what is my palm saying......please take a look

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what is my palm saying......please take a look

Post by biltu » Fri 24 Feb, 2012 5:02 pm

Like to know what is my palm saying about


Right hand

Left hand

RishiRahul jii I believe in you  :)
Pravin Kumar jii even I believe on you too, you are also an expert on palm reading :)
I wish if I have that kind of knowledge you guys had and have   :smt083
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Post by biltu » Fri 24 Feb, 2012 9:23 pm

Forget to mention that I am right handed.

Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Thu 01 Mar, 2012 3:58 am

You may marry at the age of 30/31 or 40/41.

Pravin Kumar

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Post by biltu » Thu 01 Mar, 2012 6:20 pm

As I have interest in Astrology I would like to know how do you calculate it, I mean which sign or connection you see in my palm that give you the forecast.

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Fri 02 Mar, 2012 6:20 am

Dear Bittu,

You are palmist yourself. I used to experience the same problem long long time back finding no confirmation for marriage. So I just look at the relationship line first to know that the person will have a relationship and second confirmation I must have either on the life line (vertical line), cross on Mount of Jupitor, Line of Influence running parallel to life line, fate line coming from Mount of Moon and either merging into your own fate line or going up parallel to it. Still I could not find any of them then I thought of other ways and this is how I calculated:

When you marry or come across a lasting relationship something different happens in your life. This shows some remarkable change in your head line or life line or fate line or somewhere in your palm. Your fate line ends at 30/31 and another one starts at 29, which is dim and becomes prominent after 31. Again your head line dims at 29 and becomes prominent at 31. So the chances of  your coming across this person is very good at this moment and the relationship peaking at 30/31.

Again there is confirmation with this fate line ending at 40/41 and another one starting at that age. There is a vertical line on the life line at that age again another confirmation. So if you do not marry or come across your life partnerat 30/31 then it will be 40/41.

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Post by biltu » Fri 02 Mar, 2012 6:36 pm

Respected Pravin Kumar

Thanking you very much for given your valuable time for me and take a look at my quarries :)

You said
Pravin Kumar wrote: There is a vertical line on the life line at that age again another confirmation.
Is that vertical line you are talking about which I mark with pen ( right hand ).


I don't know in which age I will gonna for marriage or have a chance for that but if it's happen 40/41 seriously it is very old age  :smt009  :smt010  because normally at that age people has 12 to 14 years old son or daughter.

just like to know something, something related to my palm  :)

I see in my very end of my fate line there is a line which is come from SUN mount and join with my end point of my fate line. What is the meaning of it ?

another thing is --- I see some lines created something in my MOON mount of my palm ( in both palm ), can you tell me please what is that suppose to mean ?

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Post by biltu » Fri 02 Mar, 2012 11:53 pm

For your information I want to say that I met a girl at my age of 23 - 24 and wanting to marry her. But this was not happen. I am saying this because maybe you can see this incident from my fate line too and efforts of marriage to that girl from my side I do very hard. As I did harder tried to marry her so I think in my palm have some line or something like that present. I don't know, I assume it.

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat 03 Mar, 2012 12:58 am

There is an influence line running parallel to your life line from 23/24 and as it advances the line goes away from your life line. Look at your fate line at initial stages. It changes direction from 23/24 and this confirms someone important entering your life to bring that change. This ends at 30/31 and new influence starts at 29. So if you are in touch with the earlier girl do contact her and see where it takes you as I find she still influences you. Love is not willed -- you cannot will to be successful in love. You can only love a person sincerely and show your interest in that person.  Rest is upto the other person. If you are successful then probably she is meant for you otherwise you move on.

Pravin Kumar

PS From your present palm image I cannot be sure of the vertical line. Please post full palm image with markings.

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Post by biltu » Sat 03 Mar, 2012 6:18 pm

Respected Pravin Kumar

If I see that something good will happen after contact with her then I will sure try it long ago. I was sincere and has honesty and has fate deeply in love, she was the object on this earth to shows my KARMA in love. Yes, I loved her and she made deep line on my mind of affection, when I lost her the intensity of sadness is so high that the influence is still bear on. I understand those and knows it but cannot delete of that sorrow myself, I only knows that if a person come to my life again and take a site on that place where I put that girl long ago, only she can vanquish that sorrow from my life forever. That is why I asked here to knows the possibility of time to come a girl in my life again for rest of my life.
Pravin Kumar wrote: PS From your present palm image I cannot be sure of the vertical line. Please post full palm image with markings.
I will do it and let you know when I finish it, need some time  :)  :smt002

In the mean time Can you Please explain this, have interest to know ---------
biltu wrote:I see in my very end of my fate line there is a line which is come from SUN mount and join with my end point of my fate line and something created on SUN mount. What is the meaning of it ?
biltu wrote:another thing is --- I see some lines created something in my MOON mount of my palm ( in both palm ), can you tell me please what is that suppose to mean ?

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Post by biltu » Wed 07 Mar, 2012 3:42 pm

Pravin Kumar wrote: PS From your present palm image I cannot be sure of the vertical line. Please post full palm image with markings.


Here is my palm with marking which was not seeing from scanning, I think ( few of them )

Please take a look :)


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Re: what is my palm saying......please take a look

Post by RishiRahul » Sun 08 Apr, 2012 4:28 pm

biltu wrote:Like to know what is my palm saying about


Right hand

Left hand

RishiRahul jii I believe in you  :)
Pravin Kumar jii even I believe on you too, you are also an expert on palm reading :)
I wish if I have that kind of knowledge you guys had and have   :smt083
Hi biltu,

Some hints for your earnest 'love' for this board. You had sort complained that I did not give your palm time, so that decided to give you more than usual.

Your right hand thumb stands out better than your left palm; and this is boon as your 'effort' in life will be positive ( your right thumb has more grace). You have to make an effort to reach this period.

Your career direction/life starts at age 21; possibly not in a proper career.

Age 22.75 you became 'more' independant in career; you felt this was more independant.

Age 25.5= I see 1 or 2 shift/changes of some sort in the next 6 months.
So from about age 26 you became more ambitious; but have not yet reached a personally satisfactory state in career; maybe 1 or 2 unsuccesful attempts of shift, not sure.

Did your 'hard' efforts decrease from age 28.5? but kind of better focus. If so, you need to buck up.

Reply so that I can go ahead.
Dont worry if I am not perfect. It will only help me to predict better.


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Re: what is my palm saying......please take a look

Post by biltu » Mon 09 Apr, 2012 1:10 pm

RishiRahul wrote: Some hints for your earnest 'love' for this board. You had sort complained that I did not give your palm time, so that decided to give you more than usual.
:smt060  :smt055  :smt054
RishiRahul wrote: Your career direction/life starts at age 21; possibly not in a proper career.
I remember age 21 or 22, year 2003 end or starting from 2004 was my first time earning money from my work.

RishiRahul wrote:Age 22.75 you became 'more' independant in career; you felt this was more independant.
I thought so. I was earning money myself then why I don't felt it independent.

RishiRahul wrote:Age 25.5= I see 1 or 2 shift/changes of some sort in the next 6 months.
So from about age 26 you became more ambitious; but have not yet reached a personally satisfactory state in career; maybe 1 or 2 unsuccesful attempts of shift, not sure.
I got appointment latter in the year 2007 middle in one MNC company. But I did not do that job for some kind of circumstances.

From in the year of 2008 I try harder on the job career but it was unsuccesful attempts. it was like betrayed with me, anyway life is a lesson, so I don't feel regret for that.

But I need to mention that those year I don't do a job but those year still incoming money from my own work. I never be penny less.

RishiRahul wrote:Did your 'hard' efforts decrease from age 28.5? but kind of better focus. If so, you need to buck up.
maybe it was decrease, don't have efforts like I have in 2008, but I tried my best to place my own work ( business ) from 2010. So It was my better focus. Better income started from 2010 last phase.

I don't like to do Job, don't know why. I am good with my won work ( business ). My business is to support computer related and it's Network and also with Software to some Offices.

From born I am good in Electronics and have so much interest on it.

What I wrote above it is true.
RishiRahul wrote: Your right hand thumb stands out better than your left palm
My right hand thumb not possible to bent but my left hand thumb possible to bent but not completely.

Whatever I do efforts it is always with good intention. I never had bad thoughts. But I feel now I have some dirty dirty thoughts in my mind now. Because of some failure.

I have some vision before born. Is it possible to know from my hand that it is true or not. But I know it is true because I know myself what I felt and what I saw.
Last edited by biltu on Mon 09 Apr, 2012 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: what is my palm saying......please take a look

Post by RishiRahul » Mon 16 Apr, 2012 3:57 pm

biltu wrote:
RishiRahul wrote: Some hints for your earnest 'love' for this board. You had sort complained that I did not give your palm time, so that decided to give you more than usual.
:smt060  :smt055  :smt054
RishiRahul wrote: Your career direction/life starts at age 21; possibly not in a proper career.
I remember age 21 or 22, year 2003 end or starting from 2004 was my first time earning money from my work.
RishiRahul =Which means this was your career chosen by you and destiny.
RishiRahul wrote:Age 22.75 you became 'more' independant in career; you felt this was more independant.
I thought so. I was earning money myself then why I don't felt it independent.
RishiRahul =Increase of self esteem, I guess.  Got it.
RishiRahul wrote:Age 25.5= I see 1 or 2 shift/changes of some sort in the next 6 months.
So from about age 26 you became more ambitious; but have not yet reached a personally satisfactory state in career; maybe 1 or 2 unsuccesful attempts of shift, not sure.
I got appointment latter in the year 2007 middle in one MNC company. But I did not do that job for some kind of circumstances.
RishiRahul = Such periods are troublesome; but I wonder why you did not take up the mnc job? Your palm says that you should have taken it, and left it after a few years.

From in the year of 2008 I try harder on the job career but it was unsuccesful attempts. it was like betrayed with me, anyway life is a lesson, so I don't feel regret for that.
RishiRahul =It is good to leave the past behind, but worthwhile to learn from mistakes. Not a general statement, but typical to your mnc incident.

But I need to mention that those year I don't do a job but those year still incoming money from my own work. I never be penny less.
RishiRahul =Your roots would have been stronger.
I understand that a person of your type is not comfortable with a 9 to 5 type job, and you enjoy being your own boss..... but roots would have been stronger.
It is good/necessary for the soul to practice 'structure'. It would keep you healthier.
RishiRahul wrote:Did your 'hard' efforts decrease from age 28.5? but kind of better focus. If so, you need to buck up.
maybe it was decrease, don't have efforts like I have in 2008, but I tried my best to place my own work ( business ) from 2010. So It was my better focus. Better income started from 2010 last phase.
RishiRahul =Such a line means less efforts given. You had to give less efforts as things became 'easier'.

I don't like to do Job, don't know why. I am good with my won work ( business ). My business is to support computer related and it's Network and also with Software to some Offices.
RishiRahul =Mentioned earlier.

From born I am good in Electronics and have so much interest on it.
RishiRahul =I see an opening of some sort at age 30, that is, you would be 30 in Sept 2012. So make a grace of +- 6 months to it.

What I wrote above it is true.

Your right hand thumb stands out better than your left palm

My right hand thumb not possible to bent but my left hand thumb possible to bent but not completely.

Whatever I do efforts it is always with good intention. I never had bad thoughts. But I feel now I have some dirty dirty thoughts in my mind now. Because of some failure.

I have some vision before born. Is it possible to know from my hand that it is true or not. But I know it is true because I know myself what I felt and what I saw.
RishiRahul =I am bad at visions, so cannot say:smt002
But when I have one, one should 'try' to make it Practical.
The adverse thing about being the own boss, besides the good parts, is that one does not not stay 'Disciplined'.


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Re: what is my palm saying......please take a look

Post by biltu » Mon 16 Apr, 2012 7:05 pm

Thanking you for your given time for me  :)

RishiRahul wrote: RishiRahul = Such periods are troublesome; but I wonder why you did not take up the mnc job? Your palm says that you should have taken it, and left it after a few years.
I don't taken it. some reason I don't taken it. But at the same year after few days or moth which I don't remember it now I got servicing contract one of my friend's construction office. They are making buildings and something related to this work. But my contract with them to maintain and supports their Computers and it's Networks. I don't mention it in my previous post because I thought it is not a JOB I am doing it. But I don't left it.

RishiRahul wrote:Your roots would have been stronger.
I understand that a person of your type is not comfortable with a 9 to 5 type job, and you enjoy being your own boss..... but roots would have been stronger.
What root ? don't understand this part  :smt009

Please tell me when I become single to mingle, A prominent relation till death. I want to know what is your's opinion regarding to this matter. Please take it as a serious part.

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Post by biltu » Sun 06 May, 2012 11:05 pm

Will I get my last question's answare from RishiRahul ?

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