Alien Ships / Alien Abductions

Ummmm Star Wars, X-Files, Star Trek... Parallel Worlds, Planets And Aliens...

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Alien Ships / Alien Abductions

Post by m00nshadow » Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:53 am

Has anybody ever seen an Alien space ship before, and has anybody every been abducted by Alien's ???? Im curious, as this has always been an interest of mine.

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Post by suzisco » Wed Apr 18, 2007 2:54 pm

No to either, altho i do live near to a famous alien abduction site in Scotland, but even when i am out with my telescope i have never seen anything odd.

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Post by m00nshadow » Wed Apr 18, 2007 9:02 pm

Back in 1985 I was with a group of friends. There were maybe 8 of us. We were walking down a country road after dark on our way home, when in a clearing on the side of the road we  saucer shaped object that was hovering about 10 feet off the ground. We were about 30 feet from the object. It only stayed for a few seconds, and then it took off as fast as it appeared. (This is a TRUE even)

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Post by Evie » Wed Apr 18, 2007 9:46 pm

Hello Moonshadow

The mystery surrounding UFO's is also a passion of mine. I wish I could report I have seen one, however I have not.    :smt009  Would knowing someone who has .... count?

A friend witnessed a UFO 20-ish years ago. This man and his family were living in the mountains of British Columbia, very isolated, with a small commune community nearby.   He described this ship as being big as a football field. It was the lights hovering in the distance which attracted his attention first...  he went to the window and called for his wife to have a look as well.  He said ... 'What the "H" is THAT!' and instantly the ... UFO was directly above them. The swiftness of it threw them against the opposite wall.  I can't recall how long he said it hovered there for.

He always loves to tell this story to new people he meets... if they show an interest.  His wifes hates it.  She uncomfortably leaves the room when he starts...  The event altered her so much... her long dark brown hair turned pure white ... nearly overnight. [the pigment loss was gradual 5 days]  She is the most radiant peaceful, spiritual and loving person I have ever met.  He is the most interesting philosopher, tattoo artist and  visionary that I have ever met.  He is also and a roadie for a famous Rock Band. How cool is that?

I have had a recurring dream about a spaceship rescue... since my youth. I love that this dream returns every now and then... I would love to see a UFO! :smt003  I am also very interested in hearing any other true stories members would share.

This is so fun... a cool thread mOOnshadow... Thanks.


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Post by m00nshadow » Sat Apr 21, 2007 12:01 am

Hello EVIE

It sounds like you and i are interested in the same areas.  I use to live in New Hampshire USA,  There was a famous UFO sighting there. You can even look it up on the net, It's called the Incident at exeter, or the Exeter incident. Im not sure whitch.  There was also a married couple from Portsmouth NH that claimed they were abducted and were actually missing for over a year. When they returned they reported  their story of being examined, and experiments being done on them. The couple just recently died within the last couple of years. There were also two sisters in Rochester NH that say they were abducted. When the sisters were returned, they had strangly shaped implant just above the ankle on their right leg. IT was examined by by doctors who ran test on it. The sisters never let the doctors remove the object tough. The test results came back as an unknown material not know to this planet. The sisters felt that the object implanted in their legs was some type of tracking device implanted from the aliens duiring the abduction. Throughout their lives the sisters had hoped to be abducted for a second time, but that never happened. They spent their lives living toghther alone. WHen they died, they died of natural causes about 30 minutes apart, back in 2000.

I have always believed that we were being visited by aliens from other worlds.

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Post by eleace » Mon Apr 23, 2007 1:40 pm

Back in the 80's approximately 1984 a friend and I were walking north on a busy street in Detroit. However, for some reason it wasn't busy this particular evening. We were going to another friends house once we reached her house that is when we saw it and it made no sound it was approximately 20ft above us in plain view.  It seemed as if we could reach out and touch it. We were knocking on the door in what seemed like forever no one heard us screaming or knocking until they were gone.  We  were not under the influence of anything,we are both mentally stable and both of our IQ's are well over average this is not a joke it really changed our lives.

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Post by reichild » Mon Apr 23, 2007 1:51 pm

elace...what did it look like?

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Post by Psydes212 » Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:11 pm

Ive seen one.. it was in Upstate NY..

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Post by ylm » Sun Jun 03, 2007 10:24 pm

Hi, Yvonne here.      I merely wanted to put out there a thought that I have had for many many years, although truthfully I have no basis for this thought, it's just a thought.

Perhaps Aliens have travelled to earth; perhaps we are the alien ancestors.       Perhaps we are alien convict transplants such as the good people of Australia.

Perhaps a race was dying out and needed fresh genes.    Perhaps, perhaps.

This is a wonderful topic.    I myself, have never seen aliens, alien ships nor have I ever been abducted.

I have many times stood by the window, or perhaps be outside for a walk and I will look into the sky and say come and get me, I would love the experience (I think).  

Also, with aliens there must be a myriad of races all having evolved according to their climates and their own biological needs to procreate, and any adaptations along the way that a certain race has made, has evolved through the need to survive.     Not unlike all species on earth.

There could also be human-like aliens.   I am sure they would be much more intelligent or sophisticated that we earthlings.

I don't know why some people have experienced  terror when abducted, maybe that means that just as on earth, there are truly malevolent, nasty beings everywhere, but on the other side of the coin, there are truly very wonderful beings everywhere, probably in every galaxy.    It is like a  balance system of some sort - goo/evil, kind/mean, decent diligent beings/lazy, slothful, user-type beings.   It's one of those good beings that I want to be abducted by.    Can you imagine what we could explore.    Imagine what we could learn.      Far Out!!!!

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Post by Evie » Sun Jun 03, 2007 10:53 pm

Laugh out loud...  Ylm
I see you are Canadian as well...  :smt006

Your enthusiasm for this topic is delightful... I too would like to go for the ride! :smt003
I stared at the stars ... in awe and wondering since childhood... Could it have started with
my favorite television show as a youngster "Lost in SPACE"? Does anyone else
remember the Swiss family Robinson? I also just loved the "Jetson's" cartoon as well.
What about Mork from Ork? Or My favorite Martian, even... LOL  Who couldn't love ET?
I never tire of watching, "Close encounters of the Third kind."

The horror stories of abductions have not really affected me, so far as  I know no one has
altogether proven  anything yet.  Imagine the day it becomes proven and the mystery of
UFO's and other life forms in the galaxies becomes a reality and a truth..... We'd have to
re-think just about everything!!!! A Fun and amusing topic.... especially if you like mysteries.


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Post by Geminiasp » Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:55 am

I have a feeling that i have been visited by aliens quite a few times, sometimes i wonder if i actually was one of them i have all this things i talk about and write about revolving around different planets with different names and in different galaxies with all these different type of aliens....and different languages...which i actually create codes for and ways they write that just come to me. I mean i read some books on it but most of these ideas just come to me through dreams and my own thoughts. I have been doing this for as long as i can remember.

I have always had a strong belief that there is life on other planets and in other galaxies. We cant be the only living things in this whole big universe.

I get a little annoyed at those people who dont believe in life on other planets/in other galaxies, because (in sarcastic tone) there is no scientific evidence for it or no religious evidence of it ,"its not in the bible"> (end sarcasm). Those closed minded people annoy me, if people were more open minded then i bet we will find evidence of other planets and galaxies with life. maybe they dont seem to occur because people hide their expirienced because there are so many closed minded people in the world...and the govrnment is being idiots holding the truth from us.

Maybe if more agnowleged(sp?) the fact that it is a truth, there will be more evidence of it.

That's my random opinion.

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Alien ships

Post by cjaniak » Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:39 pm

While I was at work one night I saw a large thriangular ship with large blue circles on the bottom and a white strobe light on the front and the back.  I have yet to see anyting similar since then and believe me I have been watching.  The craft also made a low thrumming sound I have never heard before.

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Post by Diya » Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:09 pm

hello!! seen first spaceship "disc-shaped" with a fluorescent blue screen once in india with my cousin. we were watching the stars when my cousin saw something weird in the sky. my cousin went back in the house to call my other friends. by the time they came back it was already gone.  was the only lucky one to watch it!! :smt002  :smt005

surprisingly saw another one on the mountain in mauritius(an island in indian ocean) this time with my whole was disc shaped too but much bigger then the first one and this one had a light revolving round it. cool!!!
hope to see another one some day :smt005

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Alien Ships / Alien Abductions

Post by starmaster » Sun Apr 27, 2008 2:50 am

many years ago when I lived in Florida I awoke to see some beings next to my bed which at the time I mistook for Angels. I used to have terrible night mares scared to sleep with out all the lights being on. It was later that I was doing some research on the web that I came across a picture of a grey and the terror came back and flashes of the nightmare came back. I know that they are real and that I am not the only one who has seen them.

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I have seen UFO's on two seperate occasions

Post by Tonijo » Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:16 am

When I was 12 I was sitting in my living room on the couch watching tv and looking out of our picture window. When appeared a small ship hovering just above the tree tops right across the street from my house. It wasn't saucer like it was more bubble like with green and red lights encircling the top and bottom. I couldn't see any windows. I started screaming for my brother to come and look, but he wouldn't because I was notorious for screaming for him and when he would come I would simply ask him to change the tv station for me. So I screamed for my parents whose bedroom was in the basement, when they got upstairs, my dad ran straight outside and my mom got just a glimpse of it, looking over my shoulder. The strange thing was, is it knew. It stayed knowing no-one else would see it. And the instant I got witnesses it flew off. But not just flew it was stationary one second and then with a blur gone the next. The other time was when I was about 5 and playing with my cousins on the monkey bars at the playground early in the morning we saw a disc shaped  dull grey object flying over us. And we watched it for quite some time fully knowing it was a UFO when we saw something much smaller shoot out of it. I remember, us running into the woods, trying to find the object. We never did.
Thats my story.

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