Pilgrimmage of Life

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Pravin Kumar
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Pilgrimmage of Life

Post by Pravin Kumar » Thu Jan 16, 2014 10:35 am

In this journey of life i have learnt that everyone needs to serve without ulterior motive or any selfish desire in mind and perhaps that is what i have been trying doing with whosoever life i touched in this pilgrimage of life with physical service or helping, giving knowledge, advice or uplifting anyone financially or in career.

Service always bears fruit.It always creates.Every act of our life can be done in such a way to uplift us or drag us down. It is not what we do, but how we do it, that sometimes determines the merit or each action.A worthy lover of mankind is like a flower which gives its fragrance, whether we  place it in our head or trample it under our feet.His nature is to serve or give without any regard for his own personal gain or loss. So this exactly have been the case with me too although thousands of people i came across in my life time and some of them did tried to trample me under their feet, distort the truth, and falsify facts but still strength of my guru and their blessings kept me going till now. As my guru always told me lets be like a sandalwood tree that imparts its fragrance and sweetness to the axe that strikes it. so i have been bitten with venom of snake and axe of knowledge many times that was given by me to people whom i tried to help but god and my gurus gave me the strength of endurance, tolerance and forgiveness of all the wrongs sometimes people did to me whom you uplift in every possible way.So friend let us make our life living epistle, so as to make the world read its immortal truth in us without its spectacles. This world has not yet healed itself form the wounds of terribly destructive energies and negativity as all human values are threatened and there is moral shock at every turn.

Let us sensitize the human mind to the pure thoughts, words and deeds that will uplift every human from the level of brute revengeful crooked nature to that of truly human and reach to its real divine nature. Remember the ego is vulgar, mischievous, wicked and today its voice is the noise of the world.The worldly bark of life seems to float only on noise but the sound of life expresses only on the surface.But deep down in the undercurrent is the silent shrine and the seat of self. So don't corrupt the mind with soothing illusions and hold the mind to ransom with negative dreamy state.So try to practice right thinking and prove to be a mirror of reflecting the illumination of soul sunshine.Thanks. Aum Guru Babaji

Read in: Spiritual Forum.

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