Gemini and Love

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Gemini and Love

Post by Abhishek » Thu May 19, 2005 8:35 am

Gemini and Love

Your Gemini lover wants to fall desperately in love with his/ her best friend. The primary motivating factor behind the energy of your Gemini lover is that of gathering discordant, seemingly unconnected information and then synthesizing all of it together into ideas that are new, unique, and interesting. That's just a fancy way of saying that in matters of love - barring other factors in the chart - your Gemini lover is going to be an interesting, thought provoking, humorous, friendly, and stimulating conversationalist. The old saying, "curiosity killed the cat" surely had your friendly and ever curious Gemini lover in mind. As such, your Gemini lover is going to be curious about "what makes you tick" - and he/she will ask you all about it.
Further, the old saying, "jack of all trades, master of none" surely had mentally active and flighty Gemini in mind. Your Gemini lover, ruled by the planet Mercury, is a born magician and mimic. Looking for a loudly roaring lion lover like Leo (try saying that five times in row)? Gemini can do it. Hoping for nice dependable stable Taurus? Gemini can do it. Dreaming of an Aries warrior? Gemini can fit the bill. Keep in mind, though, that mimicry is never quite the same as the "real thing."

Gemini is associated with the element of air - and, as such, may not be completely in touch and comfortable with his or her body. So your Gemini lover is not normally going to be a "touchie," "feelie," "snugglely" lover. Your Gemini lover may even turn on and turn off his/her sexuality like a light switch. And after the "deed" is done, your curious Gemini lover will very likely want to talk about the experience in detail.

Another thing to keep in mind is your playful, friendly, and curious Gemini lover probably has a light side and a dark side. One moment Gemini can be "skipping the light fantastic," the next moment "darkness abounds and there is no goodness in the world." After a while, coping with this Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde thing can get a wee bit taxing on the nerves.

For a good look at Gemini, trying reading up on the Greek hero, Odysseus. Life was a journey for quick thinking, quick talking Odysseus. In Homer's the Odyssey, Odysseus finally returned home after many years of being gone and lost at sea. Upon his arrival, he quickly learned that his enemies had boldly invaded and taken over his home - and they all had their eyes on claiming his beautiful wife, Penelope. Odysseus quickly realized that trickery and quick thinking was the only chance he would have of overcoming his many enemies. Odysseus cleverly disguised himself as an old feeble man, in order to walk among his enemies without being discovered. Then Odysseus went about methodically planning and then laying out a clever trap for his enemies. The trap worked - and he, his home, his wife, and his son were all set free.

Shadow: Your Gemini lover has a tendency to be a wee bit fickle when it comes to matters of the heart. Love 'em today, and tomorrow they bore you to tears. Love 'em the day after that, and the next day they're boring you again. Another tendency of some Gemini folks - due to having dualistic tendencies - some Gemini folks may give into and enjoy the stimulation of dating more than one person at a time. Often times, one love interest will fit into the nice, wholesome "girl (or guy) next door" type, and the other one… well… 'nough said on that… Finally, your continually curious Gemini lover may at times say and/or do shocking (perhaps cruel) things to you for no other reason than Gemini was curious about what your reaction would be.

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Lovers blue?

Post by poncesanto » Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:44 pm

For a Gemini if a lover dose not responde to you try this:
for 3 days if you can get a picture of this person consentrate  on him for 30 mins for 3 days if your in tune you should see a change!
tell me what you think?

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Or try this...

Post by citiboi_219 » Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:40 pm

Use your natural charm and instinct and flair to win them over. They may think you're over the top, but a true Gemini knows how to work a room. He/She should be able to walk into any situation and have all grow silent, waiting for the Gemini to change the tone of the conversations to one on fun and loving.

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Post by underestimatedGEM » Sun Aug 26, 2007 1:35 pm

all of that is true! its amazing (not to mention scary) how accurate you can read peoples personalities just by the positions of the planets! the part that is most true for me would be the "doing cruel things to see your reaction" that would be me all over.....I CANT HELP IT! its just like a lingering temptation to just spontaneously do something or say something random! (i usually regret it later :smt012 )

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G & L

Post by kalakkal » Mon Oct 22, 2007 10:55 am

I think you are kidding

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Post by LOL » Mon Nov 05, 2007 5:10 pm

what do gems find so irresistable about a person they love? I've read a lot about the mind, intellect and stuff......but that's sooo astro. I want to know real life experience. Can anyone help me?

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professional astropalmist

Post by abdul mannan shami » Thu Nov 08, 2007 2:49 pm

if want real exp about gem you can contact with me

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Post by soul_flower » Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:54 pm

Haha i have to agree with most of that.....Its like looking into a mirror.....Im a gemini and my ex is also a gemini,i can see how that didnt help the situation LOL.

Im such a compilcated yet simple person,i confuse myself alot,even when it really isnt needed.

Tamara :o)

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Post by mystic67 » Thu Dec 04, 2008 11:26 pm

I am personally a sucker for a guy with a quick wit and who makes
me laugh. I know I'm in trouble if the guy tends to be a smart a**!

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Gemini's mind never stops thinking!

Post by TrueGemini64 » Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:38 am

I"m what you call the perfect example of a Gemini!!   I'm quick witted,  have a lot of friends.  I love chaos so much sometimes I'm the one that starts it!!   I'm very fickle at times (at least my good friends say so).   Being a Gemini woman I only love hanging out with men.   I hate women I have never got along with them.   The worst trait i have that I hate dearly is I get so bored so easy and fast.  And I'm very indecsive to the point that I can never make my mind up what I want to on my day off, by the time i figure out what to do,  the day is over.  Now to me that really pisses me off.  I have learned though that saggataruis is my perfect marraige partner.  My deep sexual romance partner is a Libra,  Every libra i have met its been love at first sight.  It's an attraction that gives you butterflies in the stomach and real heavy eyes when you kiss them.   I would say they Libra's are Gemini's Best Sex partner.    Please let me know if any other Gemini has had the same attraction with libra's?  [/quote][/i][/b]

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