Part One - The Major Arcana - 18

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Post by grmrsan » Thu Sep 06, 2007 4:39 am

Ok, first of all now y'all got a dumb song stuck in my head. "Crabs walk sideways and lobsters walk straight, and we won't let you take her for your mate!"- Smothers Brothers

Forest folklore-
The man in the moon looks down, but he's not fighting the sun here. and a pair of dogs are relaxingnear the water. The white one looks  like he's staring at something just off camera while the darker one is looking at the reader.  Maybe the white ghosty one is looking at spirits or visions, while the darker down to earth one is looking at reality as we know it. The images in the background are foggy and indistinct. The moonlight is well known to bring out the spooky in all of us.  Phsycic ablities, ghosts/spirits, dreams/nightmares, things that go bump in the night. It's abut waking your imagination, and seeing what's really there. (No crustacians whatsoever LOL)

Celtic dragon-
This ones kinda cool. The way the full moon rests on the horizon looks like a giant crytal ball. And is that a tree in front of it, or a dragon howling at the moon.  Heres a card suggesting magic and the supernatural. The moon bringing out our visions and imaginations. For some reason it also reminds me of a little story in Watership Down. El-Ahrairah convinces a hedgehog to cover himself in leaves and rosepetals and sing a song to the moon. This is done to make another rabbit look like a fool when he tells others of what he saw that night. I'm not sure why the dragon looks like a rosey hedgehog, but there you have it. The moon does strange things to your mind, and lets you make unusal connections, things you wouldn't be able to see in the bright glare of the sun. (wow, I wasn't even close to the books interpretation, oh well, what do the author and artist know anyways!  :smt101  )

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The Moon

Post by Cheyenne » Fri Sep 28, 2007 11:59 pm

The Moon to me shows a lot of confusion, and fear. And about what… Nothing. Nothing on this card indicates that something is there to be scared about. So I think the fear part is based upon illusions. The person who gets this card is scared about nothing. He/she is having illusions. I feel like this card ‘hides’ something. Like there is something waiting to pop out. Maybe it’s the unknown future or maybe it’s a deep dark secret that someone is trying to hide.
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Post by BLouise » Sun Oct 07, 2007 3:58 pm

This card to me suggests the call of animal instinct which can be dangerous and unpredictable.  The reflection of the face and the moon in the globe suggest illusions, all is not what it seems.  It is dark suggesting again mystery or secrecy, that all facts are not yet known.
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Post by arianna » Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:44 am

I feel that  someone is having to go through the darkness to get to the light/ I also get the phrase don't go to bed angry or leave issues unresolved as their may not be anohter morning - say what is on your mind and don't keep secrets
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Re: Part One - The Major Arcana - 18

Post by Sabra » Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:20 am

Gem wrote:Image

This card still seems sunny and bright and almost as if the moon is fighting the sun? Many other decks have much easier to interpret pictures of the Moon.  What does the RW picture say to you?
In the RW deck two dogs are barking in fear(?) of the moon, a lobster is crawling out of the water, and there are 2 pillars on either side.

I know that the traditional definition is fear, illusion, and bewilderment.  But I see it as tapping into the High Priestess's jar of secrets... like the psychic and astral world and come to think of it, this could invoke fear or illusion in many.

You're right Gem.  It is still sunny and bright, but I see it as the moon interacting with the sun instead of fighting against it.
Thoth Deck - The Moon
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Re: Part One - The Major Arcana - 18

Post by Sabra » Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:24 am

Gem wrote:Image

This card still seems sunny and bright and almost as if the moon is fighting the sun? Many other decks have much easier to interpret pictures of the Moon.  What does the RW picture say to you?
Most of the decks have pillars.  Can someone please help and tell me what these represent?

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RW: The Moon

Post by winniewoo » Sat Nov 24, 2007 2:21 am

I've always thought this was a crayfish, which is related to the lobster. I remember reading in a Tarot book of instruction, somewhere that this is a crayfish. Anyway. Is the crayfish moving toward the land or backing away. When afraid a crayfish will move away backwards. It doesn't turn around, it backs away. So which way is the crayfish moving? I notice that one of the animals on shore is a dog and the other a wolf. Representing the tamed and the untamed. Water represents imagination and subconscious. The twin pillars are representative of the duality in life, Good and evil. The path goes between the two pillars. The moon reminds us of psychic powers and being crazy, as in lunacy. The moon also represents dreams and intuitive powers.  The moon pulls on the ocean and effects its ebb and flow. People and animals are affected by a full moon. Anybody that has ever worked in nursing home can tell you how it will affect the patients, and when the moon begins to wane, things will calm down.

During a full moon is a good time for disagreements, arguments. Emotions tend to run high.  Making stupid mistakes. If things are going to go wrong I certainly don't want it to be during a full moon. It will probably go really wrong. It is also a time of psychic reflection. If you have strong psychic feelings, the full moon can only serve to confirm those feelings. I would say if this card appears in a reading you may want to give it some time for all the facts to reveal themselves and then trust your instincts. Avoid arguing over things. Don't make mountains out of mole hills. Step back a little to get all the facts. If things are hidden they will be revealed in the light of day.
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My RW Moon says...

Post by pirbid » Sun Dec 30, 2007 8:24 pm

... Nothing. The Moon keeps her secrets like the High Priestess does, and animals do not bother speaking our language, having their own.

I used to dislike this card a lot (coming up second worst after the Devil) because I see lies and deception, altered states of mind, turbulent emotions running away with me. But then I saw the descriptions by Ellis and other "Moon lovers" and I must say I see it in a new light, now that they have pointed it out as the "dreamer's card" or messages from the subconscious, which I truly appreciate in dream analysis.

I still do not fully trust it, so I would make sure I have the right dream interpretation before acting on it. Animal instincts are surer and immediate, and I see a dog and a wolf or fox barking and baying and the moon, which they usually do when upset, threatened, and also as a means of communicating hidden dangers.

As for the lobster... I see there has been a lot of discussion over it. Shouldn't we just eat it?  :smt003


Now, I picked Scapini's Moon because we have a beautiful and definite crab up front. The dog has an elegant Egyptian look to it and the wolf is in a frenzy. The two towers are more prominent, with an astronomer or priest on top of one and a telescope on top of the other. The Moon seems to have an influence on everything and everyone, wether we like it or not.

The Ancestral Path makes it very clear that the moon is our main character, with its pull on all fluids (even those in our bodies, hence the chaos in emergency rooms by the full moon). There is also an old woman that seems to be weaving: the moon cycles and mysteries seem to be the province of women from way back.

The Spiral takes this further, showing the three ages of a woman with the accent on the fertile phase, ruled by the moon cycle. A wolfdog is crying with the beauty of it and a crab (definitely a crab) comes out of pearly waters. Even though this card is far from the RW version, I find it so much more soothing and easy to relate to.
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Post by glenellen » Sat Jan 19, 2008 9:26 am

the moon is confusion and mixed emotions someones state of mind fighting one's own mental anguish it means to me probably an addiction of some sort  and the pillers  repersents one's own life and trying to keep it within there space hiding there problem and not facing reality, animals are very sensitive they no when something is not right

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The Moon

Post by windspirits » Sun Jan 20, 2008 5:18 pm

The RW Moon card says a lot if we will listen.  She holds the powers of the night skies.  She is the one who shines down from the skies to provide us light so that we might find our way in the darkness of the night.  Because of all her power, the animals and humans for that matter project different heights of awareness on the nights of the full moon.  There are many paths that open up and there are many obstacles which might deter us in various directions, but she sheds her light for us to see which one we wish to follow.

From The Witches Tarot, I read the moon as being a time of confusion, division.  Not only in our behavior, but there seems to be chaos and confusion all around, so the moon shines brightly, to show us that we must look beyond the depths of the mass confusion, below the surface, to see the calm.  Notice the calmness of the fish below the surface of the storms above it in this card.  It too shows a crab or crayfish (sea creature) on the pathway towards the calmness of the sea with the fish.
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The Moon card

Post by farafina » Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:45 pm

I find the MOON card to be evoking family, children, or childhood memories. Extreme sensitivity. Emotionality. I think a bit about the "crab" as a clinging sea animal that holds on tight to what it has. Have you noticed how, when you fill a bucket with crab and leave it open without a cover, none of the crab manages to escape? Because they cling so hard to each other that each time one tries to get out, the others pull it back down.
Also, the subconscious is highly present there... like an INSTINCT thing. There is no rationality here at all.
This is the Moon from the Marseille Tarot deck
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Post by Gem » Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:57 pm


Youhave jumped in near to the end of the course, please look at the Way Map, ... hp?t=33764 that has all the classes in the proper order to be taken, this way they build on each other and lead to a better understanding,


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Post by cedars » Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:12 pm

Oh the Moon -  a complex card of the Major Arcana.
The lobster of the RW deck - probably the querent - coming out of water, leaving troubles behind, seeks a new path  and in the process has also to listen to friends and family giving him/her advice right in between the path of good and evil (the two towers). The lobster, the querent if you like, is in bewilderment whether to come out of the water or not and who to listen to?
There is light out there in the path - that of the sun - and the moon is just confusing matters for him. It is the indecision of oneself in a life situation and the fear of moving ahead and the night makes it even more complicated.
It says use your insight and intuition and perhaps wait until you see things under a clear light - say daylight?

It is not a life-threating card, the Moon, but one of flux, fear, indecision, doubt. ...... Just listen to your inner Self and stay put for a while.

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Post by appylover » Sat Mar 08, 2008 11:51 pm

I am having a hard time with this card. Maybe the dog and coyote are barking and howling because they sense some kind of danger. They are letting the lobster know that this is the wrong path to take, and if it continues down this path their will be trouble ahead. I'm not sure if that is rough water ahead or mountains. So if those are mountains then wouldn't that mean the lobster wont survive, being out of the water? So it should not make any changes now,it is not the right path to take.

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New decks!

Post by pirbid » Sun Mar 16, 2008 4:51 pm


The first is the Universal version and a bit off target, methinks, since some water is essential to the meaning of this card. They have substituted the animals for people wearing the appropriate masks and even the moon itself is hard to recognize as such. My, my... I am afraid this deck is definitely going to the collection shelf  :smt019

Marchetti's is the more faithful version to the original, with all the right elements in place... plus a strange mechanical device bang in the middle that reminds me of his version of the Wheel. He must be fond of painting these things. I looked it up in the accompanying book to see if it explained its presence, but other than being the pedestal for the moon's globe... :smt017  There was, however, an interesting explanation for the crayfish: it represents our worst fears, and the half light of the moon allows us to glimpse them or ignore them at will.

I am afraid in this case it is Llewellyn's that is also way off, substituting crayfish with regular fish and coyotes with an owl. At least, the moon is easy to see!  :smt004
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