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Reading request

Post by Capergal » Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:04 pm

It has been awhile for me on this form since I have taken on some new rolls at work.  
I was wondering if someone could give me a general reading on what I can expect in the new year.  I am being asked by another company within the company I work for to go to work with them.  It will not be for more money but there is a potential to make more money as I will be in charge of helping agents increase their earning potential.
Our 2 year aniversary is coming up in April 08 and I am wondering if there will be a family in the future besides the 2 of us.

Looking forward to a reply.

Jody DOB 06/24/74

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Hello Jody

Post by serenaluna » Thu Dec 20, 2007 5:56 pm

I would be very happy to help you. I will be using the Rider Tarot Deck for you. I am just bringing my daughter to school, and I will be doing my own spread called "Witches Pent" which has proven to be very successful in general readings.  To be clear you basically want general information but more focus on your career, and family life, right..Energy is more focused on MONEY AND CHILDREN... if you want me to focus on that just let me know and I will get started...

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Post by serenaluna » Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:21 pm

Cards at the points: The devil, 11, 10 of Cups, Page of Swords, Queen of Swords(rev), and 7 of swords(rev),
Cards at the Mid level: Wheel of Fortune, The High Priestess (Rev), Knight of Pents.
Cards at the Center: Judgement, 3 of wands (rev), 7 of swords.
Spirit Card: 6 Wands (Rev)

This can be a time for creatively transforming the world around you, probably till the beginning of March 2008, or it can be a time of fierce power struggles and disagreements. You tend to be too ambitions and you want to get ahead. Your energy level is very high, and you can use it to get a lot of work done. But unfortunately you will have a tendency to go about your work in such a way that you arouse great opposition from the people you confront. Or you may have to confront someone else's energies, which may result in your taking a different course of action from what you originally intended. The energies of these cards can also lead to being the victim of someone else's ruthlessness. Therefore you should avoid dangerous places and violent people.  You should also engage in deep introspection, self-examination and self-criticism. Quite possibly you will feel lonely and depressed. The way in which you handle these cards will have important consequences later for your physical and psychological well-being. Remember whatever readings you recieve, you have the power to change it!
This also shows that its a good time for self-searching, so long as you are not judgmental. It doesn't matter whether you are good or bad according to your ideals. The real question is what you are. These points can help you find out. If you proceed from this point of view, it can be a very constructive time, even though it may be experienced as painful as during this time from now till March, you may withdraw from others, have difficulty in relationships - especially with women - experience depression and feel quite inferior to life's demands. The best way to deal with this is not to take it all so seriously. Your perspective is warped, so that small matters seem too important. Do not make final decisions about your emotional life now. Wait until you can see more clearly what you have learned from this time.

The matter at hand which makes me think of trying to have children and with your relationship is causing so much turmoil right now that it is best to put it off until things simmer down. This card shows not to put effort to put it back together until this time is over. This card and place signifies a time of great uncertainty and possible confusion. Your objectives are unclear, and you may feel incapable of coping with even the ordinary details of your everyday life. One of the best ways to cope with this situation is to make your everyday life as simple as possible, because you are so easily overwhelmed at this time to take on this next step in life that you want so much, more than anything. Sometimes when we want something SO MUCH, we need to step back and forget about it for awhile and amazingly IT HAPPENS. Ever notice that when people try so hard to have children, after so many years they tried EVERYTHING! Then they give up and adopt.  After they adopt, amazingly, they end up becoming pregnant. Sometimes we just need to step back and let the universe handle what we are having trouble with. It all comes together eventually. Trust me!

This is not a time of robust confidence. You are questioning almost every aspect of your life, particularly your goals and ambitions, your ability to attain them and even whether you are worthy of attaining them.  At the same time you may feel that your universe is constructed in such a way that you cannot ever live up to your ideals. Disappointment, discouragement and pessimism are all likely effects of this influence. The danger is that this kind of negative thinking may actually undermine your effectiveness in your work or other important activities. Feeling insecure often creates circumstances in which you really are insecure. Do not take things so seriously! Your negative state of mind is probably not justified by the facts of your life. This is just one of those times when your spirits seem to sag.  You should try to hang on without making any permanent decisions or commitments on the basis of your current pessimistic views. In a short time, you will understand that right now your view of reality is changing in a way that ultimately should be very constructive, although it does not seem so now. About two years from now, you will be able to make constructive changes in your life based upon your new understanding. This is probably not the best time to make changes. Patience is the key to happiness and success.

Internally, you are somewhat timid, reserved, and mistrustful. In fact, at times you may become overly cautious. However, you are naturally receptive and instinctive. Your individuality is fanciful and imaginative. You are very influenced by physical surroundings. Externally you are not much different, except that others view you as a person who is exacting about detail. You criticize a great deal, and it is almost an art for you. However, there is no malicious motivation; rather, you want to show your abilities as an analyzer of mankind. You are quite easy-going, but perhaps somewhat irresolute. You are basically humanistic and do not like violence.

What you are about now............Points and Mid Level

If you are able to raise the interests of your mind from common and trivial things to more profound subjects, your intellect will become very philosophical and attracted by law and peace, and it will be more intuitive than rational. In any case your life will be colored by impulsive and rather stubborn tendencies on your part, creating some inclination to go to extremes.
During the course of your existence you must try to develop intuition and human understanding so that you may be in a position to assist other people with your advice. You have a rather strong love of nature and makes you somewhat extroverted, demonstrative and passionate, falling in love frequently and without reservations. You are an intellectual, an intelligent person who has been fortunate enough to be granted also a good development of the emotional functions.

Your romantic life will be intense and varied. Your object of love may find you difficult to understand. In one aspect you will appear as passionate and energetic but you will also have an opposite tendency that will lead you away from involvement in the love affair and the latter impulse will be caused by a more inner trait, which is personal freedom.

Generally speaking, you will be inclined to exist in environments in which your physical body, emotions and thoughts are allowed total freedom for development. On a higher intellectual level you may find yourself inclined to dwell in the deep complexities of philosophy, metaphysics, religion and law. You are versatile enough to study more than one discipline simultaneously not forgetting to keep your body in physical movement, since you require both intellectual and physical exercise.

The basic events of your life will be intimately related to intellectual activity. It inclines the native toward philosophy and metaphysics but it does not indicate exacting disciplines. It somewhat tends to make you a little too self confident and lazy in thought and rapid in writing and speaking. Your thoughts and manner of speech are sympathetic and courteous, and you display abilities well above the average public mentality.  On the material side, your intellectual activities may derive financial increases.

The Center cards shows that you are very sensitive and perhaps psychic. Your grip on the real world is loose; you need to grasp it more firmly.  You are so physically sensitive to the injustices you observe in society that they can easily make you ill. Because your environment has such a powerful effect, you should try to make some contribution to relieve your anxieties about allowing these negative conditions to exist.  You are sympathetic toward the oppressed, understanding of the emotionally disturbed, and forgiving to those who seem guiltless in their transgressions against society.  You easily become distraught over conditions you are powerless to do anything about, and your feelings of guilt and failure can make you withdraw into a world that is safe from responsibility.  You should associate with people who have their feet on the ground to compensate for your aimless wandering temperament. There is a great need for your sympathetic understanding, and you do not have the right to turn down anyone who extends a hand for help.  

Health...You can regard yourself as a lucky individual. Your health throughout life has been either very good or you have had the capability of quickly recovering from illness.

Work...In dealing with others within your work environment, you may also obtain an increase in income. Your attitude to work is that it is a pleasurable thing to do. You are not a hard working individual; on the contrary, there is something of laziness in you. Destiny may put you into positions where you will work under the direction of extremely kind and attractive superiors. A love relationship already happened through the work place, or flirtations seem to come about in the work environment for you!

Spirit Card:Others around are drawn to refined and sophisticated people. You are well-mannered, and generally people have a good opinion of you. You make concessions if it seems necessary to maintain harmonious relations. Although you appear self-confident and assured it is difficult for you to stand alone. You work hard, although subtly, to make sure that people feel warmly toward you. You hope no one sees your negative qualities and discovers how insecure you really are. Your best publicity agents are your friends, who freely extol your virtues when anyone asks them. On the surface you are docile, gentle, and charming, but underneath you conspire and scheme to make a better life for yourself through the people you deal with. Among other things, this means that your individuality is required to accomplish certain important developments in connection with associations and marriage. It appears, that you will be married to a rather proud but dignified individual, and much of all the progress that you will make in life will be a derivation of your relationship.  You can expect throughout life the origination of lasting attachments and noble friendships. Because of the restraining energies of these cards, matters concerning legacies, inheritance, and the financial dealings of your partner or associates could be severely limited and may be frustrated by what seems to be harsh fate.  (Could this mean what your question was, possibly...)Psychologically you are rather serious in connection with sexual affairs. You approach sex with caution, rationality and planning. Excess reason and thought in this direction may create some frustration in sexual matters.

Future.....Your higher mind has the potential to expertly reflect the teachings of elevated knowledge that you may receive throughout your life. You will have an ability to quickly adjust to varying conditions. You are endowed with a clever and resourceful imagination, and a mind which is receptive to ideals, higher thoughts, and perhaps even metaphysical matters.
Throughout life you are going to solve many critical situations by your ingenious and highly inventive mind which has an abundance of new and humane plans and ideas.

Center - From now until January: This can be and usually is a very positive time. But you can make more or less out of it, depending upon how you handle it. In most ways it represents a period of culmination in your life, and you will be tempted to expand beyond any reasonable limit. There is no question that you have a good chance for success in any one of a number of endeavors at this time and, within reason, you should pursue them. However, you should not restrict yourself solely to material and physical growth now. Even if you don't have all the material goods that you want, you should turn your attention to spiritual and inner needs. Ultimately, nothing satisfies like satisfaction. Objects that you acquire, possessions, money, and even social prestige are merely devices to make you feel that you have satisfaction. They are not the state of satisfaction itself. It is your inner difficulties that make your life less than it could be, even if you have corresponding problems in the material world. You must look for the solutions within yourself, and this time represents a turning point, where you should begin to look for the answers.  Under these energies, the tendency is to go after everything that you want in the material world without caring especially about whoever is in your way, to gather as much stuff as you can and indulge yourself in what you want. Then, as the influence subsides, you may feel that this effort has failed, leaving your life as empty as it was before.

Do not be arrogant toward others or assume that you have everything right. Through meaningful encounters with others, especially intimate one-to-one encounters, you can find out which way you should go at this time. Work with another person and think in terms of mutual growth. By trying to achieve goals set by both of you and by trying to be a twosome, you each will become more conscious of what you are as an individual. If you can recognize the real meaning of this influence in terms of your own life, this can be an extremely productive and growth-oriented time, a period that will always have meaning for you.

Beginning of February 2008 until end of September 2008: This is a time of very big plans and the culmination of many ideas that you have had in the past. It is possible now to make your ideas become reality, as long as you avoid certain pitfalls. In this case the primary problem is to avoid thinking too big or attempting something that is totally grandiose and impractical. If you can keep track of all of the details that go into a well-thought-out business deal, this is an excellent time to sign contracts or to conclude any kind of commercial transaction, but it is very important not to overlook any details that might affect the outcome. You will be able to see the overall patterns in anything and to plan with foresight and wisdom. But if you are not careful, it can also lead to sloppy thinking or planning. It is best to work with someone else who can check over your work or plans and call your attention to anything that you have overlooked.  Projects or plans that began up to six years ago may come to fruition now, but only if you have been careful about details as described above. At any rate, events now will make it clear whether these ideas were based on reality or on pipe dreams. Work out everything in detail and leave as little as possible to chance; this will help you immensely.

Although recognizing the truth of any matter is important to you now, you must deal with others tactfully. There is a danger of alienating people by being self-righteous or arrogant in telling them about your ideas. It is extremely important that the breadth of vision conferred by this influence be accompanied by tolerance and generosity. Usually it is, but sometimes people react in the negative way just described.  The pace of events may become rather fast moving for you at this time, and that is another reason why you must plan everything very thoroughly. You could get confused, not because the situation is undefined or vague but because the scale of events is too large for you to grasp. But this shouldn't happen if you have worked everything out in advance.

Beginning of March 2008 until mid November 2008: This is a time of balance and equilibrium in your life, when all your affairs seem to run smoothly and without much effort on your part. It is a time when you can relax and take it easy for a while, knowing that your life is in good working order. This is also a time when growth seems to occur without much effort - growth in consciousness, in your profession, in your social life or wherever you feel that personal growth is important.  But this is not really a time when you should just enjoy yourself. You should do that, to be sure, but you should also be examining your life to see what needs to be done. It is important to think this way now because the equilibrium that is characteristic of this period enables you to look about yourself with reasonable calm and detachment. It is much harder to achieve a perspective when you are in the middle of some major and possibly chaotic change.  This is a good time to achieve perspective in all possible senses of the word. It is a good time for education, either formal or informal, for getting in touch with yourself through self-awareness studies, or for seeing the larger world through travel.  Business transactions or negotiations are also favored now, and this is a good time to expand your business, as long as it is within reason. Legal affairs also usually run quite smoothly.

This is about as accurate as I can get Jody, I put it together using my Witches Pent, along with Astrological aspects also so only you can make the universe work in your favor by positive thinking and Law of Attraction! INTENT! Good luck to you and please let me know what you think ok?

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Post by Capergal » Thu Dec 20, 2007 9:26 pm

I want to thank you so much for taking the time to read for me.   I have printed the information and I am going to review it again to make sure I understand everything you have told me.  Please be patient with me and I will give you a better response to the reading once I have gone over everything.  There is so much information and at a quick glance everything appears pretty straight forward.

I will respond again after the holidays.  

Happy Holidays to you and your family.


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Post by serenaluna » Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:31 am

Thanks :) I will then bookmark this post and check back from time to time. I am sure it will help and remember positive thinking leads to positive action and results!  You also have a great holiday and Blessed be to you and yours~

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Post by Capergal » Wed Dec 26, 2007 5:49 pm

Some notes on the reading.  I appoligize for taking so long to respond.

I do sometimes upset people because I am a little to honest and when things are wrong I will tell them they are wrong.  I do not sugar coat anything.  I like to hear things the way they are and not all covered in nice words so it is hard for me not to be the same way.  It is not that I feel lonely it is that I feel empty.
I do need to learn to relax.  I struggle with this.  I have a tendency to want everything to happen right away.  Although we have been trying for years now to have children and have tried almost everything we still have no luck.  I see children having children and wonder why it is so easy for them.  Example my 17 year old nephew and his 16 year old girlfriend just found out they are pregnant and it is something they did not want and where thinking about giving the baby up but now they want to keep it and try.

I am questioning almost everything in my life and wondering what I can do to improve my situation but can never see an end.  I will try to be patient and wait for things to happen.
I am overly cautions sometimes and I have been told I can be very detail orientated. I am very easy going and do not like violence of any kind but I am interested in solving problems about violence after the fact.
I do have a love of nature.  My husband does find me hard to understand sometimes, he says one day he can almost read my mind and other days I am like a clam.

My thoughts and manner of speech are sympathetic and courteous and most times misunderstood.  I am very sensitive lately and it is strange for me.  I have always been the rock for everyone and lately I see or hear something sad or upsetting I am in tears.  I do feel distraught over conditions I cannot change.  As easy as I become upset lately I would never turn anyone away that needed my help.  I am the first person a lot of my friends, co-workers or family come to when they need help with something.
I have been able to recover quickly from any illness.  I really have not have much problems with health.  However; I have had a problem with my shoulder for over a year now.  Can you tell if this will get better without surgery?  
I have never been known for being lazy at or with work.  I tend to over do it sometimes. The increase in income would be great.  Any time soon?
I do work hard to have people feel warmly towards me and try for them not to see how insecure I really am.  I have a real hard time taking credit for good things done.  I really want to make a better life for my husband and myself.  I am married to a very proud man.  I don’t see any inheritance coming our way from any side of the family.
I would never assume I have everything correct actually I am always doubting what I do. I usually have someone else check my work before sending it anywhere important.
The truth is really important to me.  I will keep in mind to plan everything before doing things.  I normally do anyway but you never can tell how the future can change.
I am hoping that I will not have to give much effort in 2008.  I am feeling extremely tired from trying to keep up with everything that is happening.  I would love to be able to travel.  I cannot see this happening anytime soon.

Please let me know if you have any other comments or have anything else that I should know that could help me in my current situation.


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Post by moonlitestonight » Fri Dec 28, 2007 3:27 am

I drew a card asking if it will be in your best interest to take the new job with the company within the company you are currently working for.  I pulled the World card which is the last card in the tarot deck.  You are undecided and there may be a lot of loose ends right now that you need to pull together in order to complete this phase of your life.  Things will start to come together for you as this is a card of completion, the end of a cycle.  There will be movement, new horizons and new opportunities for you.  This is an optomistic card which, I believe, also requires optomism on your part in regards to your goals and how hard you will be willing to work to make this job a reality and beneficial for you.  This can be a card of moving even a literal move, travel and expanding horizons.  Because of this card, I would also suggest you look at other opportunities for work that you may not already have looked into.   Good luck!!  Maeve

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Post by Capergal » Sat Dec 29, 2007 5:38 pm

Thank you for pulling a card for me.  This gives me some hope.  I have been thinking of looking for work outside of where I work now but am worried I will not find something with the same types of health benefits.  I do need to tie up loose ends and show people I trust how to do some of the things I do that no other supervisor does.  This very positive for me.  My husband has been thinking of going away to work so this may be the change I need.

Thanks again


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Post by moonlitestonight » Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:13 pm

I think that is what the World card is saying.  THere are more vistas out there for you.  This is about change for you, even a change of jobs or where you live.  The key is to make the right decision, get those loose ends and training out of the way and take advantage of any doors that open.  I realize health benefits are important but you may find a new position that offers something that is just for you, that is just as good or better than health benefits i.e. higher wage so that you can get benefits in another way, etc.  Optomism, energy and getting things done first and then moving on are also about this card.  Good Luck.  Maeve

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Post by Capergal » Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:01 pm

Thanks again for your time.  Earning a higher wage, I would not worry about health benefits.  More income is always good.  Even though I am sure I would find new things to spend it on.  There are always things we put off since we do not have the money to do at the time.  Need a new fridge but will have to make due until more income comes in and as soon as the money comes in for the new fridge something else more important like a oil tank or car needs to be repaired.

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