodiless hand, holding which number floating above it is the correct answer...getting the big stash of money hidden away before the other guy.
The competition was set up by some another guy, who happens to be that short, stubby actor from that TV show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
I'm stressing out over finding this math problem because I can't concentrate enough to see the numbers. Eventually, the person I'm competing with, or the guy who created the competition gets anxious, and steals the money from me, becoming evil, and trapping me inside the building. It gets very fuzzy after that, advancing through action scenes where I think I'm with someone else, and we're trying to escape..while this guy somehow cuts off my foot and hand...adding my bones to the money press...which creates shitty paper for the now-counterfeit money.
At the end of the dream we're talking and laughing about it. I tell the guy, "The paper sucks, probably because you used my bones ground in with the paper! I think you owe me a drink." And he looks at me with a not-so-friendly expression. That's it.

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