Precious Stones Curse or Cure?

Know the right astral gems that can make your life progressive

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Precious Stones Curse or Cure?

Post by STARMON » Fri Sep 29, 2006 4:30 pm

Precious stones have been used as fashion jewelry for ages. The attraction towards colorful stones starts at a very young age, and one is fascinated by a particular color, depending upon ones state of consciousness. Stones are natural storehouses of colors. They are the catalysts for the rays of the SUN and as you know Sun is the father of our solar system and without Sun we will not survive.  
Analyzing the spectrum of seven colors from a holistic approach, each color represents a particular area of existence. Red is the color for fire or heat, and it has the potential to give comfort as well as to burn, Blue is a cold color, and variates between calmness and freezing, Orange and green represent healing, yellow is the color of expansion and so on, whereas white is a neutral color and black is infinite and a absorber of the weak colors, black also represents absence of light.
Last edited by STARMON on Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by ashwin » Fri Apr 06, 2007 12:52 pm

I am born in the month of FEB so i bght AMETHYST but there were many problems after that what shoild i do??

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Curse and cure

Post by saurabhthapar86 » Wed Sep 12, 2007 9:22 am

Gems if not worn under correct guidence act as a curse rather than cure..many astrologers in India prescribe Gems on the basis of generalizations..The right gem to be worn needs in depth personalized study of the horoscope.Any one who wears a Gem of a malefic planet or a flawed gem even out of ignorance will face problems.

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Post by Greyfox » Fri Oct 12, 2007 7:21 pm

I think that many people would contend with that "flawed gem" thing.  All stones are manifestations of God and as such are to be cherished.

Isn't it lucky for us that gems do not spurn flawed people?

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Post by Aegeus » Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:54 am

First off green is the heart chakra, red is the root chakra. Red = passion... green = tranquil healing

I think if the stone doesn't like how it's being used it will back fire. Or if the stone absorbs bad energy and is not cleansed it will amplify what energy it absorbed. But if it's cleansed regularly then it can act as powerful protection from bad energy. Also many stone don't like a lot of people for obvious reason(as least it's obvious for the stone) and if they don't like the position they're in they will find a way out. I've had stones leave me. It's crazy seeing in retrospect how a whole situation arose just so a stone could move to an environment in which it could function better.

If the stones are utilized properly, they are very happy to put their healing energies to use.

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Post by Aegeus » Sat Jun 13, 2009 5:07 am

A lot of stone are rightly pissed to be taken out of the ground as their energies can work a lot better when their in the earth and grounded in the magnetic fields of the earth. So if one has no regard for stones being taken from their home and just wants them for material reasons, the stone well definitely be inclined to give them a hard time.

The underworld or hades refers to deep in the ground where stones come from. Mining stones is like bringing hades to the surface. The parallels between this metaphor and what has gone on around the world around the same time as bringing things from the ground to the surface.

Atlantis was doing something they were warned against not doing before their destruction. Which was drilling deep into the earth to tap in to energy/power that is there. They were warned that the energy down there belongs down there but they took no head.

Perhaps some belong on the surface for healing reasons, but too much is too much.  I imagine it is equivalent to the hopi prophecy that rocks nothing is to brought from the moon to earth, or natural forces would be disturbed.

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Post by Aegeus » Sat Jun 13, 2009 6:23 am

"The Hopi also predicted that when the heart of the Hopi land trust is dug up, great disturbances will develop in the balance of nature, for the Hopi holy land is the microcosmic image of the entire planet; any violations of nature in the Four Corners region will be reflected and amplified all over the Earth."

""All the suffering going on in this country with the tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes is carried on the breath of Mother Earth because she is in pain," says Roberta Blackgoat, an elder of the Independent Dineh (Navajo) Nation at Big Mountain. She explains that the Four Corners area is particularly sacred because it literally holds Mother Earth's internal organs -- coal and uranium which the Bureau of Indian Affairs has allowed the Peabody Coal Mine to mine. "They are trying to take her precious guts out for money," says Blackgoat. "My grandfather told me that coal is like the liver, and uranium is both the heart and lungs of Mother Earth." Hopi and Navajo traditionalists are fighting the mining. "

But we must make the best of what we have, and since so many have already been brought to the surface using them for healing is the best thing that can be done. They will regenerate eventually. It's important not to fuel more raping of the planet how ever.

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