types of earth based dragons

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types of earth based dragons

Post by DanaxiiFire » Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:30 am

The race itself is grouped into 3 main types,
European, Asian, and American

Large beasts, thick barrel bodied, often having horns, tusks, and brow-crests like triceratops. They fly using large bat-like wings. Brute strength is the key to their success. That and a very loud bellow! They are the legend of Medieval Europe and the dark ages. Most were hunted down and killed during these eras. Those few that survived either had to make alliances with humans, or hid and slept until something recently has reawakened them.

These dragons tend to be very ill-tempered, having been hunted to near extinction. There is probably only 1-2 blood “nests” left of them and much of it is probably diluted with crossbreeding of their species to survive. Traits of this kind aside from their quick temper, are: Money hungry, business savvy, horders, who are very passionate about what they commit themselves to and adamant about things they set themselves against. Stubbornness is a way of life for them.

Longer, slender and often with more than 4 feet. They have claws that tend to be longer than the others, their heads are larger and many times they do not have wings. Their manner of flight is assumed to be some form of telekinesis. Many pictures have been passed down in China, Japan and Korea among many other asian cultures of these wise and venerable beings. There are legends of their “demise” and how in truth they have simply hidden themselves from the wickedness of the mortal world. Also there is a tale of a Clan in the higher expanses of mountainous china that are said to have the blood of dragons running through their veins. Supposedly it is from these people that many of the greatest warriors have sprouted.

The traits of these dragons are: Usually quiet, thoughtful loners. But when introduced into a clan setting they will and do fight to the very last of their breath for those they call kin. Hording wisdom to a fault, they may be seen as “know-it-alls” or too introverted to be sociable when need be. Tradition and honor are very high on their list and many times meaning is lost in the midst of etiquette.

North American: Alaskan ( Inuet, Aluet), and Mexico. South American; Peru and Brazilian Rainforest.

These dragons are characterized by looking often like great giant snakes with bird-like feathered wings. You will see very few of these since they have taken to the shadows with the coming of the Spanish. Or before that, the many wars between the tribes that they allied themselves with would put dragon against dragon and often wiped out whole blood "nests" when they got involved.

Hot tempered even beyond the European Dragons, these dragons do EVERYTHING fast. They live fast, mate fast, kill fast and eat fast. Their lives are a brilliant blur of feathers and scales. Their size ranging from 10ft – 140ft, they are perhaps the smallest of the dragon clans, but were once the most numerous.

Sly and slippery, they rely on their wits and their forked tongues to get them their desires since most do not have hands, and none have feet. They were and always will be the rogues of the dragon world. They were very taken with human sacrifices, liking the taste of warm blood in their throats. Their eyes were ever pleased by gold and, since it was plentiful in their lands, demanded all that they survey be encased in the glimmering metal. There are clans left of these dragons, but most have turned cannibal out of necessity. The humans who once worshipped them, have now turned to other “gods”…ONE god, a Christian one. They have little love for humans who they feel have abandoned them. They play many cruel tricks on the two-legged and delight in their pain and torment

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