Was just wondering

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Was just wondering

Post by twistedmoonbaby » Sat Sep 22, 2007 9:04 pm

I have 4  children . I am pagan but there father is not. I dont push any religon on them but I would like for them to be earth freindly and no be afraid to upfront with us about how they feel about religion. If anyone has any ideas on how to get kids to express how the feel on religion I would so love it

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Post by soul_flower » Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:04 am

Hello  :smt006

Yes i also wonder how i will get my son to express his feelings on this subject and have him also be earth friendly.My son is only nearly two but i want him to grow up into a young man who can be honest with religion etc....I guess it is a bit of a case as,monkey see,monkey do and if you talk and show them all the choices out there then they have the best chance,just keep telling and showing them its ok to express and be upfront with what they want to be,such as religion.Even if kids arent interested in what their parents are saying or doing they always take note and mold into a form of you,even though they are there own person.Something like that anyway lol.  :smt102

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Post by abvyette » Mon Sep 24, 2007 7:18 pm

I am a practicing pagan as is my husband...he has two children from a previous marriage and their mother is a non-practicing catholic. They boys get very little religious exposure with their mother except for the obligatory trip to mass on Christmas and Easter and occassional Suday schools with grandma. When they are with us we do not force our veiws or opinions on them...however, we openly go about our rituals of observence of the Wheel of the Year and daily prayer, devotion and meditation. Sometimes they have questions...often they simply accept these things as normal activities at dad and jennifer's house. I truly believe it is more what your children see you do than what they hear you say that determines when or if and how they develope spiritually as well as any other way....If your children see your strong faith they will have less problem developing a faith of their own. Show respect for all paths and they will show that same respect themselves. And most of all...let them explore...when they ask a question answer as honestly as you know how and if it concerns a practice that perhaps you don't know well, make a point of finding out together.

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