Asking for some psychic insight

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Asking for some psychic insight

Post by cookie92 » Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:19 pm

I have been looking for work for a couple of months now in the medical field as a Phlebotomist or a Monitor Tech...I want to know if there is something that I'm doing wrong (besides inexperience)? Is a job coming my way or if I should just find a quick job not in the field I want just to have some income.

-Thank you

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Master Number 33

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:03 pm

Hi Cookie, Image

I must admit that I had to quickly look up as what a phlebotomist actually is, and discovered that it was a person who is trained to draw blood either from live humans or animals. Now I am at a distinct disadvantage in not knowing what the availability of your job is in your local area and country, but over here in Australia a 19 year old who is trying her best to get into this field is likely to be facing some stiff competition from older and you are right more experienced applicants from within the nursing profession itself.

Most phlebotomists gain that experience either in a mass blood collection centre, doctor's surgery or through a hospital or in the case of animals a veterinarian practice. With all of these factors such as your age and relative inexperience and the distinct possibility that you do not have the contacts or know the right people to be able to easily get your foot in the door, I feel that it is very unlikely that you are experiencing difficulty becoming one, only because you are either doing something wrong or conversely are not doing what is the best thing to do.

Hoping that the date of birth displayed in your forum profile is correct as stated (your reading is going to be worse than useless to you if it is not), we can use this vital piece of information using basic numerology to calculate your Life Path Number (LPN) and in turn to get some clues as to whether or not the type of position you are looking for is felt to be the one in which you are most likely to succeed.

Before I do this I am being asked to remind you if you are not already aware that any insights or predictions coming out of this reading may or may not specifically apply to you, and that such information must only be used in combination with what else has been obtained from non psychic sources. Basing what could potentially be a life changing decision entirely upon the outcome of one psychic reading would be most unwise at best and in some situations terribly misleading and even dangerous, including with reference to your long term financial security -which is of great importance to you in being able to continue to keep afloat money wise.

June 6th 1992

(6) + (6) + (1 + 9 +9 +2) = 33

The number 33 is one of what numerologists (which I am definitely not) call a MASTER NUMBER. The other two are 11 and 22 (all three being multiples of 11). A person with a master number in their life path on average tends to learn his or her life lessons and face challenges at a more advanced level when compared to the non master number individual.

This need to get ahead faster and be better than others doing the same job is not something to be feared or avoided, but it must be taken into account as an important factor as to why to people like yourself (and I am equally hard upon myself being a master number 11) are never satisfied with their performance, no matter how difficult the task is or how hard and long they have tried to master its complexities. In other words master numbered people tend to constantly drive themselves often at the sacrifice of their own peace of mind and health to ever higher levels of achievement in what is already a challenging field and have totally unrealistic expectations about doing a difficult job perfectly the first time it is attempted.

Your reading could go into much more detail as to why you and the average person walking the number 6 life and career path (3+3 = 6) have much in common from the perspective of your most likely personalities, but it is felt that this is not going to greatly assist or comfort you in knowing that becoming a phlebotomist or monitor tech seems to be right up your alley or that they are suitable jobs for a person with your qualifications, experience and particular relevant qualities of character and temperament.

As a phlebotomist you will naturally be playing a supporting role for either a doctor or vet, but you must not minimise the importance of your own role in your employer getting the right information fast about their patient. Never feel that you are any lesser importance than they are in the overall scheme of things, simply because you are young or having to learn the basics of your job which they did many years before. Without your expertise and sensitivity in handling their patients they are missing critical pieces of information which could mean all the difference to the patient getting the correct diagnosis and treatment.

I am only mentioning this to you because master number performance driven people are usually seriously lacking in self confidence precisely because they wrongly assume that anyone else of average intelligence could do the same job as they are capable of, which of course is complete nonsense. Tell someone who has an extreme phobia about seeing either their own or someone else's blood that, and you are likely to either get a hostile response or alternately be ridiculed and laughed at for even thinking this is true.

Based entirely upon this individual reading, you are doing almost everything right, and are unlikely to be doing anything significantly wrong in attempting to get into this narrow career area. Other than going back to do courses which could improve your qualifications as a phlebotomist which is only likely to further exhaust what little money you have left in reserve with very little useful return for all your energy or sacrifices, your reading strongly suggests that you finding a temporary position in the helping area where you are working directly with people and their problems and developing your empathy and communication skills in the process would be a a positive stop gap measure, until the job which you are still looking for as a blood collector eventually becomes available. (some people use the far less flattering labels of blood sucker or vampire to describe your kind).

There is not any specific mention of your current financial status within this isolated reading, but from what I remember when I was 19 myself, money was always in short supply. And it would be even more so and more difficult to keep enough money for your continuously changing needs in 2011/2012, than it was yours truly in the early 1970s (ancient history I know). So in summary there should be opportunities coming up in your chosen field or career during the next six or more months covered by this reading, but your main challenge is to best prepare yourself for these openings in the meantime.

Your reading does support the suggested by you idea of you getting a job which is generally a helping and healing and having direct daily contact with members of the public one temporarily, with the sensible and responsible intention to help tide you over financially, until the right job is here. Your reading does end with a prediction that when the blood collecting job finally comes along, it will come from a completely expected direction or person or through an unexpected channel instead, of you answering a job advertisement. Sometimes it is not simply what you know but also who you know and who knows about you which can make all the difference to either getting a job, or missing out?

All the very best for a successful and prosperous future in your chosen career and job type, which definitely lines up well with your personality profile which was determined both through basic arithmetic using your DOB as its basis, in addition to the intuitive impressions coming through me on your behalf during the reading. At one time it was believed that master number 33 people were as rare as hen's teeth and so advanced as to make them impossible to help by the rest of the human race, but in more recent years both beliefs have fortunately been repeatedly over and over again shot down in flames, or have been shown to be totally false and not worth listening to.

Love, Light and Peace,

EoT  :smt020

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Post by cookie92 » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:13 am

Thank You  Eye of Tiger I kind of figured my inexperience was hindering me..and I am furthering my education My main goal is to be a Physician I went to technical school to be a phlebotomist or Monitor Tech so I could make money while I was in school since the journey is so long..But, Thank you for your insight my characteristics are that of somebody with that number :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:31 am


You are more than welcome for the insights contained within your reading.

It is not inexperience alone which is your main problem in breaking through the glass ceiling into being accepted at your relatively young age. It is inexperience in combination with a host of other factors, some of them probably still unknown which are together acting as a barrier to you moving into this job or career.

Master number 11s (like me) are on average less hard upon themselves when compared to master number 33s, but not much.

It often takes a performance driven perfectionist to be able to properly identify a person with a similar character and need to do everything "perfectly" on the first attempt.  Whatever the word "perfectly means to that individual.

Lighten up on yourself now and then, and watch for the big improvement in your overall performance which often results from each of us being more willing to go with the flow for a change, instead of always continuing to swim upstream against the currents, as we have a habit of doing.


EoT  :smt003

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