Palmistry Lessons

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Pravin Kumar
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Palmistry Lessons

Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Nov 04, 2007 8:31 am

Dear Friends,

I see many people viewing the Palmistry Chapters and am sure that by now all of them must have got at least some basic knowledge of what is Palm Reading. Nature has given us so many clues to understand what a person is through Palm Reading besides so many other sciences, Like Face Reading, Foot Reading, Graphology, Numerology, Astrology and man in his endeavour to unweil the mysteries of the Creator has been trying to find out all that is to be learnt and do more and more research to understand nature's mystery. Still Man is incomplete to match HIM, our Creator.

By learning any Occult Science you come  to know what a person is, how to deal with him, whether you are going to encounter any health problem or do you have them or how to avoid any accidents which might occur in future etc.etc. This we are learning through Palmistry. Every Occult Science has its plus and minus. For Palmistry biggest plus is to just see the palm of the person and if the person refuses to show his palm, still you can know his nature even by just seeing the reverse of the palm, the fingers, the thumb, hair on the reverse, spacing between fingers, etc. etc.
Like all Occult Sciences Palmistry too has its limitations and hence what the person who may confirm or deny what you have read from his hand, one has to rectify the mistake in reading and this will guide you better in future and for every hand read wrongly you can be sure that that reading will be a sure stepping stone to success in futre.

We always learn with failures. The best of palmist have failures and those who have already tried reading hands after reading Chapters posted in the Palmistry Lessons may narrate their experiences even if they maybe failures but how they succeeded in bettering their reading the next time they encountered similar signs in another persons hand subsequently as one failure has taught him now how to avoid the pitfalls. This is how confidence comes. The more you practise the more you succeed. And the best success comes to those who are sincere in reading hands and do not exploit others. A pure mind and heart is the Biggest Plus in any thing a person may do including reading hand for PURITY  leads to HIS promtings through you to the person whose hand you read. Say it without fear even though the hand may show something entirely different. It will definitely come out correct. I have experienced this quite a few times and am so amazed at what I saw in the palm and what I predicted through Intuition i.e. through HIS promting, though both logic and intuition clashed against each other. Intuition always scored but be sure to say the right thing in the right way. Even if the predictions are unfavourable the person needs to be warned but you should be so good to warn him in a way that he is not frightened. A sensitive person will be frightened easily and hence in such case best to keep quite or if you are really mature and know how to handle the situation then go ahead.

I know wish to know how many have gained knowledge, even if little, after reading the Chapters and how many have tried reading hands and have succeeded. Success will come to all if the practise is regular. Success may come sooner or later but never give up.

Awaiting with interest the replies of all those who have been taking deep interest in Palmistry.

Pravin Kumar

P.S. Many Palm Prints are posted and you could try to evaluate them and post your readings howsoever short or different from the readings given by other palmist before. Do not be discouraged if your reading is entirely different than others who are regular palmist. You could mention you are a beginner just like they put "L" on the Car backside for a learner of the Car.

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