Odd connection- welcoming any feedback or opinions....

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Odd connection- welcoming any feedback or opinions....

Post by Mallie80 » Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:22 am

I posted this here in the general forum instead of in the psychic reading forum because I am not sure I need a "reading" specifically. I have been puzzled by a connection I feel to a deceased individual and I'd love to get some feedback on my story. Thanks in advance.

I am sure most of you know what it's like to feel some sort of a psychic, paranormal, or spiritual connection to a loved one who has passed on. In my life I have two of these connections- to my great-grandfather, who passed in the 1940s, and to his daughter, my grandmother (mom's mom) who passed in 1981 when I was around six months old. I have a few precious pictures of her holding me the one time she was able to be with me. She died three months later. I have always felt the spirits of my g-grandfather and grandmother around me. I have no doubt they have been with me through my entire life and are with me now. I look at pictures, remember them, chat with them and ask for guidance, etc. I know they see me and I feel them with me always. None of this bothers me and I consider it normal.

However, what if you also have the same sort of connection to someone whom you never knew and was never part of your family?

I'll try to keep this as to the point as possible- there is a man I know of only through photographs and through one movie that he was involved in, produced in 1972. He was primarily a stage actor. I first noticed him in 1994 at the age of 14, and I never could quite figure out why he stood out to me. He was alive at that time. It wasn't until a few years ago that I rediscovered him, and since then I've felt the same odd connection to him that I have felt with my deceased loved ones.

The man I am talking about passed in 1997 at the age of 69. He never married and had no children, so the information out there about him is almost nil. But I have a few photographs I look at and I'll watch his film every now and again.

I am puzzled by how I feel. I have learned everything I can about this man, made it a point to even care and be concerned for him even though his life is over. And I have no idea why. I have no personal or family connection to him, at least not that I know of. And yet I think of him often for no reason. I feel he knows this and has reached out for some reason. I am not bothered by these facts, just unsure why I feel this way.

Anyone ever have this experience? Is there something connecting me to him that I don't know about? Is this all in my head? I know this is a little odd, and I have never developed this kind of paranormal attachment to anyone else in my life.

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Post by CoachGabrielle » Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:29 pm

When I visited The Biltmore House in North Carolina, I connected with the previous owner, George Vanderbilt, through a painting of him. It astonished me at first, but I learned a lot during that visit that connected with my life.

In connecting with him, it was brief, and he was dynamic! What came through was the essence of family, his love for his wife, friends and family were very prominent for me in the visit and connection.

Where it applied in my own life was that I was visiting Biltmore with my boyfriend and I wasn't sure whether or not he and I were right for each other even though he's a caring, sweet man. During the visit, we had a great time and that message of family came through very strongly for me. Today, over 2 years later, we're still dating and actually live together. Every night, we sit together at the table with our kids and go through the day's events, just like a normal family -- something I've always wanted.

So, if you're connecting with this man who's passed on, if I may suggest, just sit with him in your heart and ask him what he wants you to know. Just allow the connection to take place, whatever messages he wants to say and let you know. Keep asking questions anytime something doesn't make sense to you.

Write down anything you can remember from channeling him and you'll find the answer once you journal it. Look into the message, you'll see it.

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Post by dessa » Tue May 29, 2012 6:01 pm

This can be a past life issue, perhaps you are part of each other's soul family.  Not everyone has the same views as I, but for me the idea is that naturally on some level all souls that are, whether they have a living body right now or not are connected, but then they are kind of broken down into soul groups, and those groups are then broken down to families, and then there are our soul mates yes plural, and then there is our one twin soul.  We do not share our lives with all in our group or family or even mates or twin in every life time.

Just as a there is a town, and in that town you have your groups of friends and family and then from there you have your immediate family, etc, but do you know every single person in town?  do you have a strong connection to all of them?

We are born and some of our soul group/ family / mates will choose to have a physical life at the same time we have, others may not some of our soul group may choose to be spirit guides for us, others will not interfere with who we are trying to be or what the lesson is.

So maybe your connection to this man isn't one from either his current or your current physical life. Maybe it is maybe you were his father, grandfather, great grandmother or cousin and because of this on some level your soul recognizes him.

A few years ago a new person came to work at the place I was at, my first glimpse of her was seeing a flash of her top as she slipped into her office. my instinct said she is my friend, but I will only know her a short time, but it will be important to me.

As we got to know each other we became friendly at work shared some common interests, and she asked me a question on a topic I knew a little bit about but not much. we came back from lunch and didn't think much of it. ON the way home from work two days later I took a wrong turn without knowing why ended up at the book store, so I learned to trust these instincts and I went in, found the ideal perfect book to help me understand the topic she asked me about better, and for another week or so our friendship was strong then she just disappeared, no answer at her home phone, she no longer worked where I did, etc,

So I knew her for 3 months, I did learn something valuable from my friendship with her, but her reason for being part of my life which was to help me learn on that topic was over so she moved on.

So maybe there is some lesson for you from recognizing this man, or maybe it is just that he is part of your soul group and you were born for different lives rather than to know each other this time around.


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Post by symulhaque » Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:40 pm

knowing person at a glance is never been easy..

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Then Again ...

Post by Duchess1964 » Sun Mar 03, 2013 11:09 pm

An then we have my opinion.  It's different but the same, sort of.  I am 'soul' bound to a person that I've now found in this lifetime.  With a past life regression that became necessary when I was in my mid teens, I was able to go back several lives in fact.  I had followed or been with this person most of them.  It was the weird triad thing going on in every case.  In this lifetime, after the regression ... I almost immediately felt a rush or connection to find that person.

I did.  She is actually my best friend and our connection is very deep.  I also have a husband and children.  My husband was part of that 'soul bond' though the intensity isn't the same.  Perhaps you found a 'soul flame' ... It sounds like you may have, though with his death, finding it again will be difficult.  Not impossible though.

Just my take as you describe the same pull I have felt.

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Post by symulhaque » Fri Mar 08, 2013 6:14 pm

Feeling nice to read your story Duchess1964
. Its awesome.

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