
Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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Post by ebz » Sun Dec 03, 2006 5:02 am

if u got that fact from movies i doubt its true. movies are just movies and shouldn't be seen as fact

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Post by Kaz » Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:08 pm

I hope they are not carried over to the next life as mine is on my left butt cheek and looks like i sat on a baked bean!!! spent a lot of time hearing people tell me " i think you need to wash , i think you sat on something!!! :smt003

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Post by Delphina » Fri Feb 16, 2007 5:33 pm

My mother was born with a cross for a birthmark.
Last edited by Delphina on Tue Jun 05, 2007 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Delphina » Fri Feb 16, 2007 5:35 pm

My birthmark looks like the energizer bunny on my upper/outer right arm.  One ear is up and the other ear and half down.  Maybe it was a tattoo in a past life.


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my birthmark

Post by Jade_Silver » Sun May 06, 2007 3:18 am

Does anyone know what certain birthmarks mean?  I have a quarter moon on the back of my left leg.  I know this isnt the typical mark, never seen or heard of anyone else having the same one as me.


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Post by Oldfartcoza » Sun May 20, 2007 8:20 pm

Children, children! Don't knock anything until you have done your research! Birthmarks are carried over from previous lives and to future ones. Go here and look up the Dr. Ian Stevenson page. If that doesn't convince you, nothing will.
Love to all
Old Fart.

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Flame haired one
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Post by Flame haired one » Thu May 24, 2007 6:43 am

Has anyone heard that birthmarks as you are re-incarnated get smaller?  Or that they are left over wounds from a previous life?

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Post by Flame haired one » Thu May 24, 2007 6:43 am

Has anyone heard that birthmarks as you are re-incarnated get smaller?  Or that they are left over wounds from a previous life?

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Post by adam smith » Wed Jun 13, 2007 3:11 pm

yes that be some work on that our mind can make the body do some thing that can't be reproduce in any form we can heal and recover from some bad things  I have a tell to tell it's true my mother had a per strawbery on her right wrist up and and untile she gave birth to me and over night it went away family and friends tell about it when I was growing up  we often wonder if it was something from a past life for her to remember or a prom. kept in some way I would like to know someday have a nice day :-)

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Can someone pls throw more light on this story/ background of birthmarks?

Post by tina25 » Sun Dec 23, 2007 2:40 pm

Can someone pls throw more light on this story/ background  of birthmarks?? My sister & I both have one & would like to know more.
Mine is growing bigger since my childhood & even darker brown.

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Re: Can someone pls throw more light on this story/ background of birthmarks?

Post by Mystic Meg » Mon Dec 24, 2007 3:45 pm

tina25 wrote:Can someone pls throw more light on this story/ background  of birthmarks?? My sister & I both have one & would like to know more.
Mine is growing bigger since my childhood & even darker brown.
Hello Tina,

I would make sure that you first get the mark checked by a doctor, that is very important, it sounds more like a mole than a re-mark.

Some people think that if you have a specific kind of birthmark, like a sword scar or ring around your neck like you have been hung or a scar on your leg - marks like this that you were born with - than you can cut the ties and learn the lesson of the past you will lose the mark over this life or the next.  This doesn't apply to mole marks though that are totally unrelated.


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Post by lisa_was_here » Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:02 pm

dawn wrote:swetha what do you mena by next life do you mean the life after death as it is belived in christianty and islam or you are considering the hindu belive.
Birthmarks are generally referring to a scar on a human baby from the time of birth. So I am just guessing that she means passed on FROM a life she lived before this current human life...
As far as Christianity and Islam are concerned, they talk about our next life being ascendance to heaven or descendance to hell...they do not mention what happens before this life anywhere. Islam at least, focuses on the good deeds of our human life from the time of puberty to death...and before puberty from infancy we are considered pure and free from sin...Muslims do not study reincarnation, some openly comdemn it, but I am not sure if there is any proof that we should condemn the idea...on the flip side, I am not sure there is proof to support...all I can say is that it is like a moot or irrelavant point given that Muslims believe in the innocence and perfection of the newborn baby, so anything before that is obviously irrelevant to anything know what I mean? I hope this makes sense.
of course their are situations where someone is born in a athiest or non muslim family and taught things that are considered evil in Islam, so the child incurs bad deeds if he continues these evil after puberty. Then he does not gain innocence again until he finds Islam and is forgiven for mistakes he commited in ignorance. Sooooo that is where there is a grey area there...and personally...I sort of believe reincarnation could be possible for these category of converted muslims. My theory here is that, they were in a cycle of lives for years past on from family generations teaching them sometime contrary to Islam but they never were taught Islam so they technically could not be judged and sent to heaven or hell so they reincarnated and got a chance to meet muslims and find islam, then when they found islam in one life (since islam is the last and final, and most perfect chapter of the 3 abrahamic religions) then they had no excuses for their bad deeds or lack of good deeds so they could be sent to the ultimate resting place with coming back to earth....**gasp** mann that was a long explaination and just my theory. I would really like to study more and figure it out  a little better...I think that is why I came here :smt004

I hope that I do not mislead people and cause anyone talk what I said as absolute fact, nor cause people to think this simplified explaination is a complete understanding of Islam. It is more complicated and I hardly have all the info...but it is just a taste of an idea...bear in mind when I say "they could be sent to their ultimate resting place", that is in accordance with the assumption that they had the chance to meet a fully knowledgeable scholar, and were presented with a completely accurate and perfect version of Islam (free from corruption and free from human error in interpretation of the language of Quranic Arabic)....that is very difficult to find. It takes many years of study to know all the aspects of this faith, nonetheless meet a perfect scholar who can teach anyone everything in any language and according to any context. So this is why it is very difficult to find any muslim on earth today who knows everything and can be judged so harshly for his deeds and sent to heaven or hell. I am guessing that 99% Muslims have some level or ignorance due to the imperfection of life and the inability to gain all the knowledge, that causes them to commit mistakes and therefore...maybe there is an opening there for reincarnation to happen...since I heard from a popular medium that reincarnation happens when we need to learn something from human life...just a thought.
In any case...... I do not really like the idea of mixing reincarnation with any particuliar faith and claiming it belongs to any faith. It seems like a much more of a universal thing that can happen to anyone so mixing with a faith and saying only those guys are reincarnated and those guys are not is a dangerous thing to say IMO. I like slyvia brownes interpretation of it from one of her books on spirit guides. She simplifies it in a universal way for everyone regardless of their faith to understand. I think this is very good and makes it the most clear.

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Post by jld » Mon Dec 31, 2007 2:44 am

The book I read by Stevenson, Old Souls, has very interesting documentation of past life injuries resulting in birthmarks in the next incarnation. I have a larger light brown birthmark on my thigh (little bigger than a quarter) and then a smaller white birthmark near it. Since I learned of birth marks' significance, for some reason I always got the sense that it was an entrance and exit wound from maybe an arrow.  Who knows though. My mom has one similar on her leg without the white one. In some cases, these could be indications of knowing these people from past lives as well? You think? Does anyone else have any white birthmaks? My daughter has a mongolodian spot on her back which is from her father's american indian blood. I wonder if these have significance as well, or not because they are more common in some races.  :)

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Birthmark (Meanderings)

Post by druid » Mon Dec 31, 2007 1:42 pm

At the celecular level, genetic incoding, housed withing our cells I believe one could access stored information at the celecular level of the physical it normal skin tissue or abnormal(birthmarks, scares)muscle tention. All is vibration. Once released, information is felt, sensed seen or heard.. as the energy is released it travels through nural pathways and revealed to the consious awarenes....mmm

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Post by jld » Mon Dec 31, 2007 2:03 pm

I agree that cell memory from past lives can be released with awareness.

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