Part Two - The Minor Arcana - fours - 4

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Part Two - The Minor Arcana - fours - 4

Post by Gem » Mon Apr 23, 2007 3:36 pm

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Four -  all their meanings could be about 'me' and taking time, care, rest, or enjoyment?

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Post by chrisdee » Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:05 pm

Four Cups
Unattended feelings from the past feed suspicion and insecurity deal with what as past forgiving your self or another and move on
Four Wands
After successfully conquering your fears and doubts its time to move on in a more positive way
Four Swords
A time to retreat and reflect on what as past to understand why and how you got to where you are now
Four pentacles
This person has enough money to cover the basics in life but may put more importance on what he as physically home job(possessions) than what he receives freely love support friendship etc
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Re: Part Two - The Minor Arcana - fours - 4

Post by George » Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:24 pm

Gem wrote:Image Image Image Image

Four -  all their meanings could be about 'me' and taking time, care, rest, or enjoyment?
IV of Pentacles:  A coin on the head; a coin being held firmly with both hands in; the remaining two coins one under each foot.  From my head i smart enough to control my money; i know how to handle money; my feet are based on soild ground based on my money or business.

IV of Swords:  A knight at rest in a church surrounding by his swords.  three swords pointing down at him where as the 4th lays under him.  Agression at rest maybe a time for consideration of your action when it comes to going forward into battle.  
What i seem to remember from my reading is that this is a knight at rest as in someone in a sick bed.

IV of Wands:  success with our labor and business. Hard word has beared fruit and is celebrated by two women or men in between  the four wands.  

IV of Cups: Our friend sits under a tree an appears to be looking at three cups before him and the 4th cup coming from a cloud is being offered.  He has spiritual awareness and the 4th cups adds to it.  something, maybe not spiritual, is heading his way to add to what he has and from what appears to be now where.
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Post by mysticcrystal » Sun May 06, 2007 4:24 am

Four of wands: marriage, building good foundations
Four of cups: not appreciating what you have, wanting more
Four of swords: rest and meditation
Four of pentacles: greed (he's holding onto his money so tightly)


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Post by Chooky » Wed May 30, 2007 5:20 am

Pentacles - to me shows he has enough money around him to feel comfortable
Swords - meditation, relaxation, rest, within the safety of what appears to be a church, so to me suggests uninterrupted time to do this
Wands - A time to enjoy your relationships with no interuptions, or problems for the now
Cups - Not feeling like needing anything else for the time, could look like he is feeling underpressure to accept more

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Post by Gem » Wed May 30, 2007 11:14 am

Something chilly about that 4 of Swords too? The cold stone, dampness and yes, a church like feel :)

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Re: Part Two - The Minor Arcana - fours - 4

Post by weezerwall » Thu Jun 21, 2007 4:58 pm

Gem wrote:Image Image Image Image

Four -  all their meanings could be about 'me' and taking time, care, rest, or enjoyment?
:) The fours are nice - yes, I do think they're "all about me" and represent a synthesis or completion of what I've done so far.

4 Pentacles:  here I am - resting on my laurels as it were.. holding on to whatever material/financial gains I've made so far.  However, here there is also an "eerie" feeling of trying to hold on too tightly or being overly concerned with holding on to my security.  Sometimes letting things flow is the best option - being confident that good things will come back to me.

4 Swords:  I've "won" the battles thus far - but it's had a price - I'm battle-weary.  Need a rest- to meditate... but still remaining vigilant - sleeping in my battle dress with my sword close by.

4 Wands:  I can "celebrate" freely here.  I've accomplished something, had success in my ventures - enjoy the fruits of my labor/creativity.

4 Cups:  Uh, Oh.  Something didn't go my way.  That's why I'm sitting under the tree - pouting, obstinate?? Refusing to move on - to accept offers, love.  Not forgiving when I probably should - not letting go (arms folded).  

Let's see what the fives have to say!


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Post by Shumani » Sun Aug 19, 2007 7:54 pm

Keep money close i.e can be quite tight and controlling. Very materialistic.

relaxation, maybe slowing down and making some time for yourself.

Celebration, unity, leaving the past behind

Withdrawal from oneself, unsure and doubtful, not sure where to go next.

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Post by pamDemonium » Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:01 pm

yes I agree Gem that they are about 'me'

cups things havent gone right so it is time to re-evaluate your situation.

pentacles shows a woman greedily grabbing her treasures. But she is naked and looking vulnerable , so while it can mean possessiveness, she clearly feels she needs to hang on to these material things

swords. Time to take yourself out of the turmoil that surrounds you and meditate , rest, recharge those batteries.

wands is celebration. Reaping the rewards of a job well done.
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Post by Cheyenne » Sat Sep 29, 2007 1:49 am

I agree that the four’s are mostly about ‘me’. However for instance on the 4 of Wands it could also be about celebrating a marriage perhaps. Or having a great big party at work. It could stand for celebrating anything. It doesn't necessarily have to be a solo event.

4 of wands is definitely an IT’S MINE! MINE! MINE!-card. On the card it shows holding on to the coins. However I’ve noticed that it could mean holding on to anything. From a job to a lover. This is really a card about possessions. And about claiming what is yours.

4 of Swords is more about taking a rest from everything and everyone. Meditating. It could also be about assessing things. Thinking things over.

4 of Cups is about being introspective. It’s about being passive and not seeing what is being handed to you. It’s about being bored and non-appreciative of the things you have in your life right now. It’s all about yourself and what you want.

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Post by Erinys » Sat Sep 29, 2007 9:06 pm

4 Pentacles - Youve got a good foundation, with his feet firmly planted on the coins and a good ideas for the future, so trust in yourself, and hold tight to what youve accomplished, but maybe a hint of be wary of being too greedy by holding onto the coin so tight.

4 wands - This is a time to put down your sword and rest and reflect.

4 wands - The end is almost here, there is a celebration waiting for you.  A reunion with loved ones.

4 cups - The man has 3 cups sitting at his feet but doesnt seem happy, and is being offered another cup that he seems to be ignoring or not seeing.  I feel this card is saying to not be resistant or turn your back on help/aid/gifts.  or maybe its asking "am i receiving what i really need or want?"

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Post by arianna » Fri Oct 26, 2007 5:56 pm

Four of pentacles - A king sits in his chair surrounded by coins - He is good with money but lacking in other areas of his life - a good financial place

The four of cups - A person sits alone with three cups together and one apart - someone looking at what is missing or holding the past instead of moving forward and appreciating what is already there.

The four of swords

Time to retreat and re-energize - rest after struggles

The four of Rods

A beautiful card with the rods being decorated with flowers almost like a wedding entrance - happy marriage a beautiful home is on top of a hill - contentment and happiness
I wish that your dreams stay big and worries stay small

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Re: Part Two - The Minor Arcana - fours - 4

Post by Sabra » Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:05 pm

Gem wrote:Image Image Image Image

Four -  all their meanings could be about 'me' and taking time, care, rest, or enjoyment?
Four of Pentacles - He seems to be hoarding his wealth and mistrustful of anyone that might wander near it.  Selfishness and greed seem to be the main keywords here.

Four of Wands - They are celebrating and seem to be eager to invite others.  This seems comparable to the 3 of Cups.

Four of Swords - This may be someone who is ill or maybe someone who is quietly meditating, contemplating.

Four of Cups - This figure seems to be depressed and as a result is withholding friendship and affection and is either oblivious or indifferent to those that are trying to interact.

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My RW Fours say...

Post by pirbid » Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:36 am

- 4 Swords: "Do not disturb".
This is what I do whenever I feel overly stressed out by work: I stay home, switch off the phones, ignore the doorbell and just enjoy the silence, my time, my space... If I did not do this periodically, I am not sure I could go back out into the world and still function.

- 4 Cups: "Boooriiing...".
This the typical "I'm feed up with everything" mood. One of those days when you find nothing to interest you, no way you want to while your time away, cannot concentrate on anything.

- 4 Pentacles: "You cannot touch me: I am protected on all sides".
Even though this image could instantly remind us of a thrifty person, I believe it goes beyond hoarding money or goods. To me it means more the way I tend to acquire all those things that give me a sense of security, namely a good, reliable job with enough income and a little to spare just in case, a good, solid house in a safe neighbourhood (those would be the pentacles under the feet, or the most basic necessities covered). Then we also "cover our heart" by surrounding ourselves with people who love and care about us, supplying emotional security. And the last one is very important too, once the others are covered: it can mean aspirations, learning, curiosity, knowledge, spiritualiy... Basically, keeping our minds alive and going while we still have goals to attain.

- 4 Wands: "Come join the party! Time to celebrate!"
This card tells me less than others. I see joy and celebration, but in a limited moment, like a wedding, festivity or so. Like a rest everyone takes from usual labor, letting their hair down a bit before going back to routine again.


Robin Wood's 4 of wands looks like a joyful country wedding. It would look good on a reading about the possibility of a future relationship, together with some more permanent ones.

Ancestral Path's 4 of Cups seems to be considering at least one of his options a bit more than others, but still does not seem too inclined to go for it. Not enough to entice him, perhaps?

Robin Wood's 4 of swords (hard to see the swords here, maybe that is why I like it better) looks more peaceful, less stony or cold, as some of you were saying about RW's. The coffin is out under the trees in a pleasant starry night. Like Sleeping Beauty, there is a good chance someone will come along to break the enchantment.
Sunshine from the islands of eternal spring ;)

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Post by glenellen » Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:17 pm

4 of pentacles...greed, not sharing his fortune lost out on much because of his lack of trust material happiness

4 of swords.... at peace he lived by the sword and now died by the sword was his battles worth it he is alone

4 of wands...reap the rewards of hard work happiness and fulfilment

4 of cups... this person looks selfish he is not happy with 3 cups someone is trying to please him by giving him more he is in a mood he doesnt want it now because he had to wait for it he is used to getting what he wants

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