Impatience and anger

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Impatience and anger

Post by infinitii525 » Sat Jul 28, 2007 12:27 pm

I love being a sag but I am so impatient and eaisly upset. I get angry so quick and calm down so easily I scare myself. It’s like I have multiple personality. I find it hard to not to get angry. Maybe my 1 life path number contributes to this. I am not violent or anything but after I get upset my head hurts and I feel sick to the stomach. Twice I was so angry that without any warning I just threw up (sorry for visual). I know things happen but still I get so upset. I f I try to bite my tongue it’s like I am boiling on the inside. I f any insight on situation please feel free.

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Post by MIssN0rge » Tue Dec 04, 2007 12:39 pm

omg i know how it is like! i am very short tempered its really hard for me to controll my anger! and den i am get calm so quickly its scary!! i always regret whatever i say or do when i am angry.....................................

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Post by lstar33 » Wed Jan 02, 2008 10:47 am

i get angry quickly too, but I grew up around people who are always angry. So when I am angry instead of acting or saying something I dont want to regret or feel bad about (I hate apologizing and avoid this at all costs) I leave the situation and refuse to be around it. I cool down quickly (luckily) and then come back down to the subject and I am able to give the response I would like to give. The only bad part about this is, sometimes I want the person to see me blow up, because sometimes they dont take you seriously if you dont have the reaction that follows it.

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Post by f3nixnyc » Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:57 pm

I'm a hothead as well.

I try to avoid conflict, but often find myself quick to take offense. When I sense hostility or threat I often answer back with the same amount if not more. But often I will only confront a conflict if I feel I've been personally slighted or attacked.

I give people the benefit of the doubt but if I feel something was done intentional I can hold a grudge for a very long time...

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impatience and anger

Post by handyhippie65 » Fri Jan 04, 2008 6:45 pm

i say this, it is better to feel your emotions and then be able to let them go, than to carry them with you as baggage. as to your bad feeling after strong emotions, mebbie it is migraines, they run in my family, and you discribed a migraine to a tee.

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Post by pirbid » Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:36 pm

:smt011 I am afraid I have always had this same trait.

Since I just cannot go around telling everybody what I think of them, I used to have dreams in which I would be very violent and aggressive to someone without it having any effect whatsoever.

Lately, in my dreams I am surrounded by friendly people and getting on great, which is something I tend to avoid in real life, since I do not feel very comfy around others. I hardly ever get those aggression dreams any more, so I hope it means I have moved on, if not very much further.

Another reason why I find it hard to control my fits of temper when I am alone (in public I do control them if it costs me a tummy ache) or driving, is that I feel a pull towards the adrenaline high that goes with it: it really gives me a kick (in the butt and the liver, as well, so I am trying very hard to forget about it).

Anyway, I can see it must be an astrological trait, since so many of us share it. It's great that we deflate pretty fast, otherwise we would not be fit to be around others  :smt003

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Shakin' IT oFF

Post by sophia071 » Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:30 pm

I also have the firey temper of The Archer....I find that when I have a "flare up"  I just shake it off......literally.  You start with your feet (sort of like a one man Hokey-Pokey) and you shake them one by one move to hands arms legs head and body.  After you have shaken yourself, you will feel silly and be laughing at your self for the way you must look, but that right there is what will make you smile and feel better in 2.5 seconds.  It also helps to realize that we may as well not get worked up over things we cannot control (ie:  people who cannot drive) because it just releases all those mean, cancer causing, stress chemicals and we are only hurting ourselves.
Go with the can do it!


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Post by pirbid » Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:32 pm

:smt003 Hey, that sounds good and clown like, which is another aspect of us archers. I will certainly try it next time, if I can get out from my adrenaline induced high in time. Thank you for sharing!  :)

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Post by floraw » Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:08 pm

i have realized that me and the other sag's around have such a temper.. i mean, it's easy to get angry. it is not shown with physical aggressions but by being too much honest.. people are not ready to bear it, neither me if i was in their place.. thn it is something that  i am learning.. it is not good to keep saving these bad and intense feelings inside, but i have to be wise to express it, otherwise my words come back against myself with the same speed they i threw them. after noticing it, i understansd why some people were aggressive with me in the past for no obvious reasons...

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Angerrrr Hotel

Post by Rurk61 » Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:56 am

I had a idea for a business once, one that might be ideal for the modern world, and not only for Sags. You could have a kind of hotel where people could check in by the hour, individually, ONLY to release anger. Inside the soundproofed rooms would be many breakable objects and baseball bats or the like, and you could just go nuts. You could bring pictures of people who were driving you crazy: Your boy/girlfriend, wife, neighbor, husband, president, CEO, religious leader, astrologer, whoever. After a while you could walk out , beaming, and enjoy your day. I think it could make billions.

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Post by kpp » Sat Oct 25, 2008 5:32 am

all sagis r impatient n get angry quickly..but ths cos they r very frank n sincere

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Post by mrs.rddbrown » Fri Jul 10, 2009 7:16 pm

i also do the same but if its not some one like a friend or family some one care about they can't make me mad, but loved ones have me boiling. i think its cuz we put so much in making every body else happy when we dont get the it hurts cuz we're very emotional, and calm down so quick cuz we dont hold grudges

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