Arvind Kejriwal......A Numerlogical analysis

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Arvind Kejriwal......A Numerlogical analysis

Post by RishiRahul » Mon 17 Feb, 2014 6:08 pm

dob: 16 Aug 1968

His life details as got from wikipedia compiled in short below:
age 21(1989)=joined tata steel
age 24(1992)= left tata steel
age 27(1995)= joined IRS
age 32(2000)= got 2 years leave for pursuing further education.
age 35(2003)= rejoined job & worked for 18 months
age 37.5(feb2006)=resigned from IRS
age 38(2006)=magsaysay award
age 43(2011)= dispute with govt over his leaving ended after paying money through loan.
age 44 (2012)= established aap
age 45.3(28 Dec 2013)= cm of delhi
age 45.5(14 Feb 2014)= resigned

21/3 as birthday number signifies an optimistic native, having the out of the box qualities; Helpful nature.....reminds us as the 'crown of the magi'/victory after strong initiation.....

As one is known by his name, & he as Arvind Kejriwal, he would be known for his Hard work/looking for success only through hard work (not lottery luck).
Such a number signifies indicating change of plans, place and such-like and is not unfortunate, as it can lead to loneliness. Such people need to handle balance the strength of power received; as unless the power is handled well it can lead to loneliness.

The birhday & name as strong challenges of 13 & 16, both signifying a change for the new after the fall of ego.

Till age 33 end (2002) his energy goes towards pinnacle & life cycle 6 & 8 respectively= building up his family & building up/sustaining the material base required for it.

Age 34 (Aug 2002 onwards), when he rejoined job after further education to resign subsequently, he faces the numbers 4 with 7 in the background= different aims in life= Whatever he aims through systematic hard work will get him success, provided he doesn't expect quick results; this being the nature of 4.

The 7 in the background stands for disillusionment of ideals if materially driven, some loneliness; somewhat unconventional lifestyle desiring focus encourages one to focus in research, analysis, or intellectual pursuits, while the 'real world' may not be attractive.
This lasts from age 34 to 60, and the results are slowly formed.
But thank God that it is a background number.........!

From age 43 (Aug 2011 onwards) the more visible number 4 fades giving life to 1. This is when he resigns from job finally to set up his independant party, AAP.

Wonderful that numerology is in telling the sharp changes in life...

1 stands for 'independent, while the strength & nature of 1 denotes the success in attaining the independence!.......

Now coming to finer timings=
Sharp change of  physical transit occurs at age 46 (Aug 2014 onwards) when his physical horizons will be broadening in helping others; while his inner self began desiring this way from age 43 (2011); And in between was spent in working for it/understanding it.

Essences= age 37 - 42 (Aug 2005- Aug 2011) ruled by 5  gives speed in natives life, openings, performances, changes, busy happenings.

The above followed by another 3 years of hard work, systematic, not looking for rewards till 2014 Aug, derived by 4.
Sudden rewards at this time can be shortlasting., as personal year 4 rules too.

So as it looks from above proper openings in life begins only after Aug 2014, given a forward grace of 1 year.

N.B: When essence and annual year, both are 4, in such a year anything which comes like a lottery is not destined to remain. This harmonic in 2014 has the challenge of difficulties for sudden rises.

Age 46 (2013) till age 54 (2023) is the segment  that he would be presently known by.... maybe denoting his political strength.
pinnacle 1 ends at age 51 (2020).

So one can infer safely that his present entrance into the power arena will last till 2020 or 2023.

Palmistry analysis follows soon, with its link here with the aid of new palm photos put up in internet.


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Post by RishiRahul » Sun 23 Feb, 2014 5:47 pm

Follows an astrology update with the palmistry link on the same topic ... 538#330538


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Re: Arvind Kejriwal......A Numerlogical analysis

Post by RishiRahul » Thu 10 Apr, 2014 2:17 am

RishiRahul wrote:dob: 16 Aug 1968

His life details as got from wikipedia compiled in short below:
age 21(1989)=joined tata steel
age 24(1992)= left tata steel
age 27(1995)= joined IRS
age 32(2000)= got 2 years leave for pursuing further education.
age 35(2003)= rejoined job & worked for 18 months
age 37.5(feb2006)=resigned from IRS
age 38(2006)=magsaysay award
age 43(2011)= dispute with govt over his leaving ended after paying money through loan.
age 44 (2012)= established aap
age 45.3(28 Dec 2013)= cm of delhi
age 45.5(14 Feb 2014)= resigned

21/3 as birthday number signifies an optimistic native, having the out of the box qualities; Helpful nature.....reminds us as the 'crown of the magi'/victory after strong initiation.....

As one is known by his name, & he as Arvind Kejriwal, he would be known for his Hard work/looking for success only through hard work (not lottery luck).
Such a number signifies indicating change of plans, place and such-like and is not unfortunate, as it can lead to loneliness. Such people need to handle balance the strength of power received; as unless the power is handled well it can lead to loneliness.

The birhday & name as strong challenges of 13 & 16, both signifying a change for the new after the fall of ego.

Till age 33 end (2002) his energy goes towards pinnacle & life cycle 6 & 8 respectively= building up his family & building up/sustaining the material base required for it.

Age 34 (Aug 2002 onwards), when he rejoined job after further education to resign subsequently, he faces the numbers 4 with 7 in the background= different aims in life= Whatever he aims through systematic hard work will get him success, provided he doesn't expect quick results; this being the nature of 4.

The 7 in the background stands for disillusionment of ideals if materially driven, some loneliness; somewhat unconventional lifestyle desiring focus encourages one to focus in research, analysis, or intellectual pursuits, while the 'real world' may not be attractive.
This lasts from age 34 to 60, and the results are slowly formed.
But thank God that it is a background number.........!

From age 43 (Aug 2011 onwards) the more visible number 4 fades giving life to 1. This is when he resigns from job finally to set up his independant party, AAP.

Wonderful that numerology is in telling the sharp changes in life...

1 stands for 'independent, while the strength & nature of 1 denotes the success in attaining the independence!.......

Now coming to finer timings=
Sharp change of  physical transit occurs at age 46 (Aug 2014 onwards) when his physical horizons will be broadening in helping others; while his inner self began desiring this way from age 43 (2011); And in between was spent in working for it/understanding it.

Essences= age 37 - 42 (Aug 2005- Aug 2011) ruled by 5  gives speed in natives life, openings, performances, changes, busy happenings.

The above followed by another 3 years of hard work, systematic, not looking for rewards till 2014 Aug, derived by 4.
Sudden rewards at this time can be shortlasting., as personal year 4 rules too.

So as it looks from above proper openings in life begins only after Aug 2014, given a forward grace of 1 year.

N.B: When essence and annual year, both are 4, in such a year anything which comes like a lottery is not destined to remain. This harmonic in 2014 has the challenge of difficulties for sudden rises.

Age 46 (2013) till age 54 (2023) is the segment  that he would be presently known by.... maybe denoting his political strength.
pinnacle 1 ends at age 51 (2020).

So one can infer safely that his present entrance into the power arena will last till 2020 or 2023.

Palmistry analysis follows soon, with its link here with the aid of new palm photos put up in internet.

RishiRahul wrote:Follows an astrology update with the palmistry link on the same topic ... 538#330538


Going deeper into numerology I had the opinion (but was scared to voice, but am certain now) that March 2014 would be the bottoming out of being 'out of power' after losing the chief ministership.

Unable to find his way yet only the election results in March makes him change the ways adopted; while new thinking/ways arise between June & Aug 2014 without the bonus of lottery luck.


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Re: Arvind Kejriwal......A Numerlogical analysis

Post by RishiRahul » Wed 05 Nov, 2014 7:25 pm

RishiRahul wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:dob: 16 Aug 1968

His life details as got from wikipedia compiled in short below:
age 21(1989)=joined tata steel
age 24(1992)= left tata steel
age 27(1995)= joined IRS
age 32(2000)= got 2 years leave for pursuing further education.
age 35(2003)= rejoined job & worked for 18 months
age 37.5(feb2006)=resigned from IRS
age 38(2006)=magsaysay award
age 43(2011)= dispute with govt over his leaving ended after paying money through loan.
age 44 (2012)= established aap
age 45.3(28 Dec 2013)= cm of delhi
age 45.5(14 Feb 2014)= resigned

21/3 as birthday number signifies an optimistic native, having the out of the box qualities; Helpful nature.....reminds us as the 'crown of the magi'/victory after strong initiation.....

As one is known by his name, & he as Arvind Kejriwal, he would be known for his Hard work/looking for success only through hard work (not lottery luck).
Such a number signifies indicating change of plans, place and such-like and is not unfortunate, as it can lead to loneliness. Such people need to handle balance the strength of power received; as unless the power is handled well it can lead to loneliness.

The birhday & name as strong challenges of 13 & 16, both signifying a change for the new after the fall of ego.

Till age 33 end (2002) his energy goes towards pinnacle & life cycle 6 & 8 respectively= building up his family & building up/sustaining the material base required for it.

Age 34 (Aug 2002 onwards), when he rejoined job after further education to resign subsequently, he faces the numbers 4 with 7 in the background= different aims in life= Whatever he aims through systematic hard work will get him success, provided he doesn't expect quick results; this being the nature of 4.

The 7 in the background stands for disillusionment of ideals if materially driven, some loneliness; somewhat unconventional lifestyle desiring focus encourages one to focus in research, analysis, or intellectual pursuits, while the 'real world' may not be attractive.
This lasts from age 34 to 60, and the results are slowly formed.
But thank God that it is a background number.........!

From age 43 (Aug 2011 onwards) the more visible number 4 fades giving life to 1. This is when he resigns from job finally to set up his independant party, AAP.

Wonderful that numerology is in telling the sharp changes in life...

1 stands for 'independent, while the strength & nature of 1 denotes the success in attaining the independence!.......

Now coming to finer timings=
Sharp change of  physical transit occurs at age 46 (Aug 2014 onwards) when his physical horizons will be broadening in helping others; while his inner self began desiring this way from age 43 (2011); And in between was spent in working for it/understanding it.

Essences= age 37 - 42 (Aug 2005- Aug 2011) ruled by 5  gives speed in natives life, openings, performances, changes, busy happenings.

The above followed by another 3 years of hard work, systematic, not looking for rewards till 2014 Aug, derived by 4.
Sudden rewards at this time can be shortlasting., as personal year 4 rules too.

So as it looks from above proper openings in life begins only after Aug 2014, given a forward grace of 1 year.

N.B: When essence and annual year, both are 4, in such a year anything which comes like a lottery is not destined to remain. This harmonic in 2014 has the challenge of difficulties for sudden rises.

Age 46 (2013) till age 54 (2023) is the segment  that he would be presently known by.... maybe denoting his political strength.
pinnacle 1 ends at age 51 (2020).

So one can infer safely that his present entrance into the power arena will last till 2020 or 2023.

Palmistry analysis follows soon, with its link here with the aid of new palm photos put up in internet.

RishiRahul wrote:Follows an astrology update with the palmistry link on the same topic ... 538#330538


Going deeper into numerology I had the opinion (but was scared to voice, but am certain now) that March 2014 would be the bottoming out of being 'out of power' after losing the chief ministership.

Unable to find his way yet only the election results in March makes him change the ways adopted; while new thinking/ways arise between June & Aug 2014 without the bonus of lottery luck.


Arvind Kejriwal seems to be in the news of power again. ... candidate/

My mention was that March 2014 would be the bottoming out of his being out of power; and that a new thinking would emerge between June & Aug 2014; While in astrology link I mentioned Oct 2014 as the go ahead time.

I personally have been out of all these news at the mentioned period, so cannot confirm from when his news begun to rise again.
So it would be nice if others can enlighten better....... :)

( astrology + palmistry analysis done earlier is added for reference respectively ... 538#330538 ... hp?t=83816 )

Numerological factors suggest that Dec 2014- Feb 2015 is an advancement to the present plan, but having more quieter moments with some tweaks here and there with 7, 6, and 7 repeating numbers.

The elections are expected in Feb 2015, but the numbers speak of further direction from April/May 2015 onwards.
This is not to be judgmental about elections when.......but.....
.......Also the direction of the inner and outer energies are away from each other/diverse.
Of course, this has nothing to do with winning/losing election or any materially driven result; but denotes some human equations not set as it should have been/ his energies not being at sync.

Let's wish him power at this venture anyways!

Another point noted is that Aug 2019 for 1 year is having a concentration of 9 energy which has been constantly draining from 2014.
This can give a strain on health having stress on movement/flexibility.
This peaks in 2019/20.......therefore requiring special care in health/in person at that time.

Astro analysis may be added in a few days...


Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Fri 07 Nov, 2014 10:23 am


I met Arvind Kejriwal recently on 4th November and saw him to be completely confident. I heard his interview with both Rajdeep Sardesai and Ravish Kumar on Headlines Today and NDTV (Hindi). respectively.

I heard both the speeches and saw the videos and I was impressed with his flawless response without any stammering, break or anything to show nervousness or loss of confidence.


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Post by RishiRahul » Fri 07 Nov, 2014 1:57 pm

Pravin Kumar wrote:Rishiji,

I met Arvind Kejriwal recently on 4th November and saw him to be completely confident. I heard his interview with both Rajdeep Sardesai and Ravish Kumar on Headlines Today and NDTV (Hindi). respectively.

I heard both the speeches and saw the videos and I was impressed with his flawless response without any stammering, break or anything to show nervousness or loss of confidence.


Dear Pravin ji,

Nowhere have I mentioned that he will not come to power; rather mentioned that he will come to power again.

I had just mentioned that the inner and outer energies are not at sync; and that this has nothing to do with results like winning or losing.



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Post by Pravin Kumar » Fri 07 Nov, 2014 6:30 pm

I did not say you have mentioned whether he will come to power or not. It is just my comment on meeting him.

Pravin Kumar

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Post by RishiRahul » Fri 07 Nov, 2014 6:52 pm

Pravin Kumar wrote:I did not say you have mentioned whether he will come to power or not. It is just my comment on meeting him.

Pravin Kumar


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Re: Arvind Kejriwal......A Numerlogical analysis

Post by RishiRahul » Sun 01 Feb, 2015 3:31 pm

RishiRahul wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:dob: 16 Aug 1968

His life details as got from wikipedia compiled in short below:
age 21(1989)=joined tata steel
age 24(1992)= left tata steel
age 27(1995)= joined IRS
age 32(2000)= got 2 years leave for pursuing further education.
age 35(2003)= rejoined job & worked for 18 months
age 37.5(feb2006)=resigned from IRS
age 38(2006)=magsaysay award
age 43(2011)= dispute with govt over his leaving ended after paying money through loan.
age 44 (2012)= established aap
age 45.3(28 Dec 2013)= cm of delhi
age 45.5(14 Feb 2014)= resigned

21/3 as birthday number signifies an optimistic native, having the out of the box qualities; Helpful nature.....reminds us as the 'crown of the magi'/victory after strong initiation.....

As one is known by his name, & he as Arvind Kejriwal, he would be known for his Hard work/looking for success only through hard work (not lottery luck).
Such a number signifies indicating change of plans, place and such-like and is not unfortunate, as it can lead to loneliness. Such people need to handle balance the strength of power received; as unless the power is handled well it can lead to loneliness.

The birhday & name as strong challenges of 13 & 16, both signifying a change for the new after the fall of ego.

Till age 33 end (2002) his energy goes towards pinnacle & life cycle 6 & 8 respectively= building up his family & building up/sustaining the material base required for it.

Age 34 (Aug 2002 onwards), when he rejoined job after further education to resign subsequently, he faces the numbers 4 with 7 in the background= different aims in life= Whatever he aims through systematic hard work will get him success, provided he doesn't expect quick results; this being the nature of 4.

The 7 in the background stands for disillusionment of ideals if materially driven, some loneliness; somewhat unconventional lifestyle desiring focus encourages one to focus in research, analysis, or intellectual pursuits, while the 'real world' may not be attractive.
This lasts from age 34 to 60, and the results are slowly formed.
But thank God that it is a background number.........!

From age 43 (Aug 2011 onwards) the more visible number 4 fades giving life to 1. This is when he resigns from job finally to set up his independant party, AAP.

Wonderful that numerology is in telling the sharp changes in life...

1 stands for 'independent, while the strength & nature of 1 denotes the success in attaining the independence!.......

Now coming to finer timings=
Sharp change of  physical transit occurs at age 46 (Aug 2014 onwards) when his physical horizons will be broadening in helping others; while his inner self began desiring this way from age 43 (2011); And in between was spent in working for it/understanding it.

Essences= age 37 - 42 (Aug 2005- Aug 2011) ruled by 5  gives speed in natives life, openings, performances, changes, busy happenings.

The above followed by another 3 years of hard work, systematic, not looking for rewards till 2014 Aug, derived by 4.
Sudden rewards at this time can be shortlasting., as personal year 4 rules too.

So as it looks from above proper openings in life begins only after Aug 2014, given a forward grace of 1 year.

N.B: When essence and annual year, both are 4, in such a year anything which comes like a lottery is not destined to remain. This harmonic in 2014 has the challenge of difficulties for sudden rises.

Age 46 (2013) till age 54 (2023) is the segment  that he would be presently known by.... maybe denoting his political strength.
pinnacle 1 ends at age 51 (2020).

So one can infer safely that his present entrance into the power arena will last till 2020 or 2023.

Palmistry analysis follows soon, with its link here with the aid of new palm photos put up in internet.

RishiRahul wrote:Follows an astrology update with the palmistry link on the same topic ... 538#330538


Going deeper into numerology I had the opinion (but was scared to voice, but am certain now) that March 2014 would be the bottoming out of being 'out of power' after losing the chief ministership.

Unable to find his way yet only the election results in March makes him change the ways adopted; while new thinking/ways arise between June & Aug 2014 without the bonus of lottery luck.


Arvind Kejriwal seems to be in the news of power again. ... candidate/

My mention was that March 2014 would be the bottoming out of his being out of power; and that a new thinking would emerge between June & Aug 2014; While in astrology link I mentioned Oct 2014 as the go ahead time.

I personally have been out of all these news at the mentioned period, so cannot confirm from when his news begun to rise again.
So it would be nice if others can enlighten better....... :)

( astrology + palmistry analysis done earlier is added for reference respectively ... 538#330538 ... hp?t=83816 )

Numerological factors suggest that Dec 2014- Feb 2015 is an advancement to the present plan, but having more quieter moments with some tweaks here and there with 7, 6, and 7 repeating numbers.

The elections are expected in Feb 2015, but the numbers speak of further direction from April/May 2015 onwards.
This is not to be judgmental about elections when.......but.....
.......Also the direction of the inner and outer energies are away from each other/diverse.
Of course, this has nothing to do with winning/losing election or any materially driven result; but denotes some human equations not set as it should have been/ his energies not being at sync.

Let's wish him power at this venture anyways!

Another point noted is that Aug 2019 for 1 year is having a concentration of 9 energy which has been constantly draining from 2014.
This can give a strain on health having stress on movement/flexibility.
This peaks in 2019/20.......therefore requiring special care in health/in person at that time.

Astro analysis may be added in a few days...


Time is approaching for the election results of Delhi. Election date =7 Feb 2015 & election results=10 Feb 2015.

There was mention above that the inner and outer energies are not at sync at this time.
On further research on these number points, though they are not at sync, the energies feel responsible to deliver results with new openings in endeavors (begun since 2011 given a back ward grace of 3 months= The 5 personal year in such situation!) along with the helpful inner mind. Such periods show a mental bent of helping society and people at large.

Thus it looks positive for Sri Kejriwal, and this is supported by the palm indications too along with astrological indications mentioned in link thread & transits(Gochara)
Even then, Mid May 2015 - Aug 2015 looks to be the beginning of organized use of Power/ The properly Functional Govt.

So let 10 Feb 2015 with a forward grace of 3 -4 days bring the said election news.


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Re: Arvind Kejriwal......A Numerlogical analysis

Post by RishiRahul » Mon 02 Feb, 2015 4:27 pm

RishiRahul wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:dob: 16 Aug 1968

His life details as got from wikipedia compiled in short below:
age 21(1989)=joined tata steel
age 24(1992)= left tata steel
age 27(1995)= joined IRS
age 32(2000)= got 2 years leave for pursuing further education.
age 35(2003)= rejoined job & worked for 18 months
age 37.5(feb2006)=resigned from IRS
age 38(2006)=magsaysay award
age 43(2011)= dispute with govt over his leaving ended after paying money through loan.
age 44 (2012)= established aap
age 45.3(28 Dec 2013)= cm of delhi
age 45.5(14 Feb 2014)= resigned

21/3 as birthday number signifies an optimistic native, having the out of the box qualities; Helpful nature.....reminds us as the 'crown of the magi'/victory after strong initiation.....

As one is known by his name, & he as Arvind Kejriwal, he would be known for his Hard work/looking for success only through hard work (not lottery luck).
Such a number signifies indicating change of plans, place and such-like and is not unfortunate, as it can lead to loneliness. Such people need to handle balance the strength of power received; as unless the power is handled well it can lead to loneliness.

The birhday & name as strong challenges of 13 & 16, both signifying a change for the new after the fall of ego.

Till age 33 end (2002) his energy goes towards pinnacle & life cycle 6 & 8 respectively= building up his family & building up/sustaining the material base required for it.

Age 34 (Aug 2002 onwards), when he rejoined job after further education to resign subsequently, he faces the numbers 4 with 7 in the background= different aims in life= Whatever he aims through systematic hard work will get him success, provided he doesn't expect quick results; this being the nature of 4.

The 7 in the background stands for disillusionment of ideals if materially driven, some loneliness; somewhat unconventional lifestyle desiring focus encourages one to focus in research, analysis, or intellectual pursuits, while the 'real world' may not be attractive.
This lasts from age 34 to 60, and the results are slowly formed.
But thank God that it is a background number.........!

From age 43 (Aug 2011 onwards) the more visible number 4 fades giving life to 1. This is when he resigns from job finally to set up his independant party, AAP.

Wonderful that numerology is in telling the sharp changes in life...

1 stands for 'independent, while the strength & nature of 1 denotes the success in attaining the independence!.......

Now coming to finer timings=
Sharp change of  physical transit occurs at age 46 (Aug 2014 onwards) when his physical horizons will be broadening in helping others; while his inner self began desiring this way from age 43 (2011); And in between was spent in working for it/understanding it.

Essences= age 37 - 42 (Aug 2005- Aug 2011) ruled by 5  gives speed in natives life, openings, performances, changes, busy happenings.

The above followed by another 3 years of hard work, systematic, not looking for rewards till 2014 Aug, derived by 4.
Sudden rewards at this time can be shortlasting., as personal year 4 rules too.

So as it looks from above proper openings in life begins only after Aug 2014, given a forward grace of 1 year.

N.B: When essence and annual year, both are 4, in such a year anything which comes like a lottery is not destined to remain. This harmonic in 2014 has the challenge of difficulties for sudden rises.

Age 46 (2013) till age 54 (2023) is the segment  that he would be presently known by.... maybe denoting his political strength.
pinnacle 1 ends at age 51 (2020).

So one can infer safely that his present entrance into the power arena will last till 2020 or 2023.

Palmistry analysis follows soon, with its link here with the aid of new palm photos put up in internet.

RishiRahul wrote:Follows an astrology update with the palmistry link on the same topic ... 538#330538


Going deeper into numerology I had the opinion (but was scared to voice, but am certain now) that March 2014 would be the bottoming out of being 'out of power' after losing the chief ministership.

Unable to find his way yet only the election results in March makes him change the ways adopted; while new thinking/ways arise between June & Aug 2014 without the bonus of lottery luck.


Arvind Kejriwal seems to be in the news of power again. ... candidate/

My mention was that March 2014 would be the bottoming out of his being out of power; and that a new thinking would emerge between June & Aug 2014; While in astrology link I mentioned Oct 2014 as the go ahead time.

I personally have been out of all these news at the mentioned period, so cannot confirm from when his news begun to rise again.
So it would be nice if others can enlighten better....... :)

( astrology + palmistry analysis done earlier is added for reference respectively ... 538#330538 ... hp?t=83816 )

Numerological factors suggest that Dec 2014- Feb 2015 is an advancement to the present plan, but having more quieter moments with some tweaks here and there with 7, 6, and 7 repeating numbers.

The elections are expected in Feb 2015, but the numbers speak of further direction from April/May 2015 onwards.
This is not to be judgmental about elections when.......but.....
.......Also the direction of the inner and outer energies are away from each other/diverse.
Of course, this has nothing to do with winning/losing election or any materially driven result; but denotes some human equations not set as it should have been/ his energies not being at sync.

Let's wish him power at this venture anyways!

Another point noted is that Aug 2019 for 1 year is having a concentration of 9 energy which has been constantly draining from 2014.
This can give a strain on health having stress on movement/flexibility.
This peaks in 2019/20.......therefore requiring special care in health/in person at that time.

Astro analysis may be added in a few days...


Time is approaching for the election results of Delhi. Election date =7 Feb 2015 & election results=10 Feb 2015.

There was mention above that the inner and outer energies are not at sync at this time.
On further research on these number points, though they are not at sync, the energies feel responsible to deliver results with new openings in endeavors (begun since 2011 given a back ward grace of 3 months= The 5 personal year in such situation!) along with the helpful inner mind. Such periods show a mental bent of helping society and people at large.

Thus it looks positive for Sri Kejriwal, and this is supported by the palm indications too along with astrological indications mentioned in link thread & transits(Gochara)
Even then, Mid May 2015 - Aug 2015 looks to be the beginning of organized use of Power/ The properly Functional Govt.

So let 10 Feb 2015 with a forward grace of 3 -4 days bring the said election news.


The other candidate Kiran Bedi, birthdate 9 June 1949 in addition has transit /Jupiter favorable, which is an edge over Kejriwal's astro transits; and predicting becomes difficult here.

But one thing seems certain:= The start of the Delhi power activity looks to be from May 2015; maybe before this certain things would be uncertain?!
This is a per Numerology readings.

The second half 2015 has a strong repeat for Kiran Bedi, showing too many options to choose from; while Feb 2015 can slow down their speed a bit.

The numerology edge is with Kejriwal anyways, considering the inner and outer harmonics.

Just wondering what could these mean?


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Re: Arvind Kejriwal......A Numerlogical analysis

Post by RishiRahul » Wed 04 Feb, 2015 5:06 pm

RishiRahul wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:dob: 16 Aug 1968

His life details as got from wikipedia compiled in short below:
age 21(1989)=joined tata steel
age 24(1992)= left tata steel
age 27(1995)= joined IRS
age 32(2000)= got 2 years leave for pursuing further education.
age 35(2003)= rejoined job & worked for 18 months
age 37.5(feb2006)=resigned from IRS
age 38(2006)=magsaysay award
age 43(2011)= dispute with govt over his leaving ended after paying money through loan.
age 44 (2012)= established aap
age 45.3(28 Dec 2013)= cm of delhi
age 45.5(14 Feb 2014)= resigned

21/3 as birthday number signifies an optimistic native, having the out of the box qualities; Helpful nature.....reminds us as the 'crown of the magi'/victory after strong initiation.....

As one is known by his name, & he as Arvind Kejriwal, he would be known for his Hard work/looking for success only through hard work (not lottery luck).
Such a number signifies indicating change of plans, place and such-like and is not unfortunate, as it can lead to loneliness. Such people need to handle balance the strength of power received; as unless the power is handled well it can lead to loneliness.

The birhday & name as strong challenges of 13 & 16, both signifying a change for the new after the fall of ego.

Till age 33 end (2002) his energy goes towards pinnacle & life cycle 6 & 8 respectively= building up his family & building up/sustaining the material base required for it.

Age 34 (Aug 2002 onwards), when he rejoined job after further education to resign subsequently, he faces the numbers 4 with 7 in the background= different aims in life= Whatever he aims through systematic hard work will get him success, provided he doesn't expect quick results; this being the nature of 4.

The 7 in the background stands for disillusionment of ideals if materially driven, some loneliness; somewhat unconventional lifestyle desiring focus encourages one to focus in research, analysis, or intellectual pursuits, while the 'real world' may not be attractive.
This lasts from age 34 to 60, and the results are slowly formed.
But thank God that it is a background number.........!

From age 43 (Aug 2011 onwards) the more visible number 4 fades giving life to 1. This is when he resigns from job finally to set up his independant party, AAP.

Wonderful that numerology is in telling the sharp changes in life...

1 stands for 'independent, while the strength & nature of 1 denotes the success in attaining the independence!.......

Now coming to finer timings=
Sharp change of  physical transit occurs at age 46 (Aug 2014 onwards) when his physical horizons will be broadening in helping others; while his inner self began desiring this way from age 43 (2011); And in between was spent in working for it/understanding it.

Essences= age 37 - 42 (Aug 2005- Aug 2011) ruled by 5  gives speed in natives life, openings, performances, changes, busy happenings.

The above followed by another 3 years of hard work, systematic, not looking for rewards till 2014 Aug, derived by 4.
Sudden rewards at this time can be shortlasting., as personal year 4 rules too.

So as it looks from above proper openings in life begins only after Aug 2014, given a forward grace of 1 year.

N.B: When essence and annual year, both are 4, in such a year anything which comes like a lottery is not destined to remain. This harmonic in 2014 has the challenge of difficulties for sudden rises.

Age 46 (2013) till age 54 (2023) is the segment  that he would be presently known by.... maybe denoting his political strength.
pinnacle 1 ends at age 51 (2020).

So one can infer safely that his present entrance into the power arena will last till 2020 or 2023.

Palmistry analysis follows soon, with its link here with the aid of new palm photos put up in internet.

RishiRahul wrote:Follows an astrology update with the palmistry link on the same topic ... 538#330538


Going deeper into numerology I had the opinion (but was scared to voice, but am certain now) that March 2014 would be the bottoming out of being 'out of power' after losing the chief ministership.

Unable to find his way yet only the election results in March makes him change the ways adopted; while new thinking/ways arise between June & Aug 2014 without the bonus of lottery luck.


Arvind Kejriwal seems to be in the news of power again. ... candidate/

My mention was that March 2014 would be the bottoming out of his being out of power; and that a new thinking would emerge between June & Aug 2014; While in astrology link I mentioned Oct 2014 as the go ahead time.

I personally have been out of all these news at the mentioned period, so cannot confirm from when his news begun to rise again.
So it would be nice if others can enlighten better....... :)

( astrology + palmistry analysis done earlier is added for reference respectively ... 538#330538 ... hp?t=83816 )

Numerological factors suggest that Dec 2014- Feb 2015 is an advancement to the present plan, but having more quieter moments with some tweaks here and there with 7, 6, and 7 repeating numbers.

The elections are expected in Feb 2015, but the numbers speak of further direction from April/May 2015 onwards.
This is not to be judgmental about elections when.......but.....
.......Also the direction of the inner and outer energies are away from each other/diverse.
Of course, this has nothing to do with winning/losing election or any materially driven result; but denotes some human equations not set as it should have been/ his energies not being at sync.

Let's wish him power at this venture anyways!

Another point noted is that Aug 2019 for 1 year is having a concentration of 9 energy which has been constantly draining from 2014.
This can give a strain on health having stress on movement/flexibility.
This peaks in 2019/20.......therefore requiring special care in health/in person at that time.

Astro analysis may be added in a few days...


Time is approaching for the election results of Delhi. Election date =7 Feb 2015 & election results=10 Feb 2015.

There was mention above that the inner and outer energies are not at sync at this time.
On further research on these number points, though they are not at sync, the energies feel responsible to deliver results with new openings in endeavors (begun since 2011 given a back ward grace of 3 months= The 5 personal year in such situation!) along with the helpful inner mind. Such periods show a mental bent of helping society and people at large.

Thus it looks positive for Sri Kejriwal, and this is supported by the palm indications too along with astrological indications mentioned in link thread & transits(Gochara)
Even then, Mid May 2015 - Aug 2015 looks to be the beginning of organized use of Power/ The properly Functional Govt.

So let 10 Feb 2015 with a forward grace of 3 -4 days bring the said election news.


The other candidate Kiran Bedi, birthdate 9 June 1949 in addition has transit /Jupiter favorable, which is an edge over Kejriwal's astro transits; and predicting becomes difficult here.

But one thing seems certain:= The start of the Delhi power activity looks to be from May 2015; maybe before this certain things would be uncertain?!
This is a per Numerology readings.

The second half 2015 has a strong repeat for Kiran Bedi, showing too many options to choose from; while Feb 2015 can slow down their speed a bit.

The numerology edge is with Kejriwal anyways, considering the inner and outer harmonics.

Just wondering what could these mean?



Political predictions are difficult; quite difficult.

Reasons:= (1)Strong chances of the birth time being incorrect/changed, for whatever reasons.
(2) Even birth date can be not known or changed; following the birth year too and even month.

If all the above considerations have been changed; what would a divinator/astrologer depend upon??!!

The most dependable tool which can give some vague idea of the forthcoming events are the palm & the birth registered name, I think; but this too can be question (?) mark, given the fact we need to work upon a particular age when events happen (and the year of birth is not known).

Given all the above itches/hitches, I still do not believe in 'giving up' of a pr0per method; besides Horary or related methods which are not always always dependable.

Just sharing.... the above at an intense moment of 'thinking and sharing'.....!

Now lets return to the present thread scenario of the Delhi elections.
Given the fact that the birth year of Narendra Modi, is reasonably convincing, we can venture to check out his perspective in relation to the elections in Feb 2015.

Modi is trying to increase the stronghold of BJP in India, and therefore also BJP in Delhi.
So let us see what Feb 2015 holds for him, though he is not the election candidate.

Disclaimer..... I can be wrong as I am using strong pointers never used by political astrologers.

Narendra Modi enters the number 7 personal year in 2015; a period of introspection, and self search.
Given his name harmonics, the present 2015 has a bridge of 1, where the personal ego can have a small, temporary correction speedbreaker/emotional disappointment in Feb 2015.

Now the above inferences are from the methods in numerology not loudly tested by others in terms of political predictions, & is being experimented by me in such area.

If this happens in Reality, then the cards go in favour of Keriwal.  :smt017


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Re: Arvind Kejriwal......A Numerlogical analysis

Post by RishiRahul » Wed 11 Feb, 2015 2:00 pm

RishiRahul wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:dob: 16 Aug 1968

His life details as got from wikipedia compiled in short below:
age 21(1989)=joined tata steel
age 24(1992)= left tata steel
age 27(1995)= joined IRS
age 32(2000)= got 2 years leave for pursuing further education.
age 35(2003)= rejoined job & worked for 18 months
age 37.5(feb2006)=resigned from IRS
age 38(2006)=magsaysay award
age 43(2011)= dispute with govt over his leaving ended after paying money through loan.
age 44 (2012)= established aap
age 45.3(28 Dec 2013)= cm of delhi
age 45.5(14 Feb 2014)= resigned

21/3 as birthday number signifies an optimistic native, having the out of the box qualities; Helpful nature.....reminds us as the 'crown of the magi'/victory after strong initiation.....

As one is known by his name, & he as Arvind Kejriwal, he would be known for his Hard work/looking for success only through hard work (not lottery luck).
Such a number signifies indicating change of plans, place and such-like and is not unfortunate, as it can lead to loneliness. Such people need to handle balance the strength of power received; as unless the power is handled well it can lead to loneliness.

The birhday & name as strong challenges of 13 & 16, both signifying a change for the new after the fall of ego.

Till age 33 end (2002) his energy goes towards pinnacle & life cycle 6 & 8 respectively= building up his family & building up/sustaining the material base required for it.

Age 34 (Aug 2002 onwards), when he rejoined job after further education to resign subsequently, he faces the numbers 4 with 7 in the background= different aims in life= Whatever he aims through systematic hard work will get him success, provided he doesn't expect quick results; this being the nature of 4.

The 7 in the background stands for disillusionment of ideals if materially driven, some loneliness; somewhat unconventional lifestyle desiring focus encourages one to focus in research, analysis, or intellectual pursuits, while the 'real world' may not be attractive.
This lasts from age 34 to 60, and the results are slowly formed.
But thank God that it is a background number.........!

From age 43 (Aug 2011 onwards) the more visible number 4 fades giving life to 1. This is when he resigns from job finally to set up his independant party, AAP.

Wonderful that numerology is in telling the sharp changes in life...

1 stands for 'independent, while the strength & nature of 1 denotes the success in attaining the independence!.......

Now coming to finer timings=
Sharp change of  physical transit occurs at age 46 (Aug 2014 onwards) when his physical horizons will be broadening in helping others; while his inner self began desiring this way from age 43 (2011); And in between was spent in working for it/understanding it.

Essences= age 37 - 42 (Aug 2005- Aug 2011) ruled by 5  gives speed in natives life, openings, performances, changes, busy happenings.

The above followed by another 3 years of hard work, systematic, not looking for rewards till 2014 Aug, derived by 4.
Sudden rewards at this time can be shortlasting., as personal year 4 rules too.

So as it looks from above proper openings in life begins only after Aug 2014, given a forward grace of 1 year.

N.B: When essence and annual year, both are 4, in such a year anything which comes like a lottery is not destined to remain. This harmonic in 2014 has the challenge of difficulties for sudden rises.

Age 46 (2013) till age 54 (2023) is the segment  that he would be presently known by.... maybe denoting his political strength.
pinnacle 1 ends at age 51 (2020).

So one can infer safely that his present entrance into the power arena will last till 2020 or 2023.

Palmistry analysis follows soon, with its link here with the aid of new palm photos put up in internet.

RishiRahul wrote:Follows an astrology update with the palmistry link on the same topic ... 538#330538


Going deeper into numerology I had the opinion (but was scared to voice, but am certain now) that March 2014 would be the bottoming out of being 'out of power' after losing the chief ministership.

Unable to find his way yet only the election results in March makes him change the ways adopted; while new thinking/ways arise between June & Aug 2014 without the bonus of lottery luck.


Arvind Kejriwal seems to be in the news of power again. ... candidate/

My mention was that March 2014 would be the bottoming out of his being out of power; and that a new thinking would emerge between June & Aug 2014; While in astrology link I mentioned Oct 2014 as the go ahead time.

I personally have been out of all these news at the mentioned period, so cannot confirm from when his news begun to rise again.
So it would be nice if others can enlighten better....... :)

( astrology + palmistry analysis done earlier is added for reference respectively ... 538#330538 ... hp?t=83816 )

Numerological factors suggest that Dec 2014- Feb 2015 is an advancement to the present plan, but having more quieter moments with some tweaks here and there with 7, 6, and 7 repeating numbers.

The elections are expected in Feb 2015, but the numbers speak of further direction from April/May 2015 onwards.
This is not to be judgmental about elections when.......but.....
.......Also the direction of the inner and outer energies are away from each other/diverse.
Of course, this has nothing to do with winning/losing election or any materially driven result; but denotes some human equations not set as it should have been/ his energies not being at sync.

Let's wish him power at this venture anyways!

Another point noted is that Aug 2019 for 1 year is having a concentration of 9 energy which has been constantly draining from 2014.
This can give a strain on health having stress on movement/flexibility.
This peaks in 2019/20.......therefore requiring special care in health/in person at that time.

Astro analysis may be added in a few days...


Time is approaching for the election results of Delhi. Election date =7 Feb 2015 & election results=10 Feb 2015.

There was mention above that the inner and outer energies are not at sync at this time.
On further research on these number points, though they are not at sync, the energies feel responsible to deliver results with new openings in endeavors (begun since 2011 given a back ward grace of 3 months= The 5 personal year in such situation!) along with the helpful inner mind. Such periods show a mental bent of helping society and people at large.

Thus it looks positive for Sri Kejriwal, and this is supported by the palm indications too along with astrological indications mentioned in link thread & transits(Gochara)
Even then, Mid May 2015 - Aug 2015 looks to be the beginning of organized use of Power/ The properly Functional Govt.

So let 10 Feb 2015 with a forward grace of 3 -4 days bring the said election news.


The other candidate Kiran Bedi, birthdate 9 June 1949 in addition has transit /Jupiter favorable, which is an edge over Kejriwal's astro transits; and predicting becomes difficult here.

But one thing seems certain:= The start of the Delhi power activity looks to be from May 2015; maybe before this certain things would be uncertain?!
This is a per Numerology readings.

The second half 2015 has a strong repeat for Kiran Bedi, showing too many options to choose from; while Feb 2015 can slow down their speed a bit.

The numerology edge is with Kejriwal anyways, considering the inner and outer harmonics.

Just wondering what could these mean?



Political predictions are difficult; quite difficult.

Reasons:= (1)Strong chances of the birth time being incorrect/changed, for whatever reasons.
(2) Even birth date can be not known or changed; following the birth year too and even month.

If all the above considerations have been changed; what would a divinator/astrologer depend upon??!!

The most dependable tool which can give some vague idea of the forthcoming events are the palm & the birth registered name, I think; but this too can be question (?) mark, given the fact we need to work upon a particular age when events happen (and the year of birth is not known).

Given all the above itches/hitches, I still do not believe in 'giving up' of a pr0per method; besides Horary or related methods which are not always always dependable.

Just sharing.... the above at an intense moment of 'thinking and sharing'.....!

Now lets return to the present thread scenario of the Delhi elections.
Given the fact that the birth year of Narendra Modi, is reasonably convincing, we can venture to check out his perspective in relation to the elections in Feb 2015.

Modi is trying to increase the stronghold of BJP in India, and therefore also BJP in Delhi.
So let us see what Feb 2015 holds for him, though he is not the election candidate.

Disclaimer..... I can be wrong as I am using strong pointers never used by political astrologers.

Narendra Modi enters the number 7 personal year in 2015; a period of introspection, and self search.
Given his name harmonics, the present 2015 has a bridge of 1, where the personal ego can have a small, temporary correction speedbreaker/emotional disappointment in Feb 2015.

Now the above inferences are from the methods in numerology not loudly tested by others in terms of political predictions, & is being experimented by me in such area.

If this happens in Reality, then the cards go in favour of Keriwal.  :smt017


Sri Kejriwal of AAP has won the Delhi elections with a stunning majority on 10 Feb 2015; as predicted since Feb 2014 (a year before the present elections) ... 190276.cms

This massive win happened on number 7 month in the 5 year for Sri Kejriwal, and also for Kiran Bedi.

This does justify the 'happening' for Kiran Bedi as loss; but for Kejriwal brings a different flavour backed by the nodal degree transits in astrology= ie: the unexpected massive performance he was not mentally ready for ... -in-738410
and he mentions it as 'scary'....!

In any case the 'swearing in' is on 14 Feb 2015, on a 'personal day' which is congenial to Narendra Modi & Arvind Kejriwal, both; but limited to the day.
Astrologically the moon positions also speak of the same.

I had also seen that the Govt takes off with proper impetus from May 2015, & between May & Aug 2015.
Maybe the major teething troubles between both the parties will be worked upon then.

Switching to another system in numerology which work accurate, 2016 marks a year successful period when  Kejriwal' decisions/functions would be healthier, harmonious creative; following 2017 when he is brought to the right political arena, much needed then.

The present emotional setback shouldn't be taken as a defeat for Sri Modi, but only a correction, for better functioning, as he is expected to be there for 2 terms as divination foretells!
The transit saturn on lagna, post Nov 2014 will only bring the Govt to a more 'practical' state of functioning over the next 2 years; and of course some confusing situations as saturn crosses moon.


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Post by bablibinjola » Fri 26 Jun, 2015 7:20 am

Hi, According to me election are going to be really hard this time as everyone is not having good luck.

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Re: Arvind Kejriwal......A Numerlogical analysis

Post by RishiRahul » Fri 26 Jun, 2015 4:34 pm

RishiRahul wrote:    ....................................................................................................................................................................Sri Kejriwal of AAP has won the Delhi elections with a stunning majority on 10 Feb 2015; as predicted since Feb 2014 (a year before the present elections) ... 190276.cms

This massive win happened on number 7 month in the 5 year for Sri Kejriwal, and also for Kiran Bedi.

This does justify the 'happening' for Kiran Bedi as loss; but for Kejriwal brings a different flavour backed by the nodal degree transits in astrology= ie: the unexpected massive performance he was not mentally ready for ... -in-738410
and he mentions it as 'scary'....!

In any case the 'swearing in' is on 14 Feb 2015, on a 'personal day' which is congenial to Narendra Modi & Arvind Kejriwal, both; but limited to the day.
Astrologically the moon positions also speak of the same.

I had also seen that the Govt takes off with proper impetus from May 2015, & between May & Aug 2015.
Maybe the major teething troubles between both the parties will be worked upon then.

Switching to another system in numerology which work accurate, 2016 marks a year successful period when  Kejriwal' decisions/functions would be healthier, harmonious creative; following 2017 when he is brought to the right political arena, much needed then.

The present emotional setback shouldn't be taken as a defeat for Sri Modi, but only a correction, for better functioning, as he is expected to be there for 2 terms as divination foretells!
The transit saturn on lagna, post Nov 2014 will only bring the Govt to a more 'practical' state of functioning over the next 2 years; and of course some confusing situations as saturn crosses moon.


It seems that (see in bold above) after May 2015 Sri Kejriwal began to perform (as a baby learning to walk).

The 'baby learning to walk' came to my mind when May 2015 arrived and there was commotion  :smt017 ..... But no! It was a start as a baby learns to walk towards productivity,which takes off properly from Aug 2015!!

The budget being placed at the last quarter of June 2015, shows much effort given specially after 3 June 2015 ( this  will probably remain a secret being the inside efforts).

Now coming to the immediate future, one can safely state the real progress on the budget may resume after end July 2015 (Aug 2015)....a period of hard work resumes while transit Mars in astrology enters the upachaya from lagna and moon with wonderful ashtakvargas too; added by the jupiter uplifted Arudha!.

Kudos to Performance! as mentioned in the quote in bold. :smt020


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Post by RishiRahul » Sat 09 Jan, 2016 6:37 pm

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