Learn Tarot - Try this one (3)

Please note readings given here will be done by tarot students of varying levels with the purpose of improving their skills and knowledge. These practice readings will draw feedback on the style, the card interpretations and overall content.

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Learn Tarot - Try this one (3)

Post by Gem » Fri Jun 08, 2007 4:20 pm

I thought it might be fun to try this out.

The Magnetic Polarity Spread - Poles Apart - Positive  - Negative

Choose your deck, and then go through your normal ritual before reading.

But......... instead of shuffling the cards I want you to look at each card and choose your favourite ones. Try and pick 7  this number make it easier to teach lol, later on you can pick how ever many you want. Choose the cards that you love from out of all 78. These cards will change too I bet as you work more with the deck. Spread them out in a line in any order you feel happy with.

Of the remaining cards choose the same number of cards  (so in this case 7) that you hate, are scared of, dislike or just shiver at, the cards you don't like showing up in a spread, the ones that fill you with dread, the worst cards in your opinion.  Note if you want to pick more or less and had to make up the numbers. Spread these out in a line underneath the 'good' cards in any order you like.

So now comes the interesting part.

1) Post your likes and dislikes and the name of the deck please, and if possible a reason why you chose the cards. Pictures would be lovely too :)

2) Think of a question, for a reading for you.

Now go through the negative cards, the ones you hate and look at the meaning and apply them to the question. Don't spend too much time on these 'bad' cards, then gather them all together and turn them over. I now close these cards down, I blow on them to blow away all pain and dispair and negativity and rap them on the table three times to knock away all clinging bad vibes. Its often good to go and have a drink of water now or get up or walk around, to break the energy pattern from the worst and change it to the best :)


Now go through your favourite cards in regard to the question, see what answers they bring, how positive and loving they are, their bright energy and comforting decisions, spend twice as long with these as with the other cards. Infuse your mind with their good messages and positivity, their joy and happiness, their colours and depth. Keep these cards out longer, look at them maybe meditate on the ones that will help you most.

When you have finished with this type of reading always re-order the deck, put it back into number order so that all ties to the spread are gone. This applies to all readings so that there is no chance of energy lingering or influencing a new reading. This spread can also be done with others letting them choose the cards, and giving names to the positions, so depending on the question  it could be something like.

1. Me
2. The real problem
3. My greatest strength
4. My greatest weakness
5. What I need to do
6. Who or what can help me
7. Outcome

Lets see how you all get on, remember this is fun, not a test or a competition. You might like to try a differnt deck to your usual or many decks :)
Last edited by Gem on Tue Jul 03, 2007 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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The Magnetic Polarity Spread - Poles Apart - Positive - Negative

Post by chrisdee » Sat Jun 09, 2007 8:13 pm

I have used the Druid Craft Tarot
I have chosen to use the questions you have put forward with the over all question been Tell me about me now
Negative cards chosen these are  cards i don't like getting for my self in a reading
1.Me:Ten Swords-I'm feeling betrayed
2.The real problem:Queen of Swords-Ive become hardened by my experience
3.My greatest strengths:Nine Swords-bottling up the hurt
4.My greatest weakness:Ten Wands-Im becoming tired and weary
5.What i need to do:Tower-I need to make changes
6.Who or what can help me:Hanged man-I need to learn to relax
7.Outcome:eight Swords-I must consider my options and make a decision its only the fear of making the decision that stops me making it  

Positive cards
1. Me:Rebirth-I wont to be my self
2. The real problem:Ten Cups-difficulty working round the family
3. My greatest strength:Prince of Cups-I offer them unconditional love
4. My greatest weakness:The Fferyllt-Im unable to organise my self around the family
5. What I need to do:Ace Wands-I need to come up with some new ideas to keep every body happy
6. Who or what can help me:Eight Pentacles-It would help me if I payed attention to the smaller details before they became big problems
7. Outcome:Ace Pentacles-Relationships will build and become strong

These spreads give a lot of insight in knowing my self i will how ever stay like the eight of swords in the negative spread for the foreseeable future
as for the positive cards i will take there advice
Although we are still at the learning stage this is becoming already a very useful tool in helping get to the root of problems
Please keep up the good work Gem :smt024

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Post by Gem » Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:18 pm

Brilliant, Interesting the cards you picked too. Hanged Man and The Tower as scary Majors and not a sign of Death which is good. I sometimes think that because everyone is determined that the Death card doesnt mean death that it has become less frightening? The Tower does seem to be taking over..  Oooh I shall do a poll in the main tarot forum and lets see;

Thanks Chris :)

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Post by starryskies » Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:42 pm

Deck: Ryder Waite
Question: My Relationship

7 Negative Cards:

1. Me - 3 of Swords - Heartbreak, worry about losing my happiness
2. The real problem - 4 of Swords - Resting, lying down, not focusing enough or applying enough energy, letting things happen passively
3. My greatest strength - 4 of Cups - saying 'no' to unacceptable things, being strong, believing in myself, being self assured
4. My greatest weakness - 9 of Swords - panic, feeling like I have to do everything alone, not asking for help
5. What I need to do - The Tower - Get over everything bad that has happened, leave it in the past and instead concentrate on the future, shed past baggage which is no longer useful
6. Who or what can help me  - 10 of Swords - Learning from betrayal and pain, letting it make me a stronger person rather than wallowing in past events
7. Outcome - King of Swords - Becoming a stronger person, taking charge and control of my own situations, being tough and confident

7 Positive Cards:

1. Me - Queen of Wands - I have always thought of this card as my significator (even though I don't use them) - I am calm, confident and happy
2. The real problem - Queen of Pentacles - Focusing too much on monetary gain and work, rather than the many other delights in life
3. My greatest strength - The Star - being myself and using my gifts and talents for the greater good
4. My greatest weakness - The Empress - Having an idea of my 'perfect life' and of how I want to be rather than adapting to what I am and what I have and making the most of that instead
5. What I need to do - Temperance - it's all about balance, I need to make sure my life is in harmony
6. Who or what can help me - 4 of Wands - Remember that there are 2 people in a relationship and you need to be strong for one another in order to attain happiness
7. Outcome - The Sun - All will be well and the sun will be shining!  :smt007

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Post by Gem » Tue Jun 12, 2007 3:03 pm

Thanks Starry, again a very interesting choice of cards. :)

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Post by Chooky » Sat Jun 30, 2007 11:17 am

RW Deck

Question: How will University go for me


Me: 9 SWORDS - Feeling stressed and anxious that I won't get the marks
The Real Problem - 5 CUPS - Feeling like I will be neglecting my children, and other committments
My greatest Strength -  5 PENTACLES - Being able to weather the storm, still being able to see the light
My greatest Weakness - 10 SWORDS - Letting things get on top of me, and getting too consumed by one thing, so that I am drained
What I need to do - 8 SWORDS - I need to focus and I will be able to meet all challenges
Who or what can help me - 5 SWORDS - other people, but I need to make sure that I don't take advantage of them
Outcome - 3 SWORDS - Keeping the lines of communication open, to make sure that a balance is found, with work, study, husband and kids so that feelings are not hurt


Me - Queen of Wands - A relatively down to earth, confident and happy with myself person
The Problem - The Emperor - Wanting to keep my fingers in all the pies, not willing to let others do stuff when it could be to my advantage, wanting to maintain control
My greatest strength - 3 Wands - Being able to take a step back and see the big picture, having a think about things before making a sudden decision
My greatest Weakness - The Fool - Not listening to others advice, being stubborn and vague
What I need to do - Strength - Find a balance that suits everybody
Who or what can help me - The Hermit - Taking time out for myself, so that I can recharge
Outcome - The big picture is that I will have many more opportunties, which will be good for everyone in my immediate family, especially in the future

That was good, I found it hard, probably as it was about myself...


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Re: Learn Tarot - Try this one

Post by George » Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:59 pm

I am using the Original Rider Waite Tarot deck.  
This is weird because some of my favorites cards are my worst nightmare type cards.

My likes are the following:
VIII of Cups:
Because, I like the idea of walking away from everything that you have and finding something new.
III of Cups:
Because, I like the joy and fulfillment this card brings and makes me fill.
The Star:
Because, reminds me of night and plenty.
Because, we all must comes to grips with what is within us.
The Empress:
Because, she is sexual and can mean all sexes.
III of Pentacles:
Because, I just like the craftsmanship that the card is about.
Because, I’ve always like the picture of the card and now the ideal of starting new.

A lot of my dislikes are the images that drew me to the deck and interested in Tarot.
My dislikes are:
X of Swords:
Because, makes me feel hurt and lonely, I guess, it is hard to tell what I feel.
IX of Swords:
Because, I just remember as a little kid thinking that this card was just about nightmares and I had some of those issues etc.
VI of Swords:
Because, it’s like people are going away and not coming back.
V of Cups,
Because, the card feels as if everything has been lost and you don’t see what is behind you. Hopelessness.
V of Pentacles:
Because, just a feeling of cold and lonely
VIII of Swords:
Because of bondage and hands being tied.
Because of the feet in the water.

My Question:
Will I get laid-off again this year?

There are many problems that face you for the year and stick in you back as if killing you only to awake to a nightmare.  You need to float away from it all and look what you’ve had and look forward to what you can fill you cups with.  What you can do in the future!  Be careful of the hard times if you do not make the right decisions in choosing a new path (cup). You have many options around you and you need to move carefully when walking not to hit an edge of a sword of step in the mud.  You feet are now feet and you will feel agitated by it but the cups look promising because patience and hard work will pay off.  There is a hard path and you might see a lay-off yet.  

Maybe your path is not to stay at that job any longer and you need to walk away.  Celebration is at hand if you find the path that you are happy with.  At night there are many stars that reflect of the pool.  You are only looking at their reflection and not at them.  Put all you effort into filling your cup and try not too waste your efforts away.  You will have to make a decision and choose if you stay or go.  Your boss (The Empress) is setting in court and she is judging you and looked at all your hard work.  You will ride on and see a new beginning which would easily prevent a lay-off.
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Post by Gem » Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:37 am

Thanks George :) Very Interesting. I quite like the death card too, , its great to se the spread aswell, brings us all closer together I thik?

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Polarity Spread - Part 1

Post by weezerwall » Sat Sep 29, 2007 5:25 pm

:) Hi Gem and fellow classmates,

I really enjoyed this one! Here are my likes & dislikes using the Rider Waite deck:

1. Star - tells me to have hope/keep believing in my dreams
2. Magician - stands for "mastery" - being an expert at something, crafting my own life
3. Chariot - steering confidently through life, self-control
4. Wheel of Fortune - reminds me that bad times don't last forever
5. Ace of Cups - always "birth"  or "re-birth" of love (of any kind)
6. 2 of Wands - I love the way the man seems to be looking out onto the horizon and seeing endless possibilities/adventures
7. 6 of Swords - there's ALWAYS a "way out" of every "negative" situation AND you learn something valuable to take with you.

1. 5 of Swords - useless conflict, violence, aggression - carnage and pain. (fruitless battles)
2. 5 of Pentacles - poverty, being needy and TOO vulnerable, homeless and having to rely solely on the generosity of others.
3. 5 of Cups - Some experiences can hurt so much that even when they're over - they leave you covered in a "shroud" of sadness.  It's hard to "pull yourself together" and see new opportunities - like the 2 cups that are still standing.
4. 8 of Swords - I REALLY DO NOT LIKE THIS ONE!! - Yuk - humiliation, being the victim of ridicule, helplessness, shame, POWERLESS
5. 10 of Swords - WHO CAN POSSIBLY LIKE THIS ONE??  :smt009
6. The Devil - a message that I'm "wallowing" in my own "mud" - too chained to things/people that are not "good" for me.  
7. Ths Sun - +++  It may sound strange, but the "faces" in this card (in this deck) don't appeal to me AT ALL.  The child doesn't look "real" and the sun doesn't look "trustworthy."  I have NEVER "trusted" this card in the RW deck.  I will post the Sun from the Da Vinci deck later.  IT'S REALLY LOVELY.

Pics and my question/reading coming later...

Weezer  :smt006

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Post by Gem » Sat Sep 29, 2007 7:35 pm


Thanks for sharing with us.

I wanted to offer up another view on the 8 of swords. I think it really depends on the deck you are using? In most of the Waite decks, the blindfold is loose and the bindings around the arms are too, and could be shaken off easily if wanted? The swords form a safety barrier to stop the blindfolded woman from falling into the water or off the cliff, they protect her? Rather the bindings keep her still and safe and remind her to stay still and not to stray and to wait fro help to come or to make the decision and free herself?

Remind me please, which deck are you using?

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Post by weezerwall » Sat Sep 29, 2007 9:13 pm

Hi Gem,

Using the "standard" RW deck.  Pics are coming... Thanks for the insight.


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Post by weezerwall » Sun Sep 30, 2007 10:31 am

Pictures of the cards I selected.

Weezer :)
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Polarity Spread - Reading

Post by weezerwall » Sun Sep 30, 2007 12:04 pm

My question was:  Should I stay with the coach training program/continue trying to develop in the coaching field in general?

1. Me - 10 of Swords
2. The real problem - 5 pentacles -
3. My greatest strength - 5 Swords
4. My greatest weakness - 8 Swords
5. What I need to do - 5 cups
6. Who or what can help me - Devil
7. Outcome - Sun

1. Me - 6 of Swords
2. The real problem - Ace of Cups
3. My greatest strength - Chariot
4. My greatest weakness - 2 of Wands
5. What I need to do - Star
6. Who or what can help me - Wheel of Fortune
7. Outcome - Magician

I'm not satisfied with the program I've started - but feel like I have no other options at the moment (if I want to make progress). Am questioning whether or not "coaching" is really what I want to do and am thinking of ways to get back some of the enthusiasm I feel I've lost. I'm sad and a bit disappointed in myself because I can't afford the training program my heart REALLY wants to attend.  (Don't feel ready or "good enough" to enroll in the program, either). I can usually "pull myself together" in these kinds of situations and know when it's time to "walk away" .  Could be that my "pride" is preventing me from asking for help or seeking wise council, or trying to find/see opportunities "elsewhere". I'm restricting myself also by not focusing on the positive aspects of the course. If I don't GIVE UP on my dream, and trust my instincts (not throw everything overboard) - the situation could turn around in a positive direction. Staying on the "coach training track"  will help me develop those natural talents I know I have.  Perfecting my coaching abilities could bring greater self-fulfillment and perhaps financial success as well.

Working with the "negatives" (separately) was SOOOO HELPFUL!! I will embrace their messages more willingly - with less fear in the future.  Amazing.   :)

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Post by Gem » Sun Sep 30, 2007 4:16 pm

brilliant, Well done :)

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Post by cedars » Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:02 pm

Ryder Deck Original.
Question: My Relationship.

Negative cards:

1 Me: The Tower: A change is needed within me hence changing my outside too.

2 My Real problem: Eight of Swords: Feeling trapped and unable to free myself from my mistrust and past hurts.  know this can be possible but just taking the blindfold away and being inspired by the water under my feet.

3 My Greatest Strength: Three of Swords: Dont undertand how this can be my strenght, but I guess hearbreak and let down has made me stronger thus far.

4 My greatest weakness: Grieving over a loss and taking it with me until the waking hours of the morning.

5 What I need to do: Seven of Swords: Be a lone wolf and escape from the limelight of the city; almost minimise my losses and be on my own.

6 Who or what can help me: Five of Pentacles: The light coming from the stained window of the church. My spirituality, God and patience.

7 Outcome: The Moon. Be in control of my moods and feelings - as a Cancerian that will be a very difficult task. Or, when melancholy hits me, I should discard it saying that it will pass and change like the Moon does.

Positive Cards:

1 Me: Strength.  People tell me that I have inner strength. It is only when I sit back and realise how I have coped against all that I have gone through this past year, then perhaps I am a pillar of strenght to myself and hopefully to others too.

2 The Real problem: Ten of Pentacles: Missing the stability and the togetherness of a family/partnership union.

3 My greatest strength: Two of Cups: my ability to love and be in unison with the one that I love.

4 My greatest weakness: The Lovers: my desire to love and be in a loving duality.

5 What I need to do: the Star. Have hope that things will change and get better. All I need to do is nurture my soul with the feeling of love.

6 Who or What can help me? The World: The Universe and trusting in it to lead me to attainment and own the world, so to speak.

7 Outcome: Temperance: Balance, stability, equilibrium, inner peace and contentment.

Well, what can I say?
A sopa opera or what?


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