Interpretation Of Four of Swords - Upright - Minor Arcana

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Interpretation Of Four of Swords - Upright - Minor Arcana

Post by Tarot » Tue May 16, 2006 11:09 am

Four of Swords - Upright

Minor Arcana

This is the time build up your mental strength.  Meditate and spend time in a calm atmosphere. You need to replenish your strength and spend time in spiritual thinking.  You need to take rest and relax.


Let's hear your interpretation of the card...

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Post by nicnic » Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:40 am

This to me is a time of rest and recovery. A time to think things over. Take a step back to catch your breath. A period in your life where the rest will help rejuvenate your mind.

Clear your mind.

Could also mean to me a stay or a visit to the doctor or hospital.

Take things a bit slower.

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Post by samantha234 » Mon Jul 17, 2006 7:07 pm

enforced rest due to illness
next to judgement death
very good!

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Post by Bella » Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:05 am

The Four of Swords a card that is often known as the meditation card. Swords are related to the element Air and are therefore to do with thoughts, clarity and intellect.
Lets take a look at the symbolism within this Rider Waite card. The Card depicts a Knights tomb and on it we see a Knight carved and he is praying. On the stained glass window behind another man is kneeling and praying to a standing figure, there is a yellow halo around this figures head, so perhaps they are a saint. Prayer in itself is a meditation... Three swords are hanging in the downward position on the wall behind him, symbolising that the negativity of the three has now been set aside, the fourth sword lays horizontal on the side of the sarcophagus, resting indicating the time to reflect and consider.  The lid to the sarcophagus is not closed  showing this is only a temporary situation where we can rest and mediate on what has passed.

Fours signify to me material completion, that is what has gone on in the previous three cards now becomes a reality, four gives us the space to refelct upon this. The Fours in Tarot tend to act like stepping stones into the next phase, what you learn at this stage helps you complete your journey.  The Major Arcana Card it relates to is The Emperor, who offers you structure and order... this is what the 4 can offer you.

Sometimes this card also signifies that you may be in a stagnant position, and its appearance can very often tell you that it is time to step back rest and by withdrawing into oneself you allow the time needed in order to re-emerge with new clarity about your situation.

Reversed this card could suggest that you have now gained the mental clarity you need, or that you are recovering from some illness . Also it could suggest that you are unable to rest or that your dreams give you restless nights.  It may be saying that you are coming out of isolation and ready to join the world again.

I don't like the way the man looks like he is falling onto those three swords and so another suggestion here is that you may be stuck in your position by circumstances .

To Turn the card back around though, it may be necessary to step back and meditate on what could be done........


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