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Reading help and guidance

Post by phoenix158 » Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:46 pm

Hello cedar,

I m in need of guidance. I can say that i have put all my efforts in making these issues go away but i m at a dead end now. More like back to square one. I would be extremely thankful to you for a reading and guiding light.

1. My career has been shaky from 2010. I took up a new job few months back which ended up with a lot of false promises. There is a lot of harassment that i m facing here, which unfortunately, i cannot take up with the corporate or hr. i have started looking at a new job for the last few weeks but owing to the current market conditions, things are nit very fast. I want to know about my career growth and guidance on the same.

2. I m in love with a guy but we are not in regular contact.  I m still in love with him. I want to know if there is a possibility that he would be in my life. I have send out feelers to him that i m still in the same place but he has not contacted yet.

. Please help. Love and light


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Post by cedars » Wed Apr 03, 2013 3:29 pm

Will post a reading soon....

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Post by cedars » Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:16 pm

Dear Phoenix

I see this is your first posting and by the rules of this site, strictly speaking, you are not allowed for a reading until you have taken part and brought your own contribution to the forum in whichever way you can or are able to do. Whilst I respect the rules and regulations of the forum, I also hear your plea and your need for help.

Furthermore, we can only give a reading on one topic/question and I will concentrate on the career one, based on the spread of my choice. It does also cover some aspects of your relationship challenges, but I cannot advise/foretell if a certain person feels the same way toward you or if he  will make contact soon or sometime in the future.

I am using the Rider Waite deck.

Personal challenges right now: Queen of Wands. The Hermit.

We have a court card belonging to the suit of Wands – fire element: Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. This can be a person in your life in her thirties to early-mid forties who is rather charming and with a strong personality. She is successful at what she does and is able to compete equally well against her male colleagues. She could be a manager, doctor, lawyer, someone of status in the workplace, or in your personal life – a family member or a friend.  As a fire sign, might this be you? This is what the Queen of Wands stands for; might you be lacking these qualities or have you abandoned these qualities about yourself and need to regain them for your way forward? If she is a person in your life at the present moment, does she present you with a challenge or an opportunity for better things to come? Court cards are multi-faceted in their presence during a reading: as they are people, it could either mean someone in your life, coming into your life or their personality traits (the good and the bad) in need of freeing yourself from or embracing those which have been lacking in your own person.
Whilst you have the above issue, there is also a need to for you take a break and start going within and inspect what has gone wrong, what is lacking by way of knowledge, what have you learnt from your experiences so far and how you can put them to good use for your next step. Whilst the Hermit is not asking you to cut yourself away from the world and lead a monastic life, but it is suggesting that you press the Pause button and gather your thoughts and actions thus far and see where things may have gone wrong and where things have gone right for you. This is a learning process Phoenix and whilst you might be tempted to look farther ahead and fail to see the earth under your feet whether you are able to move on, as the thoughts which are farther in the future may be taking over the smaller actions that you could be taking in the here and now. Makes sense?

Relationship challenges right now: Six of Cups. Six of Pentacles.
Cups belong to the suit of Water and they are volatile, fluid and deal with emotions. There is a tendency here to be nostalgic about a person or a situation from the past and possibly clinging on to it in a wishful thinking or memories of how things were or could have been. Someone from your past might be making an appearance or you within your own mind may be having certain thoughts about a certain person. This is nostalgia and, whilst there is nothing wrong with it, it is not the reality my dear friend.
It is time to put it on the balance and start seeing what you have received by way of your energies and devotions to a certain situation or a person and start assessing whether you are being given the loose coins or the real thing. In other words, you may be giving and giving and getting nothing or not much instead. This can apply to efforts, devotion, work, feelings whilst the other party may not be reciprocating in the same way that you deserve. This is time for you for take account of the balance of things and make a decision about it. I get the feeling that you are the one who has been the giver and not the recipient in a certain situation….Would you like that situation to go on indefinitely…….?

What holds you back? Four of Swords.
This is an inactive state where one goes into a certain ‘hibernation’ and either does not want to take any action or does this withdrawal intentionally in order to gather his/her thoughts and regain their energies. With this card I am getting the feeling that you are just withdrawing and choosing to go silent, as though almost wishing that events would sort themselves out. Would they? Isn’t it time that after the thinking phase, as suggested above by the Hermit, that it may be time to get up and take control? This is a suggestion though. Someitmes we feel the need to go low and keep ourselves inactive until such time when we feel things are right for us to take control.

What motivates you? Nine of Cups.
Contentment, having it all, attainment and realising your wishes are great motivators for you. This is metaphorical whether in your personal or professional life; you wish to be proud of your Nine cups standing upright and you sitting in front of them, arms folded and content with what you have achieved. But achievement does not at the drop of a hat. We need some help sometimes.

Where will you get support? Two of Swords.
In a few words, support will come from you and from within you. You have so far been sitting and waiting, too scared to open your eyes about certain facts around you, too scared to speak your mind up in case it backfires, too scared to make a move in case you get hurt or hurt someone else… All these are understandable when we find ourselves in a vulnerable situation. But, there comes a time, when must remove the blindfold and just look around and absorb the facts that things, fears and doubts could have been just in your mind rather than a real threat. A few steps forward, a few sentences here, a few opinions there, speak your mind, albeit gradually at first, open your eyes and start observing what exactly is out there and if there is any danger, just avoid and walk around it…… In other words, start seeing things rather than procrastinating and observe what is exactly going on around you. This help, my dear friend, will come from you and your own mind, eyes, words and actions. Don’t panic; start slowly and once you gather confidence, then move on to the next step and continue so….

What decisions you need to make based on the above so far? Six of Wands. The Moon.
Be the leader and not the one being led. Does this make sense? Or, to put it differently, take the lead rather than follow someone else’s. The Six of Wands portrays a commander coming back from the battle and being greeted by his peers. He is victorious and is the leader of his troops. You have the potential to be in a leading position. What is holding you back?
Consult your intuition and redeem yourself from thoughts of despair and gloom. The moon can have that effect on us but it also suggests us to go within and use our intuition to guide us forward. The Moon card is portrayed as follows: a lobster is trying to come ashore while a dog and a wolf are howling at the bank of the stream partly threatening the lobster to take its path and partly raising unnecessary noise and drama to discourage lobster. But dogs and wolves usually howl in the middle of the night when the moon is out; could that be their own feeling of self-worth or the lack of it and in that they are trying to hamper the progress of the lobster coming out of the water?
If there are energies around you who may be halting your way forward, could it be that they have their own fears and trepidations and with that they may slow you down? What would you do next with that knowledge?

Potential outcome, all things being the same: Seven of Pentacles.
If all the above is followed, all efforts put to place, there will be a waiting period for the fruits of one’s actions to come to fruition, as we see on this card a man looking at a green shrub with the symbolic seven pentacles on it waiting for the shrub to bear fruits.
If he had not invested any work towards that shrub, would he have any expectations of reaping the benefits of his hard work? No. There may be a period of waiting for things to show their results and no one wants to wait. It can be frustrating looking at the shrub expecting it to bloom before the time is right. No tree yields fruits in a day and, therefore, our efforts need to take their time to come into fruition.

I hope this reading resonates with you and within it you are able to see what is going on around you.

I look forward to hearing from you when you’ve got a few minutes to spare.


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Post by cedars » Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:48 pm

Hello Phoenix

I hope you have seen your reading of 3rd April....

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