Having a Rune tattooed on you

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Having a Rune tattooed on you

Post by jeffmechler » Sun Feb 04, 2007 5:31 pm

I have been thinking of putting a couple of Runes on my body in form of a tattoo.  

I tried searching around online to see if this is a wise thing to do or would cause some sort of backlash or otherwise be a bad idea.

Anyone have thoughts on it?


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Post by EarlofLeicester » Tue Feb 06, 2007 6:57 pm

I suspect it depends on what you want the runes to do or say.  I would go with a rune that generally is not subject to negative interpretation (unless that is what you want).  Runes that promote positive feelings and well being would be best.  If you wanted Sowilo, for example, please be aware that this rune got a bad reputation in that it was used by the Nazis for the SS in World War 2.  Of course, that is a case of Nazism misusing the Germanic heritage (in extreme) but thought it was worth mentioning.  Personally, I am happy wearing a symbol round my neck of the rune, and that may be the best place to start, before you commit to something that is harder to reverse.

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Post by starryskies » Sat Feb 17, 2007 5:43 pm

If there is one rune you are particularly drawn to, I think it would bring you only positive things :)

I am not brave enough to get a tattoo (don´t like needles!) I don´t actually like tattoos either but that´s neither here nor there.

If it feels right... do it.

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Sat Feb 17, 2007 6:33 pm

Not all runes are created equal.  Isa is generally a not overly positive rune, even in its most positive interpretation.  (Also boring from a tattoo perspective, I suspect, looking like the letter I).  Translated as ice it refers to delays, frustration of plans, and stillness.  Of course if life is crazy and you want to slow it down, well, I suppose Isa is the rune someone would want.  What I was counseling was mostly getting to know the rune before committing to needle and ink.

Odin, All Father
All seeing, all wise
Whose knowledge is gleaned
from the Earth, seas and skies
Help me evoke
the power of this rune
May it act as a lodestone
and bring me a boon.

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Rune Tattoos

Post by MoonGoddess » Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:44 am

Like any tattoo it is permanent, try getting it done in Henna first and see what repercussion you get from it.  Henna tattoos are great and if you get sick of that rune it will eventually wash off and you can apply a different one next time.  Just remember the colour is also the key to how powerful you make this rune.  Red symbolises blood I guess so it would probably be more powerful too you.  Like some of the other post before me I would stear clear of negative runes and definately do your research before choosing anything permanent.

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Post by Darkfire » Fri Jun 22, 2007 3:30 pm

Well....Bragi had runes carved and/or tattooed on his tongue. There references throughout the Edda's and such about Runes being used as such.  The first rune I worked with was Fehu. It was on my first ritual robe and I do plan on getting that tattoed on my arm. Long story short I went into a trance during a meditation and laid down. When I came back on my arm was this rune from the wax crayon I was using to draw bind runes on the floor. It had smudged off into that pattern. So that is where the tattoo will go. I was trying to do some runemagic for school, I was 15 at the time....the magic worked but I have yet to get that tattoo. I think I have found the artist finally after nearly 20 years searching but I am not sure if she is willing to do ritualistic tattoos or not. We shall see.  She is Asatru and knows the runes well and she has a shop....so hopefully.

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Post by MoonGoddess » Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:14 am

As I stated before it is important to know your runes before getting a tatto as it can have dire results.  It seems to me that you know what you are doing and if this woman that will do this tattoo for you is willing to do what you want and you trust her then that is great.  Feoh or Fehu is a great rune for success and accumulating wealth, would love to know how it turns out and if you could post an image so the rest of us can see it thanks.


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Post by Darkfire » Sat Jun 23, 2007 12:05 pm

MoonGoddess wrote:As I stated before it is important to know your runes before getting a tatto as it can have dire results.  It seems to me that you know what you are doing and if this woman that will do this tattoo for you is willing to do what you want and you trust her then that is great.  Feoh or Fehu is a great rune for success and accumulating wealth, would love to know how it turns out and if you could post an image so the rest of us can see it thanks.

While money is a thing to me there are more reasons. It is the first rune, it is Freyas and Freyr's rune....It  ties me to the teacher I was working with when I was a teenager, and the energy and magic of that time. I gave up eating cows and fehu is associated with that, wealth through cattle. They were so important to our ancestors and us pagan's these days don't have to eat what we kill...it is a contract of knowing that I remember that and if that happens again I will be ready. I actually gave up all meat dairy and such but cows ...I have this special bond. I am not Hindu but I understand, now, their reverence for said animals, they are regal and smart and for me at least, no longer food. Maybe when I get my farm and raise my own that will change but for now no way.

The girl is part of my Grove, she is also part of a pagan CSA farm I belong to, but for an artist of this type she is very soft spoken and shy. Approaching her has been slow.  Perhaps she will be at Midsummer tonight and if I can get a free moment I will talk to her. I prolly won't be able to post the image she draws, but once it's on me I will be able to.

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Sat Jun 23, 2007 1:32 pm

This is not personal to anyone, but I bristle when the meaning of the runes are altered to satisfy contemporary tastes.  Yes, Fehu (and other name variants) did reflect cattle, as wealth, as animal skin, as milk source, as food. Killing and eating these animals was necessary for survival.  The ancestors (well, mine at least, I do not know your heritage) did not have the luxury of 21st century living and needed the cattle for these items I spoke of.  While it undoubtedly represented wealth, it represented practical wealth that was need to live.  Actually, I found Darkfire's story of Fehu compelling, but I just wanted to lay down historical groundwork.  You really couldn't be a vegan or member of PETA at the turn of the millenium (1000 AD) in, say, old Iceland...

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Post by Darkfire » Sun Jun 24, 2007 6:52 am

fehu is associated with wealth and in cattle and wealth could be measured by that my aside about veganism is an aside. As much as I lean on history as humans we have evolved and thus so should our Religions.  We will never know 100% truth what they did even with all the channeling and ancestors and regression in the world, we will never know. I walk with one foot in the past whole being grounded to the here and now with my aspirations towards the future. I never meant to offend anyone's veiw or their vision of Fehu, this is just my personal journey and one that will continue as my artist does not ink now only pierce and I do my own most of the 23 of mine were self done.

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Post by MoonGoddess » Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:36 am

Each to their own I say if you don't want to eat meat that is your right, myself believe in the great cycle of life.  Yes I may eat meat but when I die what is my body going to nurish so there fore I give back what I take.  I study environmental science not uni level but enough to make sense and if you look at the food web you will see what I mean.  Each organism feeds another and in turn feeds on another organisum.  Now I have gone way off track, sorry.

Fehu yes it means cattle, wealth and yes it is the first rune of the first aett.  Myself would more like go for Ansuz as this is Odins rune and the rune with which all runes came from.

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:09 am

No offense was intended Darkfire.  100% Truth is sadly unattainable.  It is the people who are interested in 5% truth that I addressed my comment too.  Some people don't see the historical truth of the runes and remanufacture them so much that they are no longer what the ancients intended.  So, I pop in every so often to offer some grounding for those who  are unaware of this.  Maybe it is too bold, but it is something I feel compelled to do in my exploration of the truth of the runes.

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Post by Darkfire » Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:58 pm

MoonGoddess wrote:Each to their own I say if you don't want to eat meat that is your right, myself believe in the great cycle of life.  Yes I may eat meat but when I die what is my body going to nurish so there fore I give back what I take.  I study environmental science not uni level but enough to make sense and if you look at the food web you will see what I mean.  Each organism feeds another and in turn feeds on another organisum.  Now I have gone way off track, sorry.

Fehu yes it means cattle, wealth and yes it is the first rune of the first aett.  Myself would more like go for Ansuz as this is Odins rune and the rune with which all runes came from.
Oh Ansuz, yes what a great rune....My grove was selling off old divination sets at Midsummer last night and I found a rune set that compelled me. Another member and I had an impromptu rune naming session and we realized there were only 23 runes that Ansuz was missing. With Odin's Rune missing, there was no way to recreate the magic in my mind....we put the runes back, I did not buy that set.....It would make a great tattoo. I have often thought of have having the elder tattooed down each leg, but I am slow with my tattoos, as I said artists are hard to come by with what I want.

I had thought my next tattoo was to be a Thors hammer, but was instructed to go back to the beginning, of the runes and of my journey, it will be fehu. Maybe Thor will get his due next time.  I have made many gifts for Thor of late and even (forgive me folkish ones) got several of my grove mates hailing his name in the aspect of the summer gentle storm that nourishes the crops for rapid growth.

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Post by sigurd » Fri Jul 20, 2007 9:13 am

I am thinking on tattoeing the saying "what goes round comes around" in runes. could some one help me to translate in rune.

thank you

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Post by MoonGoddess » Sun Jul 22, 2007 5:19 am

That is a hard one to translate as most runes, have a deeper meaning in them that states "What ever you put in, you will get out".  Take for instance the runes Feoh, Tir and Jera but more so Jera.  These are runes of success, but it comes at a cost.  We will start with Jera, Jera is the Harvest rune which means the seed that you have planted has come to fruit.  The hard work you have put in is now coming to fruition.  Does that make sense.

Feoh the cattle rune of moveable wealth is a rune of money and material wealth.  Not money won by lotto or gift but money or material wealth that you have put your blood sweat and tears into to get.

Tir or Tyr ect ect is also rune of victory or success, it is named for the god Tyr who sacrificed his right hand to bind the Fenris wolf who threatened the comsmic order.

If I were into tattoes I would go for Elhaz, Thurisaz bound as they are runes of protection.
If you read some of the post on this topic you will find my one saying that you should be very careful getting Runic tattoes unless you fully understand what you are doing and trust the tattooist as if they get it wrong you could become very ill, or have a lot of bad luck.

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