Part One - The Major Arcana - 6

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Post by anandutsav » Mon Jun 18, 2007 4:09 pm

THe LOVERS card as it is would represent passion, romance, emotion, sex, infatuationand desire. It also signifies the control, inhibition and decision. I feel that the purest love that flows through the picture not only projects the restraint in getting enveloped with desire but also highlights the distinct individualility of two different entitities.

Dear GEM,

It is my sincere request that you advise us on our individual interpretations of the Tarot however different they may be.

Is it requesting a little too much ?

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Post by Gem » Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:21 pm

You have been doing brilliantly. I read every post, but I don't always comment, sometimes there are just too many and time doesn't allow, but rest assured that if there was ever a post o comment that I felt needed explaining or more thought, or a nudge in another direction I would make the time to post :)

Everyone has been doing brilliantly.

The replies have been stunning and really uplifting.

Part of my tarot philosophy is that it is what the cards mean to the reader that counts, and that meaning will vary depending on the deck of cards used and the mood and emotions and life experiences of the reader. When you are doing these exercises you are 'bonding' and 'attuning'to your cards. Deciding what each one means to you, this means that when you go to give a reading and shuffle, the right cards will turn up in the right places.  It should be almost effortless, with little or no hard learning apart from the important things like the ethics of giving a reading, and spreads and layouts etc. Its about reading the cards intuitively :)

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The Lovers

Post by Dcruddy » Sun Jul 08, 2007 3:43 pm

Sometimes I do see this card as a "marriage" card but more often than not I see it as a triangle affair or hanging onto the false belief that things will work out in the marriage.  To me, the Lovers card is hard to read in a one-card reading, but it's doable.  When I have more surrounding cards, that helps me sort out whether it's a triangle affair or good marriage card.  ~Jennifer~
~  Jennifer  ~
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Post by Magewyntyr » Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:47 am


The lovers...

In the dragon deck, the lovers are simple and to the point. They have each others heart and compliment each other...perhaps even more than the Empress and Emperor. This relationship is new and fresh.... There is no other feeling in the world quite like that of new love. To discover each other the first time is very empowering.

The lovers signal duality.

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Post by pamDemonium » Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:56 pm

I wish I could work out how to upload pictures.

Anyway its the Enchanted deck from zerner/farber. It shows  dancers, a couple, clearly together and then another dancer in the foreground sitting,watching. ... size/6.jpg

My understanding of the  Lovers  is that it is a time of choice, decisions to do with the heart. Now it could mean deciding between two potential partners or I'd say more likely a decision as to whether this is THE ONE, whether it is true love or just lust. A marriage or not.

It's a difficult card and as someone else above said, the meaning becomes clearer with surrounding cards. Ace of hearts (cups) or two or even three of hearts (cups) would indicate that true love has been found.  On it's own it is a dilema. (especially for a libran who can never make a decision) ;)

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Post by pamDemonium » Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:03 am

here we go
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Post by infinitii525 » Thu Aug 09, 2007 10:46 pm

The Lovers card feels like I am looking at all of humanity. This card looks like it could mean decisions need to be made, the snake looks like it’s whispering to the female, it could warn of manipulation or deceit. The consequence for the wrong decision might me great. Could be a relationship may hurt from corruption. The female seems to be looking up for guides from a higher power. Maybe to signify to defeat evil and corruption you have to seek guidance or strength from a higher source.

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Post by SandiLJ » Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:26 pm

when I look at the u.w. I noticed that the lovers knew that they were to be together. But were shy about it almost as if it was their very first crush, on each other knowing that this was going to be a life long commit they were just basking in the glow of love they had for each other!. the t.o.t.w.c. seemed alot more of a intense love knowing that there is something more sensual & even dangerous about it its as if they did not belong  together but loved eachouther very much they just didn't want to get caught! the 3thd card was so spiritual it was truly showing soulmates that loved each other deep within their souls they pray for each other they are deeply in love with each other.  the last t.c. is truly a strong love that they have for each other it is very intense sexually they have a deep respect for one another & cherish each other strengths.

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The Lovers

Post by Cheyenne » Sat Aug 25, 2007 6:57 pm

Hmmm, I've been reading here and there and I've never thought of this card as a possible triangle. Very interesting to read others point of view.

The lovers to me can have several meanings actually. On one side it can be a commitment, uniting, bonding with another person. On the other side it could be a decision point (looking at the trees in the background). Which path should I take?? To me this card gives a feeling of bliss, being loved, innocence, sexuality, being protected from above.

P.s. Sorry that the cards always come up so big I can't seem to make them smaller. In reality the cards are much more vivid my scanner is terrible!!
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Post by grmrsan » Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:44 pm

This card sticks pretty close to the more traditional pics. Here the lovers are embracing in the Garden. There are two trees frming them, one has fruit and the other doesn't but otherwise they're the same kind of tree. (identical leaves) Aside from the more obvious forbidden fruits image on the one tree, they could also mean the male and female versions. The fruitless tree has the serpent, and the apply one has a little cherub on a top branch. The forbidden fruit then would be sex or possibly just desire? Something you really love or want. This card has alot of sexul tension in it, even the serpent is often a sexual symbol, but temptation, and danger being strongest on his list.  The other theme that sticks out though for me is just choices in general, what you want do do vs. what you should do.

Celtic Dragon-

I love this card. The fire dragon and the water dragon  reaching out for a kiss. Heres a good card of opposites and choices. Fire and water shouldn't mix, but these two are attracted to each other and probably aren't too worried about the complications that will probably arise as a result. The fire dragon is standingbetween two treesbranching off in differant directions indicating maybe branching off onto differant paths? You can't tell very well here, but theres a little butterfly on the bottom corner, it reminds e of tranformation, seeing things differantlt. I'm sure the bird has some important symbolic meaning, but that ones pretty much lost on me.
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Post by littleone22 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:57 am

The lovers tells me that there is a lot of temptation involved hence the apple tree with the snake wrapped round! I find this card makes me feel wary of love yet special at the same time! I have also heard an interpretation that this card can mean being torn between motherly wise love (his mum) and a younger more beautiful love (me!!!!) in my case this was very true! The fiery tree behind the blokey suggests that he is full of desire! Im not sure if the angel in the sky is blessing them or warning them!   love littleone22 :smt006

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Post by BLouise » Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:53 pm

This picture makes me think "Passion". Light shines down on them as though the universe itself approves of their union. The dolphins to me suggest harmony in the fluid depth of emotion.
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Post by Delirium » Tue Oct 09, 2007 8:59 pm

Ok Here's my own probibly unique take on the lovers card ( the deck I'm looking at today is The Mage tarot,UW style)
I know we've mentioned the 2 of cups linked with this card and I see the lovers a progretion from the 2. In the cups card they stand facing each other but look alittle worried about overstepping the boundies or getting to close too soon, they are formily dressed and seem to be presenting gifts to eachother. In the lovers the relationshop has moved on-they see eachother as they truely are warts and all( they are normally in the buff in the lovers cards so should I say pot bellies saggy bits and all!) and at this point they have to make a choice stay were they are with the person they know or move on and look for that perfect ideal shown in the 2 of cups. This of cause relates to alot of other situations so I would never limit the meaning of this card to just romance. The woman seems to look to the angel to gain guidance while the man seems to be thinking about the situation on his own. I agree with the symbolism of fire given earlier as the tree behind the man is alight but the tree behind the woman is in fool bloom were the snake is hiding I think theis shows pentacles as an element at work, the snake greed so passion/firy temprement or worldly greed are the things this card is warning you about.

Feel free to shout out if you think diferently ! xxx

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Post by arianna » Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:09 am

I see a couple working together - compromise and working things out I don't only see marriage and soul mates but friendships or partnerships of anykind  :smt008

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Re: Part One - The Major Arcana - 6

Post by Sabra » Tue Nov 20, 2007 11:18 pm

Gem wrote:Image

Some really eye-opening pictures here, and all so easy to read and interpret...... or are they?


From James Bond Live and Let Die, Tarot of The Witches

these two different pictures seem to have different meanings? Do they?
This is one of the most confusing cards for me.  I hear a lot of people mention that there are choices to be made, but I don't see that.  I only see love (or lust) in all of its forms.  I see friendship, passion, trust, romantic love, and platonic love.  

So far, I have always seen the angel blessing and protecting the union, as if the people were brought together for a specific reason (growth maybe?).

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