Practice Readings - part (5)

Please note readings given here will be done by tarot students of varying levels with the purpose of improving their skills and knowledge. These practice readings will draw feedback on the style, the card interpretations and overall content.

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Practice Readings - part (5)

Post by Gem » Wed Oct 24, 2007 10:40 am

Can our students try a reading on you?

All we need is the following..

1)  a question, not a yes or no one please and make sure they are acceptable by out ethics standards too please.

2) Your patience

Please note you will have to give feedback and be kind and supportive to our new readers :)

Please remember, this practise forum is only for students of The Mystic Board Learn Tarot Course that have successfully completed all the stages and lessons so far. Any other readings will be removed. The course can be found here ... hp?t=29397
Last edited by Gem on Fri Nov 09, 2007 11:00 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:22 pm

Ok Gem go for it.
I have a question, after my run-in with cancer this year my student numbers dropped alarmingly, I currently run 2 nights a week with two kids classes -9 and 9+  here's the question; I have several options open to me, open 3 nights week not two, structure the classes by age or by belt colour, or any of the above.
I'm interested to see what your group says.

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Post by arianna » Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:06 pm

Hi Gem,

I would love to get a reading and will definately give feedback as it is a great learning tool.

My question: What is a good way for me to make some additional income? Will I have the opportunity to work outside of the home and when?



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Post by earth2bella » Wed Oct 24, 2007 8:07 pm

I would love to be a guinea pig for you guys! I'll definitely give you feedback.

My question is:

Is the line of work that I am in now where I should stay (for now)? Meaning, will it take me to the place where I will be happiest in life as well as financially, or am I wasting my time and should reconsider my career goals? If so, what line of work should I direct my focus towards?

Thanks so much!

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Post by chrisdee » Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:18 pm

Prof. Akers wrote:Ok Gem go for it.
I have a question, after my run-in with cancer this year my student numbers dropped alarmingly, I currently run 2 nights a week with two kids classes -9 and 9+  here's the question; I have several options open to me, open 3 nights week not two, structure the classes by age or by belt colour, or any of the above.
I'm interested to see what your group says.
Hi Prof. Akers I used the Druid Craft Tarot for your reading with the following questions
Business as it is:Princes or wands:Looking for new inspiration

Option one opening three nights a week
King of cups :sorry i do not wish to offend but this card tells me you are physically not up to it
The Tower:There could be set backs  to your health if you take on more than your body can cope with at this time
Eight or cups:resulting in a long hard recovery

Option Two belt colour
four or cups:If you take this option you wont be satisfied with the results and will be looking back at the other two options
two swords:this will result in more difficult decisions  to be made
0 the fool:the out come of which at the moment is unknown as you haven't ventured in to this area yet

Option three structure the classes by age
Death: out with the old ways in with the new a total change must be worked out
King Swords: here i also see a lot of head work/decisions to be made
Six pentacles:this option looks promising but it wont happen over night

option three looks the best
with one last card layed for option three:
How to make this option a success :princes of swords: advertise ,although it will be your students who will spread your reputation for been a good teacher around

I don't like asking questions but i can be excused I'm only a learner Are you a tough teacher or a father figure teacher-just food for thought this was not meant to offend in any way

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Post by Gem » Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:05 pm

Thanks everyone for offering to be guinea pigs :)

lettuce ....over there ~~~~~~~~~~~~>

<~~~~~~~~~~~ grain and carrots

I think you are all very brave so please be patient with us. :)


Chris, I have pulled out my Druidcraft Tarot deck and have laid the same cards to give me an idea of what you are saying. I was a bit shocked by the interpretation for option one, but to be fair the cards could be saying that, however, what I would like to suggest is that perhaps your wording may have been kinder, and more subtle? If you explained the cards a bit more (I know this takes time) and then gave the reading as if Prof was sitting in front of you and able to reach out and give you a swift karate kick (lol) would you still say it the same way or maybe say that (in this deck) The King of Cups shows us a man who is unfit and overweight and perhaps may find the extra work load tough? Or something along those lines?

I spose what I am trying to say is if you think it might offend or hurt or be taken as an insult, don't say it , re-word it!?

I do not want you to take this negatively, I do realise that it is very hard to do this in an open forum,and you have to be very brave, I wonder if we might be better using fake guinea pigs? Or perhaps doing this another way? PM maybe or a closed group?

Lets see what Prof says :)

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Post by chrisdee » Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:52 pm

Gem i was not referring to his physical fitness or appearance &nbsp;i was referring to illness that he me may feel well but this could be to much to tiring for him
I must learn to express my self better sorry

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Post by cedars » Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:32 pm

Hi Chris
I am amazed how different decks show the picture of the same king or the same page or knight differently to others, and thus the interpretation of the cards can become totally different to one that someone else is using.
It is interesting how many different decks there are and the insights they give according to their pictures could well may cause a different reading.
Would like to see some pictures of your deck or if you could guide me where to find these pictures.


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Post by sidewalk_bends » Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:35 pm

I'll be a guinea pig:

My question is, where do you see my path going? If I am off course how do you propose I get back on the right road?

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Post by suzisco » Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:28 pm

I don't mind being a guinea pig.

I have had some very serious life events recently and I am considering changes in my career just now. &nbsp;I would like to know what the cards think about me going back to university and am i on the right track?

Thank you in advance


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Post by cedars » Fri Oct 26, 2007 9:11 am

Hi Arianna

I did this reading for you yesterday on the web (live) and when I got to the last card, I pressed a button by mistake and the whole site disappeared along with all that I had written. I was not pleased at all. So, I left it, with the cards in the same position and am doing it over again but this time on Word and then I will copy/paste it to the site.

Here we go. I am using the Original Rider Waite deck.

A father or a boss figure who is creative, charismatic and well-dressed. He may have been a tutor for you in work or guided you by the hand when you were at the learning stage. If this was a boss figure at work, you may have parted company but are still in good terms or in contact with each other. I don’t sense that the parting of ways was a bitter one, but you perhaps wanted to do your own thing.

You have your focus on your work and absorbed in it. There is emphasis on learning something new; a new skill or craft. You have shut the world out and concentrating on the work at hand. Are you working at home at the present time or are you a housewife? Whichever it is, you are hard at it and eager to learn something new. Go ahead with it.

You will be walking away from the things you love and head forward to new horizons, even though your road ahead is unclear. The gloomy moon is mixed with the sun in the sky and this is making you rather emotional about this choice, unsure if it is the right one or not. But it is best to note that all of the eight cups are standing firm on the ground and on top of the other; they are neither toppled nor scattered all over the place. Whatever you may be walking away from, I feel, will be there should you change your mind. This could be a person or a situation.

The card of hope and nourishment of the soul. Bright stars in the sky while a naked lady, one foot in the pond, the other on the ground is pouring in and out of the pond to the earth thus giving life to earth in the form of flowers and vegetation. In the face of the hope for the results of her deeds, this lady is humble and is led by that hope of hers to make things come into fruition. I hope you can see the relation of the Eight of Cups and the Star in this situation.

The Tower indicates a sudden change in events or a situation. It may be one induced by you, of your own free will and choice, or by the natural course of events around you. It may mean the dismantling of the false hopes and a total overhaul in your ideas and situation around you. &nbsp;The Star card falling in between the Eight of Cups and the Tower is your anchor of Hope. You do not need to follow the suggestion of the Tower. Could this be that you want to change your current situation totally and completely to bring in that additional income that you seek? Or, could it be that you find yourself trapped in a situation which you want to come out of? If a major change is the order of the day, then so be it.

Now why would a rich man be an obstacle? Why would a bank manager or a wealthy father or an uncle be an obstacle? You tell me. The King of Pentacles indicates a man who has made his money and who is quite good in money and finance. Are you considering asking for a bank loan? Is there someone well-to-do in your life that could bring about that additional income that you need? Are you applying for a job in a bank? Let’s see what the next card says.

Here is a man who had choices to make and it looks like he has made his choice and holding firm to his wand of choice. I also see that the other option/choice that he had, he has it firmly secured to the ground, just in case this doesn’t work. But the choice he has made stands higher than the other one. He has the world globe in his hand and is looking ahead to the horizon, to clear, sunny skies, his feet firm on marble floor. The world is your oyster; with the choice you have made or will make, you can look ahead and fulfil your dreams.

Hope this makes sense to you.
Would appreciate any feedback.

Sorry I could not pinpoint on what kind of job would bring that additional income to you; this is something which you are already pondering about and have a feel for it within yourself.


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Post by Gem » Fri Oct 26, 2007 10:15 am

chrisdee wrote:Gem i was not referring to his physical fitness or appearance  i was referring to illness that he me may feel well but this could be to much to tiring for him
I must learn to express my self better sorry
Chris, no need to say sorry, we are all here to learn more :) I still learn more about the Tarot everyday too!
Although having practise readings in this forum, on view, is a 'test' or 'trial' idea of mine and so may have to be changed as your post highlight how very hard it is to break a reading down into components when everyone is watching especially the seeker.

Well done, all we need now is some feedback

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Post by Prof. Akers » Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:03 am

I appreciated the plain speaking (I actually typed pain - apposite) but I understand what you meant Gem and thank you for your concern.
I must admit it's not what I wanted to hear, what I really wanted was - go ahead you'll be fine so instead of sceptic, colour me 1/2 way there.
Many thanks

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Post by Gem » Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:23 am

Thanks Prof :)

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Feedback for Cedars

Post by arianna » Fri Oct 26, 2007 1:31 pm

Hi Cedars,

I wanted to put feedback on your original post but wasn't able to so I will do it here for each section :)

Past: The King of Wands

I beleive that this represents my Dad (whom I lost six years ago next month)
It still feels like we lost him yesterday so I always know that he is watching and because he had such a strong influence on my life that he is still apart of it and would come through in a reading.

Present: The eight of Pentacles

I am a stay at home Mom but my kids are getting older and I feel that it is time for me to do something else with my life, however being out of the work force for so long I am a standstill and feel as if I am stagnating. I am a little surprised with such a positive card showing up regarding "career" as I have none - also though it is an eight so I could be ending the at home cycle and getting ready for something new

Future: The eight of cups

The eight again (I guess it is time for a change) I feel really blessed that I was able to be at home while my kids were growing and although we made a lot of sacrafices for me to do this I wouldn't change any of it so I can't see me turning my back and walking away completely, but definatetely ready for a change -

Suggestion 1: The Star

This is a lovely card but I have never seen a spread with suggestions in it before so it is very interesting. This card represents a wish to me so although it is very uplifting I'm still completely lost as to what direction to take. I do see the relation to the eight of cups but it is still ultimately what I do with it ( time to meditate )

Suggestion 2: &nbsp;The Tower
It is definately a good read Cedars as this is what must happen for me to make a move I guess I need the rug pulled out from under me - lol We have just made a major move over the summer so this definately comes into play (moved house but still in the same general area) Maybe I should have moved far away but wanted to keep things the same for the kids plus my Husband has to get to work still. - I thought the move would be a huge change but it has actually kept things very similiar.

Obstacles: The King of Pentacles

Now this one has me stumped - I really don't know whom it is referring to other than perhaps the mortgage company - but we have always had a mortgage. I think if it was an establishment then it would be a motivator for me to find work or an income and not a obstacle? I will think some more on this one

Outcome: Two of Wands

I think that this card represents me and not a male figure - It tells me that I have choices to make. Either stay at home and continue on or really put on my thinking cap and make a change. I know it won't be a career as I have been out of the workplace for far too long, but I could become creative and find away to keep me at home but make some extra money as well.

Overall an excellent read Cedars. - I really wanted you to say go and do .... job and you can start a week from Tuesday - lol but then reality hits me

You have given me a lot to think about - Thank-you for your time and efforts

much appreciated



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