Lifelong curse of jealousy needs to be lifted. Please help?

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Lifelong curse of jealousy needs to be lifted. Please help?

Post by colette » Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:57 am

Hi there

First post, first forum, ever.  I apologise for baring my soul so quickly after joining this forum, but I also thank you for opening your heart to my burning issue and for giving this message your time.

I have a degree in Psychology and have been doing Palmistry for about 20 years.  I enjoy helping, much more than receiving help. However, my own healing still eludes me.

My biggest issue (and reason for my life-long search for answers) is a curse of jealousy and insecurity.  I cannot handle ANY other woman around my husband and it's destructive, crippling, uncontrollable and subconcious.  I wish I could gain control over this thing.  I'm ashamed to admit it even affects my siblings, their partners, and even my 15 year old daughter from a previous relationship.  We've been married for 12 years and it's not getting any better.  We don't go anywhere and don't invite anybody to our house because of this.  I cannot control my anger and insecurity.  

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:44 am

Oh gosh i would love to offer some suggestions but am also realistic of the responses from you as I have kinda been there too.

In the end I had to surrender to no control.  I couldn't control him I had to choose what I could and couldnt, and for once I had to place my trust in him to not hurt me , but that when I realised once I placed my trust in him to not hurt me thats when I realised i hadnt done that at all.

I had trusted myself to be able to cope with the avalanche of emotions that may fall if he were to ever cheat on me, I found I had that inner strength in me that knew no matter what I didnt have to rely on him being there for me to be complete.  I already was and he was  happy extension of that.

Jealousy is hard! its not wanting to lose, its wanting to keep what is yours and own it, control it, know it and be it forever.  Jealousy is what pushes them away in the end.
If they have given us no motive for our own feelings of jeaoulsy towards them then its only fair we find out where our jealousy comes from was it our mum and dads relationship, an early relationship or the fact that we are afraid that they dont love us as much as we love them.

Its all baby steps, its giving up your control and letting it go and knowing that no matter what the outcome no matter what your capable of any fall out if it ever comes.

This sounds like it is one of your blue print lessons in life so it will not be easy and atleast you acknowledge this also and are aware of it.  You already know this is what drives most of them away anyway.   I almost squeezed the life out of my marriage until I realised most of my jealousy wasnt that he would have sex with someone else it was that if he did and I left him i had no life other than him.  

"Jealousy can be when you realise all you have is the other person, you dont have anything you are them!"

All this is said with the upmost respect I saw your reading request but thought i would come here to answer it.  An akashic one requires a direct question adn mangomum i think is a little backed up at the time being.

Best of luck to you and with your hope....step by step...
I understand you already know alot of what I have said due to your degree but sometimes hearing it again in a different capacity makes the lgiht bulb flick.

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Thank you

Post by colette » Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:26 am

Thank you so much for understanding and the reply!  

It's a deep and dark feeling that destroys me and everyone else around me.  Your message really helped, because not only could I actually verbalise it and admit to it, but it also helps to know that somebody out there also had to deal with this issue.  I know where it comes from, but I still just want it to go away.  Nothing I think or do seems to help.  

Well, I've got to run, but just wanted to say thank you until I log on again.  I'll read your post again later, but for now: at least my "issue" is out there and I appreciate it that you took the time to let me know that I'm not alone.

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Jealousy and dirty demons

Post by Payewacker » Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:10 pm

Hi colette,

I also live in SA, but Musina, die warm plek.

In any event, yes jealousy has a tendency to ruin any relationship, in fact you will never have satisfaction because you are chasing an ideal, which is impossible. Now this is a human trait, and very difficult to live with.

We Tarot readers know about the three virtues that actually define prudence.

Strength as in inner strength,

Justice- as in perfect balanced scales, not influenced by human fancies,

and Temperance,

And, yes you are a pshycologist, helping others, sometimes you get so involved with their problems that you don't seem to realise what you do to yourself. I don't think it's going to be that easy to get rid of your problem. unfortunately you know the route and the possible result.

You know that the person you share your life with, is in fact a necessary part of your survival. What you bring and your partner, makes on whole, good and bad. You actually compliment each other, remeber that.

Another thing that you can learn from christians, is the power of positive confession. In the Wiccan way all our wishes or trusts are confessed not only once but a number of times, we thank our God and Goddess, spirits and spirit guides, and very importantly the Angels. Then we beleive we receive it and do positive visualisation and positive confessions.

You must also remeber that the bible says "Whatever you confess with your mouth and beleive in your heart, you will surely have it" in this light don't confess your jealousy and bad nature. The bible further tells you that the spirit world is more real than the natural. (I was a pastor in a very big christian city), Thank God, i saw the light.

Now, when you confess your problem, the spirits hear it, and yes convey it around, they talk to each other. Remember there are good and bad spirits, you must be so carefull how you deal with this issue.

Have you ever thought of learning Tarot, the path of the Major Arcanum enlightens you to the journey of spiritual completeness. The Tarot has certainly changed my life dramatically. You don't need to do readings, altough there is some points in which it can give you insight into your client's problem. therefore take the spiritual path, meditate, meditate and more, i'm sure somewhere you have that ability to overcome your harrasment and cage it.

I hope for your contentment.

Blessed be

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Post by MissEm » Tue Aug 21, 2007 5:24 am

"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and
the wisdom to know the difference."

[Saint Francis of Assisi]

I'ts a tough battle to try and change the way you are.  When I was younger (and still) I struggle with fits of jealousy and self doubt - particularly around or where men are concerned.  It's like I know what other women are like so i have to be wary because men can be so easily tempted.

I'm not sure that I do yet (at the ripe odl age of almost 45) that I truly believe in myself but I'm getting there...slowly but surely.  I only hope my daughter is stronger and wiser than I was when I was a teenager.

My prayers are definitely with you and I pray that you will have the strength to fight this battle and win!:)

Peace, love and light to you Colette!


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Post by colette » Tue Aug 21, 2007 7:58 am

Dear friends

Thank you for the responses.  If you have a moment, please read my post in the Psychic section of this forum?

Firstly, I need to set the record straight.  I'm afraid I didn't introduce myself properly!  

1) I'm not a Psychologist.  I studied Criminology and Psychology for a three-year degree.  Degrees are merely theory, and does not qualify me in any way or make me more knowledgeable than anyone else!  It was just a route I took to try and find answers to my own questions.  
2)   I have done Palmistry for many, many years (since Primary School) and have been advising people in that capacity.  I am no expert as I've achieved this mainly through self-study and experience.  
3)  I do Fairy Tarot readings for my family and friends.  
3)  I worked in the Recruitment industry for 12 years, during which time I also had the opportunity to advise people in a career sense.  
4)  Since 2005, I have my own company and mainly do authoring. I'm currently writing a book on management for a wonderful gentleman who was the first black South African manager during the apartheid years.  What a journey!  

Your responses are valued.  

Payewacker, I like the idea of "careful when you confess".  It makes sense, as you will give power to something you articulate.  However, in many ways, by giving it a physical manifestation, it may become easier to fight.  You cannot fight something in your head: it feeds off your fears and grows stronger and stronger because it does not have the restriction of reality.  What are your thoughts on this?  I will definitely learn to meditate.  The need to do this is something that is becoming clearer to me since I've received all the responses.  Maybe through meditation I can break through the blocks of my thoughts. My brain is my worse enemy (and my dearest friend).  I've been told long ago by Christian priests that "something is holding me back".  Psychologists don't help, because I can see through their methods and I even fool myself, never mind others.  It makes me really sad, because does it mean that I need somebody so clever and powerful that can they can see through the walls of my mind, when I cannot even see in my own?

MissEm, thank you for your support.  It's a constant battle. I know exactly what you mean.  Even the bible is witness to the fact that men are so easily seduced by women (Adam, David, the list goes on and on).  What I'm seeing in my daughters (I have a 15 year old from a previous relationship and a 2 year old with my husband) is that us women are born with the need to be "pretty".  Men have an inborn need to maintain their egos and feel in control.  Even knowing this for certain. doesn't help my problem.  On the contrary, a woman needing to be sexy and a man needing to feel important is a recipe for disaster.  That is the curse of nature.  It's beautiful, but not if you feel so jealous and insecure.  I often wonder if I must just divorce and live alone somewhere.  That way, I cannot be hurt again.  During my whole life I've lost people important to me (three dads (!), boyfriends, the father of my first daughter.  I was in 14 schools in 12 years!  However, I know that the advice I received in this forum is valuable and I will do my best to implement it.  I owe it to myself, my husband, my children, my family.  It's just so damn hard.

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Post by MissEm » Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:17 pm

Hi Colette

Above all else, you owe it to YOURSELF to be all that you CAN be.  Approve of yourself from within and don't look to others to approve of the person you are.

What you feel is so close to my own heart and it makes me sad.

Bless you dear strong and have the courage to believe in yourself and the beautiful person that you are.  What's done is done and history is in the past and I htink we need to try and not let that rule our futures.  Life is too short to not ejoy ourselves and all that we want to be and all that we can be.

Trust in you.

Hugs to you!!

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Post by colette » Thu Aug 23, 2007 7:56 pm

Thank you.

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Have you tried hypnotherapy?

Post by nextstep » Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:51 am

Hi Collette,
Can I suggest you consider consulting with a hypnotherapist? There may be an underlying issue that stems from an incident in your childhood that has been imprinted on your subconscious.
If you are open to the suggestion, you may like to consider not just an age regression, but also past life regression. Sometimes "resolving" an issue in a "past life" can create huge differences in this life (Ask the hynotherapist if they are skilled in past lifer regressions or not.)
For those who are skeptical of past lives, may I just say this... in matters little what the truth  is an incident in  the past or even in a past life. What matters is whether the subconscious resolves the issue or not.

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Post by colette » Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:22 am

Hi nextstep

Good advice, seeing that it is subconscious. I've considered it before, but never got quite to it.  Will definitely give it a go. As a matter of fact, I'll do some enquiries today.  I'll give feedback on the issue once it's done.

In terms of past lives, I do believe in it.  But I have a theory.  

Because energy cannot die (it can merely change state), when you die, your beliefs are the only thing that remain of you. Your beliefs are "your essence", seeing that it is so strong it can mould your personality and thoughts, your destiny and your body. It can even move mountains!  So, when you die, your beliefs remain and based on what you believe, so will it be.  

- If you were a Christian and you believed in heaven, so will it be.
- If you caused intentional harm (knowingly), you will be consumed by the guilt and be in "hell". As you sow, so shall you reap.  
- If you were taken suddenly and do not find peace, your spirit will be trapped on this earth in the form of a restless spirit.  
- If you regarded your life as lessons to be learned, you will reincarnate to complete those lessons.
- If you reach the highest evolutionary frequency you can, you will become part of the energy of Greater Good.

Although everybody should strive towards spiritual evolution, there is nothing wrong with accepting the gift from Prophets who created a shortcut (so to speak) for us to go to the highest state (heaven).  We should not judge those people who accept this gift, but envy them.  Childlike acceptance of religion is a blessing.

However, some of us choose to take our own responsibility and even though we try to enrich our lives with the lessons from the Prophets, we strive to ultimately reach this higher state on our own.  Eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil? If you eat from this tree, you pay the price of personally being responsible for the choices you make with this knowledge.  This is when you search for truth outside (and at the core of) religion to reach or become part of "God"/ "The Greater Good".

What do you think?

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Same here

Post by nmcaldas » Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:44 am

how i understand you , the only difference???Im a man.
I tell myself everyday that i cant control her , her friends , her work mates etc.. , but nothing seems to work.
I find myself thinking of her 24/24 and im even jealous of my own children.
Right now , im trying to let my mind wander in different directions , go take a walk, try to be independet , try ( this is a tough one ) not to think to much of that.
A friend told me some wise words... In a good marriage nothing is able to break it... If you love him and he loves you that is the important thing you need to keep in your mind , nothing else.

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good luck

Post by colette » Tue Oct 09, 2007 10:34 am

It's hard. And you feel so helpless, and weak for not being able to control it. And the sad part is, you push the love of your life away from you in the process, which may even cause them to leave you and then you made your worst fear happen yourself - a self fulfilling prophecy.

Good luck with it. May your marriage be blessed. I believe that maybe, just maybe, Love is greater than this evil, insecure feeling.

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Yes it is

Post by nmcaldas » Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:19 am

Its very hard , i saw my wife wander off in another direction , while i dragged myself down more and more. If not for some very good friends i dont know what could have happened. Right now , things are getting better , but our marriage is unbalenced i have always given 200% of me and im not getting that much. The fault? Probably mine and hers.
Love is the greatest feeling of them all , its able to make us do things that we would never think of.
Hang in there , if your love is true ( and it seems like it) it will all go away.
i have found my soulmate , and im hoping that she will also see that , there is no other way to go for me.
i was told by a psicotherapist that i was a "White Soul" , able to love inconditionaly , that i was put on this earth to teach others how to love the "right way". Seems kinda unfair to give so much and recieve so little but its life , i still have days where i would rather dissapear but thats not the way to do it.
Be strong , love will find its way to you , as i hope it finds its way to me again.

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The green monster called jealousy.

Post by Yentlluna » Sun Nov 18, 2007 11:36 am

Dear Colette,
I have been where you are right now. It didn't last, the relationship i mean.
After a year of therapy and growing especially by myself i found out that for me, it was a lack of loving myself. Once i understood that, my life became very nice and selfconfident. From that time i realised that if my next partner would be untrue to me he wasn't worth me. Because i deserve much better than that. And if someone would hurt me like that it would be just another lesson in life for me. These thoughts really gave me freedom. And i have been happy and without jealousy ever since.
Like if karma strikes me back in this life already; i'm living with a partner for almost 13 years, who has the same problems right now. I love him very much but it is very difficult for me to help him with it because he doesn't see his problem here. I think it's my new lifelesson to help him to get  rid of it.

Dear Colette, i hope you can do something with my story. You will be in my prayers.
I hope you can sort it out.
Love and blessings, Yentluna.

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Life longcourse of jealousy

Post by ekjbhat » Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:08 am

Dear coletty,
                  There is a saying that female is another name for jealousy;but there are more man folks who are jealousyer than women.You havent mentioned about your partners repurcation for your attitude.Whether he is neglecting or taking positive steps to decrese the tention or he involves more than usual with female.Also find out whether he gets jealousy if you mingle with man folks.Some decisions you have to take yourself anyway my sugetion is try to see the situations in a sportive manner.You see in film  somebodys husband/wife  has to act in very intimate seens but it need not be a relationship start positive thinking.If you are not at all able to control yourself keep quite in a lonely place for sometime thanking or praying the almighty who brought us to this world.If it is not suits to your nature then mingle with as much people as you can and converse with them each and every thing under the sun except your husbends nature or behaviors slowly you will forget about the jealousy and lead a happy married life.If your hubby realy flirts with the females of his contact give him the whole love you have in stock never think of the other girls whenever with him surely he will like you only.
                     Wish you all success in the future life.I am with you as an elder brother.
                                                                                                         Brotherly Yours

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