Merlin The great, reincarnations, and the violet flame!!

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Merlin The great, reincarnations, and the violet flame!!

Post by Payewacker » Sun Sep 30, 2007 1:39 pm

Merlin the Great—A short History.
Payewacker.  9/30/07.

Merlin was born under the name Emrys or Ambrosius. He was believed to be the son of a nun and his father a devil or incubus. This made him eccentric seeing as he was the son of evil, yet a servant of God.

This is a tale of legendry proportions, it is told as a rich farmer having fertile land and success, became tormented by the devil or an incubus, he then lost all his possessions even his own life, leaving behind three daughters. This devil then, with his lust not yet satisfied, turned his attention to the three daughters. They in turn then degenerated into sin, the youngest becoming a whore at her sister’s advice, was caught and then buried alive. The youngest was advised by an older woman that it is sinful not to live without a man and sex, and for her own protection should sleep with every man in town. It is then that the younger sister sold her soul to the devil On finding out the eldest sister sought the help of a priest, amazed at this the priest advised the young sister to live a life of prayer and penance, crossing herself every night to avoid anger or wrath, the easiest sin to fall into.

With cunning, the devil then sent the younger sister with all her boyfriends to the eldest sister’s home, where they started beating her. In a rage she fled to her room and fell asleep on her bed without crossing herself.  The incubus realized her mistake and had sex with her in her sleep. On waking she realized she is no longer a virgin. Going to the priest he was doubtful about the fact that she lost her virginity and can’t remember who the father may be. To protect himself the priest made a note of when she lost her virginity.

She later found that she was pregnant, and although trying to live a life of penance, she couldn’t hide her condition. On arriving, the judge had her imprisoned, and would probably die the same as her other sister, she sent for the priest. He couldn’t change the judge’s mind. The priest advised her to have the child baptized immediately after being born. Months later the child was born and the two women assisting her were amazed, seeing the child having as much hair as an animal. The woman in town refused to nurse this child as they feared it. The baby was then sent to be baptized which fooled the plans of the devil, as he wanted the child to be the son of the Anti-Christ as described in the Bible.

The nursemaids were petitioning to leave in the 18th month of the child, seeing as he could now walk and eat by himself. He then told her, he would save her from being executed. The woman was totally stunned at the ability of her son, being able to speak fluently and dropped him to the floor as the two nursemaids arrived, at first the thought it impossible for the child to speak. All three of them tried to get him to speak, but he remained quiet. To the mother’s astonishment he again comforted her.

This wonder spread like wildfire through the town and the judges thought it appropriate to have the mother executed. This is when the baby showed his true colors and intervened on his mother’s behalf.

The judges was still not convinced, so Merlin an eighteen month old baby said that if he reveal the true identity of the chief judges farther that his mother can be freed. This was then accepted.

The judge’s mother was brought to court where Merlin revealed the true father. It being a priest of which this affair has been continuing all her life and that she had slept with the priest as late as the previous night. In despair the judges mother pleaded for mercy from her son, she was guilty of adultery and said that her young accuser is right.

At this the judge acquitted Merlin’s mother of her sin and asked Merlin who his father is at which Merlin explained it being an incubus who can enter a locked house through a keyhole and that he ravished his mother in her sleep.

Merlin then spoke the judge privately advising him that the judge’s mother will go to the priest who, not wanting to face the wrath of the town, will commit suicide. This is then exactly what happened. The judge then declared Merlin wise.

In the late 6th century we find in the Black book of Carmarthen, him to be Myrddin the fictional Welsh bard. In the Welsh poem Afallenau among others there are records that include Merlin’s influence, although these poems can be regarded as obscure and questionable.

In Vita Merlin by Geoffrey of Monmouth he was married and had a sister. However this work was contradicting the first work of Geoffrey: Historia regum Britannea. Another theory whereby it is described that there was two different people name Merlin leads to the questionable fate, prophetic qualities and life of Merlin. These works should be regarded as not having any reference to King Arthur or his Knights (Knights Templer).

The controversial birth of Merlin as contained in a work by Robert de Boron’s “Merlin”, as known as the “Prose Merlin”. This Prose formed part of the Vulgate cycle.

Merlin: Sorcerer, Prophet, advisor and teacher. We can easily classify him as a mystical, eccentric recluse, feared by woman whom he terrorized, and filled them with total remorse. His rich and controversial life can be found throughout historical records and links him as advisor to four Kings in succession.

He disappeared into Calidon forest after a bloody battle, said to resemble a stark raving lunatic. He then became known as the Wild Man of the Forest, it is here that he learned how to speak to the animals, learnt their tongue, and lived as one; he was one of the last Druid Shaman and keeper of Arcane secrets. In Historia regum Britannea, Merlin Ambrosius is an enchanter and prophet, and King Vortigern’s advisor. In Vita Merlin, we are presented with Merlin Calidonius(c 1150). But, this work contradicted the first work of Geoffrey “History regum Britannea”, in this one Merlin was said to have been born with his gifts, the other is from or derived from Welsh and Scottish Sources.

In an unnamed Battle where Merlin took part in, this being between Peredur of the Venedotians and Guernolus of Scotia, and King Rodarch of Cumria combined. Although the name of this battle was described in the Welsh legend of Myrddin as Battle of Arfderydd, fought in AD 573. This battle was thought to be one of three futile battles. It is in this battle that Merlin was said to have become insane as a result of his grief when the three brothers of Peredur perished.

Merlin regained his sanity for only a short while and returned to the Court of King Rodarch, this was accomplished by his sister playing a retainer; she was also the wife of King Rodarch. Sadly, because of the large amount of people in Rodarch’s court, drove Merlin back into his forest once again totally insane. Rodarch had him restrained in chains and returned him to the court; he refused to return out of his own. His sister Ganieda then took care of her brother.

Rodarch wanted to prove that Merlin is mad, because he removed a leaf from Ganeida’s hair, when asked Merlin declared she met a lover under a tree. Rodarch brought a boy before Merlin, every time the boy would suffer another fate. Firstly Merlin said that the boy would die in a fall, the second time round Merlin said the boy would die from a tree? The third time he said the boy would drown in a river.

Now Rodarch dismissed his wife’s accusation of adultery as a figment of Merlin’s deranged mind. The King then released his brother in law as a madman. Once again Merlin returned to his forest. The wife of Merlin, Gwendoloena, who since the day of Merlin’s disappearance, lived in the court of Rodarch, was given the opportunity by the King to marry another man, effectively dissolving Merlin and Gwendoloena’s marriage.

Merlin’s prediction regarding the death of the boy came true, the boy slipped, fell into a tree where his foot was caught in a branch and his head under water, drowning him.

As Merlin promised, he arrived at Gwendoloena’s day of her wedding herding stag; she saw this and was amused at the sight. Her laughter brought her fiancé to the window, seeing him Merlin broke a stag’s antler, hurled it at the groom, killing him.  This was Gwendoloena’s wedding gift from Merlin.

The King came to know about the boy’s fate and realized his wife’s adultery; this is when he had Merlin returned to his court as prophet.

Rodarch was fascinated on another occasion by amusement of Merlin, and enquired why he was laughing. Merlin agreed to tell him, only if he could return to his beloved forest. His visions was of two men, one a beggar sitting outside the palace gates on a chest with treasure, the other of a man buying shoes and more leather to repair the shoes. Both of these were true and Merlin was freed.

Merlin left to live in a large mansion with 70 rooms and 70 doors; he could now roam the forest by day and look at the stars at night. This building was constructed for him by Ganieda.While visiting her brother, Merlin told his sister her husband had died and that she should attend his funeral to deliver an elegy. After the funeral his sister returned and lived with Merlin the rest of her life.

His predictions was correct, as he also requested Taliesin to be brought to him, whom should have finished his studies with Gildas in Armorica, however he send a message that he was bringing Arthur, whom was wounded in the battle of Camblam, by ship belonging to Barinthus. This Merlin apposed as the Isle of Avalon was ruled by nine sisters and sorceresses, they were known for their abilities to heal and fly!! They wanted Arthur to stay with them in order for them to heal him. Merlin advised him that although Britain was experiencing troubled times it was not the time for King Arthur to ascend to the throne.

Merlin was healed from his madness after taken by Taliesen to drink from a new spring created by new rains in the forest. Merlin was then invited to become the ruler of Demetea, however he refused on the grounds that he was an old man.

Then he met another madman in the forest named Maelden. Merlin also brought the madman to the spring, had him drink on which he was cured of his madness. His sister Ganieda was said receiving the gift of foretelling the future, this is where the tale ends, Merlin announced his retirement as prophet and his duties was delivered to his sister.

The fate of Merlin is shrouded in mysterious controversy. In Most renditions Merlin disappeared before the birth of Arthur, but he was involved in his conception, after this he was never again mentioned.

Other accounts feature him throughout the life of Arthur or even outliving Arthur, he is also guised as assisting Perceval in the final stage of the quest for the Holy Grail. Yet other accounts include a witch trapping him in a powerfull Enchantment, she was the Lady of the Lake, others again lay the blame for his death at the hands of the Lady of the Lake.

The Lady of the Lake was a powerfull sorceress and member of the Otherworld. She was also known as Niniane, Viviane and Nimue.

In Vulgate Merlin The Lady of The Lake met him when he was 12, learned of his extraordinary powers and promised to love him forever if he taught her his secrets. Years later she met him again, and through subterfuge confined him with a powerfull enchantment in a tower, where she could come and go as she pleased.

In the Vulgate we find Niniane, whom Merlin fell in love with, Niniane, however, didn’t like him at all, because she thought him to be the son of the devil.  This Niniane should not be confused with the Lady of the Lake. The Lady of the Lake handed Arthur, Excalibur.  Niniane was murdered by Balin early in Arthur’s reign. Merlin built her a home which he hid from mortal eyes by his magick and thus it seems as if it was only a lake where the house was, this Lake is thought to be Lake Diana.  She used Merlin’s love for her to teach her his sorcery secrets, used this against him and entombed him in a rock.

These are the counts of the life of Merlin the Great –Raving Lunatic or Prophet, Keeper of Arcane Knowledge, Prophet, accomplished Sorcerer, Incarnate and Bearer of the Violet flame!!

Historia regum Britanniae
(“History of the Kings of Britain” c 1137) and the Vita Merlini (“Life of Merlin” c 1152)
Were written by Geoffrey of Monmouth.

Vulgate Merlin or Prose Merlin was adaptation of Boron’s
Merlin, c 1240.

Le Morte d”Arthur was written by Thomas Malory, 1469.

Historia Brittonum was written by Nennius (9th Century).

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