Learn Tarot - Try this one... (2)

Please note readings given here will be done by tarot students of varying levels with the purpose of improving their skills and knowledge. These practice readings will draw feedback on the style, the card interpretations and overall content.

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Post by George » Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Gem wrote:Wonderful :) George and Chooky what a team :)

George thanks so much for answering Chooky here, I have been unwell and trying to rest when I can. I need not have worried, you are correct in that this question is designed to see if we can notice the difference between real and unreal.  I think that to me there is a definate difference, a kind of block, and so I find the cards hard to write a lot about, hence short answers?

Chooky brilliant :)

Oh.......... and those nagging feelings, try and heed them. Lol we all need confidence.. Hmmm new lesson there I think?
i spent the whole of last week sick even missed a couple days of work!  :smt011  and when i did go back i had to do the job where i have to stand all day! i felt like i was  :smt015  on my feet!  

boy, am i glad i was right about the lesson!  i really didn't want to step on toes here!   :smt018   but glad i could help!  :smt003
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Post by Gem » Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:51 pm

George sorry to hear you haven't been well either xxxx.  Don't worry about my toes, you did great :)

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Post by Chooky » Wed Jun 27, 2007 5:13 am

Thanks George and Gem

You are too far away for me to drop some soup around to you both, so big hugs and hope that you are both on the mend


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Re: Learn Tarot - Try this one... (2)

Post by weezerwall » Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:06 pm

Gem wrote:Sometime you might come across the need to do a reading for someone that isn't real, that doesn't exist.... I wonder if you find this any different to the readings you have all been giving me? Treat it just the same and see how you feel...


My name is Jane and I would like to have a tarot reading please to find out if my boyfriend is being faithful. Does he love me?  Will we get married?

Q. Do you feel happy answering these questions? What would you say to Jane?
Hi Gem and fellow classmates - today felt like a good day to try this reading. Before starting, I decided to experiment a bit by using only the suit of cups (since the question is about "love" etc.) and the majors.  I also decided to use a 3-card spread (past, present, future) to begin with - but after I finished "reading" these drew 3 more cards from the Majors only. (explained below).  It felt really "weird" trying to read for an "imaginary" Jane, so I quieted myself and tried to feel what kind of person Jane could be.  I tried to visualize her sitting in front of me, asking the question and explaining her situation.  Here's what I got:

Past: Knight of Cups (reversed)
Present: 6 of cups (reversed)
Future: 3 of Cups

This is me "thinking aloud".  If Jane were really with me, I would be more  succinct. :-) :

Knight of Cups: "There wasn't very much positive "movement" on the love and relationship front before your boyfriend came along.  Perhaps you've had to "kiss a lot of toads" in your search to find "the prince".  Did you feel as if your  current boyfriend was "MR. RIGHT" when you met him?  Or did you try to convince yourself that he is OR  decide to "give him a chance" because he's a nice guy?  I'm asking because it feels like in your "deep heart" -  he doesn't meet all of your criteria and this feeling – rather than his behavior could be what's making you question/doubt his fidelity.

6 of Cups: Even though your boyfriend may not be perfect, you  DO love and care for him. However, you don't feel 100% secure in the relationship at present.  This card suggests that there may be a little "disillusionment"  on your part.  Could be that something was done or said which seems to have "broken the spell".  You're in the process of letting go of your "childlike" illusions - the idyllic picture you had in the past (innocent and "pure" like the children on the card). The relationship has become more "serious" now and you're trying to learn a more "grown-up" way of being with someone. Maybe you're also asking yourself if you're ready for a deeper commitment or if it's better to just to let things flow as they are.  Finally, this card could indicate that you and your boyfriend are not communicating (speaking the same language) OR that you're both just realizing what really makes the other one tick.  

3 of Cups: This card shows your "heart's desire" – the kind of security and commitment in your relationships that makes you feel joy, and happiness.  The warm energy shows what is certainly POSSIBLE for you . The question is – which of your thoughts and feelings are preventing this from happening?  You have a lot of love to give and are a nurturing soul.  You deserve and are certainly capable of creating a warm and loving home – secure and filled with  abundance (and perhaps with children, if you like!).

I drew 3 Major Arcana cards - lovers for the 6, empress for the 3 and one more (which turned out to be 10 - the Wheel) after the above - which really helped (I think?)    :)  

I have to say that I didn't feel comfortable with the questions!  Probably because I still can't imagine myself reading for others.  I'll send along the pics later (just as soon as I fix some technical "stuff").  Feedback is welcome - won't hurt my feelings - so feel free and thanks for taking the time to have a peek.

Weezer :smt003

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Jane's Reading - here is the picture

Post by weezerwall » Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:28 pm

Here we go  :smt006

IMGP2436.JPG (288.06 KiB) Viewed 5076 times

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Post by Gem » Sun Aug 26, 2007 12:00 pm

Hi weezer, thanks for the reading and the pic, it is always lovely to see the layout.

I am intrigued by your choice to usse just the suit of Cups and the Majors. Personally I would think this might give a lopsidec view.  Using just the 22 majors is quite a normal thing to do. In fact many decks are just 22 cards , majors only. But adding just the Cups to me means that you are only goig to see one side of the love reading, none of the other decks to balance it out?  There are some layouts that are set up for using the majors as the subject, the courts as the people, and the pips as the events.

I will have to try the reading with the cups and let you know :)

Well done

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Post by weezerwall » Sun Aug 26, 2007 1:16 pm

:) Thanks "Gem-Gem"!

This was just one of Weezer's little experiments.. wanted to see what it felt like - get closer to 1 suit at a time - use the Majors to give some "deeper" information. lol

I'll try it again using the full deck.

Weezer xx

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Post by pirbid » Sat Jan 19, 2008 1:14 pm

Oh, Jane, why does everybody seem to always ask about THE subject? You would think we are all really unsure when dealing with love, which is probably true, actually.

I confess I hate reading on this subject because it involves another person and his/her feelings. If the outcome of this reading gets to influence you enough to make a decision that might hurt that person, is it really fair?

Would it not be best to listen to your heart, listen to your dreams, listen to someone who loves you and knows both of you enough to give you good counsel? No? You leave me no choice then, but forewarned is forearmed.

By pirbid

                    What you have            What you want              What you need

The first position could also be interpreted as your conscious view on the relationship. The second as your feelings about it. And the third as a suggestion from your inner guide, who probably knows best.

You see your boyfriend as a practical and dependable kind of person, but maybe that is not what makes you tick. You probably find him boring, not very daring, hardly romantic, too predictable to spend the rest of your life with. He hardly seems the kind of guy to be unfaithful, so you may rest easy on that. And yes, he is probably ready to commit, although a bit immature yet. But is that really what YOU want?

What you really seem to want is to get to know yourself better so that you may know your real feelings for this person before taking any drastic steps. You have a powerful intuition working with you, so listen to it and make the most of it. Talk to yourself, instead of asking others. Also, you might need to wait passively until the situation is mature enough to take a step forward.

What you need is to work with your boyfriend towards building a strong relationship: talk over anything you may feel unsure about, like his fidelity or his intentions for the future. Then you may both be in a better position to decide how far you want to go and if you are really meant for each other.

:smt012 Hmm... I just saw a very similar reading request in the reading forum and was unable to do a reading. I knew as much about that person as about Jane, so I wondered "Is this the kind of person who will take card advice too seriously, even with obsession? Is she too young to read for?". And, most of all, "if the reading comes out negative and she decides to leave him, is that the right decision? would not the boy like to kill me for it? would it not be absurdly unfair?" :smt009

Honest, this reading has given me a headache. Probably knowing Jane is fictitious is what enabled me to do it, because I really believe those are very unfair questions to put to anybody: at most, I would do a reading for myself if in need, but I very much doubt it. I am pretty sure I would refuse to do it for a real person, unless it was a good friend and it was clear we were just doing it for a laugh.  :smt011
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Post by Gem » Tue Jan 22, 2008 3:40 pm

Glad it made you think :)

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Post by glenellen » Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:44 am

i am very weary and concerned of the affect this reading will have on Jane be it negative or positive, for the obvious reasons if it is negative and if positive it might hold her back, with the cards i got no i would not continue with her reading

iv cups this man is not giving it his all, his heart is not in the relationship it is all one sided your giving him more then he deserves you are both young and maybe you both feel a little trapped and need to spread your wings he is not the man for you

viii wands your relationship is on a slippery slope this card tells me there is much out there for you and you should grab it with both hands  

vii cups this card tells me he is looking else were for happiness yes there is infidelity but it is not about love its a challenge for him you will always be close to his heart but he needs excitement

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Post by Gem » Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:53 am

Hi Glenellen you have skipped part of the course and arrived here in the wrong order? You seemed to have missed reading one? http://mysticboard.org/vi ... hp?t=28306

Please don't try reading if you are weary, it will reflect in your interpretations, and the querent deserves our best attention :)

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Post by glenellen » Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:32 pm

hi gem i looked back over them and without sounding ignorant exactly which one did i miss, I'm lost

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Post by Gem » Sat Feb 09, 2008 4:47 pm

Nice to see you found it and posted, thanks

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an answer for jane

Post by picasso1 » Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:27 pm

for the questions 'jane' asked i done a 3 card reading and the results are as follows:

knight of cups
i get a man which will more than likley to be her boyfreind, he is faithful and loyal however i feel he may be holding back in fear of being hurt.

king of cups
again a man who is loving, kind and who would make a wonderful father and husband, he is comfortable within himself and puts his family first.

eight of coins reversed
impatience and distraction could result in goals not being met.

my answer to 'jane' would be that i do not feel that her boyfreind is cheating, i feel that he loves her but is scared of being hurt if he commits, i feel that by giving him time to feel secure, and not trying to 'push' him and also if she forgets her doubts and stops questioning him there will be a happy marrige and he will make a loving, commited, loyal husband and father

love and rainbows xx

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Re: Learn Tarot - Try this one... (2)

Post by Mandimedea » Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:42 am

Gem wrote:Sometime you might come across the need to do a reading for someone that isn't real, that doesn't exist.... I wonder if you find this any different to the readings you have all been giving me? Treat it just the same and see how you feel...


My name is Jane and I would like to have a tarot reading please to find out if my boyfriend is being faithful. Does he love me?  Will we get married?

Q. Do you feel happy answering these questions? What would you say to Jane?
I don't feel comfortable as I don't know anythng about jane, but her name and she is asking ?s regarding a third party and have no knowledge of him at all.  I felt completely disconnected as I did the reading and struggled with it.

I drew
PAST World
PRESENT Judgement
FUTURE 6 Pentacles

So hard to read
the world tells me that she has felt a feeling of accomlishment with him and satisfaction, but is having doubts and feeling a major change in his behavior, which makes her question her relationship and his faithfulness and love to her  A future with him would mean harmony or a balance of knowledge and power but she may get more of what she needs from him than what she wants.?????  I am soooo tired as I post this and hope this sounds sane enough hahaha

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