Dragon Colour Correspondences to Terrains

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Dragon Colour Correspondences to Terrains

Post by DanaxiiFire » Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:26 am

Red dragons are warriors by birth. They tend to take command more so than to give any. Ruthless in battle make them perfect allies. There has yet to be a more noble dragon. A ruler to the fires it has the ability of fire breathe yet most choose not to use such for they view it as an unhonorable attack method. Having the ability to manipulate the flames and control of lave they can destroy this realm in a blink of an eye.

Blues are of ice and sea. Light blues are usually of ice but there are accounts of these being of sea. They possess an ice breathe that they normally would never use unless provoked. They do use it however to make icecaps so to hide in. It has become used only as a defense mechanism. Dark blues are mostly found within the seas. Some of these of the water come out a blue-green or teal colour. If they are tel then there is a mixture in species. Blue-greens typically are found amongst the outer seas and not landward. The light blues of water are mainly found in island dwellings only. the dark blues can be found on the ocean floors to riverbeds. These dragons possess a water breathe that can be quit deadly. many see this ability as a weakness til they have felt its sting. These great beasts of the seas have learned how to make tidal waves and tornadoes upon the sea. These tempermental beings are of no joke. They can destroy thousands just because they are having a bad day. Our torment brings them joy.

Greens are of the woods and are very difficult to find in their dwellings. Keepers to the elves they tend to not fight unless absolutely neccessary to do so. They keep their vows more often than any other has. True to their word make these the most trustworthy of all. They possess the ability to manipulate all living things. They can make trees walk and talk as well as make an animal attack for no reason at all. these forest dwellers tend to enjoy the ability to chaos for their fellow animals yet they are also the first to defend them.

Browns are earth dwellers and so the temperment show it. Locked away from the creatures that roam above is most comforting to them. To awaken one of these great beasts is to call on death himself. they do not take kindly to being disrupted by any living being. These great beasts cause earthquakes and plate shifting. They mold the world to their own imagination.

Silver dragons are beautiful to see yet deadly to know. These dragons are known for devious actions and pride themselves on it. Only a couple silvers have shown their loyalty to another yet still they may yet to deceive. Great allies they are until they feel you are of no more use to them. Somewhat selfish by nature they still do possess some compassion. Having the ability of lightning breathe make them a real shocker persay. Many do not learn this gift in one lifetime and it possesses the need of great strength from them.

Gold dragons are the most blinding of sites. They glimmer and shine just like the sun. They use this to their advantage in battle. They are the most caring of the kind. It is not suprising to see a gold dragon take a youth as if it were her own. They are very nurturing and try to make all like them. Their idealism is their only weakness. If you dare to harm a childe in their care you will see just how fierce they can be. To scare a childe in their care is to show how little you value your life for they will strike with a deadly hit. They have the most accurate of aim. Like the silver dragons these to have lightning breathe. Bourne with the ability to do it makes them an even tougher oppponent. However they may sound as of now please duly note that since they do not have to learn this gift, they do strive for one other. the ability to manipulate the storms as they see fit.

Bronze dragons are those guardians we never see. They prefer solitude yet still they watch over the world. The true beast of the skies they show their ownership hospitably. They are here to maintain balance and with such a high responsibility they control the weather and any element they see fit to. Possessing higher abilities than most make them perfect as our protectors.

Shadow dragons are the most vile of all. They are pure evil and do not mind proving it over and over again. They look as though they are nothing more than a shadow or a dark smoke cloud. They bring only destruction in their wake. These dragons show no remorse nor compassion. They are likely to ally with any for they live for self only. Treacherous traitors of olde and new these are. Never should one be trusted even if given oath for they know not what this means.

Black dragons are the most unpredictable of them all. Feared by many and reveled by others. These dragons hold no equal or so they think. Better leaders than followers are these because they tend to do what they feel is right, no matter the cost. A black dragon would kill his entire clan to just prove a point, that he is the strongest and most powerful of all. Held imprisoned by their impetual pride, they tend to make mistakes of vast proportion. Never before has a dragon showed himself as a black does. They have been called protectors, traitors, warriors, brethren, tyrants, and lovers. No matter what form they take they attract the oppsite sex rather easily and they know it. In the tales it is not uncommon for a black to use this gift and take advantage of young maidens. They tend to not love even when they say they are in it. Love is not a strong point in these creatures but if they ever do it is for beyond life. To hold the heart of a black dragon is a tremendous task that many cannot endure. For the time they are together one must remain on guard and be prepared for the worst.

Those colours not here mentioned are cross-breeds except for those that are smoke grey, gunmetal, and platinum. Most smoke grey or gunmetal coloured dragons are those shadow dragons who set out from their clan to be a more noble dragon. They grew tired of the underhanded ways of their clan and seek forgiveness of their sins. Those that are platinum are a rarity. They spring from the silver, gold, and bronze dragons. In humanity we would call them albino in a sense. They do not lack pigment anywhere but they can shine just as white. Many of these have been called white dragons, which these sorts do not exist on any plane. Those considered as white dragons are a purity of their kind. They possess no mannerisms like any other dragon. They chose not to fight and they tend to live peacefully alone. They are the only known loners in dragon history.

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