Part Two - The Minor Arcana - The Aces

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Post by Chooky » Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:02 pm

That is really interesting, I didn't even notice that there were 2 hands coming from the left and 2 from the right...


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Post by pamDemonium » Wed Sep 05, 2007 12:58 pm

I feel excitement with aces. They are all strong positive cards. (of course an ace of any suit is always  a bonus if you play euchre or 500)

the ace of hearts(cups) is a rich love, happiness, fulfilment.

ace of wands:such energy! excitement, creativity. The will to do something.and succeed.

ace of pentacles: riches, rewards material prosperity

ace of swords: strength truth, justice.  perhaps the ace of swords tells us that despite adversity we have the strength to get thro  it.

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The Aces

Post by Cheyenne » Sat Sep 29, 2007 1:05 am

What emotions do you feel from each?
The Ace is the first card in all the suits. The start. The beginning.

Ace of Pentacles: I immediately think of earth. Stability. Safety.

Ace of Cups: Water. Emotions. Piece. spiritual beginnings. New love.

Ace of Swords: Air. Clear thinking, being just. Intellectual. Determination.  

Ace of Wands: Fire. Creativity. Enthusiasm. Courage. Strength.

Which do you like or dislike?
I like the Cups the most but that’s probably because I’m a water sign. :)

There are no suits that I dislike because all of them are necessary in their own way. Actually if you look at it you need all the suits to create a balance. Pentacles are about stability, Cups are about feelings, Swords are about clarity and being just, Wands are about creativity and action.

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Post by arianna » Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:00 pm

My thoughts on the following cards

Ace of Pentacles - financial freedom, wealth , marterialistic

Ace of Cups - Abundance of love - heartfelt - all emotions - love,hate,jealousy anger- feelings

Ace of Rods creation - inventions - enterprise

Ace of Swords - Action, forward motion, power

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Post by Gem » Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:07 pm

Hi Arianna, thanks, but you have missed out all the Major arcana cards, you should be starting with the Majors card 0 The fool please :)

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Post by arianna » Thu Oct 25, 2007 6:01 pm

Hi Gem,
I did the major arcana on the original post - Hope I didn't put it in the wrong place :smt002

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Post by Gem » Thu Oct 25, 2007 7:41 pm

Arianna that was the very beginning, the introduction, now you have to do the in depth study of each card :)  Please read The Way Map ... hp?t=33763

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Re: Part Two - The Minor Arcana - The Aces

Post by Sabra » Wed Nov 21, 2007 10:27 am

Gem wrote:
Image Image Image Image

Each card shows the symbol of the suit grasped in a hand that seems to come from the clouds. The raw element of each suit offered in a hand as a gift?  Starting the Minors with the Aces is a great way to get the feeling of each suit, and makes it easy to compare their emotions.

The Ace of Pentacles.... wealth, money, gold, and what looks to me like gentleness or is it being careful not to drop or lose the gold?

The Ace of Cups, overflowing love, water, abundance?

The Ace of Wands, energy, strength, a strong hold?

The Ace of Swords, forthright and cutting, straight to the truth, conflict, defensive, protective and ready to fight?

What emotions do you feel from each? Which do you like or dislike?  Do you fear a suit or love one?
I really like all of the aces because of the 'new beginnings' aspect.

Ace of Swords - New and incredible mental energy.  With this comes a need to dig for logic and truth.  In it I see opportunity to exercise the mind... maybe a new job opportunity or acceptance into a university.

Ace of Wands - Self confidence, high energy and enthusiasm.  This card calls on you to take initiative.

Ace of Cups - New beginnings in intuitive and emotional areas.  I see this to mean that one is capable of being emotionally close to another and also that it's a good time to work on increasing psychic abilities.

Ace of Pentacles - Opportunity involving career and prosperity.  It also calls on one to be more grounded and down to earth.

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Post by Bella » Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:51 am


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RW Aces and others...

Post by pirbid » Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:02 am

When looking at the RW Aces, the first thing that attracts my attentions is that all four hands seem to glow, and that I suppose underlines the fact that these are things that may be given to us or that reach us out of nowhere (the clouds). So, potentialities available to us at certain moments, if we can only realize and make the most of them.

I feel most attracted to the Ace of Cups because it has a definite sense of overflowing abundance about it (I also count water as a very vital part of me). That hand is also the most open, the most giving. Even though I am not so partial to religious symbols, the dove always makes me think of peace and I could always do with more of it, so... Also, the water feeds the water lilies and provides means for growth. And the yods falling make it very dynamic.

The Ace of wands would be my second best with a definite feeling of new shoots and growth about it and, I must confess, it looks very like a sexual symbol, not bad to have around, either.

In the ace of pentacles, my sight gets more drawn toward the garden path and exit in the background that gives this card more depth than the others. It is lush and peaceful, and a way out of any sticky situations comes to mind. The pentacle itself says little to me in practical terms, though it is good to get it, I am sure.

Finally the big sword, so straight and cutting and slicing through the crown... This I find more agressive and the landscape is the most arid. The yods seem to be bleeding from the leaves at the crown or burning up from the hilt. The gift of seeing the truth, maybe, but I wonder wether I will like what I see...


I found an image of an ace of swords that seems to put more emphasis on the clouds and the mountains (which RW also associates with the mind) and the sword seems a bit less offensive, ready for use if you need it, but at least no one seems to be blandishing against me.

This Ace of pentacles I like better because it emphasizes the vegetation (growing even on the pentacle itself) and a sense of care and nurturing comes of it. This garden is definitely a place where I would like to stay, like a peaceful cocoon or nest within nature. To me it means feeling secure and protected and well cared for. Living a healthy life, is that not what most of us would like?

And this chalice is set in the middle of the sea with a whale and a beautiful sunset as background. Since I live on an island, I am very drawn to this image: seems to reflect the endless power of love.
Sunshine from the islands of eternal spring ;)

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Post by cedars » Wed Jan 09, 2008 4:46 pm

The Aces.

I have now viewed the Aces under a different light.  I like the idea of the Aces as gifts being given or presented to us from heaven. It is almost the hand of the Universe offering those chances and opportunities to us to relish and take care of. Granted these are all in their early stages being offered to us, but we have to nurture these gifts and make of them what they represent. No point in being given the opportunity to make money, if we are going to be a lame horse and the same applies to the rest.

Ace of Cups: Water: The gift of all tender emotions spring to my mind; spirituality; healing and love.

Ace of Swords: Air: The gift of the ability to communicate; mental and physical strength to face what comes our way. Cutting edge of reason and justice.

Ace of Wands: Fire:  The gift of new energy, new ideas, creativity and opportunities.

Ace of Pentacles: Earth: The gift of the coin to make things grow, the earth, the mothering element of life. Promise of abundance and material comfort.

To select a favourite Ace would be only a personal preference as we cannot select one as we need them all in life. As a water sign, naturally, I am drawn to the Ace of Cups, but I would certainly relish the energy and fire of the Wands.
Did anyone say he/she didnt like gold?


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Post by glenellen » Sat Jan 19, 2008 11:17 am

Ace of Pentacles.... careful with one's money there is a path to take and don't be afraid to spend a little  and enjoy the finer things in life

Ace of Cups....spiritual, love and nurture over emotional

Ace of Wands....labour , work, satisfaction, reap the rewards for all your work, give back to mother earth

Ace of Swords...strength, warning, if you live by the sword you will die by the sword, challenges

I am a fire sign but am drawn to the Ace of Swords, the ace of swords is strong and dominant card and over powers the other aces that's just my opinion

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Aces Witches Tarot

Post by windspirits » Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:58 am

My interpretations as you all know by now, don't quite follow the so called Traditional thinking.  So, I will attempt to tell you in my own words the feelings or stories I get from my personal deck.

The Ace of Pentacles- There is an abundance of wealth available to us throughout the entire universe, not necessarily by means of money, riches or gold, but it could be knowledge and power as well.  It is up to us as individuals to reach out and take the bull by the horns and grasp onto that knowledge, power, spirituality or money.  

The Ace of Cups- The universe holds an abundabce of mystical and marvelous love and gratification.  We are offered the opportunity to become free as a bird and generate and spread this love in whatever we do and say in our lives.  The cup is overflowing streaming downward to represent the universe skies showering us with this abundance, but it is up to us to seek and figure out what to do or how to use it.

The Ace of Wands- The universe is full of power and it is up to us to reach out and grab ahold of the power and energies she is releasing to us.  We must be like shooting stars and learn quick in life that we are given this gift everyday from birth or before so we must learn to be quick and gather as much as we can and hold on to it, but learn and share it in the positive ways with others.

The Ace of Swords- The universe is telling us that we have the unbelievable strenth and courage of a lion to grasp the powers and knowledge it gives us with both hands and hold on to it.  To make ourselves strong and powerful.  Once we grasp onto this immense power we will be very protective of this knowledge and will not allow others to sway us from our path.  We are confident in our dealings on a day to day bases and refuse to be swayed.  We retain this power with a burning rage.

I have to say that I am drawn to all these as each one holds a small part of me within it.  I am most drawn to the Ace of Swords, because I am like the lion, strong and hold onto my beliefs with all my might.  I refuse to allow anyone to sway me from my own opinions and rights, I fight with fire and remain loyal to what I believe.  I have confidence in my work, play and my everyday dealings.  Not that I'm never wrong, because I am, but I will question all motives and analyze all possibilities before coming to any conclusions one way or the other.
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Post by farafina » Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:15 am

The ACES...

Pentacles: material comfort, financial success is here in our hands, but true achievement is to be found beyond the archdoor at the end of the path in the garden, beynd which we can see the peaks of the mountains.

CupS: Fulfillment. our hearts are overflowing with contentment... a kind of contenment that is flowing into nature at large. Let us be in harmony with nature and grateful for nature also.

Wands: we can see a castle in the left bottown, with green spaces and prairies. Makes me think of opportunities to build homes, or contruction projects, to establish oneself in one's field of work or in one's social environment...?

Swors: Victory is at hand: swift and at times brutal, but here for us to hold.

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Post by appylover » Sun Mar 09, 2008 3:44 am

Ace of Pentacles: Money,wealth can be yours,all you have to do is reach out and take it. It's there for the taking. Or maybe you should hang on to your money. Somebodys going to give you money.

Ace of Cups: Emotions. An abundance of love,a new love,marriage,new journey.

Ace of Wands: New life,you have the strength to start over,you might be starting a new business,new job,birth of a baby.

Ace of Swords: Tight grip,Power,double edged sword that could be used for good or evil depending on the circumstances. Somebody who takes a stance and wont be swayed by other people. In legal matters, you have the the strength and determination to stand strong and win in the end no matter what difficulties might be in your way.

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