Reading about my future: Career prospects and prosperity

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Reading about my future: Career prospects and prosperity

Post by rk_2014 » Mon 13 Jan, 2014 7:47 am

Male. Right handed. Going through a stressful time. Not happy with my
job(work profile), regrets about wrong career decisions taken, no love
life,feeling isolated, not many friends etc... Almost 33 now.. high time to get
married but not really getting the girl of my dreams(the idealist that I am)..

 Always thought things would work out for me. But now wondering whether
it's just delusion and I may as well be dreaming when the end is
near :smt009

When are things going to start looking up for me? How good is my hand?

 Astrologically, my horoscope isn't bad. The astrologers back in my
hometown are at a loss to explain the delays and frustrations in my life.
Really at my wit's end. Losing interest in everything.
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Re: Reading about my future: Career prospects and prosperity

Post by RishiRahul » Mon 13 Jan, 2014 4:12 pm

rk_2014 wrote:Male. Right handed. Going through a stressful time. Not happy with my
job(work profile), regrets about wrong career decisions taken, no love
life,feeling isolated, not many friends etc... Almost 33 now.. high time to get
married but not really getting the girl of my dreams(the idealist that I am)..

 Always thought things would work out for me. But now wondering whether
it's just delusion and I may as well be dreaming when the end is
near :smt009

When are things going to start looking up for me? How good is my hand?

 Astrologically, my horoscope isn't bad. The astrologers back in my
hometown are at a loss to explain the delays and frustrations in my life.
Really at my wit's end. Losing interest in everything.

I wonder if the mental troubles began after age 28; though a career/job started a year later.

You will find circumstances changing from age 34 (2015) slowly; it may be new options also. Advice= dont seek lottery luck/risky type ventures; go for the slow & sure till age 37 (2018).

If you seek a remedy= Its the advice above.


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Post by rk_2014 » Mon 13 Jan, 2014 5:19 pm

Thanks RishiRahul Sir.. you are right. Things started going downhill from age
27-28.. It started with one wrong career decision - I got the opportunity to
work on something but said no at that time as it felt right then - only to
regret it later... even till now!.Everywhere I go it's as if I attract bad luck.
Narrowly escaped being out of job few months back. Taught me not to
dream high but rather being content with whatever I get - and this I have
great trouble accepting- for I am idealistic... Similarly, in marriage I am
looking for someone pretty.. and it looks as if it's being categorically denied
to me by providence. I see no other option but to wait... some more.

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Re: Reading about my future: Career prospects and prosperity

Post by RishiRahul » Wed 15 Jan, 2014 4:09 pm

RishiRahul wrote:
rk_2014 wrote:Male. Right handed. Going through a stressful time. Not happy with my
job(work profile), regrets about wrong career decisions taken, no love
life,feeling isolated, not many friends etc... Almost 33 now.. high time to get
married but not really getting the girl of my dreams(the idealist that I am)..

 Always thought things would work out for me. But now wondering whether
it's just delusion and I may as well be dreaming when the end is
near :smt009

When are things going to start looking up for me? How good is my hand?

 Astrologically, my horoscope isn't bad. The astrologers back in my
hometown are at a loss to explain the delays and frustrations in my life.
Really at my wit's end. Losing interest in everything.

I wonder if the mental troubles began after age 28; though a career/job started a year later.

You will find circumstances changing from age 34 (2015) slowly; it may be new options also. Advice= dont seek lottery luck/risky type ventures; go for the slow & sure till age 37 (2018).

If you seek a remedy= Its the advice above.

rk_2014 wrote:Thanks RishiRahul Sir.. you are right. Things started going downhill from age
27-28.. It started with one wrong career decision - I got the opportunity to
work on something but said no at that time as it felt right then - only to
regret it later... even till now!.Everywhere I go it's as if I attract bad luck.
Narrowly escaped being out of job few months back. Taught me not to
dream high but rather being content with whatever I get - and this I have
great trouble accepting- for I am idealistic... Similarly, in marriage I am
looking for someone pretty.. and it looks as if it's being categorically denied
to me by providence. I see no other option but to wait... some more.
April 2014 you turn age 33. New endeavours come up then with action within 6 months

Bye & good luck,


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Post by rk_2014 » Fri 03 Oct, 2014 5:41 am

Hello Rishi Ji,

  Months have passed yet nothing changed. Still more time to go I think. Was wondering about some more things.

- When is marriage likely to happen? That is one area where having patience doesn't appear to brighten the chances as age increases.

- I think my strong heart line suggests that I think more from the heart- how I would feel if I do this,do that etc.
My thoughts/feelings are above my intellect and I may have taken some wrong decisions based on what my felings suggested. So should I or
anyone with similar line, should try and be less emotional during decision making?(easier said than done).

- On my index finger first phalange there is a brownish mark which developed in the last 1 or 2 years. It's not circular but just a pattern
but has been there. Does not qualify as a mole I think. Would it signify anything?


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Post by Pravin Kumar » Mon 06 Oct, 2014 5:18 am

I have seen this palm in some other forum and have also responded.


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Re: Reading about my future: Career prospects and prosperity

Post by rk_2014 » Sun 17 Sep, 2017 10:22 am

Rishi Sir and other palmists,

3 years have passed since my last post. To give an update, in June 2015, I had to leave my job due to certain issues and joined another firm thankfully at a better salary. I even got a good hike in 2016 and thought the worst was behind me and could look to the future. I felt the best at my job in 15 years of my career (quite well-paying job) when the trouble started this year January in 2017 from superiors. I was laid off along with few others and have been unemployed for 5 months now due to the situation in Indian job market at present.

I am adding on to the last post to thank for the earlier comment around age 28 and 37 both of which stand true now and for easier comparison with the latest palm pics. Thing is now I have a bigger problem than ever - 36, single, unemployed. Not very sure how and when I would get a suitable employment again only after which can marriage happen.

I had the following queries. Would be grateful for any comments.

1) Marriage - No one has accurately predicted on this one based on my experience in other forums in the past. Some said 32/33 etc but nothing really happened. I have a 'shudh' horoscope which in itself is a pain for getting a good match and on top of that there is my age and employment issue as well.

2) Regarding mercury/health line - Is it a line rising from the life line towards mercury or health line touching the life line? I am unable to make this out. The interpretation in both cases seem to be very different(business vs health).

3) I am unable to make much sense of my head line. Though it branches upwards faintly, I also see what seems like a small island which was not present earlier. There are many lines criss-crossing this as well so making interpretation difficult.
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Re: Reading about my future: Career prospects and prosperity

Post by rk_2014 » Sun 17 Sep, 2017 10:45 am

To add, I really hoped marriage could happen soon while I was still employed(my family and I prefer an arranged marriage) and had forgotten all about the negative forecasts - some had told about stress around age 35 (financial and health problems). This shows that things can happen even if we do not focus/think about the negative aspects. I try to be positive, not too fatalistic about things to avoid self-fulfilling prophecies.. and yet .. :smt009 :smt017

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Re: Reading about my future: Career prospects and prosperity

Post by RishiRahul » Sun 17 Sep, 2017 5:31 pm


What you lacked was a proper astrological guidance, which isnt free. But now you are not able.
Serious astrologers do not give out much for free.


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Re: Reading about my future: Career prospects and prosperity

Post by rk_2014 » Mon 18 Sep, 2017 11:33 am

Hello Rishi Sir,

With due respect, it is only in the online mode where we do not get to meet the person offering services face to face that I have some reservations with. I have been quite interested in the occult from my school days and spent much over the past years in consultations etc. Of course, I have like several others opted for online services for other things, but palmistry etc becomes slightly trickier. Call me a skeptic but I don't fully after all that I have done and spent over the past few years have 100% belief over few things. Will explain-

1) In 2012, after getting interested and meeting a popular numerologist who stays quite afar in my native changed my name number from not so bad 39(my birth date is 3) to favourable for all 41. That my destiny number is 8 makes a number 5 all the more better as 5 is the only cure for a destiny 8. I did not change the names in certificates etc but probably sent thousands of emails to send the 'vibrations' out through personal ids over the years (work and casual). Also wrote the name 41 times for 41 days in red ink and threw the book in river(again to send the vibrations into the universe). Found this rather funny actually, haven't read anything like this anywhere.

On this very numerologists suggestion, visited few far off temples of Krishna, snake deitys(they are important in Kerala where I am from) and other gods.

2)Thousands spent in online matrimony annual membership forum over many years. Stopped making payments last year as outcome was poor with very few proposals coming.

3)Big maangalya pooja inside our native house in March this year. Both priest and an astrologist were there for this special pooja. This was to remove any marriage impediments but two months later I was unemployed(basic criteria gone for marriage). I was optimistic because life usually gets better after 35 usually for destiny number 8 per some.

4)More spent in infrequent consultations with astrologers(Astrology is much more prevalent than palmistry in my native) and regular/multi-year rituals at temples (supposedly these give guaranteed results!)

I have been trying to get married from the past 7 years but now the basic condition of a job itself is gone and that too for the first time in 15 years. I had started working in a good firm when I was just 20. It's like being in mudslime(keechad), the more efforts I do to get out, the worse it becomes. The more I try to set things straight by pooja's and offerings, the worst it seems to get. By not doing anything, well, situation would stay the same. Not to mention the embarassment when facing relatives etc. The suggestion I used to get from astrologers is to lower expectations from marriage partner/be flexible etc but I have reasonable expectations in my opinion.

As you see, I have spent quite an amount in face to face consultations itself.

Please don't get me wrong, but I have observed that usually palmists who read the above will say.. ahh this is all ok.. what i give you is different.. i give you meditation, yoga poses etc.. That one astrologer would always have a different opinion to other is another funny aspect due to which some say don't get too many second opinions - it will confuse you:). In the past I have had average to poor experience with online forums who give a writeup in 3rd person (suggesting set responses). I had opted for a paid nutrition program and also opted for a small transcendental meditation program years back which was also eyewash which I realised later after reading in an article that the 'unique personalised mantra' is a random word from a list of words they have. Probably the mantra does not matter much after all- just to let the mind focus on a thing- but thats not how it is conveyed by the guru. They say it must be memorized not to be told to anyone etc. When the truth is the complete list of words can be seen online:) Transcendental meditation remains one of the simplest and popular techniques and I sort of liked it for some time before losing interest after reading the truth busting article. I am not saying all online services are the same but not ideal in my limited experience. On second thoughts, both online and face to face haven't been of much help for me.

You may ask if I am that skeptical, why bother even coming to the forum?.. well, the tiny bit of believer in me makes me come back. In fact one of the senior readers in another forum(now closed) told me not to believe too much in astrology/palmistry way back in 2008. Obviously, I haven't exactly been following the advice! More than anything, to me this opens the possibilities of self-improvement - mentally, emotionally, financially etc and be prepared which is why these days I am trying to understand things from Ayurvedic perspective as well.

I guess most people would be fine with getting paid readings. It is the online/not face-to-face element that makes me a bit hesistant. In any case, I have spent so much otherwise as well. You may ask whether I have a choice, any other option to get out of this situation. The answer is actually No.

EDIT: Immediately after posting the reply, I saw the below. Good article. Applies to everyone. That last point is so true in my present case. ... ?srid=zftK

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Re: Reading about my future: Career prospects and prosperity

Post by RishiRahul » Tue 19 Sep, 2017 1:48 pm

rk_2014 wrote:
Mon 18 Sep, 2017 11:33 am
Hello Rishi Sir,

With due respect, it is only in the online mode where we do not get to meet the person offering services face to face that I have some reservations with. I have been quite interested in the occult from my school days and spent much over the past years in consultations etc. Of course, I have like several others opted for online services for other things, but palmistry etc becomes slightly trickier. Call me a skeptic but I don't fully after all that I have done and spent over the past few years have 100% belief over few things. Will explain-

1) In 2012, after getting interested and meeting a popular numerologist who stays quite afar in my native changed my name number from not so bad 39(my birth date is 3) to favourable for all 41. That my destiny number is 8 makes a number 5 all the more better as 5 is the only cure for a destiny 8. I did not change the names in certificates etc but probably sent thousands of emails to send the 'vibrations' out through personal ids over the years (work and casual). Also wrote the name 41 times for 41 days in red ink and threw the book in river(again to send the vibrations into the universe). Found this rather funny actually, haven't read anything like this anywhere.

On this very numerologists suggestion, visited few far off temples of Krishna, snake deitys(they are important in Kerala where I am from) and other gods.

2)Thousands spent in online matrimony annual membership forum over many years. Stopped making payments last year as outcome was poor with very few proposals coming.

3)Big maangalya pooja inside our native house in March this year. Both priest and an astrologist were there for this special pooja. This was to remove any marriage impediments but two months later I was unemployed(basic criteria gone for marriage). I was optimistic because life usually gets better after 35 usually for destiny number 8 per some.

4)More spent in infrequent consultations with astrologers(Astrology is much more prevalent than palmistry in my native) and regular/multi-year rituals at temples (supposedly these give guaranteed results!)

I have been trying to get married from the past 7 years but now the basic condition of a job itself is gone and that too for the first time in 15 years. I had started working in a good firm when I was just 20. It's like being in mudslime(keechad), the more efforts I do to get out, the worse it becomes. The more I try to set things straight by pooja's and offerings, the worst it seems to get. By not doing anything, well, situation would stay the same. Not to mention the embarassment when facing relatives etc. The suggestion I used to get from astrologers is to lower expectations from marriage partner/be flexible etc but I have reasonable expectations in my opinion.

As you see, I have spent quite an amount in face to face consultations itself.

Please don't get me wrong, but I have observed that usually palmists who read the above will say.. ahh this is all ok.. what i give you is different.. i give you meditation, yoga poses etc.. That one astrologer would always have a different opinion to other is another funny aspect due to which some say don't get too many second opinions - it will confuse you:). In the past I have had average to poor experience with online forums who give a writeup in 3rd person (suggesting set responses). I had opted for a paid nutrition program and also opted for a small transcendental meditation program years back which was also eyewash which I realised later after reading in an article that the 'unique personalised mantra' is a random word from a list of words they have. Probably the mantra does not matter much after all- just to let the mind focus on a thing- but thats not how it is conveyed by the guru. They say it must be memorized not to be told to anyone etc. When the truth is the complete list of words can be seen online:) Transcendental meditation remains one of the simplest and popular techniques and I sort of liked it for some time before losing interest after reading the truth busting article. I am not saying all online services are the same but not ideal in my limited experience. On second thoughts, both online and face to face haven't been of much help for me.

You may ask if I am that skeptical, why bother even coming to the forum?.. well, the tiny bit of believer in me makes me come back. In fact one of the senior readers in another forum(now closed) told me not to believe too much in astrology/palmistry way back in 2008. Obviously, I haven't exactly been following the advice! More than anything, to me this opens the possibilities of self-improvement - mentally, emotionally, financially etc and be prepared which is why these days I am trying to understand things from Ayurvedic perspective as well.

I guess most people would be fine with getting paid readings. It is the online/not face-to-face element that makes me a bit hesistant. In any case, I have spent so much otherwise as well. You may ask whether I have a choice, any other option to get out of this situation. The answer is actually No.

EDIT: Immediately after posting the reply, I saw the below. Good article. Applies to everyone. That last point is so true in my present case. ... ?srid=zftK

Yes, I was always aware that the quality of internet astrologers are atrociously bad in most cases.



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Re: Reading about my future: Career prospects and prosperity

Post by rk_2014 » Tue 19 Sep, 2017 6:50 pm

To clarify, I wasn't mud slinging at anyone. Just that my experience has been average in some cases. However, palmistry - even the online kind where the softness, texture etc cannot be observed - is perhaps more accurate than astrology. Not sure why the two don't seem to co-relate though. I am actually amused at the timings of bad events and they happening exactly as foretold even when I had forgotten all about them and believed it's all going to be normal soon. So there is some truth to it. But wouldn't this also signify that the 'Be positive' attitude need not work at times?

Am not against paid readings if there is clear value to be seen. Interpretation of 'value' would again be a debatable topic as efforts would have to be put in by individual as well. It is frustrating to see the expenses incurred so far(meeting rather decent astrologers and doing rituals etc) gone down the drain. And then when you get to read something like this - - one feels he was an idiot to belive in these things after all.

Probably this is suitable for another thread. A recent and unexpected death of a close cousin-sister younger to me with two small kids left the entire family in shock- she had a stroke. Her father had also passed away in her childhood so not an easy upbringing. She never wished ill for anyone and led a simple and active life teaching classical dance to students and had a popular music-director husband. A very simple and well-to-do family. Another set of relatives had a long-standing argument with her family. In fact, these relatives were on the wrong side and they almost rejoiced when she passed away. It is like the good side got punished - makes one wonder whether God exists after all. And it is bit difficult to believe in fortune-telling if one is losing faith in God.

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Re: Reading about my future: Career prospects and prosperity

Post by RishiRahul » Wed 20 Sep, 2017 2:11 pm

rk_2014 wrote:
Tue 19 Sep, 2017 6:50 pm
To clarify, I wasn't mud slinging at anyone. Just that my experience has been average in some cases. However, palmistry - even the online kind where the softness, texture etc cannot be observed - is perhaps more accurate than astrology. Not sure why the two don't seem to co-relate though. I am actually amused at the timings of bad events and they happening exactly as foretold even when I had forgotten all about them and believed it's all going to be normal soon. So there is some truth to it. But wouldn't this also signify that the 'Be positive' attitude need not work at times?

Am not against paid readings if there is clear value to be seen. Interpretation of 'value' would again be a debatable topic as efforts would have to be put in by individual as well. It is frustrating to see the expenses incurred so far(meeting rather decent astrologers and doing rituals etc) gone down the drain. And then when you get to read something like this - - one feels he was an idiot to belive in these things after all.

Probably this is suitable for another thread. A recent and unexpected death of a close cousin-sister younger to me with two small kids left the entire family in shock- she had a stroke. Her father had also passed away in her childhood so not an easy upbringing. She never wished ill for anyone and led a simple and active life teaching classical dance to students and had a popular music-director husband. A very simple and well-to-do family. Another set of relatives had a long-standing argument with her family. In fact, these relatives were on the wrong side and they almost rejoiced when she passed away. It is like the good side got punished - makes one wonder whether God exists after all. And it is bit difficult to believe in fortune-telling if one is losing faith in God.

First of all its difficult to prove if God exists; but its easier to prove the correctness of fortune telling, by checking fortune tellers performance on past predictions.

And why mix up God with fortune telling?



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Re: Reading about my future: Career prospects and prosperity

Post by rk_2014 » Thu 21 Sep, 2017 8:24 pm

RishiRahul wrote:
Wed 20 Sep, 2017 2:11 pm
its easier to prove the correctness of fortune telling, by checking fortune tellers performance on past predictions.

And why mix up God with fortune telling?
Well that exactly is the dilemma. How the predictions come true even though there is no exact science behind it(at least one that is universally accepted). No direct link between God and astrology though most atheists probably aren't occult followers. ... lm-reading

Spoiler Alert: Anti-forum stuff:)..
I am not a follower of this spiritual guru. Found one video while searching for 'Does God exist' found it good & funny and kept on watching few more. I think my interest arose in the occult probably when I was 14-15, so these directly challenge the beliefs developed over the last 20+ years.

1) If you know tomorrow today.. Then you won't participate in today -

2) ... -astrology

3) If you allow yourself to be influenced, anything and everything is willing to influence you! -


On the other hand, there is this video of Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw who led India to victory in the 1971 war where he recounts a palmist telling him he should have been killed on 22nd(Marshal's destiny number). Why, he got hit with 9 bullets that day! Why I take his example? Because most defense personnel never believe in astrology and I admire this guy(probably because we share the same birth date:)

Watch from 13:30 -

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Re: Reading about my future: Career prospects and prosperity

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu 21 Sep, 2017 10:38 pm


What is this with all of the external links you are filling your postings with lately?

Remember that we have rules about the types of external links which are allowed to be posted on MB.

Which can always be read here.....

Individually checking each link for approval, is becoming an impossible task.

Any links which lead our members away to other websites instead of them coming here, will NOT be approved under any condition.

If you wish to continue to discuss these things with the reader in question, then please feel free to do so.

But leave out all of the external links in future, and the two of us will get on much better.



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