Presidential elections USA 2016---- Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump

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Presidential elections USA 2016---- Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump

Post by RishiRahul » Sun 02 Oct, 2016 11:00 am


The U.S. Presidential elections have candidates finally since July 2016. They are:=
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, born 26 Oct 1947 @Chicago, Illinois.
Donald John Trump, born 14 June 1946 @ 10.46 am, Jamaica, New York.

Hillary Clinton is running 4 pinnacle, 4 essence, 9 personal year; while Trump is running 8 pinnacle, 1 essence & 2 personal year.

Hillary Clinton is running sub pinnacle of 8 from 2008 to 2017; while Donald Trump is running the sub pinnacle of 5 since 2016.

This combination is difficult to predict with a favour for Trump.

It is a pity that proper palm photos could not be received for a clear analysis, like the prediction made for Obama during the 2012 elections.

An astrological analysis is given below ... hp?t=86517


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seeing hiliary coming out on top ...some insight

Post by chosenone » Wed 26 Oct, 2016 6:49 pm

been following a astrologer since the being of the election year   and i am impressed with his PREDICTIONS ... _2016.html  
In my last update on October 22nd, I had indicated that this Saturn and Venus conjunction is not good for Hillary Clinton. I had advised her to be cautious around October 29th when the exact conjunction will take place in Scorpio sign. I was wondering what could go wrong when we are just days away from the election date. Then we see the news about Obamacare broke out yesterday. The cost of insurance premiums for those in the nationally run Obamacare exchange would soar 25 percent on average in 2017, even as the number of plans to choose from would shrink drastically. This is certainly not a good news for Hillary Clinton.
On the Republican side, Donald Trump does not understand the problems with Obamacare, and how these problems can be fixed to make it work for everyone. Trump wants to repeal and replace Obamacare with something better. No one knows what that something better is. Trump has failed to provide solutions to national problems that US is facing at this time.
Hillary Clinton should be okay, after this Saturn and Venus conjunction will be over in first week of November. This is just a small bump in this race that I saw coming for Hillary Clinton, that is why in my last update on October 22nd, I had advised her to be cautious during last week of October.    Gurmeet Singh

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looking at some of there core numbers ..

Post by chosenone » Wed 26 Oct, 2016 7:11 pm

Hilary   has what it takes    birthday number of 26/8   power and authority    verses trump with the very strong  14/5 karmic debt number .....he has made many people upset with his choice of words ......  hillarys   life path  of 12/3    much more favorable  than trumps again with a karmic debt of 13/4    Hillary  personal year number is 9  same as the universe year 2016 .....   trumps personal year is off cycle a bit   with a 2 personal year and 2016 /9   can cause some  some extreme  highly emotional  ..not real stable conditions    ..i have done any charts my self   just dont really have the time ...been working a lot with photography lately  ... many might remember me on here as enumero123    been gone for awhile  ..... trump might just pull this one off   but lets  hope not .......hillary has the experience  but that might work against her ....many in the country are tried  of the current government   .....

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Post by chosenone » Wed 26 Oct, 2016 10:55 pm

a forked tongued Gemini   against a power seeking   Scorpio    a battle that will go down in American  history

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Post by chosenone » Wed 26 Oct, 2016 11:41 pm


Hillary Clinton's lead shrinks to 3 points in national polls due to Saturn and Venus conjunction in Scorpio sign as predicted by me on October 22nd update. Clinton will be fine after November 5th as Venus changes sign and moves into Sagittarius. As I have mentioned before this temporary bump is caused by Saturn and Venus conjunction, when the Obamacare issues came up and the national polls lead shrinks to 3 points. No worries Clinton will win on election day.     Gurmeet Singh

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Thu 27 Oct, 2016 6:45 am


I rely on my intuition as there is no palm snaps available of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump will win with w a good lead.

Last time I predicted Nitish Kumar's party by 65 to 70% Seats 1 month before elections and they won over 70% and AAP I had predicted in last week of January on Facebook that they would get 63 seats and that too through intuition and they got 67 seats.

Let us see what happens on 8th November 2016.


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Post by RishiRahul » Thu 27 Oct, 2016 1:27 pm

Pravin Kumar wrote:Rishiji,

I rely on my intuition as there is no palm snaps available of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump will win with w a good lead.

Last time I predicted Nitish Kumar's party by 65 to 70% Seats 1 month before elections and they won over 70% and AAP I had predicted in last week of January on Facebook that they would get 63 seats and that too through intuition and they got 67 seats.

Let us see what happens on 8th November 2016.


Pravin ji,

Yes, you are very intuitive no doubt!
You may also look at the astrology predictions above where I mentioned that though Hillary Clinton's chart is weak, 8 Nov 2016 is good for her ( edited a bit due to some erratas.


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Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed 02 Nov, 2016 3:11 pm

According to my intuition Donald Trump will win between 60 to 65% votes and next day I got the much clearer figure of his victory and that is 63%.

Now let us see what happens on 8th November . Here in India I believe results will be out by 9th Evening as then it will be 9th Morning at USA.


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Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed 09 Nov, 2016 8:53 am


Results are out and the counting is  in balance though Donald Trump has been declared President.


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Post by RishiRahul » Wed 09 Nov, 2016 1:23 pm

Ah yes!

And you can connect the numerology predictions on this too ... hp?t=86518


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Post by Pravin Kumar » Thu 10 Nov, 2016 7:53 am


Ultimately Donald Trump won 306 seats and Hillary Clinton won 306 and and 232 seats respectively.

Rishiji through Astrology many have predicted wrong and one person through nuerology got it wrong. But in your numerology reading you are almost at the truth.

Well now I hope he will benefit humanity as he is the President of USA which is a World Power No.1.


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Post by RishiRahul » Thu 10 Nov, 2016 3:12 pm

Pravin Kumar wrote:Rishiji,

Ultimately Donald Trump won 306 seats and Hillary Clinton won 306 and and 232 seats respectively.

Rishiji through Astrology many have predicted wrong and one person through nuerology got it wrong. But in your numerology reading you are almost at the truth.

Well now I hope he will benefit humanity as he is the President of USA which is a World Power No.1.

Thank you Pravinji!

The astrology prediction about Trump was also correct, barring one point.
Mars transit was in Trumps favour besides a few others mentioned.

8 Nov 2016 was a kumbha rasi day, & Clinton is Kumbha rasi, which misled me.
So 4 points in Trump's favour , as against 1 for Clinton; astrologically speaking


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Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue 15 Nov, 2016 7:56 am


Actually though Donald Trump won many more seats than Hillary Clinton the total number of votes won by Donoald Trump excess to Hillary Clinton is only .7 million votes extra.

My friend in Toroton used to give me all the background on both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and so I started feeling from that time onwards that Donald Trump will win.


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Re: Presidential elections USA 2016---- Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump

Post by RishiRahul » Sun 19 Nov, 2017 2:57 pm

RishiRahul wrote:
Sun 02 Oct, 2016 11:00 am

The U.S. Presidential elections have candidates finally since July 2016. They are:=
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, born 26 Oct 1947 @Chicago, Illinois.
Donald John Trump, born 14 June 1946 @ 10.46 am, Jamaica, New York.

Hillary Clinton is running 4 pinnacle, 4 essence, 9 personal year; while Trump is running 8 pinnacle, 1 essence & 2 personal year.

Hillary Clinton is running sub pinnacle of 8 from 2008 to 2017; while Donald Trump is running the sub pinnacle of 5 since 2016.

This combination is difficult to predict with a favour for Trump.

It is a pity that proper palm photos could not be received for a clear analysis, like the prediction made for Obama during the 2012 elections.

An astrological analysis is given below


In addition to above, I noticed while checking Donald Trump's chart that he is starting a double transit activating his mercury, along with his 7th. house and eleventh.......!!

Looks like he have start concentrating some core issues between March & June 2018....also some restrictions.


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