origin of runes

Know more about Runes, how to read them and interpret their true meanings.

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Post by udit_r » Sat Oct 13, 2007 1:25 pm

I am a bit confused, for the past couple of days i have been trying to start off with the runes but some way or the other i am not able to start with them could you please tell me if there is any sort of timing for starting them i mean the appropriate time.

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:59 pm

Do not overcomplicate the issue.  Let's get very basic.  Get a set of runes, as per previous discussions on what makes good runes. Spread the runes out, face down, on a cloth, and mix them up a bit (still keeping them face down).   Be at peace, which is always important for any meditative process.  That is the appropriate time. Take some deep breaths.  Think of a question, one that has significance to your life.  Not one that is silly.  Like should I ask him or her out on a date?  Let unseen forces guide you to the one rune to answer your question.  Do not look for this force but relax and just let it happen.  I usually do this with my eyes closed so as not to be distracted and be in a better meditative and reflective state.  Pull a rune and turn it over.  Open your eyes.  If the rune is upright (or is not a reversible rune, consult your source book or website), then the answer is yes, otherwise, it is no.  Do not worry about additional meaning at this time.  And you will have started working the runes.  You can post here later what you drew for further interpretation.

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Post by MoonGoddess » Sun Oct 14, 2007 7:23 am

It does help if you don't have screaming kids or the telephone ringing or people knocking on your day.  Put a note on the door to come back later, take the phone of the hook, and wait until the kids are in bed.  As Earl said it is best to be in a meditative state, so do all the things that relax you, and that does not mean drugs or alcohol deffinately frowned upon.  When I use the way Earl has suggested I run my hands above the runes in circles after I have shuffled them so to speak.  You will notice energy or vibrations if you would coming off the runes.  I normally go for the runes that are giving off a hot energy or different to the rest.  In time you will become practiced at this, and be less doubtful of yourself, do you have any friends to practice on?


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global announcement of mystic board

Post by udit_r » Sun Oct 14, 2007 7:34 am

is there any possibility of you opening a showroom of these beautiful and divine tarot and runes along with the accessories in India or the city Mumbai

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Post by udit_r » Sun Oct 14, 2007 7:38 am

yes I do have a teenager and he is in the 10th grade whose exams are round the corner and you are right that may be a reason why i am unable to concentrate on the runes. thanks for the reply I will certainly take this seriously

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