dear cedars if you could help ?!

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dear cedars if you could help ?!

Post by notes » Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:09 pm

dear cedars
hope all is well with you .
if you have time could u please read for me ?
my life is changing at a faster pace. a new person has come into my life with an agenda to change my life for better . as of now i haven't understood it to the extent where i can be comfortable in the process without thinking too much . i would like to ask who he is and what is he planning to bring into my life ? would it be a love relationship? i want to know how this relationship is going to manifest itself in my life and what will be the final outcome ? currently i have a tug of war in my mind for shall i go ahead or shall i not ???

if you are willing , it would be helpful  to get "various cards" reading on this just to have a better idea of what exactly it is that i have put myself into as it has so many aspects to it that i am in a flux right now. i want to understand it in every way possible because it is totally a new concept to me and there is a mystical touch to it that has got me "overwhelmed" already.otherwise it's okay to have any insight that you could provide me with in this matter .
i hope i am not troubling you with my request .
thank you so much for your time and energy .

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Post by cedars » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:36 pm

Wow, notes, don’t panic. Why do you panic? Changes are good and you do take life far too seriously my dear. What you think to be too serious today may turn out to be insignificant tomorrow or the next day. So, stay calm, enjoy the journey.

You ask far too many questions and least of all the question about delving into this guy’s mind and finding out what his intentions and motives are. You know we cannot do that.
a new person has come into my life with an agenda to change my life for better . as of now i haven't understood it to the extent where i can be comfortable in the process without thinking too much .
Hmmmmmm and the next line says.....
i want to know how this relationship is going to manifest itself in my life and what will be the final outcome ?
Notes, my dear, you want the answers for everything and if we knew the answers for every bit of new chapter in our life, wouldn’t life be boring? And, come for that matter, if a reader told you that it is going to end in disaster, would you for one minute ignore all these new happenings in your life and turn your back to them? NO!  And, that is the right answer you should give to me or to anyone else. Are we in agreement with that? OK. Let us move further.

I am not one to go back and check the previous reading(s) given to a querent, but in your case I did and this was what your previous reading had said......
Read it once again, if I may ask you.
Energies/ thoughts/ actions yet to come.
The Moon. The Lovers. Wheel of Fortune.

We have three major Arcana cards for the things to come for the future.
At some stage in the future, there could be an element of doubt as to what is happening or what might be going on around you. That is the Moon for you. You may start wondering who to believe in and whose word to take to be the truth. The Moon could be a phase in your future where you may be having doubts about everything around you. But, it is also an intuitive phase within you where despite what appearances may tell, you may feel differently about things deep within. This phase, hopefully, should not last for too long as doubts hit us most when we cannot see clearly in the hours of the dark for when the sun comes up and all things become clearer to the eyes and the mind.
The next two cards in the future are quite exciting: The Lovers indicates a strong feeling towards something you believe in and you give your devotion to it with all your heart. It is a strong tendency towards a new love in your life, whether it is on a romantic scale or on a different level towards a new found awakening which takes over your life. Combined with that the Wheel of Fortune heralds changes in your fortunes, a turning point, and a total shift in your life presenting you with new opportunities thus changing the course of your life.
I am not surprised the Moon would confuse you and put your mind in certain doubts on the events coming about in the near future.
Do you now see what is happening?

Then you go on saying......
it would be helpful  to get "various cards" reading on this just to have a better idea of what exactly it is that i have put myself into as it has so many aspects to it that i am in a flux right now. i want to understand it in every way possible because it is totally a new concept to me and there is a mystical touch to it that has got me "overwhelmed" already.
Instead, you should have asked: “would it be helpful to get various cards...... etc.”  To be honest with you, I think your panic and excitement is getting the better of you and whether three cards or 20 cards, the answers may not be so different.  Before I even think about picking a number of cards, I would like to tell you to CALM DOWN and enjoy the journey.  If you don’t like the journey, then leave it; if it does not give you a good feeling, forget about it. But I get the feeling you are enjoying this new journey and you are eager to know ALL the answers in every possible step that may follow next.

I am already coming to the conclusion that however many cards I pick, you will not be completely satisfied.... What if an X number of cards revealed more and more...... and then what Notes? The life that is ahead of you and I hope it will be a long one, will not be revealed in 5 or 50 cards.
I am going to pick three cards only and will trust the answers that would be given to you at this phase in your life with the following question:

What does notes need to know about the recent changes in her life?

I am using the Rider Waite deck.


Well,  we have here the bearer of news about matters of the heart – The Page of Cups. Pages are young energies, messages in their respective suits, and also a new energy coming from within your own soul and psyche and acting as the driving force on what they signify in the suit they belong. In this case, Page of Cups is of the water element and it stands for news about love and romance; a new energy in that area springing up within your own energy field or it could even be an adult but with the energies of this young page. Next to him we have a more significant card – a major Arcana – The Lovers which signifies  either that wonderful bond with someone, the big Love of your life or even, a choice you need to make about which path to follow. We see a man and a woman being guided by an angel above. The woman represents our unconscious mind and the man represents our conscious thoughts. The angel is our higher self.
What do all these mean in terms of the Lovers card? It may simply mean something or, in this case, someone towards whom you may develop strong feelings and experience Love in its highest vibration. Whether you need to make a choice about this, I feel the Hermit is there to guide you  by way of getting within, without dismissing whatever is going on around you by way of new events, feelings and changes that may overwhelm you, but to look at things from a spiritual sense; finding the truth, although without haste, given time and your view and perception of the events, thus make an educated decision.

Notes, all the answers to your questions are not there and the only way you will find out is follow the advice and the example of the Hermit and start viewing things slightly from a distance; that does not mean distance yourself from all that is happening around you, but when you are on your own, instead of panicking, just view things objectively and look for the good and the ‘bad’ in this situation.  If you need to reduce the frequency of your meetings with this person, then do so in the light of the Hermit’s example but perhaps not cut it completely. The latter, of course, depends on you feel about him and how this situation progresses. But for the time being the advice (and not the prediction) is for you to go within and follow it step by step. When you look at the Hermit, he is holding a lantern to his eye level and looking down at the ground. If his eyes were parallel to the lantern, they would be dazzled and he would not see ahead; but instead of that, he is looking down at the next step in front of him without trying to see what is ahead as he would not be able to see the road ahead because the light would be in his eyes.

Do you get the message?
Best wishes and let us know how things progress.

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Post by notes » Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:24 pm

Dear Cedars
I am sorry for responsing late  and sorry for providing you with scattered info . I am not able to organize things in my mind these days .. I apologise for the same.
thank you so much for doing this reading . It resonates well with what i have started experiencing .

Thanks again for your input.


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Post by cedars » Tue Nov 22, 2011 8:29 am

No need to apologoise about your current state of mind.
I hope the reading shed a different light on your mindset.

Be good and enjoy life.

Best wishes and hugs.

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