Lesson 9 - Drishti or Aspects

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Lesson 9 - Drishti or Aspects

Post by RishiRahul » Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:24 pm

Lesson 9:
Drishti - The Aspects.
Dristhi means sight. It means keeping an eye on something or someone. It also means that which is visible.
In Jyotish aspects are called Drishti and there are three types mentioned in the classical literatures.
1. Raashi Drishti- Sign aspects.
2. Graha Drishti- Planetary aspects.
3. Yoga drishti- Angular aspects.

We will try to understand each of them separately.

1. Raashi Drishti:
Every Raashi sees or aspects some other Raashis and in turn are seen or aspected by them.
For movable (Chara) and fixed (Sthira) Raashis the rules are the same.
1.1. Every Chara Raashi aspect the Sthira Raashis except the one closest (juxtaposed) to it.
1.2. Every Sthira Raashi aspects the Chara Raashis exept the one closest (juxtaposed) to it.

What this means is that each Chara Raashi aspects the other Sthira Raashis except the one next to it, same way each Sthira Raashi aspects all the Chara Raashis except the one before it.
Take Mesha for example. Mesha is a Chara Raashi and hence will have Drishti on all the Sthira Raashis except Vrishabha and all the Sthira raashis will in turn aspect Mesha excepting Vrishabha. So the remaining Sthira Raashis are Simha, Vrischika and Kumbha which will be aspected by and will aspect Mesha.
Take Vrishabha for example. Vrishabha is a Sthira Raashi and so it will aspect and will be in turn aspected by Karka, Tula, Makara. But Mesha will not be aspected by it nor it will aspect Mesha.

The following Diagram will make this clearer.

Same way you can find the Drishtis of other Raashis. Do this as an exercise for the remaining Chara and Sthira raashis.
1.3. Dwishbhaava Raashis: All the dwishbhaava raashis aspect one another.

Take Mithuna for example, Mithuna will aspect and will in turn be aspected by Kanya, Dhanu and Meena.


The Grahas placed in these Raashis are also said to aspect or be aspected by other Grahas placed in the aspecting/aspected Raashis.
Like say for example Guru is placed in Mithuna and Shani is Placed in Meena then it is said that Shani has Raashi dristhi of Guru and vice-versa.
Suppose Shukra is in Mesha then it will have Raashi drishti on Chandra palced in Vrischika and the same way Chandra will also have Raashi drishti on Shukra.

2. Graha Drishti:
Grahas represent living forms or Energy (as they have momentum). All living things have desire and the seventh Bhaava shows desire so, every graha (except Ketu) has an eye on the seventh from their placement.
Take for example Surya placed in Vrishabha, it will aspect (have drishti) on Vrischika and also on the Grahas if any placed in Vrischika. Any Graha (except Ketu) in Vrischika will also aspect Surya by its Seventh sign aspect.
Special Drishtis: The superior Grahas Mangal, Guru and Shani have special sights (in addition to the seventh house aspect) by virtue of their being higher in the Solar system. (They are placed away from the Sun and the Earth). Remember, just as a Person or a bird can see much more from a very high vantage point, so also these Grahas can see much more than the other Grahas.
Mangal also has Drishti on the fourth and the eighth houses/ Raashis from himself.
Guru also has Drishti on the fifth and the ninth house/raashi from himself.
Shani also has Drishti on the third and the tenth house/raashi from himself.

Many scholars hold different opinions on the Drishti of the Nodes (Chaayaa Grahas or shadowy planets as they are called in Jyotish) Raahu and Ketu.
The aspects we recognize and use in this course for them are:
Ketu being headless cannot have sight and hence he doesn’t have any aspects, not even the seventh aspect.
Raahu has special aspects akin to Guru. i.e. the 5th and the 9th aspect. In addition he also has aspect on the second from himself (actually it is the twelfth from him as he is always moving in the anti zodiacal direction).

Difference between Raashi and Graha drishti.  
A question will naturally come to the learners mind as to the difference (qualitative and quantitative) between the Raashi drishti and Graha drishti and also when to use them.
Well Raashi Drishtis are of a more permanent nature and they represent the knowledge aspect (Gyaana Sakthi). It is like building surrounding each other or placed facing each other. People living in these building can see into each others homes and know what is going on there, and they get affected to this to a certain extent and because of its permanent nature it is something that we get used to over a period of time.
Whereas Graha aspect is desire based (Icchaa sakthi) and forces the planet aspected to do something about it (Kriyaa sakthi). Suppose someone is staring (or ogling) at you, this forces you to do something about it. In other words it forces you to act.
The aspects of the Grahas are good or bad depending on their inherent nature. Drishti of natural benefics (Subha Grahas) are beneficial as they have good sight. Natural Malefics possess bad sight (We don’t want to use the word evil as it carries a very negative connotation and means different things to different people) and hence their drishti are not desirable.

Classical texts speak of partial or fractional aspects also; we will not deal with them now as even in practical Jyotish reading it is not used much. They can be learnt from any classical work.

The third type of drishti will be explained in this thread very shortly as it is more detailed.

Q1. Why do the Superior Grahas have special aspects?
Q2. Why does Mangal have aspect on the 4th and the 8th from his positon? Same way try to explain special aspects of the other Grahas.  

Vivek and RishiRahul

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An example of Drishti in a chart.

Post by vivekvshetty » Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:08 pm

Take the following chart of Shri Raama.

Surya is aspecting by Raashi drishti Simha, Vrischika and Kumbha. There are no Grahas in these Raashis.
Surya has Graha Drishti on Shani placed in Tula  (the seventh house aspect) In turn Shani also aspects Surya and so they are said to be in Paraspara Graha Drishti (Mutual aspect).
Shani also has Raashi drishti on Budha in Vrishabha and in turn is aspected by Budha. They are said to be in ParasparaRaashi drishti (Mutual sign aspect).

Now take Mangal, the aspect it receives are:
Raashi Drishti: Budha.
Graha Drishti: Guru, Chandra and Raahu.
The drishti it has are:
Raashi Drishti: On Budha in Vrishabha the eleventh Bhaava. On Simha the second Bhaava. On Vrischika the fifth Bhaava.
Graha Drishti: Mangal aspects Surya in the fourth from him by his special Drishti. It aspects Guru and Chandra by seventh aspect and Simha (no graha in it) the second Bhaava.

Thus you find the Drishtis in achart. Practice it in many charts till it becomes second nature to you and just one Glance at any chart in front of you should fix all the Drishtis amongst the Grahas and the Raashis.

As an exercise list out the other aspects present in the above given chart.
Also list out the Drishtis in your own chart.
Post your answers to this thread.
RishiRahul and vivek.

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Post by RishiRahul » Tue Nov 06, 2007 5:16 pm


There are 16 Tajik Yogas : They are - (1) Ishkavalayoga, (2) Induvarayoga, (3) Ithasalayoga, (4) Easaraphayoga, (5) Nakthayoga, (6) Yamayayoga, (7) Manahooyoga, (8) Kamboolayoga, (9) Gairikamboolayoga, (10) Kallasarayoga, (11) Raddhayoga, (12) Dupharikootayoga, (13) Duttottadiyoga, (14) Thambeerayoga, (15) Kutthayoga, and (16) Daraphayoga.

Iskavalayoga : Planets in kendras ( 1, 4, 7 and 10 ) and Panaparas ( 2, 5, 8, and 11 ) alone, without any in Apoklimas (3, 6, 9 and 12), produce this yoga. Results : Accession to wealth, happiness and good luck are the results.

Induvarayoga : Planets in Apoklimas without any in the other houses cause this yoga. The results are - disappointments in all undertakings, mental worry and physical ailments.

Ithasala yoga: (Orbs/Deepthamsa:= Sun 15o, Moon 12o, Mars 8o, Mercury 7o, Jupiter 9o, Venus 7o and Saturn 9o).
The Deepthamsa theory of the Tajaka writers is based on the comingling or intermingling of the rays of the planets in mutual geometrical positions, and the 'orbs' are the same in regard to any type of aspect trine, conjunction, etc. The only factor to be noted is that the Tajaka writers also take into consideration, the applying, full and separating nature of the aspect as formed between relatively slow and fast moving bodies. Suppose two planets (e.g., Moon 9o, Mars 25o) are in a sign, the Moon, the faster planet preceding Mars, the slower planet. The deepthamsa of the Moon extends till 21o of the sign. The Depthamsa of Mars extends (backwards) to 17o. So there is intermingling of the rays resulting in Ithasala Yoga which is also known as Muthasala.
Ithasala has three variations - Vartamana, Sampurna and Bhavishyad.
Let us consider the variation.
The Sun is in Aries 5o 30' 50'' and Mars in Aries 25o 30' 50''. The Sun's forward Deepthamsa (we shall use the word orb to denote Depthamsa) extends till Aries 20o 30' 50'' Aries. There is thus intermingling of rays between the faster Sun and the slower Mars resulting in ‘Vartamana’ Ithasala. Here the faster planets is behind the slower. This is a beneficial yoga the events being influenced depending upon the ascendant. Thus if Aries is the ascendant, the Ithasala between lords of the 1st and 5th indicates beneficial results in respect of the 1st and 5th house indications.
Jupiter is in Pisces 3o 4' 4'',  and the Moon in Cancer 3o 5' 4''. It is a trine and is a friendly aspect. As both the planets are in mutual trine (within one degree) it is ‘Purna’ Ithasala.
Mercury in Virgo 22o 5' 5'', Venus in Libra 7o - fast - moving Mercury being behind the slow-moving Venus. The orb of Mercury extends till 29o  55' Virgo. The orb of Venus extends backwards to 30o Virgo. But soon the Deepthamsas are about to mingle. Hence this is ‘Bhavishyat’ Ithasala Yoga.
Summing up, in a Vartamana, there is merely a mingling of the orbs or Deepthamsas as in Chart No. 1.


Chart No. 2

In Purna, it is a full aspect (conjunction, trine, etc.) for planets remaining within one degree of exact conjunction, aspect, etc., as in Chart No. 2.

In a Bhavishyat (Chart No. 3), the Depthamsas are about to mingle, as the faster planet (which should be behind a slower planet) moves on.  
It other words they correspond to applying, full and separating aspects of Western astrology.
Easarpha Yoga : When faster planet is ahead of a slower planet by one degree, it is Easarpha indicating detrimental results such as failure and disappointment.
Nakta Yoga : In the absence of Ithasala Yoga between a fast-moving and a slow-moving planet, if a faster moving planet is in between involved in aspect with the other two, there is transference of influenc from the fast moving planet to the slow-moving planet resulting in Nakta Yoga (Chart No. 4).
Suppose, when a question about acquisition of wife is put, the ascendant is Virgo, the lord Mercury is in 10o Leo, lord of the 7th Jupiter is in 12o Pisces and the Moon is in 11o Taurus. Here there is no mutual aspect between Jupiter (slow moving) and Mercury (fast moving). But the Moon (faster moving) is in square and sextile aspects to Mercury and Jupiter respectively.

Yamaya Yoga : When two planets are not in mutual aspect but are in Ithasala with a slow-moving planet, then Yamaya Yoga occurs.
The result is the object will be fulfilled through a third person.
In the adjoining horoscope (Chart No. 5), lord of the ascendant Venus is in the 7th. Lord of achievement Moon is in the 8th. There is no aspect between them as Venus' Deepthamsa ends at Taurus 2o 5' and that of the Moon commences at 2o 55'. But the slow-moving Jupiter has yoga with both Venus and the Moon and hence transfers the effect or light of the fast-moving Moon to the slower moving Venus, causing Yamaya Yoga.


Manahoo Yoga : When there is an Ithasala between two planets and Saturn and Mars are within the orb of the faster planet knocking off its light, Manahoo is caused, the result being failure, fear from enemies, involvement in debts, quarrels and loss of wealth.
For instance take Chart No. 6. The ascendant is 12o Libra. Venus lord of the ascendant is in 15o cancer. Lord of the 10th Moon is in 10 degree Taurus. Mars and Saturn are in 16o Taurus. There is Ithasala (sextile aspect here) between lords of the ascendant and 10th icdicating achievement. But Mars and Saturn are in Deepthamsa Yoga with the faster moving planet, neutralising Ithasala and producing Manahoo. Therefore the result is disappointment.


Kamboola Yoga : This Yoga arise when the Moon joins an Ithasala Yoga. The yoga is strong, medium or weak according as the planets and the Moon are strong, medium or weak. This yoga generally produces favourable results.
Take the following example (Chart No. 7) a query concerning the birth of children. Lords of Lagna and the 5th are in mutual square - Ithasala Yoga. The Moon is also involved in the yoga. Therefore it is Kamboola Yoga. The Moon is in his sign while the other planets are in friendly places making the Kamboola fairly strong.


Gairikamboola Yoga : When the Moon is with any other planet whether or not forming a yoga, and when any other planet has just entered the sign, the resulting yoga is Gairikamboola.
Khallasara Yoga : If the lord of Lagna is situated between the Moon and another planet and if there is no mutual intermingling of Deepthamsas, Khallasara is caused, the result being disappointment in all undertakings.
In Chart No. 8 the Moon is in Scorpio 2o, Jupiter in Sagittarius 10o and Venus in Capricorn 25o. No planet is within the Deepthamsa or orb of another planet. Therefore Khallasara Yoga is caused.


Radda Yoga : An Ithasala Yoga becomes Radda Yoga when a planet is in retrogression or in combustion or within the orb of the Sun, the result being success after much troubles.
If the Ithasala (which becomes changed into Rada) is between planets in Kendras and Apoklimas, there will be initial success but failure later on.

Dupparikutha Yoga : When a slow-moving lanet, exalted, occupying own house or otherwise auspicious enters into Ithasala Yoga with a faster moving planet not in exaltation, own house, etc., the Dupparikutha Yoga is caused, the result being fulfilment of desires and realisation of ambitions.
If the faster-moving planet is retrograde, combust, etc., the yoga cannot function.
Duttota Yoga : When both the ascendant lord and the significator of an event (i.e., when any two planets) are weak but one of them has an Ithasala when another planets in exaltation, own house, etc., Duttota Yoga is caused. the result is success through the help of another person.
In the example given herewith (Chart No. 9) lord od ascendant Jupiter is in 25o Capricorn. The significator of the event (marriage) - here lord of the 7th Mercury is in Aries 9o. Both the planets are weakly placed. But of these two, viz., Jupiter has an Ithasala(sextile) with Mars strongly placed in his own house Hence Duttota Yoga is caused. Marriage will take place through the help of another person.


Thambira Yoga : When a faster planet strongly disposed at the end of a sign is about to form Ithasala with a slow-moving planet - in the next sign. Thambira is caused. This yoga favours fulfilment of desires.
Kuttha Yoga : If a planet in the ascendant is aspected by a planet occupying a Kendra or Panapara which should be his own or exaltation house, Kuttha is caused. The result is fulfilment of desires.    
Durupha Yoga : When a planet in the 6th, 8th or 12th is debilitated or occupies an enemy's house or is retrograde or combust and enters into Ithasala with another planet similarly afflicted, this yoga is caused. such a planet is powerless to give rise to any good results.

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Post by RishiRahul » Sat Nov 10, 2007 7:19 pm

Namashkaar Students,

The later part of Yoga aspects are not generally found easily. Therefore could be confused by students regarding its utilility.

'Tajak' or 'Tajik' could be a strange word in Vedic astrology. Not entirely Vedic, I suppose. It is partly Arabic.

Which? is not finally important. Because there was a time when barter occurred often between western India and the Arabs. So we do not know who bartered which. I believe it is an exchange of thoughts.

Such system of reading and formulaes were found mentioned by a age old 'Manu' form India.

These aspects are of prime importance in Horary astrology/Prashna shastra, Varshaphal/annual horoscopy.

In natal charts too it has its importance (In natal charts because it confirms goodness and badness of aspects), and are important indicators in evaluating the extent and nature of friendship or enemities  between aspecting planets; and also relation between more than 2 planets.

Questions are welcome.

vivek and Rishirahul

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Post by rkirana » Sun Nov 25, 2007 6:48 pm


Thanks for all the lessons.

I have been following this course since inception and have participated in the lesson.
I want to highlight a concern: it has been a few months after starting course and we have not touched interpreting a chart - even D-1 or natal chart.

Can you start some lessons on interpretation as well because of joy of astrology is predicting? When one can predict, he will get more interested in the course (like blind chart reading) and there will be increased participation

RishiRahul wrote:Namashkaar Students,

The later part of Yoga aspects are not generally found easily. Therefore could be confused by students regarding its utilility.

'Tajak' or 'Tajik' could be a strange word in Vedic astrology. Not entirely Vedic, I suppose. It is partly Arabic.

Which? is not finally important. Because there was a time when barter occurred often between western India and the Arabs. So we do not know who bartered which. I believe it is an exchange of thoughts.

Such system of reading and formulaes were found mentioned by a age old 'Manu' form India.

These aspects are of prime importance in Horary astrology/Prashna shastra, Varshaphal/annual horoscopy.

In natal charts too it has its importance (In natal charts because it confirms goodness and badness of aspects), and are important indicators in evaluating the extent and nature of friendship or enemities  between aspecting planets; and also relation between more than 2 planets.

Questions are welcome.

vivek and Rishirahul

Raman Deep Singh
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Post by Raman Deep Singh » Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:50 am

Dear Kiran,
Sorry Vivek ji and Rahul ji for me trying to answer kiran's question.I hope you wont mind. I can understand your feel to start interpreting horoscopes but it is not possible till you atleast know the basics and yes all this materials provided by our guardians till chapter 9 r just basics and till we learn them it is not possible to even understand what we gona interprate. It would be like learning how to multiply without understanding what is addition all about. Though it is true that it wil make students more interested if we can predict but predicting at this stage will be very dangerous for us , coz at this stage our prediction will be based on our pure basci nature of optimism or pessimism. Coz i m sure about 95% of studrents r gona use their own chart for prediction and thus end up predicting according to their basic nature which is gona be very bad coz we not suppose to get biased by anything while predicting. As it is said Half knowledge is very dangerous.

So i think it would be best to have some patience and try to understand these basics and not just mug up.Hope i have not offended anyone.

Thanking You

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Post by RishiRahul » Tue Nov 27, 2007 8:12 pm

rkirana wrote:Rishiji,

Thanks for all the lessons.

I have been following this course since inception and have participated in the lesson.
I want to highlight a concern: it has been a few months after starting course and we have not touched interpreting a chart - even D-1 or natal chart.

Can you start some lessons on interpretation as well because of joy of astrology is predicting? When one can predict, he will get more interested in the course (like blind chart reading) and there will be increased participation

RishiRahul wrote:Namashkaar Students,

The later part of Yoga aspects are not generally found easily. Therefore could be confused by students regarding its utilility.

'Tajak' or 'Tajik' could be a strange word in Vedic astrology. Not entirely Vedic, I suppose. It is partly Arabic.

Which? is not finally important. Because there was a time when barter occurred often between western India and the Arabs. So we do not know who bartered which. I believe it is an exchange of thoughts.

Such system of reading and formulaes were found mentioned by a age old 'Manu' form India.

These aspects are of prime importance in Horary astrology/Prashna shastra, Varshaphal/annual horoscopy.

In natal charts too it has its importance (In natal charts because it confirms goodness and badness of aspects), and are important indicators in evaluating the extent and nature of friendship or enemities  between aspecting planets; and also relation between more than 2 planets.

Questions are welcome.

vivek and Rishirahul

Namashkaar Kiran,

Sorry for the long silence. I was very busy with my laptop gone haywire am visiting the West now. Thank you for the patient silence.

When we learnt to speak English or any other language, the basics were boring to learn. Just imagine making ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ and 1 to 10000 a part of yourself, leave alone just learning it.

But if we did not do it/learn it properly then we would be at a loss while using the language.

I am sure that the students would not like this to happen to them.... and /or at least we would not like our students to be imperfect.

While trying to perfect such rich applied sciences like astrology one needs to be perfect in achieving the quality of patience.

Do have patience and be better enriched.

vivek and RishiRahul

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Re: Lesson 9 - Drishti or Aspects

Post by rkirana » Mon Dec 03, 2007 6:32 pm

All Drishti is graha dristhi.

Rashi Dristi, Yoga dristi and argala are later interpolations.
If one gives you a chart for reading, do you consider rasi drishti and argalas?

What is your opinion on this?
RishiRahul wrote:Lesson 9:
Drishti - The Aspects.
Dristhi means sight. It means keeping an eye on something or someone. It also means that which is visible.
In Jyotish aspects are called Drishti and there are three types mentioned in the classical literatures.
1. Raashi Drishti- Sign aspects.
2. Graha Drishti- Planetary aspects.
3. Yoga drishti- Angular aspects.

We will try to understand each of them separately.

1. Raashi Drishti:
Every Raashi sees or aspects some other Raashis and in turn are seen or aspected by them.
For movable (Chara) and fixed (Sthira) Raashis the rules are the same.
1.1. Every Chara Raashi aspect the Sthira Raashis except the one closest (juxtaposed) to it.
1.2. Every Sthira Raashi aspects the Chara Raashis exept the one closest (juxtaposed) to it.

What this means is that each Chara Raashi aspects the other Sthira Raashis except the one next to it, same way each Sthira Raashi aspects all the Chara Raashis except the one before it.
Take Mesha for example. Mesha is a Chara Raashi and hence will have Drishti on all the Sthira Raashis except Vrishabha and all the Sthira raashis will in turn aspect Mesha excepting Vrishabha. So the remaining Sthira Raashis are Simha, Vrischika and Kumbha which will be aspected by and will aspect Mesha.
Take Vrishabha for example. Vrishabha is a Sthira Raashi and so it will aspect and will be in turn aspected by Karka, Tula, Makara. But Mesha will not be aspected by it nor it will aspect Mesha.

The following Diagram will make this clearer.

Same way you can find the Drishtis of other Raashis. Do this as an exercise for the remaining Chara and Sthira raashis.
1.3. Dwishbhaava Raashis: All the dwishbhaava raashis aspect one another.

Take Mithuna for example, Mithuna will aspect and will in turn be aspected by Kanya, Dhanu and Meena.


The Grahas placed in these Raashis are also said to aspect or be aspected by other Grahas placed in the aspecting/aspected Raashis.
Like say for example Guru is placed in Mithuna and Shani is Placed in Meena then it is said that Shani has Raashi dristhi of Guru and vice-versa.
Suppose Shukra is in Mesha then it will have Raashi drishti on Chandra palced in Vrischika and the same way Chandra will also have Raashi drishti on Shukra.

2. Graha Drishti:
Grahas represent living forms or Energy (as they have momentum). All living things have desire and the seventh Bhaava shows desire so, every graha (except Ketu) has an eye on the seventh from their placement.
Take for example Surya placed in Vrishabha, it will aspect (have drishti) on Vrischika and also on the Grahas if any placed in Vrischika. Any Graha (except Ketu) in Vrischika will also aspect Surya by its Seventh sign aspect.
Special Drishtis: The superior Grahas Mangal, Guru and Shani have special sights (in addition to the seventh house aspect) by virtue of their being higher in the Solar system. (They are placed away from the Sun and the Earth). Remember, just as a Person or a bird can see much more from a very high vantage point, so also these Grahas can see much more than the other Grahas.
Mangal also has Drishti on the fourth and the eighth houses/ Raashis from himself.
Guru also has Drishti on the fifth and the ninth house/raashi from himself.
Shani also has Drishti on the third and the tenth house/raashi from himself.

Many scholars hold different opinions on the Drishti of the Nodes (Chaayaa Grahas or shadowy planets as they are called in Jyotish) Raahu and Ketu.
The aspects we recognize and use in this course for them are:
Ketu being headless cannot have sight and hence he doesn’t have any aspects, not even the seventh aspect.
Raahu has special aspects akin to Guru. i.e. the 5th and the 9th aspect. In addition he also has aspect on the second from himself (actually it is the twelfth from him as he is always moving in the anti zodiacal direction).

Difference between Raashi and Graha drishti.  
A question will naturally come to the learners mind as to the difference (qualitative and quantitative) between the Raashi drishti and Graha drishti and also when to use them.
Well Raashi Drishtis are of a more permanent nature and they represent the knowledge aspect (Gyaana Sakthi). It is like building surrounding each other or placed facing each other. People living in these building can see into each others homes and know what is going on there, and they get affected to this to a certain extent and because of its permanent nature it is something that we get used to over a period of time.
Whereas Graha aspect is desire based (Icchaa sakthi) and forces the planet aspected to do something about it (Kriyaa sakthi). Suppose someone is staring (or ogling) at you, this forces you to do something about it. In other words it forces you to act.
The aspects of the Grahas are good or bad depending on their inherent nature. Drishti of natural benefics (Subha Grahas) are beneficial as they have good sight. Natural Malefics possess bad sight (We don’t want to use the word evil as it carries a very negative connotation and means different things to different people) and hence their drishti are not desirable.

Classical texts speak of partial or fractional aspects also; we will not deal with them now as even in practical Jyotish reading it is not used much. They can be learnt from any classical work.

The third type of drishti will be explained in this thread very shortly as it is more detailed.

Q1. Why do the Superior Grahas have special aspects?
Q2. Why does Mangal have aspect on the 4th and the 8th from his positon? Same way try to explain special aspects of the other Grahas.  

Vivek and RishiRahul

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Re: Lesson 9 - Drishti or Aspects

Post by vivekvshetty » Tue Dec 04, 2007 3:05 pm

rkirana wrote:All Drishti is graha dristhi.

Rashi Dristi, Yoga dristi and argala are later interpolations.
If one gives you a chart for reading, do you consider rasi drishti and argalas?

What is your opinion on this?
Namaskaar Kiran ji,
We dont know the basis of this statement of yours. We are sure you have a very valid source or else you would not have made this statement.

Speaking for myself (vivek), the tradition in which i have to a certain extent try to learn Jyotish treats Raashi dristhi with more weightage than Graha drishti. Any way the usage of these three are totally different and a indepthunderstanding of the underlying reasons for these three different types of Drishti will make it clear for us as to when to apply which of these three.

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Post by gaonkarswapnil » Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:32 am

Dear vivek ji and rishi ji

A thing came in to my mind as i was going thru the forum in see astrologers giving importance to graha dristi but i BHPS i found while reading it has more importance to rashi dristi

As far as i can explain in example rashi drsiti are like Dam made no mater if there are malfic planets in its paths it can obstruct its effects were as graha dristi are like the tides cause by moon gives effect like moons with respect to its position

So sir pls exaplain us what should be considered 1st which type of dricsti to be considered at top and else if there is rashi dristi and also graha dristi be it malefic or beific wat should be considered initially

Kindly give explanation



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Post by vivekvshetty » Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:22 pm

Namaskaar Swapnil ji,
It is not about 'which is srtonger' or ' which should be seen first'.
Both have different uses and both are used. Though it is said that Raashi Dristhi is more permanent. Graha Dristhi get activated periodically.
It is said that Shakti is Trigunaatmika (Energy has three qualities), Gyaana Shakti, Icchhaa Shakti and Kriyaa Shakti. In the scriptures these are personified as Mahaa Saraswati, Mahaa Laxmi and Mahaa Kaali.
These are the Three Beeja mantras in the famous Navaarna mantra.
Raashi dristhi is Gyaana or knowledge of a particular thing. This knowlegde is always of something other than oneself or we may say not I.
This knowledge comes to us from the Gyaanendriyas (Eyes, ears, tongue, skin and nose).
Raashi drishthi is akin to having limited access to happenings surrounding you (the native). Like for example you stay in a building and from your window you can see other houses also and are to a certain extent aware of and affected by events happening in them.
we will discuss graha Drishthi later.
RishiRahul and vivek.

gaonkarswapnil wrote:Dear vivek ji and rishi ji

A thing came in to my mind as i was going thru the forum in see astrologers giving importance to graha dristi but i BHPS i found while reading it has more importance to rashi dristi

As far as i can explain in example rashi drsiti are like Dam made no mater if there are malfic planets in its paths it can obstruct its effects were as graha dristi are like the tides cause by moon gives effect like moons with respect to its position

So sir pls exaplain us what should be considered 1st which type of dricsti to be considered at top and else if there is rashi dristi and also graha dristi be it malefic or beific wat should be considered initially

Kindly give explanation



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Post by gaonkarswapnil » Wed Jan 14, 2009 7:15 pm

Dear Vivek ji and Rishi ji

Few questions on the dristi topic , Only with reference to graha drsiti  

So in it except ketu as it is headless all have 7th dristi as it represents desire the point now is why the jupiter shani mars where allotted extra drsiti

And also rahu said to have 2 5 7 9 dristi it moves clockwise but shown to have dristi in anticlockwise direction, and also one more extra drsiti here for rahu

There are more doubts will write down later



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Post by vivekvshetty » Thu Jan 15, 2009 3:43 pm

Namaskaar Swapnil ji,
These are our learning. there are other opinions of the aspect of the nodes.
If you read the first post of this lesson, you will find that we have asked these same question to you. We expect you to make an attempt. Being spoon fed will make for lazy learning.
Try it even if you feel you are wrong. The most sure way to learn is from mistakes. Then maybe you may come up with the correct answer. Remember our Rishis did not arbitrarily decide these Dristhis.
RishiRahul and vivek.
gaonkarswapnil wrote:Dear Vivek ji and Rishi ji

Few questions on the dristi topic , Only with reference to graha drsiti  

So in it except ketu as it is headless all have 7th dristi as it represents desire the point now is why the jupiter shani mars where allotted extra drsiti

And also rahu said to have 2 5 7 9 dristi it moves clockwise but shown to have dristi in anticlockwise direction, and also one more extra drsiti here for rahu

There are more doubts will write down later



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Post by gaonkarswapnil » Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:06 pm

Dear Vivek ji

With respect to extra dristi of planets only i know about the shani having 10th dristi in special as 10th happens to be karma bhava and shani can be represented as judge so it was given 10th dristi too

Correct me if i am wrong

Now the confusion about the nodes is as i try to understand by internet articles and Mp3 lesson in it PVR ji mentioned same thing about rahu dristi as some consider it has and some only 7th even about nodes exalation is not fixed every one has different views and in vedic astrology section there are member stating that ketu too has dristi

I request you to put some example charts for question answers

Will continue ......



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Post by vivekvshetty » Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:27 am

Namaskaar Swapnil ji,
you were very close on the Shani dristhi. Why not give a try for other dristhi also?
Remember that it is a desire thing or you may say urge.

As far as multiple views expressed by many scholars on different aspects, remember that there will always be such divergent views. this is so in every aspect of human life. variety in perspective is what makes life rich. you may experiment with the different views and find for yourself that which works best. We will stick to the Dristhis given in this lesson for this course.
RishiRahul and vivek.
gaonkarswapnil wrote:Dear Vivek ji

With respect to extra dristi of planets only i know about the shani having 10th dristi in special as 10th happens to be karma bhava and shani can be represented as judge so it was given 10th dristi too

Correct me if i am wrong

Now the confusion about the nodes is as i try to understand by internet articles and Mp3 lesson in it PVR ji mentioned same thing about rahu dristi as some consider it has and some only 7th even about nodes exalation is not fixed every one has different views and in vedic astrology section there are member stating that ketu too has dristi

I request you to put some example charts for question answers

Will continue ......



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