new at this... in search of guidance and wisdom

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new at this... in search of guidance and wisdom

Post by imissmallory » Mon Apr 01, 2013 12:25 am

My name is Mallory.
I am a 22 year old female from Charleston SC.

I knew from a very young age that I was different. My elders would always
say "that little one is wise beyond her years."
The word "empathetic" got thrown around a lot.
I understood the love of the creator/God at a very young age.
I also spoke for my little brother who was premature but only 8 months
younger than me.
I did not cry often as a child unless my mother was crying.

When I was younger I was able to see auras. My grandmother was
able to also, but evidently she did not tell anyone but me.

I know without a shadow of a doubt that I am an empath.
People have always been subconsciously drawn to me.
They always unload their problems on me.
They leave feeling better and I leave feeling drained.

I love the calm I feel in nature, especially the ocean.
I've been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and ADHD but
refuse to be medicated.

I've had more than one experience with spirits. One in which I
could actually identify (a neighbor who killed himself.)
I've also seen demons (black cloud like things in the corner of my
room) as well as angels.

Children with mental illness such as autism are always drawn to me.
I have the habit of fixing people. When I'm around a friend for too
long I feel drained and crave alone time. I can manipulate people
when I need to without them knowing they are being manipulated.

I have always hated larger crowds and do not like hospitals.

I'm typing all of this because I am in need of guidance.
I feel so alone and have no idea how to use my powers instead
of letting them use me.

From a very young age I was able to feel people's emotions and
I always knew when something bad was going to happen.

I need someone to talk to.
I have no idea what I am or what I should do.
I was recently hospitalized due to all the stress I'm under.
I live with my step mother who is depressed. I have been helping her
a lot lately as well as my sister who is going through a divorce.
I feel physically and mentally drained.

Please help.

I'm free for emails/calls


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Post by Tarotbycyndee » Wed May 22, 2013 6:55 pm

Hi mallory,
You sound a lot me, i took soak up peoples sorrows and am very sensitive to others energy. Its all perfectly normal. What i did is i can offer you some insight into what i did and see if that helps guide you.

I learned how to shield myself, this was very important. By not shielding my self i left my aura open to absorbing all sorts of energies and there are "psychic vampires" out there, not intentional, they are negative energies that are attractive to the light in our aura and suck our energies from us. it is not evil or intentional. Therefor i learned to shield my self.

There are several ways to do this, but my technique is by forming a mental bubble around me.  i imagine im encased in this huge white bubble. this helps protect your aura. I use to get psychic attacks - people who real negative and what i would do is a imagine a mirror in my hand, i would mentally flash that mirror back at the person.

for those negative family members of yours, understand that their energy does not have to affect you,  but until you can protect your own aura, i would spend the least time with them as possible. as you get stronger you will be able to tune out their negative energies so that you can be around them. Anytime you feel agitated, its time to walk away.

You can google techniques on shielding your yourself or readings books. Hope that helps =)

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