Dream about having to go to the toilet where everyone can see me!

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Dream about having to go to the toilet where everyone can see me!

Post by adrift » Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:20 pm

Hello, I was just wondering what anyone might be able to make of this recurring dream which I have had for years, and which has just last night taken a very interesting twist!

The usual dream is that I am desperate for the toilet (number one!) and am searching everywhere for a toilet. The only toilets I can find are in public view, either in a cubicle with no door, or in the middle of a public space where there are people walking about. Also around the toilet is often dirty and messy, but not always. Having no other option I then sit on the toilet and attempt to 'go' while everyone can see me.

Last night I dreamt this - again I was looking for a toilet, and the only ones I could find were in the middle of a large open-plan office, where people were at their desks doing work, and these two, very clean, toilets were just there in the middle. I then asked people in the office 'are these the only toilets available?' and people confirmed, yes, these are the only toilets we have. They also did not seemed pleased. (Usually people I ask think it is ok to have a toilet where everyone can see).
This time, instead of trying to use the toilet, I rallied everyone round and started a protest against such an undignified and inconvenient thing as having toilets where everyone can see! I was shouting with real passion, and we got tons and tons of people involved in this huge protest thing!

This morning I had to laugh when I remembered my dream!

Can anyone shed some light on this, and what can this sudden change in my recurring dream mean??

Thank you.

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Post by Rook » Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:01 pm

Hi Adrift

If you can figure out what the toilet is referring to it will go along way to figuring out what the dream is saying.  I think it is likely in relation to a change in your attitude towards what it is the toilet represents.

The toilet is the real key to figuring out what this attitude change is all about though.  When I think of toilets it is of flushing away, and of hygiene.  It is also something personal that we don't like to think about, so I can see it as a symbol of repression / suppression.  The private nature of the facility in such an exposed atmosphere to me speaks of an awareness of a private life being exposed.  Perhaps in relation to people gossiping about your love life, or linked to the symbol of the toilet, the standard of hygiene.  Or perhaps you vent (dispose of negative emotion / crap) in a highly visible way.  Not sure - only you can nut out that piece of the puzzle.  But your attitude is rebelling against this, whatever it is.  It may be something that you do that you subconsciously know you shouldn't be doing, or perhaps you should have moved on from (matured away from), or alternatively it could be saying society shouldn't be gossiping so much about my private life.

Any of that ring any bells, light any bulbs?

Sweet dreams,

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