General Questions on Mediumship

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General Questions on Mediumship

Post by chrisdee » Thu Jul 12, 2007 7:57 pm

A few months ago a spirit was brought to me (i have written about it in another part of the forum) up until then i could go to open circle and receive pictures some times accompanied by words from spirit and give small messages but as soon as i had one episode of assisted rescue work my ability in circle vanished could you please tell me whether you get tasters of whats to come and i am developing as i have now seen my Guides and i can still feel the emotions of spirits when there around or did i not pass some kind of test
i know this may be difficult to answer but i would appreciate your comments

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:31 pm

What did you do in this rescue work?

I believe it is totally possible for such things to happen, and not necessarily a reflection of us. It's like giving a person site and then taking it away, so that they can learn to not always rely on one sense. It is the same with spirit. One cannot rely on just site or the words given, what you hear, or what thy show you or what you smell. It is like learning to crawl before learning to walk, learning the fundamentals. Perhaps it's about getting back to trusting what you feel from within your own heart, which you say you can still do.

The other side of the coin is perhaps it is fear that sets you back, or perhaps there was something done that wasn't looked kindly upon, I don't know. My take though, don't worry. Sometimes we have to take a step back so we can take two steps forward.

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See lesson 2. Tools of our own consciousness

Post by spiritalk » Fri Jul 13, 2007 2:14 pm

This is where we start to use all our senses and open to psychic/mediumship work.  Yes, things change.  

But also when doing rescue work (which is for the initiated) we need a strong bond with our spirit guide.  If we have not worked hard to develop this bond, we can have a problem with interference.  Start at square one again.  Take each step as it comes.  Don't rush into 'getting something' but rather strengthen the bond of partnership with spirit through meditation.

God bless, J

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Post by chrisdee » Fri Jul 13, 2007 3:17 pm

You asked me what part i played in this rescue work this is a copy of the letter i was repeatedly prompted to Wright to his mother                                          
Please do not rush through this ,that’s if you decide to read it at all it’s a diary of events that as a
enlightening turn of events  After much consideration on my part I’ve decided to share my experience with you
         On the 19 April although I haven’t seen you for quite a while your name popped into my head I dismissed it because I didn’t know why
         Thursday night I went to bed at three in the morning I was awoken I could clearly see my door keeper to the left of me really close, to the right about two foot away was a brilliant streak of white light that blued at the edges I got an over whelming sense of sadness but because I had not experienced this before I asked my door keeper to bring back this spirit when I go next to see Helen .Helen is a qualified psychic that is helping me progress
        .Friday morning Michael rang and told me Ben had been killed in Iraq ,I had an over whelming sense of guilt at sending him away ,unfortunately  Helen was ill Friday night and had to cancel my lesson.  I knew the spirit I had sent away until I could see Helen had not gone because  I could feel his sadness  and sense him following me around
         The following  Friday when I walked in Helens the first thing she said to me was, who have you brought with you , I replied I wasn’t quite sure but could she help me deal with this spirit instead of are scheduled work She said no problem
          I was then asked to open up  sure enough there to my left was my doorkeeper but this time I could see Ben in my third eye He was so upset he could hardly talk  Helen had to assist me in getting him to move back , on doing so I could then hear what he was saying  He said  repeatedly  mums hurting and I cant do anything  I was then shown a small tank flip over  and a coffin with a flag on it I’m  sorry but at this point I broke down his emotions where to strong for me Helen had to talk to Ben she told him if he went into the light he would be able to help you  in stead of just watching you . As he turned into the light he said I Will go but I’m not happy
          Saturday morning my daughter Net rang me up and said what is Kyle on about ,he asked me if I didn’t come to your house because you had a ghost called Ben  there. Kyle went on to say he was his friend  I then told Net that I had a spirit visit but to tell Kyle he’s gone home
          I asked Michael if I could go to the funeral because I wanted to know Ben had really gone
The day of the funeral came I asked my Guide to tell me when it was time to open up. when a person passes into spirit there given a chance to say good by, I also offered my life force to give Ben  the energy to come through if it was needed
          On the way to Scunthorpe I was suddenly asked to open when I did I felt a sudden sadness and Ben in the back of the car but he was smiling this I didn’t under stand it was his funeral and he’s smiling ,He had come to say thank you before the funeral ,I said that’s OK  Then he disappeared again  .I could sense nothing of Ben out side the church ,only the hurt from one of the poll bearers I later found out was called legs and was very close to Ben
           After the first speaker had spoken I closed my eyes and asked Ben where He was, with that he got up out of the coffin, he said he had hitched a lift and sniggered ,he stood in front of me dressed in uniform and looking really smart He then turned and faced every one standing at the end of the coffin but opposite you  He then took me by surprise he looked over his left shoulder and said miserable lot they don’t know what its like over there ,he then looked to the front again
        There was a song that had lyrics in about a kiss towards the end of this song Ben moved over to you putting his arm around  you and placed a kiss on your cheek You will have felt a gentle wind or a tingly cold feeling may be even a warm feeling but you will have experienced something unless your emotions blocked this sensation
         He then took a place next to his coffin as he was been carried out he again looked over his shoulder and said they walk like penguins .I then asked him to stop trying to make me laugh as it was his funeral, with this I was no longer able to see him but he did stay around until the last prayer was said at the grave side.
         Ben as accepted the transition really well unlike some so I would expect him to learn how to use his energies really quickly compared to others this may be due to his out look on life when he was this side If you can bring your self to believe I’m sure when he visits you will feel him

          I finish this by saying that although sad I thank my Guides and BEN  for letting me take part in this experience
                            With love Decia          
although i had gone to Helens for her to deal with this ,my Guides had wonted me to do it, so we did it jointly---- why so much then nothing

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Re: See lesson 2. Tools of our own consciousness

Post by sidewalk_bends » Fri Jul 13, 2007 5:04 pm

spiritalk wrote: But also when doing rescue work (which is for the initiated) we need a strong bond with our spirit guide.  If we have not worked hard to develop this bond, we can have a problem with interference.
What does it mean to be initiated?

What if one does not believe nor work with a spirit guide? One can certainly work with a partner?

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Fri Jul 13, 2007 5:14 pm


I just wanted to thank you very much for sharing that with us. I cannot quite describe how I felt, but I thank you. There are things in there that I think will teach a lot of people. Worry not about your role in this. What happens, happens for a reason. Obviously Ben is better off? I stay by my previous post about relying on your heart and what is felt. Many will come in and out of your life to assist you in learning what you need to learn, such as Helen or even Ben, but in the end, you will need to rely on the trust between you and your maker. With that trust, much is possible. Take care my friend.

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Post by chrisdee » Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:53 pm

Thank you for you comments although sad it was a beautiful experience one that i would not hesitate on doing again now i can't wait for mediumship lessons to start may be it was just their way of letting me know what i can achieve but i will have to start with solid foundations

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jul 14, 2007 1:35 pm

Has any individual working alone the capability to deal with the unexpected?  When someone has worked for a period of time in spirit realms and learned what to trust and what not to trust they do not go where it is undesirable to travel.  That is just my experience and I do not do things of the spirit without a lot of trust in the help and guidance from spirit that comes with experience.

I do not dwell upon the down side of spirit work...but those that have dabbled without knowledge have certainly sought out someone to help them cope later.

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Jul 15, 2007 3:57 pm

Dear Friend,

I want to understand exactly the difference with the Medium and Psychic ability. While learning Meditation we were taught certain exercises and this is one of them:-

Just Imagine looking at a lime held in hand. Look at the colour, at the moisture on it, the dots on it, smell it, feel it and then cut it into two and crush one part in your mouth. Immediately the brain instructs and saliva is released to dilute the bitterness of the lime. This is suggestion to the brain.

I had this experience: One of my close relatives daughter was getting married. She was to be engaged within next fortnight. I got this image in my mind while in sleep. I saw this girl sitting on a sofa in a big huge house. By her side I saw a gentleman standing and I could see this man clearly, his looks, smile, hair, clothes everything. Since I know the girl I saw her dressed well with a smile on her face and wearing costly ornaments. She was being married to a boy who got very low pay. She was a bit worried.

When I attended her engagement I inquired about the girl's father in law. But the person I saw did not resemble the one I saw in my sleep. After some time another gentleman came and he resembled ditto what I had seen. No difference whatsoever. I asked who he was and I was told he was the girl's father in law's elder brother.

The marriage took more than 4 years back and the couple are now earning very well and well placed. The boy got many increments in pay in the last four years. I see signs of prosperity materialising in the girl's life as I saw in sleep.

Second and several such experiences. I just am either wide awake or at work or sleeping or doing nothing in particular. Certain thoughts come to me in a flash and I note it down and relate it to persons about whom I get the message. Most of the time is quite accurate. Even in the shares I tried my luck. 4 times out of 5 I would get correct shares which would rise in the market. I did not even now the name of Companies whose shares I predicted would rise and sure enought the shares would rise. But the fifth time I got it so wrong that whatever I earned in the first four was lost in the fifth transaction.

Now what would you call both.

Pravin Kumar

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Questions & Answers---Pick up a piece of fruit

Post by chrisdee » Mon Jul 16, 2007 6:35 pm

Ive tried this with an apple and found the apple to have much more taste
to taste an imaginary one in meditation my mouth watered like my body was expecting me to eat one

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:00 pm

The beginning of all psychic abilities is to take the 5 senses used in our material existence, add 2 more (intuition (from the mind) and I know (from the heart - it neither sees nor hears - it just knows) and take them to the psychic sensitivities within your whole body, mind, spirit.  The tool we use is meditation.

The fruit test is one of the most interesting and some amazing results have occurred when we tried this in a group of mediumship unfoldment.  We had a fruit and veggie tray available to choose a piece from.  When carrots were chosen, several people got the distinct message of 'don't eat me'.  Very interesting indeed!

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:02 pm

Please check the test questions under lessons and do the test and report any results.

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I have a question

Post by Nelope123 » Sat Jul 28, 2007 6:18 am

I don't mean to sound stupid, but to develop our mediumship and psychic abilities,  does it help to "imagine" eating something or experiencing something?  If so, how?

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I am confused

Post by Nelope123 » Sat Jul 28, 2007 6:37 am

Again, I don't mean to sound stupid, but do we physically "eat" the fruit, or just imagine eating it?  I understand that we are suppose to use all of our 5 senses, but I don't understand what the other (2) things we are suppose to add.  What do you mean when you say, "add 2 more (intuition (from the mind) and I know (from the heart - it neither sees nor hears - it just knows) and take them to the psychic sensitivities within your whole body, mind, spirit.  The tool we use is meditation."

Again, I am confused.  Can someone please help me understand this better.  I feel like a person with an IQ of Zero here.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:23 pm

Nelope:  The fruit (veggie) test is merely a form of getting in touch with all the senses (and even adding Intuition and I know) and then taking them to a psychic level.  When you are working with the fruit or veggie, merely examine it by seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling (tactile and emotions) and at the end eating.  

Exercises is psychic realms are about opening the senses to the psychic.  When you are in touch with the psychic senses in this manner, you can feel how you can take charge of them in your messages and manifestations.  We do not sit idelly by while someone or something manifests on our body (the instrument for all the psychic/mediumship work).

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