Hugs,thoughts and love to the animals.

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Hugs,thoughts and love to the animals.

Post by soul_flower » Fri Sep 28, 2007 6:18 am

Being an animal lover i feel for those poor ones who have a very hard life with no love,no one to care for them or show them they are wanted and needed.I feel their pain and wish i could help every single animal out in the world.It makes me sick what some people do to them  :smt009  :smt010 But i love them all and feel for all.

I hope to finish my animal studies and help in some way,in the future....

So heres all my love,thoughts and hugs going out to the aniamls who need them.
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Post by soul_flower » Fri Sep 28, 2007 6:19 am

Oops again i must check my spelling *L*
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Big Hugs

Post by lunarcraft » Fri Sep 28, 2007 8:07 am

I too am adding my package of HUGE hugs (loving, gentle ones) to this thread - my thoughts go to all living entities every day

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Post by Aiyu » Fri Sep 28, 2007 9:25 am

In one of my moments of "complaining about life as a human" when I was young (and ignorant), I told my brother about how easy things would be if I were an animal; no school, work, money or relationship problems etc.

My brother gave me a simple enough answer in reply, that is all animals would eventually die of a painful death, either through disease, or by being killed :smt009

I don't think I've ever complained about being a human again after that. It's fantastic to be born a human in fact seeing that we've been blessed with the mental, physical and emotional capacity to protect and care for all living creatures on earth :)

I believe that you will succeed in finishing your animal studies, and my hugs goes out to every living being on this planet~~ :smt049

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Post by ResQDonna » Fri Sep 28, 2007 11:19 am

Sending BIG (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))))) to all animals in need!
The difficult part of animal rescue is not being able to help ALL of them! In doing rescue I have seen such tragidy and horror amoung animals that my mind can still not fathom...
Thank you for the post soul_flower! It is important to remember them as we get busy with our own lives sometimes and foget that animals have no voice to cry out...I am thankful for people like who also hear thier cries...Best of luck in your studies! Helping animals is a great place to be :)
I have made many sacrifices to help them...and I will NEVER regret it :)
Here is another (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUG))))))))))))))))))))))))))) to all creatures in need!

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Post by Samson » Fri Sep 28, 2007 11:54 am

I think Soul Flower will know how I feel about animals as I know how she does, here's a {{{BIG HUG}}} from me.

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Post by soul_flower » Fri Sep 28, 2007 12:33 pm

ResQDonna  :smt006

I know,doing animal rescue is a very difficult job,but it takes a special person to do that.I wish there were more people like you in the world  :)

Oh yes Samson i know how you feel about them,and you know how strongly i feel indeed!!!!

Thanks all for all ur love,animals are perfect in every way,people need to look out for them,if no one does then they have no chance.
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Post by suzisco » Fri Sep 28, 2007 9:21 pm

Oh I love animals and have rescued a few in my time.  Others have moved in become part of the family and never gone home.

Warm thoughts to you for your care and dedication to the animals of our planet, the creatures that are often last thought of and who do not have a voice or a say in modern times.

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Post by Tyrinaniel » Tue Oct 02, 2007 12:07 pm

We're actually donating supplies to a local company that takes care and I think does a rescue type of thing at my workplace.  Thoughout this whole week we're gathering supplies, either used or new, and take it down to them this weekend.  I haven't had pets in 10 years, so I'm just going to ask what's needed most and buy something.

*Huggles* I know how you feel about animals.  While I can't have pets right now (family doesn't really want them, and we're too busy) I still love the pets of others I get to meet.  The girls at my church found out we have some kittens under the teen's trailer.  We want to help draw them out so that we can find a good home for them, but they're so far back under the trailer, we're not sure what to do.  Lol, if I had my own place I'd take them up in a heartbeat.  My friend/co-worker is the same way about pets.  She actually left work to volunteer to pick up 2 abandoned dogs that previous tennants left behind, and in such cruel conditions! Mid summer, no water, no food, or even at least a box to sleep in! Everyone in our department was so shocked & angry, and nearly everyone wanted to go pick them up.  But she used her lunch to go pick them up and take them to a rescue shelter.

Lol I just turned this into animal story share time...  But I do know how you feel.  Sometimes you wish you could adopt every ill-treated animal in the world!  The only problem is your living space isn't big enough to allow that.

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Post by missy » Tue Oct 02, 2007 1:48 pm

BIG hugs go out to each and every animal that isn't getting the treatment they deserve, which, unfortunately, is way too many :(
*Sigh* If only they could talk like we do, and vice versa... It could end a whole lot of the animal cruelty that's going on these days...


Post by Tyrinaniel » Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:04 pm

Lol, the animals may end up cussing out their owners XD.  I could hear it at the vets.. "Hey! Don't poke me!"  I'm sorry... I get weird thoughts when I let my mind wander... But I'm glad that many people stand up to be the voice of animals.

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Post by taraprincess » Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:51 pm

i love animals too soulflower i have a cat which i love very much, i agree i wish all the animals of the world had a good home here is a huge hug to all the wonderful animals and to everyone here. huggies

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Re: Hugs,thoughts and love to the animals.

Post by George » Tue Oct 02, 2007 9:18 pm

soul_flower wrote:Being an animal lover i feel for those poor ones who have a very hard life with no love,no one to care for them or show them they are wanted and needed.I feel their pain and wish i could help every single animal out in the world.It makes me sick what some people do to them  :smt009  :smt010 But i love them all and feel for all.

I hope to finish my animal studies and help in some way,in the future....

So heres all my love,thoughts and hugs going out to the aniamls who need them.
i was going over to check my thread for hugs and saw this and had to stop stright away.  hug your animals today because you don't know what tomorrow will bring (if this was a human thread i would say the samething).   :smt002  

you know what i hate is when people get dogs then just tie them up in the back yard and have no contact with them ssave to feed them!  whats the point if you can't let them in the house and take up all the room on the couch!   :smt003

my last ferret i bought i got from a no kill shelter ran out of the home of a very nice couple!  it was cheaper then a pet store and gave a grown ferret a new home.   :smt020

for sure support of shelters like these!  :smt023

hugs to all the animals today and tomorrow!  :smt056

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Post by soul_flower » Wed Oct 03, 2007 5:18 am

Thanks everyone for giving all your much needed hugs,thoughts and love to all the animals in the world.It makes me SO happy and puts a smile on my face  :smt003

Suzi> Yes animals are the ones thought of last these days,we are their voice but most the time we never get heard....But it makes me happy to know that others like you feel the same as i do  :smt003

Tyrinaniel> I have seen some awful sights and tried to save animals even tho i cant bring them home,my dog wouldnt like it lol.Where my mother works she has to deal with people who have up and left their houses.When it comes to inspecting the houses she comes across sickening sights and she gets ill from worry about these animals.But she does her part and helps as she can,when i lived at home our place was a zoo lol,so if we all do something even if its little then thats fantastic,because something "small" it isnt at all small,its a big help.But thats great that your work is doing that,every thing helps and the more people do that sort of thing then maybe one day we wont need animal rescues or shelters...Thats my dream anyway  :)  Aww poor little kittens,let me know what happens to them please? I do wish i could take them all home,but sadly they wouldnt all fit inside LOL and plus i dont think my pets would like it.

Oh at the vets an animals face tells it all  :smt005  i think we wouldnt want them to be able to talk incase of what they might say lol.

missy> yes it is way to many,but your another voice who can speak out for them.  :smt045

taraprincess> I have a cat to,they are just so cute hehe....thanks for your hugs n love.   :smt003

George> ohhhhh yes i agree,whats the point of having a dog if you dont bring it inside to take up the couch  :smt002  and the bed lol....My dog nearly kicks me out of mine haha.....And more people should get animals from shelters,save anothers life and show it some love.  :smt003

Thanks again all  :smt058

Tamara  :smt051
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Post by taraprincess » Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:59 pm

u welcome soulflower much love and hugs back at ya huggies

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